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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 8 hours ago, eyeball said:

    Too bad so many people like you attacked, cancelled and declared war on leftists who could see this and were telling you to open your stupid eyes decades ago.

    It makes it hard to believe your ability to realize anything given the alternatives so many conservatives now gravitate towards.

    Oh you're back to your old I've been saying this for decades bull crap.

    Conservatives did not attack cancel or declare war on any leftists. And the leftists have not been bad-mouthing institutions, they have been promoting them and taking them over in Canada since the seventies

    Your revisionist history is bullshit. You just had 10 years of complete leftism running this country and this province to "open your eyes" And fix any problems with institutions that you saw and you completely blew it and destroyed the country

    I don't know how you live with yourself. If I had to lie that much just to support my worldview I would be too ashamed to wake up in the morning

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Hodad said:

    Your commitment to carrying Trump's water is impressive, but no, it was not a lie. Trump's people were meeting with Russian intelligence. And you farking know it. 

    The damn Durham report, though full of criticisms of the FBI, acknowledged that investigation was merited. 

    It did not acknowledge that it was merited. In fact it specifically said that they utterly failed to follow the normal procedures of determining whether or not the investigation was justified in the beginning. 

    So there's your credibility out the window yet again

  3. 4 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

    The American economy improved under Biden, and the mythical "woke left."

    It didn't. We've been through this before and I posted extensive numbers charts proofs in detail. 

    Your lie was the lie that the democrats tried to sell to people during the election. But universally people came back and said no, things were much better before and things have gotten worse under Biden.

    Biden told some tricks that create the impression of a decent economy with certain statistics, but when you look under the hood the economy was far worse than it was under trump And people knew it.

    Trump's deficit spending was already higher than it should have been by a fair bit, and Biden went Way Beyond even that point. Well you could artificially inflate the economy a little with excessive borrowing and spending, that has long-term consequences that are unavoidable. Trump's second economy will probably be better than his first economy by the end, and his first economy was better than Biden's

  4. 35 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Sure they're done. I'm just wondering how far Conservatives will leave the door open for the next crew. They always have in the past, why should that change?


    Wow you're back to the old lie that it's all harper's fault that you know commits crimes.

    The conservatives didn't leave the door open. The conservatives closed a lot of doors. In fact justin got caught by many of the laws harper brought in to try and stop that kind of abuse. And as always you blame harper until it's pointed out that that stupid and then you say well I guess Justin's a little bit to blame... But it's harper's he could do it in the first place.

    The conservatives have never left the door open. If anything they tighten the rules and make it harder for the liberals. But there's only so much you can do

    The problem is when liberals break the law supporters like you still vote for them. Until that stops there's no real law you can pass that's going to resolve the problem. The left wing has to learn to hate corruption instead of embracing it, at that point left-wing governments will be very very cautious because they know they can get thrown out. Right now they don't believe you'll vote against them and they're right

  5. 1 hour ago, robosmith said:

    Thanks for your completely UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION. 

    I have practically ZERO cognitive dissonance because unlike you, I carefully consider ALL THE EVIDENCE from many sources and rigorously do reality checking on ALL OF IT.

    For instance, I KNOW that FOS LIES can NEVER be trusted since they've been caught LYING to the tune of $800M LIBEL.

    At least I've never been caught LYING like you have been repeatedly.

    Says the biggest TROLL HERE. 🤮

    You have practically zero cognitive dissonance because you have practically zero cognitive function. It's to be expected in such cases

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

    That explains why Trump was so angered with Denmark that he cancelled a meeting with the Danish PM his last term, when Denmark said it had no intention of selling Greenland.  This is not a joke. Trump, and some of his inner circle, would love to annex Canada. Probably due to our unlimited fresh water supply.


    They aren't even a tiny bit interested. If Canada was part of the us they would have voting rights. We would be roughly the size of California as far as how many people we could elect and they would tend to elect democrats. Republicans aren't even a tiny bit interested in us joining America.

    They can already buy everything that they want from us and if you're going to sleep became a state the state has control over such things as it's water supply. They just get nothing for it. It's actually easier for them for us to be a separate Country and for them to pressure us to give them what they want rather than to be a state that could elect them out of power. Canada would be worth about 52 electoral votes they don't want that used Against them

  7. 22 minutes ago, DUI_Offender said:

    Yes, it's time to stand up to the bully. History is not too kind to bootlickers, like Alberta premier Smith or Conservative leader PP, and others. Trudeau made a big mistake, when he flew to see Trump about the tariff threats. He played right into Trump's playbook. The Mexican PM handled it better. Trudeau really need to play hardball with Trump, or Canadians will find a leader who will.

    That was cringe. Trudeau is just making a bad situation worse. 

    For sure, smith and Poilievre are well known to roll over when challenged  🙄🙄🙄 Get a grip.

    As always with trump the best course of action is the carrot and the stick. You acknowledges genuine concerns I move forward on addressing them legitimately and the meantime you tell him and if you decide to try and push us with tariffs then here's all the ways will retaliate.



  8. 28 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    And you're a trans woman and I support you.

    While i appreciate everyone's right to whatever sexual fantasies they prefer personally, i wish that the members here on the left would stop having such vivid and wishful ones about me :) 

    I'm sure you're a lovely person and will eventually find a boygirl  IRL who'll appreciate you for what you are :)  Keep looking and don't give  up hope!!!!

