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Status Replies posted by capricorn

  1. In QP today ndrewScheer asked justin Tudeau about the spending on the cottage at Harrington Lake so Trudeau stood up to say he was elected to invest in the middle class and that is what they are doing. Tone deaf or just stupid

  2. In QP today ndrewScheer asked justin Tudeau about the spending on the cottage at Harrington Lake so Trudeau stood up to say he was elected to invest in the middle class and that is what they are doing. Tone deaf or just stupid

  3. Justin Trudeau the Bold, effectively silenced-

    Trudeau Suggests It’s Not His Place To Condemn Trump’s Migrant Child Policy

    When asked in the HOC what he was going to do about it, he said

    "From the very beginning I have been very clear on the role that Canadians expect of me — to stand up firmly and unequivocally for our values, for our interests, to protect Canadians and to make sure that we're doing well, as well as having a constructive relationship with the United States," Trudeau said. "That's what we're going to remain focused on. What we will not do, is play politics with this."

    In other words "I was told to shut my mouth, and that's what I'ma gonna do."

  4. So the weed legislation passed.  I look forward to the Trudeau regime vigorously enforcing legislation and busting anyone who consumes or sells weed illegally. They will shut down Illegal dispensaries and start arresting drug dealers everywhere - won't they.

  5. I wonder how many illegal pregnant migrant women give birth while awaiting trial. Would those newborns automatically gain US citizenship?

  6. Prince Harry - a Trump supporter?

    Also open to experiment with Brexit?


    Poor Harry, and Meghan.    I dunno why Merkle's dad's revealing private conversations.    I have that nasty feeling that this dad will be an embarassment to his daughter.  Apparently royals are not supposed to talk politics.



    I suppose anti-Trumps will now be calling him............ "Dirty Harry."

  7. Prince Harry - a Trump supporter?

    Also open to experiment with Brexit?


    Poor Harry, and Meghan.    I dunno why Merkle's dad's revealing private conversations.    I have that nasty feeling that this dad will be an embarassment to his daughter.  Apparently royals are not supposed to talk politics.



    I suppose anti-Trumps will now be calling him............ "Dirty Harry."

    1. capricorn


      OK then. That explains why you are never on topic.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  8. Prince Harry - a Trump supporter?

    Also open to experiment with Brexit?


    Poor Harry, and Meghan.    I dunno why Merkle's dad's revealing private conversations.    I have that nasty feeling that this dad will be an embarassment to his daughter.  Apparently royals are not supposed to talk politics.



    I suppose anti-Trumps will now be calling him............ "Dirty Harry."

    1. capricorn


      Don't give up and try again to start a new thread. You're bound to get it off the ground eventually.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  9. Prince Harry - a Trump supporter?

    Also open to experiment with Brexit?


    Poor Harry, and Meghan.    I dunno why Merkle's dad's revealing private conversations.    I have that nasty feeling that this dad will be an embarassment to his daughter.  Apparently royals are not supposed to talk politics.



    I suppose anti-Trumps will now be calling him............ "Dirty Harry."

    1. capricorn


      Start a thread Bubber and I will reveal all. Otherwise, stay in the dark.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  10. Prince Harry - a Trump supporter?

    Also open to experiment with Brexit?


    Poor Harry, and Meghan.    I dunno why Merkle's dad's revealing private conversations.    I have that nasty feeling that this dad will be an embarassment to his daughter.  Apparently royals are not supposed to talk politics.



    I suppose anti-Trumps will now be calling him............ "Dirty Harry."

    1. capricorn


      That's rich considering the existing policy existed during Obama's watch. And, I have read that Obama and his people tried to hide the issue from the American public. WOW.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  11. Prince Harry - a Trump supporter?

    Also open to experiment with Brexit?


    Poor Harry, and Meghan.    I dunno why Merkle's dad's revealing private conversations.    I have that nasty feeling that this dad will be an embarassment to his daughter.  Apparently royals are not supposed to talk politics.



    I suppose anti-Trumps will now be calling him............ "Dirty Harry."

    1. capricorn


      Judging from his input here, Bubber seems highly interested in US border policies. Perhaps he should start a thread on it instead of polluting every status update with anti-Trump tirades.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  12. This country is so fucked. And here I am, too old to pull up stakes and move elsewhere. :(

  13. Is G-7 still relevant?  

    Is the price tag to host a summit worth it?   Is it just a pricey photo op? 


    Where's effing China???   Why's China not among them?


    China named world's third most powerful country


  14. Congrats, Doug!  

    We're counting on you! 

    Make Ontario great again!


  15. Congrats, Doug!  

    We're counting on you! 

    Make Ontario great again!


  16. Liberals crushed, as they fully deserved to be.

  17. Liberals crushed, as they fully deserved to be.

  18. Interesting info about our feminist PM,  who was accused of "groping" a young female reporter on assignment in August 2000. "Like father, like son" reads the editorial. If this were a conservative the media would have been all over it.  image.thumb.jpeg.0bea6c144c9034503340ad166e8794d7.jpeg

  19. Interesting info about our feminist PM,  who was accused of "groping" a young female reporter on assignment in August 2000. "Like father, like son" reads the editorial. If this were a conservative the media would have been all over it.  image.thumb.jpeg.0bea6c144c9034503340ad166e8794d7.jpeg

    1. capricorn


      I used a tried and true cliché hoping it would help your comprehension of what other posters are saying. I see even that has not helped.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  20. Interesting info about our feminist PM,  who was accused of "groping" a young female reporter on assignment in August 2000. "Like father, like son" reads the editorial. If this were a conservative the media would have been all over it.  image.thumb.jpeg.0bea6c144c9034503340ad166e8794d7.jpeg

    1. capricorn


      Not very original retort Bubber. Try again.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  21. Interesting info about our feminist PM,  who was accused of "groping" a young female reporter on assignment in August 2000. "Like father, like son" reads the editorial. If this were a conservative the media would have been all over it.  image.thumb.jpeg.0bea6c144c9034503340ad166e8794d7.jpeg

    1. capricorn


      Where there's smoke there's fire. A leader as phony as Justin who thinks he is a modern day Adonis is bound to be found out.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  22. Conservatives - get active in social media and aggressively counter the last-minute effort by desperate socialist-lovers! 

  23. Ding Dong the witch is gone...

    So, are the Ontario Liberals going to register as a third-party advertiser now, given that they've conceded the election?

  24. Don't worry. Melania is fine. Really. She's fine.

  25. I wish Pierre was the Trudeau running this country today! Arrogant be damned, there would have already been a plan in place to announce countervailing duties on American imports...since Trump just abolished NAFTA, all you rightwing Trump-worshipping clowns!

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