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roy baty

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Everything posted by roy baty

  1. Your statement on his experience is relative only to the quality of the record of his first term. Based on that record, many could easily say Romney was the best man for the job. Voters have changed, the media has changed, and not to mention so have conservatives. That's why he won a second term because in the past, any president who had ran on an economic record like he had would never have been handed a 2nd term.
  2. Unfortunately intelligence does not make one a great leader. That is quite apparent with this President.
  3. All of your replies are a hoot. Now you are twisting things into me saying debt to GDP is some metric I am using in measuring/guaging socialism to meet your own end. At least you agree he's a socialist (albeit lousy). Give the man some time Waldo. He's certainly trying to improve his socialist skills by taxing and spending the $$ he needs to get there. Bush's debt in his full 2 terms pales in comparison to Obama's spending madness (which you conveniently set aside) in just 5 years. So give us all a break and stop keep blaming the Bush administration for the mess they are in today. Just when exactly will the left admit Obama's responsibility for the almost 7 trillion HIS administration and failed economic policies added to the national debt since 2008?? Obviously not until he bankrupts them because they seem to have no problem with his lousy leadership since they handed him another term to finish the job. BTW, of course he's a lousy Socialist. Like I said before, he still working very hard to change that.
  4. So what is your point? Are you honestly trying to convince us that Obama and his Democrat cronies are somehow extreme capitalists now? I am sure if you asked him, Pelosi and Reid personally they'd disagree. Since you're all about charts, show us some national debt growth charts since he took office while you're at it. You evaded responding to US national debt and the bankruptcy risk associated with it in favour of showing us how much more corporations are making as a part of the economy there. It's obvious by his own statements what he'd really love to do to those profits and average wages should he have congress again in 2014. He is far from being a capitalist and hell-bent on social justice and wealth distribution regardless of personal effort, responsibility, or what you may think.
  5. True. Perhaps stupidity is a more suitable word. It may be too early to say, but I'd say there's a good chance that we will get a taste of that same stupidity and head submersion in Canada in 2015 if Trudeau gets the Grits' ticket..
  6. You forgot to mention that in this last election it also took milliions of ignorant and uninformed voters with their heads up their behinds to win the election..
  7. Well said, not to mention very disturbing. Too bad the now controlling left wing interests in the US see this from a completely different and warped point of view that is completelely uncomprehensible to rational minded people.
  8. On the contrary, Obama is far from being lazy. His goal to socialize the USA at any and all costs even if it means bankrupting his own country in the process is a job he is very serious about and is working very hard at accomplishing.
  9. Yes, the mainstream media was all over this story within a matter of hours! Perhaps even faster than it would have been under Bush! lol. Keep telling yourself the majority of the mainstream media isn't in the tank for Obama if it makes you feel better.. Some of us know better. Regardless of what you say, what happened here (how insignificant you may feel it is) is still a demonstration in incompetence.
  10. You do realize Shady that it is impossible to convince the left that there is an economic spending problem in the US. The Mediaparty has generally chosen to ignore it as has the party, and leader they voted for. It won't be until Obama, Reid and Pelosi bankrupt the place before they see the fruits of the Democrats' "lack of effort" that will eventually result in bounced entitlement cheques before they come around to reason. Unfortunately, it will be the ones who truly need the entitlement help when that happpens that will suffer the most. The Dems, as well as most on the left only seem to want to live for today and ignore what the results may be in the long run for the needy and for their own kids. This sounds similar to the recklessness by Wall Street but this time, by the government they elected. Progressive economics? Not by a longshot..
  11. ..and herein lies the problem. Your response is also so typical left, playing down anything and everything this administration does. Imagine now if it was the Bush administration.. You, your friends and the media in the US would have been all over it when this story broke. Since it's the Obama administration this story is limited to just a few remaining reliable news sources. Yet another example of how much the media down there is in the tank with this clown. Regardless, let's hope Kerry can get that mess Hillary left for him under control...
  12. Yet another example of the incompetence of President Obama and the US State department: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/michelle-obama-and-john-kerry-honor-anti-semite-and-911-fan_706547.html Amazing...they don't do background checks?? Well... Americans asked for another 4 years of this and they got it. I feel for those who didn't and have to live under this joke of an administration.
