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Everything posted by socialist

  1. UVA rape scandal in Rolling Stone was the culmination of radical feminists pushing rumors & hoaxes to create a 'rape culture' narrative.

    1. -1=e^ipi


      yep. But according to Anita Sarkeesian, we need to listen and believe.

    2. socialist


      Yeah, well you should be more wise with who you choose to attack.

  2. Watched Ezra Levant's debut show yesterday. Very decent. I started a thread but Charles deleted it. Free speech stifled once again on MLW.,

  3. I am changed. I am embarrassed about the way I used to think. But it is never to late. True MG, I was an idiotic social justice warrior not too long ago.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moonlight Graham
    3. The_Squid


      Me too... I forgive you...

      and I forgive you for all your future trolling too...

      You are loved.

    4. socialist


      I don't troll. I expose weaknesses.

  4. Today’s university education in North America is, for the most part, make believe data padded with heavy duty Left wing political indoctrination. People graduate with all sorts of degrees, even doctorates, in things that have no use in the real World unless the purpose of the degree is to satisfy their father’s requirement that they would graduate from college if they want to be in their Will, or if they aspire to be community organizers, journalists, or some other such parasitic occupation. I met a woman recently at a social gathering who was addressed by some of her current and former students as Dr. X (name omitted for obvious reasons). During the course of the conversation we discussed our educational backgrounds, and when I inquire about the “Dr” title she informed me that she has a doctorate in “Conflict Resolution”. More and more people are going to school for degrees that qualify them for absolutely nothing (Liberal Arts, Psychology, African Studies, et al). or degrees that make them one more in the 20 million people that already have such degrees (Law, Business Administration) and either they get themselves into an insurmountable student loan that is going to force them to postpone all other life plans for many years to come, or worse, they waste the tax payer’s money on something that has absolutely no return in term of positive contributions to society. Times have changed… No, getting a university education is not what it used to be. More than half the degrees available are useless, intended merely to make it easy for some who would have never cut the muster in a real academic environment to get a degree, or they’re so common that they don’t improve much the ability of the graduate to get a good job and develop an interesting and profitable career. Ah!... But they come out “knowing” that Communism and Socialism are good, and Capitalism is bad; they come out believing that there is such thing as man made climate change, and that’s all that matter to the dark forces that have taken over the educational system in America. An interesting thing is that, with the of the ubiquitous nature of the internet and the general availability of a great deal of knowledge, in many cases even for free, if a fairly smart and diligent student spends 2-3 years sitting in his kitchen in front of his laptop six hours a day in two or three years that person will acquire more real knowledge, and develop many more marketable skills, than most with a post-graduate degree after six years in college.
  5. The students of our universities, with no concept of civilization due to their indoctrination into collectivism, are trying to form themselves into the largest meanest animal in the jungle of collectivism.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      As a "teacher" you said you taught your students about social justice etc. Guess it's your fault.

    3. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      Wait, are they forming into Voltron?

    4. kimmy


      He was struck over the head with a copy of Atlas Shrugged and now he's a changed man.

  6. Black panthers took over the Cornell campus at gun point in 1968 and demanded and got special treatment, their own dorm, and lots of earmarked scholarship moneys. My question is still "How can any responsible parent allow their children to attend a ideologically broken down institution like that?". It's unreal. As an employer there is no way I would hire anyone from Cornell, Mizzou or any college with that kind of reactionary faculty.
  7. "Social Justice 1, 2, 3.....I wanna be PC...It's just the way to be...for me....and you!"

