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French Patriot

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Everything posted by French Patriot

  1. True. But only the less intelligent will disagree. As to atheist tenets, of course they have some. It begins with doubting there is a supernatural god, due to lack of proofs. The intelligent human position, as compared to those who have let their material duality thinking delude themselves, --- due to culture, religion and luck of the draw. Right? That gift of nature, the right wing loonies should get a better grasp of. Legally speaking, and cross culturally, Christianity has already been classed as lacking a good moral foundation. Atheism and free thinking, thank all our man made gods have won the cultural/secular battle and the god religions have been rejected. Praise all moral secular people. Even the atheists. They are now just shy of Gnostic Christianity and are worthy of my praise. It took Atheist long enough to recognize the need of Mystery School type churches and have finally begun that necessary trend. They put a safety net for their naturally tribal/religious , children. We are all born tribal and religious, which must include atheists. They are the 2% whose material duality is under better control than the rest. Take the controls of atheist thinking out of society, --- and it fails. Add more and it thrives morally and ethically. Check the stats. If the religious do not see the great value of all, which they generally do not, they show their unworthiness. Homophobia and misogyny is just the tip of their hate iceberg. All IMO of course. Regards DL
  2. Atheists are a group/tribe with an ideology. Religions are groups/tribes with theologies. Theologies are synonymous with ideologies. They are all thinking systems. Accept that an we can proceed. Otherwise, seems we are done. Regards DL
  3. I guess that you will have to talk to those atheists who are starting atheist churches and get them to stop calling their churches, churches. I equate the word religions with tribes. Both are just groups of like minded people. I seem to follow the experts in this. See if you do. The Groupish Gene - Jonathan Haidt - YouTube Regards DL
  4. Intelligent. You left nothing for me to disagree with. Let me have a look at your moral sense. Atheists do not call the ideals they follow god, but they treat that ideal or favored ideology the same way a believer treats their ideal or theology. They just name a god while you and I might name Socrates. Atheists do not have a god, but in effect, are following their ideals the same way the religious follow theirs. The little differences and power to use inquisitions and jihads are the only reason Christianity survived and thrived. Through murder. Regards DL
  5. We are almost all born with material dualism. A sense of body and soul. An itch that there is something more. We are all born seeking to emulate the fittest and that is what we focus on, as our selfish gene drives us to show our fitness. In that sense, there are no godless people. Statistically, we know that countries that have less religions and gods and more atheist are better at following the law and living in peace than countries where there is a lot of religions and competing imaginary gods. If you are to call atheist godless, then IMO, you compliment them. It is much better to seek a good god than to follow the garbage gods and their homophobic and misogynous religions. Moral people will reject the evil mainstream gods. Regards DL
  6. A religion is basically a tribe, usually with a god or idol. The god religions are backwards and honor genocide. The religions that seek wisdom instead of following a genocidal god tend top be more peaceful. This a side. Our instincts and insecurity creates our tribal natures on which the existing culture imprints itself. We begin with our first tribe, our families, then adopt whatever god is offered by the larger tribe that family is in. Those gods are protected by the law of the lands. The Groupish Gene - Jonathan Haidt - YouTube Regards DL
  7. Fiction or not, is irrelevant to the many victims. Bush said god led him. Seems we have nothing to discuss if facts mean nothing to you. Thank all the gods I am a Canadian. Regards DL
  8. It is not fiction to the religious right, and those fascist leaning people almost led the U.S. Do we want another U.S. president doing war because god told him it was the right thing to do? Your excuse of non belief excuses you from condemning Yahweh. The excuse of belief in that a genocidal entity like Yahweh can be a good role model, be he real or not, is quite immoral, and there is no excuse for it. If there was, we would be teaching our kids to honor genocidal entities. Right? Regards DL
  9. 8 I am sure you could my friend, but you would just continue to be wrong. IMO of course. 1. Google atheist churches. You will see things like -- Gretta Vosper | The Atheist Minister - YouTube 2 I see more than one question coming out of atheists. The one on god and the other, the cause of atheist churches, is on how to not let their children be taken by a supernatural thinking god lying church. We all have a tribal instinct and atheists are protecting their children by giving them a tribe, more than a religion. Think of the old Mystery Schools. 3 You showed the dogma in 2, one answer, while i see the ideology as wider and deeper. 4 We all follow rules. No foolish garbage statements please. 5 In a way, we all have some ideal we hold above all others. This ideal is what we all define as god. Counterfeit Gods || Spoken Word || Jefferson Bethke - YouTube The odd atheist does have a 6 I agree that atheists do not prophesise. I disagree on your view of their ethics and morals that guide them. Most atheists I know, if not all, do indeed have an ethical guideline, which is evidenced by atheist nations being more peaceful and law abiding than the god nations. 'Atheist' Nations Are More Peaceful - YouTube 7 See on atheist churches above for my argument. Regards DL
