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Status Replies posted by capricorn

  1. If you oppose carbon taxes, you're a denier.

    If you're pro-life, you don't get access to a gov't jobs fund.

    If you reject their fake-feminist rhetoric, you're a Neanderthal.

    If you laughed at Peoplekind, you're a Nazi.

    If you're an everyday Canadian, the Liberals loathe you.

    Welcome to Trudeau's Liberal land

  2. "Marijuana may lead non-smokers to cigarettes

    Former smokers who use cannabis are also more likely to relapse, and current smokers who use cannabis are less likely to quit"


    Unintended consequences of new pot laws.

  3. Trudeau skipping QP today, needs a personal day to consider the meaning of friend.  Also cos he doesn't have the gonads to stand up & be accountable for his actions, including sending out a bureaucrat to lie for him.

  4. Trudeau skipping QP today, needs a personal day to consider the meaning of friend.  Also cos he doesn't have the gonads to stand up & be accountable for his actions, including sending out a bureaucrat to lie for him.

  5. Indian government sends casually dressed junior minister to greet Canada's Trudeau.

  6. So PM Trudeau wants FB to crack down on fake news So - will that include banning CTV  

  7. Justice Minister in news conference re Boushie jury decision running out of weasel words and  repeats...repeats..."as I said"...."working hard"...."need reform....

    Ho hum....

  8. If I "like" a status update response, if the status update author deletes the comment I "liked" is the "like" deducted or left in the member's total reputation points?

  9. If I "like" a status update response, if the status update author deletes the comment I "liked" is the "like" deducted or left in the member's total reputation points?

  10. Unethical Trudeau plans another U.S. trip to beg for NAFTA, loves the "states".


  11. How many more lies?


    Incident involving man cutting 11-year-old girl’s hijab with scissors ‘did not happen’: Toronto police


    1. capricorn


      Your "period" does not put an end to this discussion. Canadians were lead to think of themselves as bigoted islamophobes thanks to PM Trudeau trolling for the Muslim vote. How low can a politician get.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  12. How many more lies?


    Incident involving man cutting 11-year-old girl’s hijab with scissors ‘did not happen’: Toronto police


    1. capricorn


      This, after Justin Trudeau, Kathleen Wynne, Andrew Scheer and John Tory jumped in with both feet to condemn "the attack".  Please do us all a favour and let the cops complete their investigation before opening your big trap.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  13. This clown, who met with PM Trudeau recently after he and his family returned from Afghanistan, is now up on multiple charges including assault, sexual assault, forcible confinement and uttering death threats-

    Freed Canadian hostage faces assault charges

    Most likely he assaulted his wife. Unfortunately, She should be used to that kind of abuse by now.
    In reading up on this I also found out that Joshua Boyle was once married to Omar Khadr's sister. Small world, isn't it?

  14. This forum used to be one of the up and coming sites, where  "normal "people could discuss topics of interest. Now it is a waste land where the inmates have taken over the prison and turned it into shit hole....and not just the inmates but some of the moderation team as well, even Greg has long since lost his "will" to keep the site at least wing nut free. I guess the ride is over time to get off..

  15. picked up his new CX5-GT today.

  16. just bought a new car.

  17. 2 years of Sunny Ways. Only 2 years left, hopefully. These arrogant hypocrites are bad for Canada. 

  18. 2 years of Sunny Ways. Only 2 years left, hopefully. These arrogant hypocrites are bad for Canada. 

  19. No, we are NOT less of a country because you're fav singer died, you sniveling child man.

    1. capricorn



      Trudeau ordered the flags on the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill and at all federal government buildings in Downie's hometown of Kingston, Ont. to be lowered to half-mast until sunset on the day of the funeral or memorial service.


    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  20. No, we are NOT less of a country because you're fav singer died, you sniveling child man.

    1. capricorn


      The flag in Ottawa is flying half mast for Downie. That's a bit much.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  21. No, we are NOT less of a country because you're fav singer died, you sniveling child man.

  22. No, we are NOT less of a country because you're fav singer died, you sniveling child man.

    1. capricorn


      Trudeau near tears as he eulogized Downie. Pathetic. Will we have a repeat performance from Trudeau when Anne Murray croaks? Or Gordon Lightfoot? Or Buffy St.Marie? The Hip is just another band trying to make it in a very competitive business. They did well but now without Downie they're just about done. Buck up Trudeau. No need to consult a psychiatrist over your loss. We're here for you...not!

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  23. Odd. 5 years of captivity, and one week back in Canada off to hospital for our health care. Khadr redux?

  24. Odd. 5 years of captivity, and one week back in Canada off to hospital for our health care. Khadr redux?

  25. Odd. 5 years of captivity, and one week back in Canada off to hospital for our health care. Khadr redux?

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