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Everything posted by Yzermandius19

  1. You're a tiny country FInland. Geographical representation works way better over here, people in cities deciding who represents the people in rural ridings is dumb, they already get more ridings anyway, no need to deprive the rural ridings any representation whatsoever, especially with our population density.
  2. Opposition research is not illegal. Neither are Quid Pro Quo's, which are the basis of diplomatic negotiations.
  3. Any Quid Pro Quo is not a crime. Quid Pro Quo's are how foreign policy is done. You need to prove that the Quid Pro Quo only benefited Trump and Trump actively hurt the United States intentionally to do so, and that is a bar that the evidence doesn't even come close to clearing. You have no proof the Quid Pro Quo is only about Biden, you have no proof it wasn't just standard negotiations. Do you really think that Trump and Trudeau never asked each other for favors or asked for Quid Pro Quo's when negotiating the USMCA? That's not a crime, that's diplomacy, you moron. You simply know nothing about diplomacy and are easily brainwashed into believing absolute nonsense just because the press spins things in a ridiculous manner that fits your Orange Man Bad confirmation bias. You are such a rube.
  4. He didn't say why, and yeah it does happen all the time, every single President did it, all the damn time. You have wishful thinking, and that's all you have.
  5. Can't prove the quid pro quo was about Biden. Can't prove why the military aid was withheld. Can't prove that asking to look into corruption is only to go after Biden. No evidence at all indeed.
  6. Hilarious how the pollsters moved the goalposts from supporting or not supporting impeachment, to supporting or not supporting an inquiry, to make it look more popular than it actually is. They will find nothing in an impeachment inquiry that will warrant impeaching Trump, whether they impeach him or not. It's all political theater. If they impeach him with no evidence, it will simply backfire on the Democrats, even if they have some evidence, it will likely also backfire, bring it on. Right now, the Democrats are too scared to even vote on an impeachment inquiry, despite a majority in the house.
  7. There are no evidence of crimes. Potential means jack squat, innocent until proven guilty.
  8. Sure there is, he just hasn't done it yet, and you are grasping at straws, which speaks to your bias.
  9. None of those are battles worth picking. If that's the best you got, that's just sad.
  10. You say that as if there is sovereign option running who has a chance to win, but there isn't. All the options who can win are globalist,
  11. Problem with that strategy is that why wouldn't they just vote for the Liberals? Trudeau is more popular than Scheer when it comes to preferred PM, he doesn't even get to cash in on Trudeau not being that popular, because he's even less popular and running on basically the same platform. It's a strategy that basically assures he can't win.
  12. Why is Scheer even trying in Quebec? Better to let the Bloc steal Liberal seats and focus on the rest of the country, instead of pissing the rest off by bribing Quebec, but he'd rather cuck than try to win an election apparently, sad.
  13. Absolutely hilarious. People are voting for the Bloc for other reasons, sure, keep telling yourselves that, so you don't properly prepare against the inevitable, speeding up the process. Muahahaha.
  14. He ain't voting and I'm working nights.
  15. Vive le Quebec libre! Down with the left's beloved Confederation.
  16. Yeah, it's still a lesser of evils vote, but they are the least cucked Conservatives, so I'll reward that, it's not like like they are going to win Hamilton Centre, so to extent they are cucking out won't effect policy whatsoever, pure protest vote. Plus it will trigger the left and Canada, wish I could vote for the Bloc instead, too bad they don't run outside Quebec.
  17. Win-win-win. So much winning, and no Trump, I'm not sick of it yet, you dirty rotten liar, hehe.
  18. Ah. Now I see the strategy, good call, in your position. If she does vote, she'll probably vote Liberal again I imagine, so even then, that works too, accelerationism for the win. Stick it to lefties and their beloved Canada two different ways, or a united f*ck you to this election, win-win either way.
  19. My brother isn't voting though. Loafering FTW. He says, Pro's to voting: None Con's to voting: Waste of time Conclusion: Too lazy. F*ck voting. So between me and my brother, we get to have our cake and eat it too, stick it to the lefties and their beloved Canada both ways.
  20. I'm voting PPC, just to stick it to the lefties, and have them overreact to the rise of "White Supremacist Nazi's". "ZOMG! At least 2% of the population are "virulent racists"! The sky is falling, quick, double down on the derp that will bring down Confederation!". More lulz for me, Accelerationism ftw.
  21. All it will take is competition that isn't out to alienate anyone who isn't on the far left, that only cares about money, to come along with a product or service of similar or superior quality, at a similar or cheaper price than the far-left ideologue companies, and the house of cards will collapse. The market is the way to deal with this issue, not government intervention. To quote Michael Jordan: "Republicans buy sneakers too."
  22. Taking away the free speech rights of private companies is not the way to ensure non-private companies have freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is not a zero-sum game, if they can take it away from private companies or any other big organization, then regular people have no chance of stopping that precedent from being turned against them eventually, be careful what you wish for Moonlight. Freedom of speech for all is more important than sticking it to big corporations that don't like freedom of speech by taking it away from them, that's bad juju.
  23. Also wasn't trolling you from a Leafs Hater angle, I was trolling from a Sharks Hater angle.
  24. I was right about that though. I was trolling you with the truth.
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