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Big Guy

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Everything posted by Big Guy

  1. Every once in a while I do read one of your posts just to check if you have learned anything since the last time I wasted a minute of my life on your profound declarations. Unfortunately, you still show your cheerleaders skirt and pom poms. Like a barking puppy, you seem to require the odd scratching behind the ear. Please accept this post as your required scratch. I suggest that very few people really care what you think and I am one of that crowd. The only reason I am replying to this post is my acknowledgement of you. Hello, I did notice you. You appear to be like that child at the children's table, making rude noises to get the adults attention. OK you got my attention and the acknowledgement that someone let you into the room. So I trust that like that once acknowledged puppy and the acknowledged pouting child you will now find something else to do and quit bothering this adult. Go play. Or even better - try reading something (with fewer pictures) about the Middle East and its history. You are not doing your homework.
  2. The new Israeli government, which is largely made up of ultra-nationalist and ultra-religious parties is being described as the most right-wing in Israel's history. http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/topic/25793-former-israeli-pm-on-israels-credibility-fascism/page-3 This rogue nation is getting ready to self destruct. Make sure Canada is clear when the mushroom cloud appears.
  3. My greatest disappointment with American politics is the idea that people are "Republican" or "Democrat" first and Americans second. I believe that these people have battled for so long that they lose sight of their priorities. I suspect that some folks are now prioritizing their dislike of Liberals and Trudeau over their country. If it was Harper in that ad, would you feel the same way? I think it was good for Canada and I am proud that my PM took the time to create it. I would be just as pleased and proud if Harper did exactly the same ad. Hey folks, what is your priority?
  4. I just watched the ad twice. I think it is great. I did not hear "Liberal" once not like the last "Conservative Canadian Government". I heard "Justin Trudeau" twice. I heard "Canada" about 10 times and heard nothing but good things about my country. I thought it is a very effective and positive ad. Maybe you would feel better if Mike Duffy made the ad. I can understand legitimate criticism when he deserves it but this is not one of them.
  5. Parties change or "adjust" policies all the time. Nothing keeps the NDP or the Conservatives from developing policies considered "center oriented". If you promise the electorate what they want then the majority will elect you. Is that not the basic tenet of our democracy? Remember, the Chretien/Martin government was not defeated on policy, it was that the Liberals were considered crooked and in office too long. If Harper had governed more to the center over the last few years then he would still be PM to-day.
  6. While I do not share your full criticism of Ruth Ellen, I would have liked to see her grab something and smack JT on the back of the head or follow him and kick him in his ass. I know that is what my bride and daughters would have done. Women unite!!!!!!
  7. I an not interested what you find amazing. I find it amazing that you would support Israel against Canada. Why not just don't come out and say: "I support the Israeli interests over Canadian interests". I really do not care what Iran does with homosexuals. It is none of my business. It is their country. I would assume that Iran deals with homosexuals similar to what Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and most of our other trading partners do - and we deal with them because it is in our better interests. Do you really care or are you just jumping into this thread to try baiting some controversy? You really have not added anything of substance. Why do you bother?
  8. Why do you insist that Canada has to be dragged down and into war just to support the Netanyahu Zionist government? Let Israel live with the consequences of its own actions without support from the West - especially without support from Canada.
  9. What is wrong with a centrist party governing a nation? Centrist means that it is somewhere between the far left and the far right - which is where most Canadians are. So if a party wants to govern then they will have to support policies which are acceptable to the center - the majority. Why is the FPTP system which favors a non-representative government better than electing a government which is centrist?
  10. Nick Nanos, the darling of CTV polling just "ate his hat" on TV after promising to do so if Trudeau's popularity continued to increase. His latest poll shows that Trudeau not only did not lose support because of elbowgate but gained because of it. It appears that his actions showed "leadership" and the opposition as "childish". Go figure.
  11. Looks like Netanyahu has made a few enemies: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/05/israel-benjamin-netanyahu-suspected-criminal-conduct-160524151410205.html Bibi better be watching his back.
