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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Sorry Posit, I find that once again you have answered with no answer at all. So once again I will ask a question you must have overlooked. If these mass graves exist, and we are to believe what you say, that they contain at least 50,000 children's bodies, why have none been exhumed yet? If the last school closed in 88, why in 19 years has no one exhumed one mass grave? Out of approx 25,000,000 + people not one has thought to make this public? If a mass grave of children was discovered I must have missed it. I certainly cant recall hearing about it. If one had been uncovered then more would naturally follow I would think. I really want to know how this could be, I do hope you can explain it to me.
  2. That is an estimate in the past tense, it is not indicative of a current or ongoing situation. It also does not provide any hard fast numbers, merely an estimate. It must also be asked who's estimate it is. If true it really is shamefull, in line with what has happened many times in the past when people were far less aware of the moral rectitude of their actions. This statement begs a very obvious question. If these mass graves do indeed exist why has no one made any effort to exhume them? I would think that if they were so frequent some person or persons would have made an effort to unearth them. If as you say they are in school basements, or even in the vicinity of these schools they certainly would not be too hard to find. We found several when I was in Yugo, and those ones were miles from the scene of the killings, sometimes in deep woods. Find one mass grave and inform the Media, either Mainstream or Independent and they'd be all over it like sh*t sticking to a wool blanket. This is an interesting point, however, once again no numbers. How many children are removed? I've known many foster families who had white kids they cared for. I would hope that as a society we would intervene for the sake of children when they are in an unfit home. Did Phil mention any reasons for the removal of these children? I'm sorry, so far you have not managed to convince me of some ongoing Genocide. What you have done is give me your viewpoint with no hard numbers or facts to back it up. If you could answer my questions in this post I would appreciate it.
  3. Now you've really piqued my curiosity. Could you provide some facts and numbers to illustrate that statement? You know, body counts and places where they occurred. Locations of mass graves. Or perhaps if you are reffering to some sort of cultural genocide could you give specific instances of it? What I see more and more is Native culture being made mainstream. T.V. specials of people engaging in their traditional music and dances. Native presence at all significant National celebrations, native art being high lighted. That sort of thing.
  4. So you would say that you actually believe this Red X character was beheaded at 8 years old and then got better? You believe he rides around on a silver eagle and communicates telepathically with contacts through out the Universe? I guess you also believe it when he states that there is a plan afoot to convert all humans in the world into a "Matrix" like robotic collective? Thats just some of the none-sense you can read there. If you do believe this then send me some of what you're smoking, its got'ta be better than anything I've ever heard of before.
  5. This statement alone is enough to discount any hint of validity from what is being said by Natives regarding this situation. If you read any of the other articles scripted by this clown you'll see that they're straight out of cloud cuckoo land. The writer goes on about telepathic messages and the Shaman being beheaded in residential school, but then getting better. It sounds like a poorly scripted Monty Python episode, just without the talent or the humour. Jennie, do you seriously expect anyone to lend any credence to anything you have to say when your sources of information include raving loonies like this guy?
  6. I notice you are'nt answering the question, just using a question to divert the topic away from the actual question. Just an observation, not an accusation.
  7. I went to the Mohawk News site and read some of her stuff. This woman is definitely not walking around on the same planet as the rest of us. I thought I was reading some very poorly written fantasy. She's got a lot of none-sense about telepathic messages and indestructible Shamans. Do they actually believe this delusional garbage?
  8. Absolutely not. It was absurd enough already when they gave that Sargent a sex change operation.
  9. Are you truly that naive? Or do you deliberately reject anything that may tarnish the rosy image of natives that you appear to cherish to the point of fanaticism? I find it hard to believe you would expect them to honestly admit to sanctioning such behaviour, either overtly or through surreptitious means. I hate to burst your bubble but everything points to a conclusion indicating Native thuggery plain and simple. Dress it up any way you choose, it wont change the fact that it is what it is. Incidents like this are not uncommon in the Caledonia area. I just finished checking out some pictures from Caledonia. Pretty hard to slant the image of these idiots burning a giant pile of tires in the middle of the highway. I must say though that it shows a superb sense of environmental stewardship. The huge billowing cloud of black smoke could serve as a poster for the Native environmental policy. Thats not even touching on other incidents, such as the woman who was raped, the intimidation of seniors in the town, the vandalism to peoples property (houses spray painted with swastikas and other offensive symbols and epithets). Perhaps we should talk about the lovely pictures of that bridge going up in flames. Or how bout we discuss how the kids in school felt at recess when the "occupiers" were lined up at the school yard fence staring at them. I'm not going to take that bet. It's pretty much a sure fire loser. I do believe we have to reach some sort of equitable agreement with our Native population, no other course of action is acceptable. I do not believe we should excuse illegal actions however. I do not believe we should gloss over and slant the truth of matters. I do not believe we should see these people as an ideal of a Utopian way of life when in fact they are incredibly far from even a semblance of such a thing.
