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Everything posted by Cannucklehead

  1. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/current-operations/list.html We are too busy scratching our asses.
  2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/trump-abandoning-kurds-syria-didnt-help-during-wwii-allies-2019-10 From the horses mouth: "They didn't help us in the Second World War, they didn't help us with Normandy," Trump said of the Kurds. He added, "With all of that being said, we like the Kurds." go back to russia scum bags.
  3. So the u.s. supports terrorists? Good call on that. Cry about 9/11 then. Lol
  4. Confederation was a grouping of english colonies and French. Western canada was more english expansion. The reason why there is a problem with the french is because Quebec city is the oldest city in north america(not including the natives)
  5. Right. Remeber you said that when your speaking Russian.
  6. Oh nothing but boring old economic sanctions. But yeah I'm with you, let's go and start world war three.
  7. Virtuous I may be, but I am not suicidal. There is a difference.
  8. Rosenberg gained international press coverage as the first foreign woman to join Kurds battling the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria or Iraq. your point being.. ?
  9. Critics of Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria have pointed specifically to Russia's expanding influence as a concern. Dont worry, I'm sure your comrades will have your back. I've already visited the u.s. a couple of times. Green bay was nice.
  10. We spent years there fighting off isis along with many other countries. Now you spit in their faces and run like cowards while they destroy everything that they all fought for( the u.s. fought against isis as well) and call it a way to save money? They are going to cause a disaster for the world and the cause of anti terrorism. Maybe I should go over to the u.s. and start waving a cccp flag around then? Bet you'd start waving a pistol in my face and start foaming at the mouth.
  11. How is it our fight? We are not "world police" If anything it would now be the U.N. who should step in, and they have also criticized trump for leaving. But yeah, they all know nothing. You brainwashed trump fans know what's best.
  12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/eu-demands-turkey-halt-syria-operation-as-nato-chief-urges-restraint/amp/ Again. Not our fight. But now they are going to strengthen ISIS and putin with this attack. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/sorry-lindsey-graham-america-cant-kick-turkey-out-nato-unilaterally-86461 Sadly, it's true. They cant.
  13. Trump tweeted Wednesday that the withdrawal involved roughly 50 service members. An administration official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of U.S. involvement in the region described the number of soldiers involved to be between 50 and 100. So the great american war machine cant keep 100 soldiers there to stop a bloodbath? Even reps are criticizing trump for pulling them out. But you know better than them too, right?
  14. Right. Backing up the u.s. for years fighting off isis and they are called @$$holes and left to die for Putin. It's because of ignorant people like you the u.s. has become what it is, and why things like 9/11 happened in the first place. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna106402 Ever heard of this? Do you even know what it will lead to? Btw, not cnn.
  15. And then they'll come crying to us for aid afterwards. Figures.
  16. If we watched CNN we'd probably see a lot of Syrians getting murdered thanks to your trump. Disgusting treatment of allies.
  17. Yeah there is. The guardian, Washington post, New York times, etc..but those are all fake news unless their headlines read " trump is the greatest president of the greatest country on earth"
  18. Where did I say the u.s.s.r did everything? I actually stated differently, but you are obviously far too edumacted to read.
  19. Would you go to a bank and ask for aid but call it a loan? They are not the same thing. Aid is a form of charity. Loans are something you pay back at a later day.
  20. Would you like to see my driver's license? Or perhaps my voter card that came in the mail last week? That was the deal they made with the Soviets because of the necessity. Four years of defensive action can be quite expensive. https://www.rbth.com/defence/2016/03/14/lend-lease-how-american-supplies-aided-the-ussr-in-its-darkest-hour_575559 After the end of WWII the U.S. asked countries to pay for the civilian supplies they received (steamboats, trucks, power plants). The U.S. believed that the USSR had to pay $1.3 billion, yet Soviet government officials said they could only pay $170 million. Obviously, the U.S. did not accept these conditions, which led to talks in 1972 at which the two countries signed an agreement whereby the USSR was obliged to pay the U.S. $722 million by 2001.
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