  8. Ignore the FACT that the Earth cycles through 100,000 year periods between full ICE AGE and full Inter-Glacial and the FACT that they know sea levels for instance fluctuate over 600 FEET between the two extremes. Ignore that the last ice age ENDED around 14,000 years ago so that if we follow normal cycles the Earth WILL warm for another 40,000 years or so ... and then get colder. Various petition sites have been posting the graph showing GHG emission with Canada spewing an atrocious Conservative-inspired 1.7% of ALL emissions. This graph is idiotically fraudulent. Here are some quick FACTS. THE number one GHG is water vapor and it accounts for 95% of ALL Green House Gasses. 95%!! OK. That leaves a whole 5% of other types of GHG. The overall estimate is approximately 215 Gt's and man produces less than 9Gt's which is just less than 5%. So Canada produces 1.7% of 9 Gt's which is less than 5% of the "other than water vapor" totals. 1.7% of 5% of 5% and they tell us if WE shut down everything (as in EVERYTHING) well maybe that will save the planet. Of course our new political masters don't want us to know the truth because they can TAX the schnot out of us and all the low IQ/low INFO citizens (the same ones who voted) will be HAPPY to pay the extra tax because the Masters tell them they will be saving the climate and the planet for their children.
  9. No one even knows who uttered the alleged racial slurs and who did the dirty deed with the swastika symbol. For this the president of the school is expected to resign? Ridiculous. It's not even the school's job to investigate slurs. The other incident, though, is vandalism of school property. But it might be another false flag operation, of which there have been numerous instances lately. The most sensible reaction for a student, minority or otherwise, encountering a racial slur is a thought balloon that says "Moron" or "Loser" or the like. http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.ca/2015/11/7-articles-later-and-i-still-dont-know.html
  10. “There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter; from the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence…” ~Daniel Webster Most Americans do not realize that Marxists have taken over the Democratic Party in the last 15 years and that their party is now essentially a Marxist/Communist party. There is no appreciable difference between the Communist Party platform now or the Democratic Socialists of America and the Democratic Party. Look at, Andre Carson, you know on the Intelligence Committee, here’s a man with known Muslim Brotherhood ties and Marxist ties. There are really few surprises out there like Tammy Baldwin, the Senator from Wisconsin. She’s a longtime supporter of a Columbian support network which supports Columbia’s Marxist/Leninist Guerillas and she has used her position and your congress on several occasions to try and get U.S. Military aid cut off to the Columbian Military to basically benefit the Marxist/Leninist Guerillas. Judy Chu from California, long time links with Communist Worker’s Party, pro-Chinese Maoist outfit. She served on Obama’s re-election committee. The list goes on and will be revealed in an upcoming documentary . It’s going to be an expose of how 20,000 Marxists in this country took over the Unions such as the AFL-CIO in the 90’s, which in turn took over the Democratic Party to dictate it’s policies which rule the lives of 320 million Americans. And most Americans have no concept of what’s happening. Look for The Enemies Within, coming soon.
  11. Hungary demonstrated to the whole world that you can control your borders. Sure, the left will criticize you - but you will be respected for it.
  12. People in Europe today are just as fearful of expressing their opinions as those in the Soviet Union were in the 80s.

  13. I have 16 warning points. None of them deserved, in my opinion. Mike Hardner has it in for me, so I guess I better continue to tip-toe.
  14. Manitoba Job Stats: Public sector job growth 3.5% Private sector job growth -0.6%

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. socialist


      Lowest wages in Canada? Right there in Manitoba.

      Highest percentage of public sector employees in Canada? Right there in Manitoba

      Highest tax burden on those making less than 42K a year? Right there in Manitoba

      Highest use of foodbanks in Canada? Right there in Manitoba

      Poorest performing students in Canada? Right there in Manitoba. YAY MB NDP!!!!

    3. overthere


      I believe Manitoba has taken over the 'sucking the equalization tit hardest per capita ' championship now too. Those people are achievers.

    4. socialist


      Manitoba is an NDP wasteland.

  15. How can we trust a media that adores the new PM? Pete, Rosie, Bob, Lisa, Craig....all in love with JT. #pathetic

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Topaz


      The media is on vacation after dealing with the Tories but they will report the news on the Liberal government when/if things turn sour, that their jobs and it sells, so just wait before going after the media. No government is perfect.

    3. overthere


      Even the host of The Exchange the other night was clearly cickened by the thoroughness of the unsolicited asslicking provided by the panel on her own show.

    4. overthere


      "it sells,"

      CBC does not have to sell anything, Junior just gave them more money to cover off the advertising revenue lost, since nobody does that on the CBC.network.

  16. I like the TFSA the best. I was able to maximize my contributions because I know how to save and cut needless spending. I believe in being self-sufficient. Sadly, many others want the government to babysit them for the rest of their lives. Sad indeed. Sad.
  17. Rainbows and UNICORNS!!!!! You buy that crap, don't you?
  18. So we have a Daddy's boy running the country and he appointed a Daddy's boy to look after our finances. Great. No seriously, awesome. Why can;t we vote in a Government of hard working people that have achieved success through merit and not privilege? I can't believe so many Canadians have had the wool pulled over their eyes just to spite Harper.
  19. So my TFSA limit has to be reduced because guys like you put travelling ahead of saving? Good grief.
  20. Ontario is shrinking the deficit? How? When? Where? LOL
  21. Just asking questions, there toady. Are questions allowed?
  22. Many who know how to save and cut back on needless spending can. Not my fault you don't know how to save. My TFSA savings has to be reduced because people like you don't know how to manage money. I see, spoken like a true statist.
  23. Listing being an advisor to Kathleen Wynne, as an example of your qualifications, is akin to saying you were an advisor to the Captain of the Titanic. The only difference between the financial state of the the Province of Ontario and the Province of Quebec is, in Quebec it's done in French.
  24. Middle income earners not saving enough but, they're going to lower the TFSA limit? Hmmm.
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