  10. You do have a valid point. We also purchase the rights to other nations tech developments. However, as I said, the U.S. does as well, it's certainly not a one sided exchange. We used to develop and manufacture a lot of major equipment in Canada, unfortunatelly successive governments ran that entire segment of industry into the ground. Things are changing for the better lately though. Harper is actually a friend to such industries, as opposed to the hostile stance taken by other parties on this issue. Military procurement is far from being a one way street, it always involves a certain degree of give and take.
  11. What a crock of apologist sh*t. Once again the noble Natives are being characterized unfairly, they did absolutely nothing wrong, sure. Caledonia is nothing more than a mockery, an opportunity for some thugs to flaunt the law, all laws. No matter how much you want to believe these "people" are noble and peacefull the reality of the situation does not bear that conclusion out. You should check out some of the pictures from Caledonia. I guess it must be the resident Caledonians who are burning stuff to the ground and vandalizing their own property, just for fun.
  12. It's a pretty sickening situation. Unfortunately I cant see it changing any time soon, there are just way too many apologists for that kind of behaviour. There are those who will blather on about the nobility of the culture and saintly ways of the natives. Those people obviously don't have to live with these jerks. I get so sick of them bumming money all the time, these are healthy, able people by the way. Every one of them could be working if they chose to, they'd rather pan handle though. They're happy if they can bum enough to buy their next bottle of cheap booze. I've even offered some of them a job, thats when you see them damn near run away from you. Oh the horror! Actually having to work! Some will probably scream about stereotypes, sorry but when you see them hanging around pissed drunk waiting for the liquor store to open in the morning that is reality, not a stereotype. Just like watching them share a bottle of Lysol or hair spray is reality, not a stereotype. Just last night my friend and I had to forcefully move three of them along. They decided his front lawn was a good place to pass out. They came to realize how wrong they were when we took exception to this decision they had made. The cops generally just throw them into the back of the cruiser and drive them back to the reserve to sober up (like that'll happen). The true shame is the fact that some are good people. They have jobs, take care of their famillies and homes and are pretty good neighbours all in all. Unfortunately there's a shit load of them who are nothing more than free loading drunks. Yep, very noble and peacefull alright.
  13. Actually the American military is buying more Canadian kit than ever. We don't use very much American kit at all. In my 20 years I cant recall using any. The closest would be our C7 rifles. The basic design is the same but they've been extensively modified. In fact the U.S. Military is interested in purchasing the rights to use the same mods on their assault rifles as they are far more durable and reliable.
  14. This cant be right. All Aboriginals are totally peacefull, din'cha know? I think this guy beat the crap out of himself to make a point. All those pictures of Aboriginals burning buildings and destroying bridges are fake. Research has shown that it's actually evil Travelocity Gnomes who are doing that stuff, not our First Immigrants. In this small Southern Alberta town where I live the Aboriginal/Native/First Immigrant types never do anything wrong (huge amount of sarcasm). When about 15 of them were accused of beating a lone white guy to death it was actually those evil Gnomes who did it.
