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Everything posted by West

  1. I'd say. Anyone can see the leftist judge was a partisan hack. The trial, if it gets there, should be moved out of Ottawa. A snake pit where liberal opinions are law
  2. Catching glimpses of Tamara's show trial today. Apparently a judge running as a Liberal Party candidate and donating more than $18,000 to the LPOC presiding over a case where the defendant was protesting a Liberal policy is in no way a conflict of interest lol.. Only if you are a Liberal
  3. FINTRAC admits Freedom Convoy funds weren't used for terrorism purposes. More Trudeau lies exposed https://tnc.news/2022/02/25/convoy-donations-came-from-fed-up-people-not-terrorists-fintrac/?fbclid=IwAR3mTTM7rbnDRksalArPmqgPRexPcpyZCQomJpMsaGhsu1uYN45D3TRWSgc
  4. AHS erects a fence around GraceLife Church for the crime of having a church service during Covid. edmonton.citynews.ca/2021/06/22/fence-gracelife-church-july1-ahs/amp/
  5. This thread is to discuss the ridiculous mandates over the past two years and the draconian measures implemented across Canada. I'll start: https://tnc.news/2022/03/01/first-nations-mothers-fighting-35000-in-fines-for-going-to-buy-groceries-diapers/ A car full of women fined $5000 each for traveling to get essentials such as diapers and baby formula in defiance of Manitoba's stay at home order.
  6. Freeland holding a Nazi banner and taking after her grandfather. Sad
  7. The US did count people who rolled into the hospital with covid as covid hospitalizations. Dr. Birx even admitted as such. The us numbers are very likely grossly overinflated
  8. What about Ottawa? People could still get around other than the ridiculous blockades installed by the state. Yet they still pepper sprayed, threw punches, and engaged in state violence against protesters.
  9. New Pfizer dump today. 9 pages of side effects. Yet you have no choice. If you want a job, take the risk
  10. When's Trudeau going to release the stolen money back to the truckers
  11. I literally watched US propaganda from Mitt Romney on CNN on Sunday (just happened to be on in a restaurant I was in) talking about supplying weapons to the Ukraine. Of course if you are a bit hesitant to provide another country with weapons after seeing how Biden bungled the Afghanistan withdrawal leaving billions of dollars in weaponry to the hands of the Taliban you are somehow a traitor to your nation ? I would love a Russian perspective on Romneys comments. I can see how they'd take that as a sign of aggression. Yet no issues with cnn whipping up a nation into potential nuclear conflict with Russia.
  12. To be honest no. I watch what lil potatoe says and let what comes out of his mouth speak for itself ?
  13. CNN falsely claimed the last American president worked in secret with Vladimir Putin to steal an election ?. If that wasn't destructive to western democracy don't know what is. Maybe but you are also getting talking points directly from the DNC from CNN
  14. I imagine when they can censor the internet they'll put a stop to that pretty quickly. Can't see any of what Trudeau calls unacceptable views and must always take the side of the Canadian government ?
  15. In the case of RT, I would want to have access to the station to get their perspective whether I agree with it or not. Not a huge fan of CNN but still don't want them banned in Canada. So your equating the Russian perspective on the war to doing cocaine and you believe you are somehow making a point ?.
  16. Yes I'm aware of that. I don't think we are disagreeing on the facts. The question is should the government be involved in content censorship?
  17. Yes I'm well aware of Bell et Al's decision (see the op). You didn't seem aware of the government pressuring the crtc to take them off the air.
  18. The government asked the CRTC to take them off Canadian airwaves...
  19. I'm not arguing for or against the validity of RT just that it shouldn't be up to Justin Trudeau to make that call
  20. How Russia spends their money is of very little concern to me. I oppose cbc because it's my tax dollars going toward filth. Either way still irrelevant to the government censoring different view points because they disagree with them. Not really a free society at that point imo
  21. What about Boris Johnson in the UK? What about Justin Trudeau? He's asking for the same https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-trudeau-to-ask-canadas-broadcast-regulator-to-review-rts-presence-on/ ... I believe the term the globalist are using for this is "stakeholder capitalism"
  22. Candace Bergen has called for the CRTC to pull their license... An alliance between big business and government (fascism)
  23. I never said RT was good or bad, only questioning why our government is playing the role of views police. I certainly think there's some value in knowing the point of view of those you consider an enemy.
  24. Yes we might develop unacceptable views if left to our own devices
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