  13. Name 1 single SPECIFIC thing Obama has offered in cuts to compromise?? One. No generalities. Specifics please. There are no specifics because he has NO specific plan. It's all "we're gonna do this, or that" generalities. He even rejected his OWN commission's report telling him bluntly that he has to cut spending or they're in deep trouble and you are saying they are the idiots? Keep drinking the Kool-Aid Cyber.. If he gains control of congress or keeps refusing to be a true leader for the US people , he will easily double the US debt by the end of his term. He is the President. He is supposed to be the one to compromise for the good of the nation. Instead his quest to destroy the GOP and take congress in 2014 is his #1 priority. He is the worst president in US history and history will someday show him as the man who lead his country into ruin. Nero is already fiddling and Obama is helping..
  14. Regardless of what anyone thinks of "so-called" progressives.. The post is still a trolling post. Period.
  15. lol..While I agree with your first statement, I have to say that if you don't think Obama is trying to Socialize the US you have been asleep @ the US politico wheel. He may not be a Socialist as per se, but he sure does behave like one.
  16. The left needs to get their act together and shift a bit more to the centre if they have a hope in hell defeating the Cons. It's as simple as that. Democracy really only takes place when an election occurs in Canada so we'll see if the left unites before then
  17. Stupid to vote for Reagan?? Seems to me US voters were a helll of a lot smarter back then in US when they punted Carter out who was almost as useless as Obama when it came economics and foreign affairs. Reagan grew the economy exponentially. This time around they voted for another 4 years of economic recklesness. Voters NEVER would have done that back then. Times have changed there and here. Trudeau is only a matter of time for us unfortunately.
  18. Not sure where you get "extensive" experience w/Obama. He may have some now but before he became President, Obama had no EXECUTIVE experience. He was just a Senator with a personality and who could talk the talk. The fact he was re-elected with his economic record, showed the world just how stupid most Americans really are. Hopefully Canadians are smarter than that and don't vote this clown in.
  19. Now this I agree.. He's got his mother's brains, not his father's.
  20. Justin Trudeau is the Canadian equivalent to Barak Obama: Someone who's arrogant with a far left ideology and entitlement supporting menality that will drag Canada into economic and moral ruin. You lefties think Harper is a totalitarian lunatic?. Wait'll you guys bring this guy into power. It'll be bigger government than we've ever seen and even more control over conservatives and libs alike, but you left won't know it. You'll all think it'll be a wonderful progressive utopian love affair as the Americans are with Barak until his and your policies destroy us the same way Obama is destroying the USA. It's only a matter of time the left get their way here just as they have in the US and elect a guy like Obama up here and Trudeau is a ripe candidate for them.
  21. I believe many Americans want to work and see economic growth would kill for the pipeline deal to come through and are very frustrated. Unfortunately they are not the majority down there because the majority of Americans could give a crap about their economy and decided to re-elect an incompetent president who has effectively sold out to left wing ideology. As a result, they will continue pay the price for it economically and by proxy, unfortunately so will we until we look for other trading partners and fast,
  22. Nice job of putting false words in people's mouths and twisting around what was originally said to meet your own end. Choosing when to get pregnant have a baby and when to end a pregnancy are 2 completely different things. Not to mention not ALL women believe in abortion either. The mass killing of Jews between 1939 and 1945 was a holocaust by definition and for anyone who believes that ending the life of a fetus is killing, then the mass abortion taking place right now is also a holocaust, but one that is far greater. Be insulted as much as you want, but IMO nothing is more insulting to humanity right now than the liberal practice of abortion going on right now and it is ignorant of anyone to not see that abortion is ending a life. BTW, you could say I am in many ways pro-choice as you defined it above because I think women should be allowed to do what they want even if it includes ending a life growing inside of them. Of course, with that comes full and complete personal responsibility for it in the next life should God decide that it was indeed murder. I happen to believe in God and that only he can judge those responsible for this holocaust, just as he will those responsible for any previous holocausts.
  23. Listen to "Emryonic Journey" by Jefferson Airplane sometime. Funny how the same generation that produced such a beautiful song so contradicts the general view the same generation and this generation accepts today. That journey has a lot of potential roadblocks nowadays doesn't it? There is a silent holocaust taking place in our society and a shrinking minority few give a crap about it... The Nazis believed the Jews were inconvenient just as much as many mothers believe that bearing an unwanted child is incovenient. What does that say about us as a society? You decide if that is the so-called progress you want from the left. Yeah, yeah I am sure I will be chastized for paralleling the Jewish holocaust w/abortion... and frankly I don't care because there is a blatant basic connection outlned above between the two that is very apparent.
  24. Anyone who disagrees with this really has to search their heart and decide what kind of human they really are. If they are human at all.
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