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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. Vaccines do not constitute a "mark" on the body and are not the same as tatoos. Vaccination is a medicine or drug given by injection for a medical reason. Vaccination recommended by government to protect yourself and your neighbour would be a Christian's duty as per Romans ch13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. " Also consider the Christian is to "love thy neighbour as thyself" by being immunized so as not spread disease or illness to your neighbour.
  2. A CBC article described how Canadian tourists have been helping to fund the Cuban army and leaders. How Canadian tourism sustains Cuba's army and one-party state (msn.com) I suspect many of these people are embedded within the Liberal and NDP parties and their supporters. quote Cuban-Canadian activists say many Canadians are not aware of the extent to which the survival of Cuba's one-party regime depends upon the foreign currency tourists bring into the country, or the lengths the Cuban government will go to keep Canadians coming. Unquote What is equally surprising on the MSN comment section under this article is the number of commenters who support the Cuban regime and oppose America. Makes one wonder where these commenters came from and where their loyalties lay.
  3. The woke council in Duncan, B.C. just decided to end the job of the town crier because of "historic injustices". Also recently a landmark cross had been torn down from a hill in the area. I think former PM Harper said he doesn't follow politics in Canada much because it is too disturbing. I can see that.
  4. The Bible says God is a spirit and is separate from the creation which he created. Therefore one cannot travel into space and expect to "see God". This is different from some eastern religions which think God is a part of the creation. Since God created everything, it makes sense that he is separate from the creation. There are some in the environmental movement who seem to worship mother earth. They attribute deity to God's creation, which is incorrect. Many native religions also attribute deity to various animals, birds or creation.
  5. Another thing to consider which is crucial to understanding is the complexity of the most basic building block of life, the cell. " Independent single-celled organisms must conduct all the basic processes of life: it must take in nutrients (energy capture), excrete wastes, detect and respond to its environment, move, breathe, grow, and reproduce. Even a one-celled organism must be organized to perform these essential processes. All cells are organized from the atomic level to all its larger forms. Oxygen and hydrogen atoms combine to make the molecule water (H2O). Molecules bond together to make bigger macromolecules. The carbon atom is often referred to as the backbone of life because it can readily bond with four other elements to form long chains and more complex macromolecules. Four macromolecules—carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids—make up all of the structural and functional units of cells. Figure The cell is structurally and functionally complex. Although we defined the cell as the “most basic” unit of life, it is structurally and functionally complex (Figure A cell can be thought of as a mini-organism consisting of tiny organs called organelles. The organelles are structural and functional units constructed from several macromolecules bonded together. A typical animal cell contains the following organelles: the nucleus (which houses the genetic material DNA), mitochondria (which generate energy), ribosomes (which produce protein), the endoplasmic reticulum (which is a packaging and transport facility), and the golgi apparatus (which distributes macromolecules). In addition, animal cells contain little digestive pouches, called lysosomes and peroxisomes, which break down macromolecules and destroy foreign invaders. All of the organelles are anchored in the cell’s cytoplasm via a cytoskeleton. The cell’s organelles are isolated from the surrounding environment by a plasma membrane." A cell cannot live, function, or reproduce unless it has all the complex parts that make it functional. Unfortunately evolutionists just brushed that off as unimportant. At the time the theory of evolution was developed by Darwin in the 1800s, very little was understood about the complexity of life and the complexity of how the most basic cells functioned. It is irrational to say certain molecules just came together by accident to form this complex living organism or cell. 3.2: The Basic Structural and Functional Unit of Life- The Cell - Medicine LibreTexts The problem evolutionists and random chance process theorists face is all the correct structures of a cell would have to come together somehow (how is not explained) in one living unit we call a cell. If one part was not there, it could not function or live. The parts of a cell are all interconnected and must function perfectly in a complex manner. The individual parts of a cell are themselves so complex and controlled by the equivalent of an infinitely powerful computer or intelligence. It is as if intelligence is actually built into the various parts that make up the cell to direct how it is to function. That makes the whole idea of it occurring by chance an impossibility. You want proof of God, there it is in microscopic form.
