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Everything posted by Hydraboss

  1. My point is this: what could be wrong with designing your kid? You can get rid of the potential disease/defects and keep the positive. White people can have white babies, black people can have black babies, Japanese can little Japanese kidlits. Not sure how this is any different from what is being done right now when it comes to choosing your kid - don't like it? Give it up or abort. At least this way the kids that ARE born will be wanted.
  2. That's a pretty big range. Similar in nature to saying, "We're expecting a baby, but it could be a velociraptor."
  3. The tone of all the responses in this thread seem to be predicated on one thing.....that only Caucasians would have access to the technology. Does anyone really think that all Japanese people are going to elect to have a "Kimmy-look-alike" baby?? Will Brazil do the same? Doesn't make sense to me....
  4. There was no "inciting hatred". Not a hate crime. CRIMINAL CODE OF CANADA Section 318: Hate Propaganda 318. (1) Every one who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years. Nope. Did not "advocate or promote genocide". Just acted like an asshole. Section 319: Public incitement of hatred 319. (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of Nope. Did not "incite hatred". Just wrote a dumbass note. 430.4.1: Mischief relating to religious property 319. (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of Nope. Did not "incite hatred". Just scribbled on a stack of paper that happened to be in book form - and they brought their own. edit->sp
  5. This is the most truthful statement in the whole damn thread. It also applies to Canada and the "right wing" population - the hatred is for those on the extreme left; not so much the people themselves as their apparent belief that the Canada of the somewhat recent past isn't worth retaining. I don't give a damn about muslims or any other religion or culture in particular - just stop telling me I'm a bigot, racist xenophobe. I'm not anti-"other culture", I'm anti-"anti-Canadian".
  6. I know it by rote. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  7. Yes, but like everything else with Justin, it will take twice as long as any normal, intelligent person.
  8. We had lots of rights before that stupid document. Are you saying that no citizen of Canada was permitted to vote before 1982? That citizens weren't innocent until proven guilty before 1982? The Charter was about a french politician putting in protections for french people in this country (Language Rights) and sucking up to natives. Nothing more. The "rights" Canadians had in 1981 weren't altered in 1982.
  9. The Canadian Charter is an absolute embarrassment and should never have been put into force. Another move by the most destructive Prime Minister that Canada has ever had.
  10. I believe Gitmo is absolutely justified, and I was born and raised in Canada. Still live here so I guess your assumption is incorrect. Nope. I'm a homosapien (which actually IS part of the "animal" kingdom) - so I guess you get partial points on that one for being partially correct. I'm sure Kahdr is happy he's alive. Me....not so much. Actually, anyone can deny anything at any time. No one needs your permission. Sorry. Meh...she's semi-cute but certainly not hot enough. But really, who is?
  11. Charles, you just answered a software usage question from 7 1/2 years ago Are you trying to rival Shaw Cable for the Platinum Customer Service award????
  12. Thanks for helping me along on my journey of self realization hot enough. I'm going to give you a "like" for being helpful.
  13. I just can't seem to figure out, after aluminum planes run into steel girder buildings and burn, where the product of burnt aluminum and steel came from. Science is so.....scientific.
  14. Maybe because the "other long-standing troll" makes excellent points whether or not you agree with them. The two have vastly, vastly different approaches to posting on MLW so they are as dissimilar as you can get. You don't have to like his content - for example, Omni and I are at opposite ends of pretty much every spectrum and I happen to think his reasoning is completely wrong, but he tries to use facts when he argues and isn't a one trick pony with his posts.
  15. That's all really interesting. Can you point out the words "breast ironing" in anything you just posted? Thanks,
  16. My "anti-muslim" can be traced to no such thing. If you want to trace it correctly, follow the breadcrumbs back to when the Canadian government started allowing and condoning, by not denouncing, some of the really brutal "cultural customs" of people who don't respect "Canadian values". It has nothing to do with your all encompassing hatred for all things American. I happen to like America. I happen to want to transfer there to live and be a part of a country that has some pride in itself and some balls to back up their actions. As for breast ironing, I'm not sure what any talk about the US has to do with it. I haven't seen any stories published about it happening there....at all. Have you? Can you make a cohesive argument that it has? That they support it? If not, conversation about the greatest country on Earth likely doesn't belong in this thread.
  17. Buck - you have been passed.........
  18. So did you guys divvy up the forum moderation? Care to share who looks after which parts? Pretty please??
  19. Yup, that's stupid alright. What I mean is when there's banter going on in a thread: A - "Trudeau is good for the country and all Canadians stand 100% behind him!" B - "FFS, quit being an idiot - the guy is a fiscal nightmare." The "idiot" comment being reported and whined about is where I take issue. Are people really that frickin sensitive? Maybe they need to go back in their safe space and hide if that's the case.
  20. I'm absolutely fine with the name calling, etc as long as it's evenly enforced. Don't much care what the rules are as long as they apply to everyone the same way. This place was getting way, way too politically correct for a long time. Glad to see a little "life" being brought back.
  21. The way I read that exchange (you and Michael) was that he wasn't responsible for moderating that particular section of the forum. My guess is that the team has split up responsibilities for moderation (like in other forums I've been in). If I had to take a completely uneducated guess (based on other forum policies), a moderator can only post as a member on sections of the forum that they do not moderate themselves. I actually have always liked that idea as it keeps them from posting with any bias when involved in a thread. Of course, like normal, I'm probably wrong.
  22. We've always had it. It's just that progressives like to denounce it as "god bothering" or "......ism" or "......phobia". Apparently, loudly denouncing brutality and disgustingly barbaric acts against women and children makes us "intolerant of other cultures".
  23. Whether you are pro-immigration or anti-immigration, this is barbarism plain and simple. The fact that certain people refuse to call "a spade a spade" doesn't change that. If immigrants themselves aren't willing to PUBLICLY denounce these kind of caveman-like actions, then they absolutely deserve to wear the names and stereotypes that are foisted upon them. In the west, we call this torture. And psychotic. And cruel. And anyone who is not an immigrant would be convicted and jailed for brutalizing children. These are the types of people who are found to be in need of segregation in prison because even the inmates want them dead. But we shouldn't say anything like that because........islamophobia. Disgusting. Edit: After looking into this a little more, it seems that it is primarily African in nature and less prominent in areas that are muslim. So much for me jumping to conclusions. http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/CEDAW/HarmfulPractices/GenderEmpowermentandDevelopment.pdf
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