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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. I believe the bible teaches us that God always existed. The bible says God is a spirit. The bible tells us God is eternal, omnipresent (exists everywhere), and omniscient (infinite in knowledge), and infinite in power. He exists in a trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but as one God.
  2. I don't think the police union should be involved in taking a side.
  3. This is supposed to be a discussion forum, not a scientific investigation or a scientific treatise posting. All I asked is a simple question about why you don't believe the video evidence that airliners flew into the twin towers on 9-11 and you reply with a video. It should be a simple thing to summarize your answer in a sentence to several. Unless you know, there is nothing to explain away the video and you want to brainwash people with an alternate theory. You are of course free to believe in conspiracy theories if you wish.
  4. Depends on the definition of good.
  5. I asked you how you explain the videos of the airliners flying into the towers. You answered with a video. I don't have time to sit down and watch a propaganda video. Why can't you give an answer in a sentence?
  6. You still haven't answered about the video of the airliners flying into the towers. How do you explain that?
  7. The Bible is one source of evidence. The other source is the creation of everything.
  8. UFO claims may or may not have something to it. I have no way of knowing.
  9. The eyewitnesses were chosen by God and given a special role. That means they could not be unreliable in what they recorded. You have to remember the bible is a supernatural book produced by an infinitely powerful God. You are unaware of the fact that God inspired men to write the bible and promised to preserve it. So he oversaw the preservation of it in the King James Authorized Bible in the English language. It is preserved in other languages as well of course. This overcame the problem of languages, time, and people's character. The KJV is with us today as clearly as it was in the original languages two thousand years ago.
  10. If you don't consider eyewitnesses as evidence then of course you won't see any. But maybe you haven't read it with an open mind.
  11. Have you read part of it? How do you come to the conclusion it is fiction?
  12. I'm glad you choose to be good. But the point I made earlier is that the bible says none are good. It says All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Do you accept the inspiration and authority of the bible?
  13. Ahhh, but Your claim the bible has no say is false because it has already spoken. All you can say is you don't believe it. But you can't say it has no say.
  14. Question answered seems to imply you have no explanation or anything to back up your claim. Just a bald claim. The bible contradicts you. It says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Therefore, in the sense of biblical truth, the claim I'm good cannot be valid. The facts of history and reality prove that nobody is perfect. Some might act better than others but all have their bad acts. Wouldn't you agree?
  15. Did you see the videos of the passenger jets flying into the two towers? Not sure how one can deny that. The videos don't lie.
  16. I wouldn't agree with you because when I say Judeo-christian culture I am referring to the western world. The western world that encompasses the Judeo-christian culture is the traditional Europe where the Holy Roman Empire existed, the Byzantine Empire (Greece, Constantinople), eastern Europe where the Ukrainian Orthodox church existed, and U.S.A., Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Most of these areas have one thing in common although there are some exceptions in Eastern Europe, they are Judeo-christian. They have fundamental freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion. The fact is the laws that I mentioned did come from these countries. These countries have had large numbers of nominal christians and varying numbers of Jewish people. That's why they are called Judeao -christian cultures. I never said every part of the bible was written into laws. You mentioned adultery. That is not generally made illegal. Even if Canada has a large number of immigrants from other parts of the world like Africa, middle east, Asia does not alter the fact that Canada was built on the same Judeo-christian culture as Europe and the other countries I have listed. The laws came out of Judeo-christian culture. British North America goes back about 500 years. The immigrants in the first centuries came from France (Quebec) and in the British part of North America, from the United Kingdom. These people brought with them the nominal christianity from France and the United Kingdom. That was the religion of 99% of the people in the major part of Canada's history. Europe had many Jews all through history which is why it is called Judeo-christian culture. You can argue against it but that is the history of the western world. I never said the laws are copied from the bible. It is the general ideas of generations of people who lived in Judeo-christian cultures that the laws originated from. While I don't agree with much of the Roman church's dogmas, one must still acknowledge the ten commandments have been a central part of life in the western world since the early centuries, but ten commandments came from the book of Exodus in the bible. These commandments remained central in people's minds down through the ages. Much of the ten commandments did influence the writing of laws in the western world. I know there are many left leaning and liberals who want to rewrite history so to speak and deny that we live in a Judeo-christian culture because of multiculturalism. But immigrants from outside the Judeo-christian areas is a relatively recent phenomena, say in less than the last 100 years. But the foundation of our society in the western world is Judeo-christian in nature.
