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Status Updates posted by LonJowett

  1. Do Trump supporters not find it a little weird that the top guys in his campaign were all involved in Russian money laundering?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Omni


      Well Betsy, one thing democracy means to me is to be able to cast a ballot and be confident that it will carry the same weight as every other ballot. What's your version I wonder? 

    3. ?Impact


      My ballot in the 2011 general election counted for 1/10 that of someone in PEI, because their riding got one vote in Parliament and my riding got one vote in Parliament and my riding represented 10 times the number of people.

    4. Omni


      Yeah but I'd rather let those islanders have some sway than the Ruskies.

  2. Good luck to Rand Paul with his hernia operation!

  3. I thought Trump spoke in terms NK could understand and they backed down? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. betsy


      ....and there was no warning that they'd do it over Japan.

    3. scribblet


      Trump is just channeling JFK (Cuba crisis)

  4. I'm trying to figure out how many profiles on this site are Russian bots.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dialamah


      What are the clues?

    3. LonJowett


      Posts that can be found repeated verbatim on other (or the same) sites by "different" posters. Reddit is full of them but I'm not sure about here. 


    4. Argus


      We're all Russian bots. And we're watching you.

  5. Imagine if Obama said "Take the guns first. Go through due process second."

    1. Omni


      The nra would certainly be drawing a bead on him. They would probably try to re flog the birth certificate nonsense for one thing.

    2. Omni


      He did try to say something similar, but unfortunately congress was controlled by the nra supported gop by the time he tried.

  6. Imagine if Obama was not able to acknowledge in any way a boastful nuclear declaration by Putin.

  7. Trump's own DOJ admits he lied about Obama tapping Trump Tower. His remaining supporters concede they have no shame.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. LonJowett


      Read my posts again. I've already pointed out the similarities. Trump's DOJ admitted Trump made accusations with no evidence. I at least have evidence you love Satan: you support Trump defying God's laws. It's not great evidence but it's better than Trump had against Obama.

    3. betsy


      And I told you, that doesn't necessarily mean he was lying.  I gave you the definition.  If we apply the definition - it would be you who's posting lies here.

      Anyway....sell what you want, but I ain't buying.  Ciao.

    4. LonJowett


      And I'm not necessarily lying when I tell people you are Lucifer's servant. I mean well but I'm maybe relying too much on dubious evidence. Nonetheless, hail Satan!

  8. I tried to comment on the previous status update to show that the person was misleading and got deleted. It's non-exhaust pollutants, not pollutants in general. I thought it was an oversight but the deletion suggests it was deliberate.

  9. I tried to comment on the previous status update to show that the person was misleading and my comment got deleted. It's non-exhaust pollutants, not pollutants in general. I thought it was an oversight but the deletion suggests it was deliberate.

    1. waldo


      oh scribblet! That's what happens when you roll the dice and go with a headline from the Daily Howler!

    2. waldo


      and yes... the study does not include exhaust emissions; rather, it focuses on non-exhaust particulate matter... and in that regard, the actual study states that, "total PM10 emissions from electric vehicles were found to be equal to those of modern internal combustion engine vehicles, while PM2.5 emissions were only 1–3% lower for electric vehicles as compared to modern internal combustion engine vehicles"

    3. waldo


      Hey Ho scribblet's Copy&Paste has to go!

  10. Sounds more like he took her to task for being disrespectful.

  11. This forum seems more extreme and shrill than the last time I visited. I wonder if that is representative of the rest of society.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shady


      Extremist = anyone who disagrees with my opinion.

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      OK then. Both extremists have weighed in.

    4. scribblet


      Well, the first couple of pages are okay, then it descends into never never land..

  12. Yeah Riders! Now an easy two in a row against the bumbling Bombers!

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