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Everything posted by West

  1. The biggest global threat is China. Russia is only a threat as they are an alliance with the Chinese. Iran and Saudi are the next two. Russia is probably well below any mid eastern country in term of threat to the west.. If the west goes down it'll be from within
  2. Who posted that? Vladimir wouldn't even make top 5... perhaps not even top 10
  3. Gold coming from Trudeau. A man credibly accused of sexual assault
  4. You have to keep your eyes on the globalist. Right now they are using this nonsense to stifle freedom of the press. Anyone who disagrees with them is by default an arm of Vladimir and therefore should be censored. A bunch of wing nuts these globalists
  5. Four years under Trump with relative peace. Biden's in power for a year and the whole world goes to hell between the botched Afghanistan withdrawal now this
  6. Putin's economy is the size of a mid sized US state. Russia isn't a serious threat. Apparently he's getting kicked by the Ukrainian army right now ?
  7. Sure but why should I like the globalist puppet more? Is it possible that both countries are el locco and neither should be supported?
  8. I know according to CTV, CBC and Global we are supposed to be anti Russia and pro Ukraine. I'm neutral. Is there a reason why I should like the globalist puppet in Ukraine more than Vladimir Putin?
  9. Well at least not that we know. Then again we were told a bunch of nonsense about the vaccine that was false so why should we stop asking questions? As the old saying goes "where there's smoke there's fire"
  10. Just yell and scream and demand people go along with it or take away their jobs eh ?.. and you are the sane ones
  11. More annoyed at all the folks lighting their hair on fire over a virus and expecting you to follow suit
  12. Good day in Saskatchewan as masks are no longer required indoors. Good to see peoples faces again.
  13. I highly doubt any Russian aircraft makes it out of the area without getting shot down by any NATO members in the area.
  14. Coincidence that so many western nations began ending the passes when this crap came out? Only Trudeau continues on with it. Yikes
  15. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a huge Putin fan but I highly doubt he nukes Ukraine
  16. Do you actually believe putin is going to nuke a country that borders his? Wouldn't that in effect kill many of his own people?
  17. You get called a communist. I get called a white supremacist.
  18. If putin would've pepper sprayed and batoned peaceful protesters, do you think you'd respond the same way as you did to the Freedom Convoy?
  19. ?. I'm still capitalist just not in it's present form.
  20. This is the first I've seen you post it. Yes I'm deeply concerned with corruption at home too. The two are connected imo.. wealth is being concentrated in the hands of a few through crony capitalism.
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