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roy baty

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Everything posted by roy baty

  1. You wouldn't happen to have the source for this information you could provide? Most research I have read indicates the opposite. However, I have to agree with bushcheney the hunger issue is a distribution issue. A distribution issue due to human greed and mis-management.... I know you'll disagree Michael, and that is fine but this is a human trait technology wll never solve.
  2. Your argument that is way off on some mysterious tangent that makes no sense whatsoever. Good luck "choosing" your next Dr's appointment.
  3. True, most athiests I know aren't doomsayers nor did I say that. Perhaps I should be more specific, an athiest believes that an individual's maximum potential ends with his/her's death. I believe that most human being's true potential only just begins in this physical life. I choose to believe what I feel offers far more hope for mankind than just living a life without any further purpose beyond death. I guess we all rationalize things differently. Like I mentioned before, we'll all know after we die who was right or who was wrong and I sleep well at night knowing I will someday meet my athiest friends and family in celebration after death. To each his own, but I think the vast majority of humanity will atttain far more than whatever athiesm can offer.. I believe someday you will believe that too.
  4. I disagree, the fact we are here confirms the mathematic odds we exist as we are today just by mere chance very much impossible which pretty much leads us to the alternative which is so hard for atheists to believe.. I prefer to believe in a superior being who designed the universe over some random act of luck. I am not sure what you mean actually. We all have a choice to decide to believe what makes the most sense logically. The fact that you believe in blind luck and not God means you've made a choice. If you believe in the astronomical mathmatical odds of all of this being here by sheer luck then you have much more faith than I do...
  5. When I said all for nothing, I didn't mean this debate. I meant it "all". I find it rather interesting how many are arrogant enough to mock even the idea of a greater mind behind all of this by calling him a "magic fairy" yet have faith vesting soley in science while at the same time denying the mathematical impossibility that life and the universe as we know it all came about by blind luck. One on my side of the fence could also mock the athiests that believe that all of this is all a fuke is as equally infantile and silly as believing in a "magic fairy" now couldn't I? However, I choose not to as I have faith in someone that has taught me that even the athiest will one day have his/her eyes opened. The lack of belief in a higher power and the accounatbilty in the next life for one's actions that comes with it makes it much easier for someone to accept that abortion is not the act of ending a life. I prefer to believe that I originated from a superior form of life and not an inferior one as the altheist would have me believe. I also believe that someday this "magic fairy" as you call him today while you still draw breath will someday open yours and everyone who has ever existed's eyes to to see that incredible human potential is far greater than the very limited potential an athiest would have us all believe.
  6. I am strongly against late term and live birth abortions unless it is to save the life of the mother. However, as a person who the OP likely considers is a loon for even believing in God, I believe a woman should be allowed to decide what's best for HER body including taking PERSONAL responsibility for the termination of the pregnancy. I suppose someday once we're dead we'll all find out if there is indeed a God, and of course as a result also if a fetus is considered a life at conception. In other words, as a person who believes in a divine Creator I say we are better off this day and age to leave it in his hands. We're well beyond the point of trying to outlaw it and any politician who wants any chance of considerable leadership wouldn't even touch the subject. If it turns out someday that blood is on the hands of the millions responsible for the millions of abortions, they will answer for it and it is not up to us to judge anyone before then. Alternatively, if there isn't a God, then I guess this was all for nothing anyhow..
  7. We get screwed over because us Canadians are "too nice" and compliant. We need to stop taking this crap. I wonder if any politician has the balls to run for office on the platform of cost equalization... Humm...
  8. What's not upbeat about a new world government that will bring peace, proseperity and fairness for everyone? I believe the ultimate destiny of mankind is very bright. We just have some hard lessons to learn before we get there. I agree with you that we as a species CAN do the things you outline above for the world but WILL we? That is the real question. With mankind alone in the mix, sorry but I am not very optimistic. Basic human nature hasn't changed that much in the past 200 years.
  9. I am sure I'll be labelled a heretic or a lunatic for doing so but I would like to add my 2 cents here. Capitalism can work. Without the presence of greed that is. Unfortunately we cannot have one without the other. This is why it is failing in the West and it will fail for the same reasons elsewhere. We've seen the result of greed and human nature in general throughout the ages.. Different forms of greed and other flaws in human nature exist and have existed in ALL forms of government since the dawn of civiization. No form of human government has been successful in providing fairness, opportunity and peace in the world for very long. They all have eventually failed in time for similar reasons we see unfolding today. The so called leftist "Progressive Movement" in Canada and the US of income redistribution which is simply a polite term for Socialism will also fail as it already has in the past. Anyone who doesn't see this is either blind or brainwashed. What we're all going to see in our lives is that eventually the left and all those who support this lie of a movement by electing leaders like Obama, will drag the US further towards full blown socialism or a domestic civil war that will ultimately destroy their economy and military power. Ultimately, this ingenious progressive plan will plummet the entire planet (including Canada) into a depression and state of unrest worse than the world has ever seen. What then folks? The end of the free world as we know it is what. Or perhaps world itself as we know it in this dangerous atomic age. Remember, with the fall of any empire another one rises from it's ashes to replace it. In times of dispair, people will flock to any ray of light whether it has good intentions or not. Just ask the average German who remembers what the Nazis eventually brought on them. Of course the greedy for power lefties and those who are greedy on the right are oblivious to what they are collectively bringing upon us.... Fortunately we don't have to tolerate the consistent failure of the human race to provide a successful, peacful and prosperous world for much longer thanks to a greater power who cares far more for us than we do for each other right now. Eventually, we will all thank God. Literally.
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