  10. Change our lousy ways of thinking, and remember that the rich have been profit taking for better than a generation and we adults aught to be bright enough to have them pay some of those profits back. We are all such immoral cowards these days. No wonder the rich are laughing at us. I agree that corporations are the problem, but not as big of a problem as the general thinking that has us not organize our labor and unions. Regards DL
  11. Would you choose to be a God of dumb animals? Man plays God with his ants - Brilliant Video : videos (reddit.com) Humans, to Yahweh, are quite inferior to himself. The term dumb animal might be used. Our wisdom is more like stupidity to Yahweh, --- is just one of the many verses that show how beneath Yahweh we sit. We are also quite obtuse, to the point where we are told that the vast majority of us will end in hell and purposeless torture. We just won’t learn. I would not want to be a god of any dumb animal. Especially if I had to genocide them now and again. They could not see my goodness. Just as I cannot see the goodness in a genocidal god. Why does Yahweh want to rule over such a species as humankind, --- when he created us to be so low and just worthy of just his godlike disrespect? Sure, Yahweh says we are above angels, but god hates those for being even more stupid than humans. He even built a hell for them. He even used Noah’s flood to drown his own son’s of god. I would not choose or desire to lead dumb animals. Why does Yahweh want to be a leader of dumb animals? Regards DL
  12. Agree, I agree. Follow and respect for the law of the land is what is important. If you are only going to follow the laws of the land that you like, and discriminate negatively against women and gays against your law, you are a traitor to your country. Regards DL
  13. Are religions that preach inequality for women and gays, traitors to their country? Our first allegiance is to our countries. Our laws and political leanings are moving us towards laïcité, a rather rigid form of the best religious freedoms/ideology, quirky or not, for all. Keep it to yourself will be the order of the day. Happy days. All within a Western style of freedom seeking governance. Should our backwards thinking mainstream religions be asked to be more representative of good law? Negative discrimination without a just cause is what Yahweh admits to doing in Job 2;3., when he allowed Satan to move him to sin against Job. Christians should admit their sin and stop preaching that it is a good to be homophobic and misogynous, contradicting the law of the land. Regards DL
  14. Political labels, when used, are best expressed in the most modern terms. Secularism seems to be what the future holds and I use Laïcité as to the direction I am leaning. Even China seems to be going that way, hindered at the moment by their forced indoctrination phase against Muslims. It is not the rich being irrational that is our problem. It is the electorate being irrational that is the problem. We no longer remember that we are to actively hate what offends moral people and all gods. We confuse ourselves by living secular equality laws, while at the same time, not calling the religions that preach inequality traitors to the country. That is insanity, and we all sit back doing it. We are all hypocrites, or so it seems. I exclude you on that. Regards DL
  15. I share your view but would point out that we are the Governments of the world. We are all in this together, alone. Regards DL
  16. Nice to see a thinking brain. I do have issue on this quoted bit. I say yes, because of exactly what you put. The tax system is what give the rich access to those who do the actual work. This follows from the fact that the only way to access or gain huge wealth, is to get it from taking advantage of either or both labor or the market place. The rich are so rich these days that these days are just another day in the life of the rich. That is why they are still just hording. If the rank and file do not care enough to act, against what the rich are doing, why should the rich? Regards DL
  17. Too bad it took the fear of death to make those people more moral. NDE is fiction. Prove me wrong. Regards DL
  18. It is like a cruel parent showing a child a treat just before eating it all himself. Regards DL
  19. I have none. I have never had such an experience so cannot speak honestly on that issue. I do believe in the supernatural and think it natural and likely a part of our seeking appeasement to insecurity. Telepathy is real though. I have first hand experience and will happily speak to that. If real, NDE seems cruel to the dying. They get so close to answers and heaven, then the doorman slams the door shut in your face. Oh well. Gnostic call Yahweh a demiurge for many good reasons. Yahweh always had a lot of cruelty. Not surprising that Jews rejected him. Stranger question still, is why Christians and Muslims tried to make him so much more of a vile god? Regards DL
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