  17. No. This is where you do not understand the difference between western culture and ME Sharia law type of government. Most western laws are actually based on Judeo-christian values. Take for example laws against stealing, killing, and the right to own private property. The right to a fair trial. Basic freedoms like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association are things unique to Judeo-christian culture and do not exist in totalitarian states in other parts of the world. Sharia law makes a man worth twice as much or more than a woman, Man may beat his wife under certain guidelines. Hands may be cut off for stealing. Heads cut off for certain offenses. Female genital mutilation allowed in certain Sharia countries. No such thing as freedom of religion or freedom of speech. You must submit to Sharia in those countries. Western democracies which derive their laws from christian principles have a different view of humanity and individual freedom and responsibilities. Responsibility also goes with individual basic rights; for example respect for human life. In a democratic society anyone is free to advocate their personal beliefs and government is free to take them into account when writing the laws. Whether I agree or disagree with your point of view, you still have the right to advocate what you believe and try to convince your MP or government to do what you think. Everyone has that right regardless of whether the basis of their belief is religious or atheist or agnostic.
  18. So what would Jesus do about what? We need government that respects christianity and the sanctity of life. Life is sacred from the moment of conception to natural death. Governments that allow abortion and doctor-assisted suicide are acting contrary to the will of God.
  19. No, I don't think so. Canada has a population of 36 million. There are millions of refugees in the world. Canada would be overwhelmed and destroyed if it tried to take in millions of refugees. We would become a third world country in dire poverty and ruin. Not something Jesus advocated. He never advocated marxism either. Liberation theology is a marxist ideology of taking by force from those that have (government stealing) and giving it to everyone else. Stealing is contrary to what Jesus taught. It was advocated by some marxist priests in central and south America decades ago. Back to the bible.
  20. Canada brings in about 300,000 immigrants a year. That number is divided up into a certain percentage for each category. The largest percentage are people who will contribute to Canada's economy and not be a burden on our social services. Another category is family re-unification. A smaller category are legitimate refugees. The economy can only take a certain number of refugees per year otherwise it would cause major problems in all sorts of ways. There are literally millions of people fleeing wars in the world. It is impossible to take the vast numbers of refugees in different parts of the world as it would cause a major disruption and cost to Canadians. Housing and jobs must be provided for immigrants. They cannot be dumped onto the streets. The numbers have to be limited and controlled. Canada is only able to help a tiny fraction of the millions suffering in the world. So in effect, millions are turned away. There are many other countries in the world who should be doing their part as well. Jesus was not into politics and numbers of refugees a country should take. Those decisions are up to a country to make. There are many issues to consider when a government decides the numbers. There is nothing that says Canada must take a certain number of refugees and nothing says Canada must open it's borders to any number of people. Every country has the sovereign right to determine how many people and who it will allow in.
  21. Yes, there's a lot of truth in that. Individual citizens are also blocked and hurt by the Human Rights Councils in Canada. A kind of kangaroo court where anybody can make a complaint and they are provided with legal representation free of charge while the defendant must pay for his own lawyer. This happened to Ezra Levant. He won after two years in a Human Rights Tribunal but it cost him 100,000 dollars in legal fees in the end. So who really won? If one has to hire a lawyer and fight through the courts, it's not really freedom.
  22. Yes, many people have argued that the Constitution and Charter brought in by Trudeau was a deceptive document and the Supreme Court has been in effect writing new laws themselves. An unelected group of nine judges creating laws. Totally undemocratic. But yes, our freedom of speech is limited thanks to the courts. We need to defend what freedom of expression we have. Doing nothing is not an option. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." Can't remember who said that but it's true.
  23. I don't know what the U.S. has. but you are correct in saying freedom of speech in Canada is not unlimited. You don't have it in a situation which is likely to cause a riot or libel or slander an individual. But there is nothing in the law about fair criticism of an ideology or religion.
  24. Actually I Googled and looked at the Charter today and it does guarantee freedom of expression. Didn't you see it in the Charter? The laws concerning hate speech are limited to certain circumstances and are subject to reasonable limits and the Charter. Altai quoted a Canadian law above and I answered her to show her that the law says right in it it applies if the speech (or expression such as tearing up a Quran in public) if it is likely to cause a riot. As I pointed out to her that would limit the law to a situation where a group of Muslims were present such as a meeting in a Mosque. You couldn't go in and tear up a Quran because it would likely cause a riot. That is the kind of thing the law she quoted would apply. There is no law that completely prohibits freedom of expression guaranteed in the Constitution. Such a law would be unconstitutional.
  25. The law you quoted does not say ripping a Quran by itself is inciting hatred against Islam. Read the whole sentence above. It has to cause a breach of the peace. (maybe a riot) Since most people are not Muslims, they would not get upset. So probably there were be no breach of the peace. If it were done in front of a group of Muslims, then it would cause a problem. If it were done in a Mosque, it would be different. Then it would probably be against the law because it would probably cause a riot. It all depends on the individual situation. I think it would have to be done where a group of Muslims are physically located. I doubt if somebody a hundred or thousand miles away can claim the law was broken because they heard about it in the paper or on TV.
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