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Everything posted by ExFlyer

  1. Hmmm, lemme see, what did I say? Oh yeah : "Only48%?? And 52% said they support or do not care. I am in the do not care group." Nice to see you can regurgitate my comment LOL Oh and... you have a little math issue too LOL
  2. Only48%?? And 52% said they support or do not care. I am in the do not care group.
  3. ???? Are actually implying that the CBC is becoming conservative? After all this time shitting on CBC for being pro liberal??
  4. The Passport office close to where I live is very quick. Walked in with my papers, correctly filled out and an acceptable photo, waited 5 minutes and within a week had my passport. There is another not far away and there is no lineups either.
  5. Nope, once again, you are wrong, as usual. Nope again, wrong. I have never praised or said anything pro hamas. I have said killing innocent Palestinian women and children was wrong. Ummm, I have said that October 7 was wrong. I have also said that the past 6 months have been wrong too. Why is it so important to you what I say and that I agree with you? You seem like a Jehovah Witness at my door trying to convert me to your way... I do the same to you as i do to them.....slam the door. LOL
  6. Sure, but you have neither the skill or intelligence to get them across either LOL Besides, why is it so important that I agree with you. It will never happen yet, you try and try and try again...with massive failure LOL
  7. Yes, I said that. Are attempting to claim that is a complaint or is it an opinion or observation?? I am entitled to both, without picking sides. When I criticize, I criticize both sides with comments such as "there are no good guys" in this conflict. As I have also said, both sides have culpability in this. I have never criticized Israel without also acknowledging that Oct 7 was an attack. You ain't gonna convert me to judaism or muslim. Both have overzealous ssues. IMO. LOL
  8. Look, you know my rake on the middle east situation. Trying to convince me otherwise is fruitless and a waste of time. Insinuating that I support terrorism is an insult and a complete falsehood.
  9. Playing word games to defend your lack of knowledge LOL They certainly have tried.
  10. Ahhh, could not answer the question so you become a grammar teacher??? Sounds like you failed again and caught in a lie again LOL "by definitio phrase If you say that something has a particular quality by definition, you mean that it has this quality simply because of what it is." Genocide: noun the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Or are you is some 1diotic way saying the Israeli occupation, invasion, bombing and killing is accidental?? LOL
  11. You are putting too much pressure on me. I will have to lay down in my hotel room bed and get room service
  12. Interesting.Who are you speaking of? The ones that attacked on Oct 7 or the ones that have been continually attacking for the past 6 months? Not picking sides, just asking clarification.
  13. Where and when have I complained about Israel? Yes, I said genocide because by definition, what Israel is doing is genocide. Yes, they are all playing a bad game. No favourites in it, all are culpable. Again, where and when have I complained about Israel and pushed hamas propaganda? Because I said there are no good guys in this shitshow?
  14. But, but, but, I thought it was OK. My buddy worked for CRA and collected it LOL
  15. Clearly some folks got away with it and some did not. CRA reversed $246M in pandemic benefit debts after thousands contested eligibility status The government has had to cancel at least $246 million in debts for thousands of Canadians it initially claimed had received pandemic benefits for which they weren't eligible. https://ca.yahoo.com/news/cra-reversed-246m-pandemic-benefit-080000705.html
  16. I have given many "well-thought-out and articulate argument " and have taken the flack form a few, like you that disagree. This is not a forum for discussion or opinion, it is for the select few to agree with each other anything else will be chastised.. Let me reiterate for the umpteenth time what my stance on the middle east situation is....Nuke the place and turn the region into a radioactive wasteland...the only way to ensure peace and quiet. There are no good guys there. Owwwww, such vitriol. To all that disagree with you? Like the dirty ole man that's trying to pick up a young chick...my way or the highway
  17. Respond to what? Nonsense? Not worth my time "User, Trump Social, Fox, same shit all losers. " an insult....or fact?? You decide
  18. Oh yea. User, the definitive source...NOT!!! User, Trump Social, Fox, same shit all losers.
  19. Just for you, Army is the number one oldest element in the Military, but, i never wished I was in the Army. I liked the look from above and from my hotel room
  20. Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. "a campaign of genocide" O frack, that is what is happening in Gaza???? Yeah, OK. 🤦 What are you wanting me to say?? Oh wait, let me say it again. Nuke the entire region, turn it into a wasteland, be radioactive for generations, then there will be peace.
  21. So, that is not genocide??? Yeah, says you LOL Meaning what? 3.7 million in the USA??/ So what??
  22. Wow, regurgitating what I have been saying form the beginning. Finally you got smart? Finally you see the obvious? Took you long enough LOL
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