  9. Just now, DUI_Offender said:

    I agree with sex transition surgery being confined to persons over 16.

    I think most people are coming around to that view. There can be some quibbling as to whether or not 16 or 18 is the appropriate cut off but I think that it's now generally becoming accepted that prior to 16 kids just aren't ready to make life altering decisions like that

  10. 6 minutes ago, DUI_Offender said:

    Then I must have imagined Trump, and FOX News repeatedly bringing it up for the past 10 days. 

    No you're just not entirely bright enough to realize they were bringing it up sarcastically in order to mock our current Prime minister. They have absolutely no interest in it happening, what he's saying is Trudeau is such a weak leader that Canada might as well be a state because Trudeau is basically his biatch. that's why he commented on how trudeau 'came running 15 minutes after i called him" to mar a lago. 

    Trump has no respect for Trudeau and not a ton of respect for Canada. He is shaming us for our poor performance and our poor choices and for Trudeau being a complete wimp

    That does not mean he has any interest in us becoming an actual state. Quite the opposite

  11. 1 minute ago, DUI_Offender said:

    Only 1 in 10 Canadians want to join the United States. It would be political suicide to suggest doing so.

    some provinces pull over the 50% line, and of course they could consider going separately.

    But this has been floated in the past and the united states wasn't interested. Even as I say if somehow magically 100% of us wanted to do it the united states would have no interest. It would be to their detriment not to their benefit

  12. 4 minutes ago, taxme said:

    With Donald Trump as the President of the USA it would probably be better for most Canadians to join America. But i doubt very much that i would see that happen in my lifetime. At this point in my life, i could care less if it ever happens or not. 

    There's no chance. The Americans have zero interest and there's zero in it for them even if 100% of us wanted to.

  13. 2 hours ago, Radiorum said:

    No-one is mutilating kids! International guidelines are being followed.

    All you anti-trans people need to get off your high horse and admit that you are lying to yourself about what is really troubling you. You are disgusted by what you don't understand. But disgust cannot ever be the criterion used to make policy. it's much too subjective. 

    They are mutilating children and they are not following international guidelines. In fact many experts in the field have come out and said they are moving far too quickly to allow gender affirming surgery and today parts of Europe came out and banned the practice entirely for young people.

    The science, the international community, and common sense says you do not mutilate children if it can at all be avoided. More and more places will follow the science and move forward with bans on such mutilations

    If an adult wants to do that to themselves then sure. I think you'll find that most conservatives will support their right to make that choice provided the conservatives aren't paying for it.

    But children? You have to be sick to support that

  14. 2 hours ago, Radiorum said:

    Communication is a two-way street. I take no responsibility for the receiver.

    If the transmission is garbled from the transmitter then even the best receiver in the world will not be able to understand the message. Good communication begins with good transmission.


    This speaks to your lack of understanding, or maybe is it acknowledgement?

    It's observation. So I suppose it's acknowledgment of your character trait of redefining things on the fly to deal with the holes in your logic. Not sure how that helps your discussion.



    And understand the source of all these charges. It is Trump, himself. The false orange god.

    No kid it isn't. I realize you're relatively new here but this has been pointed out by me and others since before January and certainly when we got into the whole ridiculous daily legal challenge time frame back in february.

    These charges aren't real charges and virtually everybody knows it. Including democrats for the most part who still pull that these are political charges but say that that's okay. 

    And the constant name calling charges like saying he's Hitler and such is just stupid. It's not only false it's so false that it makes the speaker look bad and drives people into trump's camp and completely desensitizes the public to any legitimate concerns about trump.


    No, I wouldn't say it is a plurality. Just enough to get the f**cker voted in.

    He won the popular vote. By definition that is a plurality. That's what plurality means.


    And those are the very things Trump appealed to. Hey, we're human. You think we have evolved beyond Og and his cousin Gook? Think again.

    Not really. Certainly he had nothing nice to say about Kammy But he actually appealed to real problems just as much where is Kamala wasn't willing to talk about real problems at all and made her entire pitch about how horrible trump and his voters were


    Showing your base instincts, there.

    First off that has absolutely nothing to do with instincts.

    Second it is an observable and predictable course. The American public has already completely rejected your kind of nonsense and gave trump an overwhelming victory. Unless the democrats have a 180° different approach next time they are likely to be rejected again badly. And because in most cases the incumbent tends to win the next election if a republican gets in again next chances are they will be good to go for the next one after that. So that'll be four years plus 8 years. I realize math can be tough but surely even you can work that out :) 

    The democrats lost because they could not be honest and deal with real issues. As you are doing here. If that doesn't change they will lose again almost certainly.

  15. 5 hours ago, Reg Volk said:

    Just when you thought Justin couldn't get any dumber in the head, he serves up this trash, blaming Americans for not voting for a woman.  No Justin you giant fool, it wasn't that they didn't want to vote for a woman, they just didn't want to vote for THIS woman, because she's a freaking bonehead and her party is the party of woke scumbags.  Like you, you stupid woke scumbag.


    Right now we should be strongly appealing to the american public so that they're more sympathetic to our cause and less approving of trade wars with us. 

    Instead he's out there calling them disappointing misogynists. 

    We are so doomed if we don't get him out of there fast. 

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