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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. I think if SA was supporting terrorism to the extent you claim, the U.S. would know about it and there would be major friction between the U.S. and SA. Since that is not happening, I doubt SA is supporting Al Qaeda and terrorism to any significant degree. But like any country in the ME, there are probably some people in SA who fund terrorism. Perhaps this is without the SA government's knowledge. However, if SA was a major supporter of terrorism, as you say, I think the U.S. would be doing something about it. The U.S. has spent perhaps trillions of dollars on the war on terrorism so I don't think it would work politically if SA was officially supporting terrorist groups. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Also, I don't see SA oil being a major influence with the U.S. The U.S. gets a lot of oil from it's own wells, Venezuala, Canada, and possibly other places. I think Newfoundland even has half a dozen or so ocean drilling rigs. There are lots of alternatives to get oil for the U.S.
  2. Interesting perspective. I don't know if it's a fact or not. How could I know? If what you're saying is a fact, why doesn't the U.S. know about it?
  3. So you don't think Iran is a world's biggest state-sponsor of terrorism? You don't understand that SA is an ally of the U.S. in the fight against Islamic terrorism? What would you do differently?
  4. There is a woman in Pakistan who was a Muslim but converted to christianity and has been sentenced to death for blasphemy. She has appealed it. There are Muslims calling for her execution.
  5. Innocent until proven guilty!
  6. The Iraq war wasn't a religious crusade. I don't believe you when you say Jesus told him to do it. Never heard that on the news once. Part of it was the U.S. thought there were weapons of mass destruction, which turned out to be false. But part of it was also fighting against Al Qaeda. As it turned out there were Al Qaeda terrorists fighting in Iraq and a lot of suicide bombings, which killed a lot of bystanders (which are still going on). When the U.S. occupied Iraq, Al Qaeda terrorists migrated in droves to Iraq to join the battle against the Americans. The daily fighting in Iraq was against Al Qaeda terrorists, not the people of Iraq. You can't compare the Iraq war with terrorist attacks by jihadists in various countries and continents that have been going on long before the Iraq war. It's comparing apples and oranges.
  7. Seems you haven't read the New Testament. Jesus wasn't involved in politics or political action.
  8. The U.S. concentrates on the major things that could threaten the west and the U.S. They can't change a place like Saudi Arabia.
  9. The west tries to stop Iran and N. Korea from getting nuclear weapons and missiles but even that is proving very difficult.
  10. The world is an evil place under the influence of the devil. You can't stop that with politics.
  11. Jesus was not involved in world politics. Remember the Roman Empire which ruled Israel in the time of Jesus on earth was not a respecter of human rights as you would think today. They did many bad things.
  12. The west picks it's allies in the world from the lesser of the evils. You can choose to idealistic and say we shouldn't deal with this country or that, but then we would end up with no allies in an evil world.
  13. Don't tell me you have fallen for the propaganda from hot enough. Not living in the real world. Russia, China, and most countries in the world do not respect human rights in one way or another. Some are worse than others. What are you going to do about it? If you stopped dealing with every country that does bad things, you would be totally isolated and have no trade with any country. You are not being realistic. Just because we trade, doesn't mean we approve of what they are doing. If Canada didn't sell weapons to some of these countries, they would get them from numerous other countries. Not selling weapons to Saudi Arabia will not change a thing. They are also an ally of the U.S.
  14. Collusion is invented by the democrats and leftist, liberal media. If Comey was working against the Pres, maybe he shoud have been let go. The Pres is the boss, not the FBI.
  15. You never heard much during Obama's time because the press and Obama are both liberals. If you haven't figured that out yet, I dunno.
  16. Sounds like you actually believe it. How gullible.
  17. You are quite right. The anti-Trump media is responsible. If you believe in collusion with Russia, you have fallen for fake news.
  18. There is a difference. Non-Muslims killing Muslims over religion is unheard of. But Islamic radical groups who kill people exist in a number of countries in Africa, the middle east, the Philippines, southeast Asia, and in a number of western European countries. France is reported for instance to be supplying high numbers of fighters for ISIS. There are hundreds of people killed (including Muslims) by radical jihadists every week in some parts of the world. There is no comparison to this among non-Muslims as you seem to think. It is disturbing that you don't want to acknowledge this and see christians or non-Muslims as doing the same things. Of course most Muslims are not doing these things and many or most do not support terrorism. But significant enough numbers do.
  19. Who is providing support for these things? Nobody in this country as far as I know.
  20. Again you have it mixed up. Christians disagree with homosexuality, etc. but do not hate the people who do those things. Christians simply cannot condone the practice of abortion, homosexuality, etc. Violence by conservatives or christians is extremely rare. As far as I know christians and conservatives do no approve of any kind of violence against people. But we know there are extremist groups in some parts of the world. We cannot control what they do. Never said you should hate or fear Muslims. It is the religion we disagree with.
  21. I don't know what inflammatory rhetoric some conservatives are spouting. Maybe you could enlighten us. Also we live in a free country and people of any political belief are free to express their disagreement with certain things. You can call that inflammatory and it might offend some, but that is what freedom of speech is all about. You can disagree with whatever you wish. You have expressed very strong opinions on here yourself.
  22. It's bizarre that you think Conservatives or people in this country physically attack or discriminate against homosexuals in Canada. There are laws against that. But in some of your beloved Muslim countries, homosexuality is illegal and people can be imprisoned or maybe even receive a death sentence. There are place where people kill homosexuals. That's why Canada just recently accepted a refugee claim from a bi-sexual man from a country in Africa.
  23. What on earth on you talking about? What part of the world do you live in? Africa, Iran? You seem to have some very strange ideas that you must have heard or been taught.
  24. Not all conservatives believe exactly the same way. There are many who are not religious and are more like liberals on these issues. A political party is not a church. The Conservative party includes people from all different religious and non-religious beliefs and backgrounds. But many conservatives oppose certain things because they are contrary to the Bible and the christian faith. These are such things as : Homosexuality, abortion, same-sex marriage, and Islam. Christians disagree with these things but do not "reject people" as you claim. That is a false statement. You are misleading. Christians still work with people, talk with people, and do business with people every day whom they disagree with on some of these issues. We all must live with and do business with people who do not think like us every day. Your rejection claim is false.
  25. But you have to admit he makes excellent points.
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