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Everything posted by Owly

  1. Too bad conservatives don't seem to understand what the phrase "does not exonerate" with reference tp Trumps actions. I bet there is more meat on the bone in the full report.
  2. I guess you're hoping a little waiting will somehow reduce the impact. That's what buttercups do.
  3. pegida: a German founded, far right, anti Muslim, white nationalist movement, founded by a guy who was temporarily removed after he posed as Hitler and made racist statements on facebook. He sounds "sane" to you perhaps, but not me. Oh but he has been reinstated so don't worry.
  4. I suppose they can, while the proper redactions are made. Beyond that, what's your point?
  5. Trump is now in the process of completely replacing the ACA and replacing it with basically sfa. Americans can take his previous comments about "we will take care of people with pre-existing conditions" and throw them on the ever burgeoning shitpile of his lies.
  6. So you have nothing of any import to say on the issue.
  7. Nope, we are waiting for the full Mueller report to be made public. The Russians are already gearing up to mess with the 2020 election.
  8. "Obama's sins and lies"? any meat on the bone there or do you just like to make stuff up? Trump hasn't hurt me, only himself as he hasd become a laughing stock. But if he ever tries to grab my genitals I'll punch his lights out. his little hairpiece will fly off.
  9. So you'd like to vote for a narcissistic moron who brags about sexually assaulting women, can't speak without reading (poorly) from a cue card, and lies constantly. What's his count uop to now, well over 8k I think, and increasing rapidly in the wake of the Mueller report.
  10. So you prefer a narcissistic moron. Well you can cast your ballot once again for your preferred one come 2020.
  11. Well if you think voting is witch burning then you have a serious problem. It's called democracy and the next election is in 2020. And hopefully voters will have the full Mueller report to refer to by then. B'bye Donny. No more "full exoneration" for you.
  12. Words flowing from Trumps mouth are not my implications. Sorry. For 2020, I'm hoping the more educated youthful voters will get off the sofa and go vote as they have said they will. B'bye Donny.
  13. Trump himself is probably his most frightened fan. He has already begun lying about the little bits we know of the report. Trump says: "complete exoneration" Report says: "Not exonerated". I guess he was hoping no one would catch him out on that one.
  14. Speaking of dead horses I guess all you Trumpites still still try to flog the Hillary thingy. And yes you can table the full report, minus redactions on issues of national security. The American people paid for it and they want to see it.
  15. Yes and lets hear the whole report. I'm not sure I buy that Barr's little 4 pager is not totally biased based on his history. And lets see what NY State and SDNY have up their legal sleeves.
  16. George Bush needed to put on a show to respond to the 9-11 attacks. He simply picked the wrong country. It wasn't a mistake, he just wouldn't dare attack Saudi Arabia whose people actually did fly the planes that day. Too much oil money at stake as you know.
  17. I agree. The angle of attack sensor seems to have malfunctioned and sent the wrong message to the MCAS system. Maybe it just stuck and on rotation continued to tell the rest of the system the aircraft was still in level flight at relatively slow speed and therefore instructed the MCAS to lower the nose. If only the pilots had of been properly instructed as to how to over ride that system.
  18. Right then, I think I understand why Canada didn't/couldn't stop the US from going into Iraq. But good on Chretien for thumbing his nose at the idea.
  19. So you would prefer a "leader" who cozies up to some of the worst murderous dictators in the world (Fat Kim, Putin, MBS) and is an admitted sex offender. Right. As you say, never in Canada.
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