  15. Empty rhetoric. It was not senseless, it was very well executed and served a very distinct purpose. Whether the purpose was to solidify support amongst sympathetic believers of the Islamic cause, or to solidify support amongst the more non-believing and more war like; it served its purpose. We now find ourselves enmeshed in a situation not of our making or our desire, just one imposed upon us by the vagueries of circumstance and powerfull men. However, right or wrong me must stand firm, we can not allow ourselves to be swayed by the common purile desire to capitulate that so many have today. Capitulation leads to oblivion, it has been shown time and time again by History. So we must make our choice, do we surrender to the shot fired across our bows, or do we respond twice in measure? For myself I choose the second option. Personally I say screw the bastards who want to kill and subdue us North Americans, if they want some agro they can damn well have it in spades. The falling of the towers was effective to say the least but I think the response will shock those who orchestrated it. I don't think they realize what they've done; or perhaps they do. Non-the-less the proverbial sleeping giant has been awakened once more. This time however it consists of the most powerfull nation in the world Allied with the nation that has always provided the most skilled and ferocious fighting men. God help the bastards who kicked this into high gear, I most certainly wont, unless I get to help them on their way to hell. Sorry about the dramatic tone to this post, I just feel very strongly about this subject.
  16. Excellent link. I have the last issue of Legion magazine at home, I just haven't had time to go through it yet. I'll be looking for all three parts of this article as they come out.
  17. I don't think too many people bothered to read the article you linked to. If it actually went down the way the article says then people should be absolutely outraged by it. Reading that was a very surreal experience. I have no doubt it happened, its just so hard to believe. As I said, very totalitarian and Orwellian.
  18. Well slap me on the ass and call me Sally! More specious insults, what a surprise. True the Korean situation appears to have been diffused. This situation is shaping up in a more aggressive manner however. So far Bush has been bringing up Nukes quite a bit in relation to this situation. He gives the impression of one who is eager to use them I honestly hope you're right though. Using nukes would be absolute shear madness and would change the Earth as we know it. You can bet the other sympathetic Nuclear countries in the Middle East wouldn't hesitate to retaliate. Worst damn weapon we ever came up with.
  19. I think Bush will attack before he leaves office. This will be his last kick at the can so to speak and I don't think he'll be able to pass up the opportunity. The scary part is that this maniac wants to use Nukes. It's almost like they're some big toy he just can't resist playing with. Absolute total insanity.
  20. Did any of you check out the link American Woman provided? It is a pretty long read as she said, but its also astounding. I was amazed that they actually did this to those people. It sounds like something Orwell might have written. That is an excellent link American Woman, very informative. It most certainly indicates a severe lack of not only free speech but all civil liberties.
  21. Well said. I think you just hit the proverbial nail square on the head. I'm sorry but I just cant agree with that statement. I despise GW on a personal level but I feel no malice or ill will to the American people as a whole. In fact some of my all time favourite girlfriends have been, and still are, American.
  22. I understand what he means. When you see the NPO commercials on TV they make you feel bad on a basic level. They still can't impart the reallity of the human misery When you are actually there in that kind of place and see it with your own eyes it hits you like a blow to the solar plexus, on a sort of visceral level. When I was in Somalia we used to save the parts of our rations that we didn't eat, we'd throw them into a big box in the back of our truck. We also had another box in the truck, it was about the same size as the "Ration" box but It was called the "Rock" box. We filled it with good sized rocks to throw at the Somali's. You're probably wondering why any sane person would want to hit someone else with a rock in that way, using it as a weapon. We did it because when we drove by the kids we'd throw our saved rations to them. After a week of seeing the kids run for the food happy at the thought of eating something, then getting hammered down in an extreme and brutal fashion by an adult, we'd had enough. That's why we had our "Rock" box. It was a non lethal but highly effective method of social awareness counseling. You may not agree with the method employed but the results sp4eak for themselves. It took about two days for them to realise that when our trucks went by kids ate first, adults eat whatever they can find to eat. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but it's just the way it is. In all honesty I don't care what kind of kid it is, a kid is a kid, a baby is a baby they must be protected from harm of any kind at all costs.
  23. I'm not quite sure what your point is here. Lusting after children is generally considered peadophilia. Tying people up is S&M or dominant behaviour. Sex with animals is Bestiality. Incest is just Incest, or as practitioners would say, Incest is best. As I said, I don't quite follow your point. Are you saying that Homosexuality can be equated with the aforementioned sexual behaviours? If that is your point I would have to say I disagree. A current theory is that the practicing Peadophile has no control over the urges they feel. If so I suppose a case could be made comparing the two root causes of these behaviours. As for the rest I have no idea. I don't know if people are born with a genetic predisposition towards Bestiality or Incest or if it's merely abberant behaviour.
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