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I am Groot

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Everything posted by I am Groot

  1. The US was obligated to help Ukraine by guaranteeing its borders under the Belgrade agreement.
  2. And how many resources did they steal? Every Republican and virtually every Democrat were in favour of invading Iraq. If Frum's words were that influential Trump would be in prison now, where he belongs.
  3. If by 'pedo' you mean men who lust after teenagers, Trump is also a pedo. He's notorious for barging into the dressing room for Miss Teenage America when he ran the show. And let's just say the pictures of him and his daughter, and the comments he's made, suggest he had such lusts a lot closer to home than is traditional.
  4. Under the 'guise'? Are you suggesting there is no national emergency? And their constitution calls for such a suspension. Especially when millions of their citizens are refugees and millions more live under occupation.
  5. I don't think Frum has changed. He's still a traditional conservative. There aren't many, if any of those left in the Republican Party anymore.
  6. Trump doesn't give a shit about America. Trump cares about Trump and ONLY Trump. America's military policy for generations has been to confront those who are certain to be their enemies far from their shores before they can get too close. In the case of the Soviets, it was to confront them wherever they sought power, to prevent them from getting more powerful. Too powerful. A secondary objective of American power is to protect America's access to raw resources it needs to power industry. They're in the process of losing most of that now. China and Russia own much of Africa now, and China is making deep inroads into South America. They will have priority for resources. A third purpose is to protect allies who can be useful in offsetting the power of powers hostile to the US, and provide markets for American goods. Trump is in the process of throwing all of that away and reducing America's power and influence to just its own borders.
  7. And how many Republicans were against the war? In round numbers. I'll wait.
  8. You hear this on RT? Zelensky was democratically elected. There's no question about it. You aren't 'weaponizing the legal system' by allowing it to investigate and charge a notorious criminal with the crimes he committed.
  9. Give him time. He's setting up all the federal agencies that might investigate such a thing with loyalists. Doing the same with the army and intelligence services, and stacking the courts. He and his frat boy VP are also starting to make noises like only he can say what's legal and how the courts should not dare try to judge him.
  10. You don't get to have alternate facts. By daring to defend a country attacked without provocation by a murdering butcher, you mean? Because Trump is Putin's puppet, you mean?
  11. Does his being intelligent scare you? Or does it just make you jealous?
  12. And therein lies the definition of what MAGA stands for. If the 'left', however defined, doesn't like it, then it must be good. For example, the Left doesn't like rape, so it's a good thing MAGA is led by a leader who operates under no such belief. Rape is good because the left doesn't like it. The rest of Europe doesn't have an ocean between them and Russia. They have an awful lot to win by saving Ukraine, which next to Russia now has the most powerful military on the continent. Added to Russia's own, it would make the Russians much more dangerous to the West, especially with the US now a Russian ally in the process of transitioning to a Russian client state.
  13. Especially given the US persuaded Ukraine to give its nukes back to Russia by guaranteeing its borders. Now that push comes to shove Trump is thrusting his fat, greasy palm out and demanding he be paid off.
  14. Are you suggesting Zelensky is 'woke' because he stood up to Russia? The MAGA base can suck a bag of dicks. They're ignorant yokels who worship a man with less morality than a pimp, less maturity than a four-year-old, and less intelligence than the pig Trump resembles.
  15. Uh huhhhhh. Evidence of this stealing? As far as I'm aware everything they spend is approved by congress. What kind of shape do you think the military will be in after all these cuts to its budget? Is this really the time, as the warlords rise in power and ambition, to be slashing your military? Sure it was. The wealthy donor class provided the slanted media coverage and pumped out the political propaganda and divisive stories to get one group of Americans to hate, loathe, and despise the other group so they could take advantage. "Hey, look dummies, squirrel! Look at the squirrel!" Dummies who are just starting to realize their veterans benefits are being slashed, their medicare is being slashed, their education funding is being slashed. None of which is being mentioned much in right-wing media, of course. But they'll find out eventually. Meaning, the wealthy don't need healthcare, education or other benefit programs. So what's the point of them? America has too many seniors. Remove their pensions and healthcare so they all die off. Think of the savings!
  16. Including those who administer important programs that the wealthy donor class don't need. Like money to public healthcare and patients, to veterans (suckers) healthcare and programs. Who needs it when you're rich? Who needs public education either? Your kids certainly don't use it. And the military? Screw em. Putin is friendly with oligarchs anyway. He'll make a fine new leader.
  17. Oh yes. It's very important all those people step down, seniors to forego their medical care, and the military to be slashed to the bone so that those funds can be given to the wealthy donor class in the form of tax cuts that will funnel most of the $4.5 trillion in intended cuts into their Swiss bank accounts. Yay. Own the libs. Woo.
  18. I knew you had led a sheltered life. But I had no idea it was that sheltered. Maybe climb off mommy's lap and look out the window now and then. I personally don't question the contribution of natives to Canadian society. There has been none. Zero. As for wrongs at residential schools. Yeah. So? There were wrongs at a lot of schools. There were definitely wrongs at boarding schools, orphanages and juvenile detention facilities "Spare the rod and spoil the child" was a cultural constant. And sometimes they went too far. And sometimes they were sadistic Aholes. And sometimes there was sexual abuse - at all these places. And society ignored that completely. Here and everywhere else in the world. Does it hurt you to realize people weren't quite as sophisticated back then as they are today?
  19. How Net Zero is economic suicide for the West. In which Paul Marshall points out that those countries furthest ahead in net zero have the most expensive power, and are losing their industries to China and other countries. The cost of power in the UK is now 7 times what it is in China. We are driving our industries to the enemy, where they set up and use cheap coal power to build what they used to build here, then ship it back to us. China then uses the money to build weapons and to spread its influence into every Western government.
  20. The term 'carbon competitive' is an absurd creation. It means, i guess, if we are to get our carbon footprint down around where others have theirs. But that doesn't account for our much larger land space requiring more travel, or our climate or our oil and gas industries. Besides, which this is a competition we don't want to win. It involves greatly increasing spending on wasteful energy projects and increasing the cost of energy to discourage people from using it. And that inevitably leads to lower growth and more poverty. Bjorn Lomborg demonstrates what this means in just two minutes.
  21. Trump was famously sleazy before he became a politician, and his business has been convicted of criminal fraud and tax fraud. His charity was convicted of fraud, as was his online university.
  22. I love how the Trumptards remain convinced that one of the most corrupt businessmen in America is going to 'clean out the swamp'.
  23. Yeah, to refugee terrorists who stayed around just long enough for him to get citizenship, then he was shipped back to the middle east. He was not raised in Canada. I doubt he ever even thought of himself as Canadian. I wonder if he even spoke English before coming back to collect his money. If we'd had any sort of intelligent refugee determination system they'd never have been allowed in.
  24. It's funny to see the liberal types who cheered hysterically when Trudeau said that 'a Canadian is a Canadian' and that nothing, not even treason or terrorism, justifies removing their citizenship, even if their connection with Canada is very slight like the Khadrs eagerly try to remove the citizenship of a guy who has done nothing to us and is merely working with Trump.
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