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Everything posted by Owly

  1. It's not me you need to ask. Perhaps redirect your query to the proper source.
  2. If Trump is so "important" on the "world stage", I wonder how come he gets pushed artound by the likes of his "buddy" fat kim. After a summit in Singapore with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un last summer, President Donald Trump tweeted that “there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.” The enthusiasm proved premature. Diplomatic progress between the two countries slowed throughout the fall, and North Korea continued many of its activities as usual, including advancing its nuclear weapons research and improving some missile bases, according to experts. As he heads to a second summit in Vietnam this week, Trump has continued to lavish praise on Kim, but he has dialed down some of the claims. Other U.S. officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have said they hope to achieve more “real demonstrable, verifiable” steps this time around. http://time.com/5537298/north-korea-summit-nuclear-program/
  3. How does that old saying go..."birds of a feather"
  4. I think there is a difference between disrupting status quo and causing havoc, which it seems what he has done so far. And why do you worship a man who lies so constantly?
  5. And Trump seems to want to close all the borders so he can create his pasty white society his type of bigotry can only be comfortable with. And of course he more "relevant" when he gets on stage with dictators like kim, vladi, mbs. He now pretty much gets dismissed/laughed at when on stage with historical allies.
  6. Trump came home from his first "love in" with Kim and tweeted out that "NK poses no more nuclear threat". Sat photos not long after show construction and revamping of missile sites carries right along. There's your "funny business" although I wouldn't call it that.
  7. I doubt that very much, I suspect you will see executive privilege applied to keep certain parts redacted.
  8. Bored with it, don't bother reading it. We all know there was Russian meddling in the 2016 election. and yeah what's Trump got done on his "wall" so far, oh yeah, a few hundred feet of fence. Whew!
  9. I'll wait 'till I hear the report first thanks.
  10. Naw we'll be happy to finally see the results of the actual report.
  11. And that sounds like a lot of fluff to try to deflect from the fact that Trump's actions failed, in this case regarding NK. We all know he will lie to try and cover up for it.
  12. Ah no, except when he says there wasn't enough evidence discovered to directly link him to the collusion we all know there was. But of course he doesn't say that, he just says there was no conclusion, and follows it up with "the report totally exonerated me" which is exactly the opposite of what the report said. So, I'm afraid we're back to lips moving, lies flowing.
  13. Seems like you completely missed my point, again. Trump claimed fat kim was de nuking while has actually been doing the opposite. That makes trump a failure. He has done so on many fronts. That's the reality outside of him saying "we fell in love" and other nonsense.
  14. I'm sure he'll be very thankful to you for your feeble attempt to make excuses for him. And btw, do you have any understanding of who fat kim is or what he has done?
  15. Actions like what, grabbing women inappropriately? Hugging kim jung un? Standing at a podium and saying he believes Vladimir Putin over his own intel. structure?
  16. You don't need the media to tell you when he's lying, just watch to see if his lips are moving. Today at "the wall" was as good an example as anyone needs to see that.
  17. All you need the media for is simply to let them bring trumps lies onto your screen so you can hear for yourself.
  18. And of course trump got caught out again today with his visit to his "newly constructed wall section" which of course is actually a rebuilt fence section that was a project put on the books 10 years ago. It amazes me how people will blindly accept such blatant lies.
  19. Let's see, Trump is well up over 9000 lies. I doubt any news org., not even faux has reached that score.
  20. Well let's see who else has a dpa in effect, um, tyhere's the USA, the United Kingdom, and Australia just off the top of my head. I hadn't heard that Russia had one. Please advise.
  21. They are eligible for a dpa and that is now in the hands of David Lametti. We shall see.
  22. The act requires they either conform or go to court.
  23. Maybe if Trump didn't lie so often while faux, and especially breitbart didn't support his lies they would have a reputation beyond actual fake news.
  24. Company gets fined for legal breaches and gets put under a spotlight to reform or face further prosecution. The blue collar guys/gals get to keep their jobs in the meantime.
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