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Oleg Bach

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About Oleg Bach

  • Birthday 08/26/1950

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    Lower east side TO

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  1. Politics? Economics? Social issues? I really do not know a thing about them...I just fake it.

  2. It was an act of faith..that won the second world war...REASON - was encapsulated in the address of Chamberland regarding the Nazi threat - that he found Hitler "reasonable" - Faith dictated that victory must be attained - It was the faith that the allies had - that won the war - The Germans had a "reasonable" faith in Hitler - The allies had faith in GOD..who as we found in the end - was the superiour power - that goodness prevailed over evil.
  3. She enjoys the idea and the feel of luxury - this pleasure can blind someone to duty. Of course she stammered - because she was embarassed that she had forgotten the first rule of service - that you as a public offical in a domocratic society are a SERVANT - Not a British Lord gone bad from some long lost era.
  4. The problem with our system is money spawns more money. In effect you can eventually grow a fortune out of thin air if you know the game and are privledged enough to be part of something that is void of human responsilbity. Sure the kids have lap tops - and they have another thing - the idealism of youth - They actually in their innocence care about the fact that some exective gets 20 million to go away after doing a poor job - while another person scrambles for a bite to eat...while the endoctrinated young up starts on Wall Street justify their actions through the reverse telescope of Darwinian justification - and they believe they are the fittest - that they are the strong - and it is natural that they sit on top of the human heap..but in reality - these folks would not survive in the natural world - and Darwinism from a finacial point of view is a mistake...and since about 1856 - the so called rich went crazy in their thinking - since Darwin introduced a half baked idea of survival of the fittest - which is totally wrong - It is survival of the mutually dependent...and co-operative. What is happening in finacial circles is that this idea of disconnection from the human race has caused a gap of disparity - that will eventually cause a social explosion - Eventually if things keep going this way - the poor will out number the rich - a million to one - and like fire ants will consume these non-co-operative - freaks of nature.
  5. All socialist are poor and need to finance their "movement" - so where do they get the money? From opportunist capitialist - who love the enslavement that socialism causes. The poor need to be protected - as do the poor rich - who might have more material - but as just as dumb as those they think are inferiour....People do not understand that material wealth is not wealth - Health is wealth - BUT when a poor mans life is shortened through poverty - then the dumb rich should ensure their own survival by granting kindness to the poor - because without the poor - there is no rich!
  6. What election - there was no election....just a shell game and a waste of tax dollars.
  7. Greed is stupidity...kindness such as corporate bailouts...supports that stupidity...making stupid people strong and dominant....for instance - If a hungry man asks for bread - It is intelligent that I grant him charity...because in time I will be hungry and if I do not show him kindness - he will not return the favour....where as if you ask a greedy man for bread and he refuses you...In time that greedy man will be hungry and he will be refused - so greed in the long run is real stupid.
  8. The more man kind stores his intelligence in machines - the less he stores in his scull - welcome to the brave new world of artifical intelligence - and the de-evolution of real human intelligence....You are going to need a big brother to take care of your stupid ass if you keep depending on that stupid out side your skull device.
  9. The spoiled Greeks like the company of pretty boys and girls - but they were not homo-sexuals as some like to perpetuate - the Greeks did not take it up the ass..."For that would be to much like being a woman" - Greeks held females in contempt and any mimicing of females would be a down grade in their books - unlike our society where men mimic woman in order to gain female privledge and protection.
  10. Khadr is a non-issue and a non-starter. What is at issue is how the public got caught up in this ancient corporate feud between the old Christian Jewish elite - and the Islamic elite - Both of these bastard mafia groups want to suck the whole world into their bullshit.
  11. It's not like that - to God, in my estimation there is no death...just a time to vacate for some - we think in temporal and fearful tones. The term sin - or sinister simply means to turn left - I have observed in nature that there are paterns of progression and travel that grant a full life cycle- sin is not about smoking - cursing or all those other human things - it's about direction - For instance I notice that bugs on a pond circulate to the right - I grow vines every year and they from my view always circulate to the right also - that to me is the concept of righteousness..about following the laws of phyisics which is the law of the natural world. Because we have choice and a high intelligence as creatures and are god like in many respects we some times choose or are forced on to a path of collision - a path where we are impacted by forces that disrupt our very phyisical existance...It takes a want and need to observe how things operate in the natural world. Religion gets in the way and attempts to create a code that is defective. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. These are not things you can blame on a creator. These are things that sometimes are random as we move and vacilate along our paths. The point I was making was from a very primative perspective..maybe some ancient knowledge that I might have stumbled across - looking at the life of Christ - I took the view of disecting what contained logic and what was myth - I disguarded - but I did notice a very modern way of thinking - that was in the core of Christianity - or gnostic thought - that the rule of natural law was the basis for the sustaining of all life....I will give this some more thought and get back to you.
  12. See you guys later - I am bailing out - and about to land in the real world.
  13. I did not judge - I observed...as it says in old scripture- `God rains on the good as well as the wicked` - If God does not give a crap then surely I don`t - but there are laws of action that have consequence - In this story I told - It seemed like those who partook in sinisterism - did not sustain as long as those that believed in God and goodness as the superiour life giver. Yes I will fade from this world in time - perhaps in the next second - or in 40 years...but - I do suspect that if there is a God - and I believe there is a force for life - that a certain way of living allows one to live longer and better.. The last time I saw this arms dealer - he was sitting on a matted old couch - he looked like Howard Hughes at the end of his life - His nails were long - he was unshaven - his hair was a mess - and even the bottle of booze that sat on the table had gathered dust - he gave up - gave up hope...then he simply died...The one price paid in the form of life force - for sinisterism - is the thing of most value - hope - so I felt sorry for the old guy - He had made a mistake in the path he had choosen - it was the wrong one - all ended badly for all concerned. It could have been better - but he did not know better.
  14. The American nation might be a mess as far as economy and general domestic management of their nation - but their military is a well oiled and orgainized force - with the finest weapons and experts to deploy them - any conflict between Iran and America would end in a day...with America not even breaking into a sweat - but CHINA might no like it..that`s the clitch.
  15. Right or left it does not matter - if an army travels thousands of miles to occupy a land that is as a whole no real threat to Canada that would seem like an invasion to me. If say - a Canadian citizen who hated China - went there and attacked the citizens - and China in turn send a huge force to British Columbia where they believe that the offender was `trained` - would that Army from China be considered invaders...... of course... Khadr is and always will be a non-issue. Much like the people at Toronto city hall who are spending counteless hours debating on whether snacks and coffee should be provided. Our policy is as such - that we don`t care if those that hate the west immigrate to our nation...so why all the fuss about this one person.....as for moral equivalence - there are no morals when it comes to violent conflict..so why bring morality into play............I kill you - you kill me and so forth - do we stop to discuss who is moral and who is not - the fact the we are engaged in such activity drives morality out of the picture.
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