  12. Perhaps you should re-read my posts. I believe that Canada should have some influence in the Middle East. I also believe the future of the Middle East is Iran, which is Muslim and has the opportunity to be the main power there. Iran in increasing in power and influence. Iran can be a major trading power and ally. Israel is a rogue nation which has thumbed its nose at the USA, Canada and the UN. It illegally became a nuclear power and is aggressive and expansionist. The future for Israel is war. I do not think it is in Canada's interest to be associated with Israel. The real danger is that Israel will drag us into a war. Canada's associations do not depend on human rights or rewarding nations. It depends on doing things that are good for Canada. You still have not answered my question - Why do you prioritize Israel interests over Canadian interests? For those who think that an aggressive Israel will ever achieve peace: http://www.aljazeera.com/blogs/middleeast/2016/05/israel-occupation-palestine-qatar-tells-forum-160523084628475.html
  13. How about a moat separating the two sides? Fill it with hungry piranha. It would serve two purposes; Keep the members from opposing parties from crossing the floor for a fight (may also discourage reps from changing parties) and providing relief during votes. If a member voted against party lines they could pick him/her up and toss them into the moat. It would also increase TV audience for votes.
  14. My guys are Canadians. If you are Canadian than people like you make me and other nationalists nervous. Why do you prioritize Israel over Canada? Only Zionists would take that position.
  15. Some refugees try to adapt quickly: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/syrian-kids-sing-o-canada-1.3596147
  16. How can you "stand up for yourself" strictly based on the fact that you are white? Of course that is racist. If blacks "stood up for themselves strictly because they are black" you would be the first to call them racist - For example "Blacks are better athletes than whites" - Is that racist? How about "Asians are smarter than whites". Is that racist - or fact?
  17. It appears that are unable to come up with a reason. BTW - You missed that they are not aliens from another world intent on taking over the earth. On the other hand, if you are a Canadian Israeli or an Israeli Canadian and are more concerned about the increasingly Zionist Israel then you might come up with silly reasons of "why not". Then "why" would indicate a priority for Canada - if that was your priority... my hunch My question was directed at a Canadian and perhaps a Canadian should answer that question.
  18. I believe that the Israelis have the right to do to Palestinians what the Palestinians do to the Israelis - and vice versa. But since they have a great advantage in weapons then the Palestinians should be given more arms and armaments (and maybe some good rockets to replace those wonky sewer pipe rockets) to make a more even playing field so they can defend their current lands and maybe take back that land that has been stolen. I mean fair is fair - isn't it?
  19. So I assume I can update my "Big Guy" attribute data base as analyzed by Dr, Rue. This would mean adding pathetic, simplistic, retarded, cognitively stunted, gross indecency for those who died, contempable (by the way - it is spelled contemptible), baiter, justifier of Muslin extremist terrorism, idiotic. If I missed any please let me know. As to Big Guy stating "In fact, I think the Israelis are entitled to kill as many Palestinians as the Palestinians kill Israelis - and vice versa!" I was trying to play into Rue's understanding of Hebrew. The explanation is as follows: Eye for an Eye: Judaism - Isaac Kalimi explains that the “lex talionis was humanized by the Rabbis who interpreted "an eye for an eye" to mean reasonable pecuniary compensation. As in the case of the Babylonian 'lex talionis', ethical Judaism and humane Jewish jurisprudence replaces the peshat (literal meaning) of the written Torah. Pasachoff and Littman point to the reinterpretation of the lex talionis as an example of the ability of Pharisaic Judaism to "adapt to changing social and intellectual ideas." Perhaps Rue should further study Torah Readings, Haftarah Readings, The Siddur and Talmud: Mishnah and Gemara so he may understand the concept of "The Israelis are entitled to kill as many Palestinians as the Palestinians kill Israelis - and vice versa!" It really is found in your holy books. Get back to me after you review your research.
  20. Why should Canada support Israeli pushing of Palestinians off their land and expanding their settlements into the contested areas? What advantage is it to Canada to have any association at all with Israel?
  21. Netanyahu has appointed a new Minister of Defense who has some interesting ideas: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/05/palestinians-gaza-pour-scorn-lieberman-threats-160523085653518.html Some of Lieberman's hawkish stands include calling for the execution of certain Israeli Arab politicians, repeatedly questioning the loyalty of Israel's Arab minority, proposing the beheading of anyone who opposes the Jewishness of Israel, and suggesting that Palestinian prisoners be drowned in the Dead Sea. He even went as far as to indirectly hint at the possibility of nuking Gaza. Canada has to wash it hands of this rogue Israeli nation and its newest homicidal minister.
  22. Netanyahu continues to reject international efforts of a peaceful Israeli/Palestinian resolution: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/05/netanyahu-renews-rejection-french-peace-initiative-160523131848117.html Anyone still think that this right wing Zionist has any wish for a peace? Israel is backing into a corner and dragging her supporters with him. Time for Canada to cut all ties and get out of that slowly enclosing corner.
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