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Everything posted by Deluge

  1. Whoredad runs interference for the GPL, or Gay Predators League.
  2. The pride flag is directly connected to that disgusting storybook, and only a lying scumbag activist would try to keep the two separate. You're not a lying scumbag activist, are you Whoredad?
  3. True story, but this kind of thinking is foreign to democrats. All they understand is that they want more votes, and opening the border is the easiest way to get them. They figure if they open the borders and give all the benefits to illegal aliens, that the citizens will get the message and either move out of the country or just crawl off somewhere and die - they could maybe even arm the illegals and let them help cull the herd.
  4. red eyeball's been inhaling weed again. Everyone knows that the democrat party is also communiust/Nazis. In fact the only thing these cultists aren't is Patriotic Americans.
  5. Because we disapprove of his open borders policy and his weird attraction to children.
  6. Oh, they'll tell us, but we'll just throw it back in their faces. I think America is starting to wake up to these woke a$$holes.
  7. 1. It's very likely, or it's not very likely at all? If it's "very likely" then surely you have at least ONE other place of incident. 2. The only cult in this country is the democrat cult, where it's: Pure Democracy > Constitutional Republic. Which means you cultists are into mob rule.
  8. This thread's about Biden?!? We've got to turn this into Trump bashing, and it has to be NOW!!! -- The Left
  9. Yupper, roborankled, which is why sometimes you have to do a little more research.
  10. 1. Climate Change, or man-made climate change, isn't real so that's a stupid concern to have in the first place. 2. Russia and China are always a concern, as they're not our allies. The REAL concern, the democrat concern, is where the greatest concern is, in fact it's more of a threat than a concern. We need to address the concerns I've already stated or we won't have a country. 3. Rabid leftism is what causes chaos. Trump simply points it out and fires away with insults. The real problem is leftist overlords and their Antifa/BLM riot crews. No, my list is relevant. Your list is manufactured bullshit.
  11. Woke woke us up to the democrat commies and Nazis, and now it's time to kick it around, stomp on it, and then banish it to the underground. America's starting to wake up, and I'm here for it.
  12. January 6 sure was scary. You must STILL be quivering in your little boots. I mean, the video tapes alone are nightmare fuel, aren't they comrade. My God, it's enough to scare the ever loving shit out of any wokeflake:
  13. More stupidity from the Left's poster child for the woke virus. Don't you worry, robowoke, the SC will put your lawfare to sleep and Americans will breath easier.
  14. Exactly, Mike. Stamping out means streaming NON-WOKE Disney, and keeping WOKE Disney away from kids.
  15. I'm awake to woke, and yes, woke needs to go. See, the woke movement is like an accelerant - it has spurred the democrat commies and Nazis into action and now we, as normal citizens, have to kick it around, stomp on it, and then banish it to the underground where it belongs. Does that make sense?
  16. See, what you don't understand is that political activists have replaced actual storytellers. And when political activists replace actual storytellers, the story suffers - It takes a backseat to gender swapping, race swapping, and sexual orientation. But see, you being a trained seal, are not able to capture this kind of thing. You just clap your flappers and chortle your approval along with the rest of the circus animals. I, on the other hand, appreciate good stories. If someone wants to tackle an already existing story, then I expect consistency. Now, on VERY rare occasions you do see a reimagining of an existing story, that still turns out great - Shawshank Redemption being one of them. In the book, Red is a red headed Irishman - in the movie, Red is a black man. I didn't have a problem with this because the story was still excellent, and Morgan Freeman was simply born to play that role - I can't imagine anyone else stepping in and doing a better job.
  17. No, you are saying that you are cool with how things are/went at BET and Black Panther, even though white leads are/were left out of both. The only way you can be IMPARTIAL, Partial is if you're showing outrage on all fronts, and you're not doing that. See, YOU are content with the woke movement driving society, and you get upset when inconsistencies are pointed out.
  18. Yup, I DO have the choice, and I choose to close my wallet, protest, and help get the word out on a regular basis that Disney content sucks. YOU, on the other hand, are saying that the Blank Panther movie and Black Entertainment Television needs/needed white people in them because it's about the story, not the actor, and all black actors are not better actors than all white actors. so there's an imbalance in Black Panther and BET.
  19. No good. Those degenerates destroyed Marvel and Star Wars, which is cultural vandalism. It needs to be stomped on and kicked to the underground where it belongs.
  20. Yeah, you're right actually - it IS invasive, and that means we really do need to stamp it out, not just stand in its way.
  21. The trouble with wokeness is that it's aggressive; in fact, it's gotten so aggressive that it doesn't leave very many options. You either stand down, or you stand in its way. Those really are the only two options - most Americans have stood down, but now I think more and more are seeing the need to stand in its way.
  22. Yes, that's very clear, thank you. It's late, but at least I was able to get that out of you. Now, tell me who you think is trying to "unring the bell" on wokeness. Also, does the thought of pushing back on wokeness disturb you?
  23. YOU said: "As long as you have the first amendment and the Internet.. you are going to have some degree of wokeness in the more populated areas. There is no way to unring the bell." You posted that shit either right after, or almost right after, I posted the video about woketards flying queer flags on school grounds. This could very easily lead one to believe that you were saying, in a soft, flaky, round about way, that queer flags on school grounds are inevitable in the more "populated" areas. Is that what you were saying?
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