  6. The theory of life beginning on it's own by what is called "random chance processes" has been shown to be an impossibility. The reason is the mathematical law of probability makes it impossible for the correct molecules to come together to create the most basic life forms. One scientist said it would be like someone winning the lottery every week repeatedly for a year. Even that is probably a vast understatement. Another example has been given. Give a monkey a typewriter and let him type randomly. How long would it take for the monkey to type the complete works of Shakespeare? That is what you are dealing with. The mathematical law of probability says any odds less than 10 to the 50th power is basically a non-existent probability of happening. That is one chance in the number 10 followed by 50 zeroes. Mathematician scientists say that equates to virtually zero chance of happening. That is what we're dealing with here they say. Some scientists tried to replicate the forming of life by experiments in test tubes, but this has been abandoned as a failure and useless effort. If you consider the complexity of the most basic life forms and the required intelligence built into them, you will begin to grasp some idea of what you are up against. But how the most basic life form operates is a complex biological subject and if you have some idea of it's complexity you will understand why it could not just come about by random drifting of molecules. Suffice to say the way the basic life forms operate and reproduce is extremely complex, far more so than the most complex computer systems devised by man. Therefore, there is no rational support for the theory that life began by random chance processes. It is virtually an impossibility.
  7. When I made a comment on an elected BC Liberal's Facebook page, that he might not like, a computer bot came onto my computer a little later and started reading every word on the screen by highlighting the word in yellow and then stepping to the next word. I shut the computer down. Approximately a day later a photo of himself with a police officer standing next to him appeared on his FB post. Just coincidence or a form of intimidation/terror. Elected officials have more power that we think. That's the kind of democracy we live in now in the information age. MSN also now heavily censors all comments, deleting many and are under the control of the federal government, CRTC. New legislation, C10 and C36, will mean even far more control of all social media comments. New powers will be given to the CRTC to do this plus powers to fine people $70,000 plus one year of house arrest.
  8. Probably, but I'm too old to consider that. Will stay here and take my chances. No point in voting in this deeply messed up country. Those other countries are worse by the way. Never trust politicians.
  9. A few weeks ago I made a controversial comment on a BC Liberal MLA's Facebook page. Shortly after I made the comment, a spy bot came into my computer and started searching every word on the screen, highlighting the words in yellow as it moved. I shut the computer down. Within the next few days, he posted a photo of himself standing with an RCMP officer on his FB page. Were these actions meant to intimidate and terrorize or just a coincidence? Would this be classified as state-sponsored intimidation?
  10. I think all types of psychological trauma can be overcome, but it requires help from God. Never accept the view that it is hopeless. Of course if one believes it is hopeless and nothing can be done, they will never recover. It might take a long slow process of recovery but hope and faith in God and his Word can help one. Trust in God, his written word, and look not to men or some other thing as the answer. There are many former alcoholics who will tell you they were once in bondage but have been set free. They realize they are susceptible so they stay away from liquor and certain people and situations because they know it is a lifelong battle to remain free of it. This principle would apply to many things that enslave people, almost anything you can think of that can be an addiction or stumbling block. Sometimes, one must get out of the circumstances that contribute to the enslavement as well as take other measures such as seek spiritual help. That help should be sought from someone who has faith in Christ and a good knowledge of the Bible. It may require trying more than one person until one feels confident that they have sound support. We live in troubled times with many different beliefs and errors around. Even a solid counseling service through the internet might be preferable if nobody qualified can be found locally. The following healing centre might be something worth investigating. I have not investigated it but only mention it as a possibility worth looking into. Five Things the Scriptures Teach Us about Trauma and Suffering - By Dr. Matthew S. Stanford - Hope and Healing Center and Institute
  11. Some say trauma cannot be overcome or lasts for generations. This is a hopeless, defeatist attitude. It does not help the victims. Trauma can be a spiritual problem or illness that can be overcome with the help of God. There are even resources right on the internet that go into details about this help and how to obtain it. The tragic part many of the people who are protesting the treatment of FNs, are fighting against any spiritual help and some are busy blaming all churches, or even vandalizing and burning down churches. These people are certainly not helping any natives who are caught in the cycle of trauma, drugs, alcohol, domestic abuse, etc. It is as if the Devil is working to drive the people who need help further into trauma and encourage them to continue to be victims instead of seeking help and recovery. Of course this would be the Devil's objective. He doesn't want anyone healed. He wants to keep them in bondage and destruction. The Devil's message is there is no hope, you are a victim, and you need to blame others for your condition. Stay away for anything spiritual or Biblical. The irony is mainline churches were involved in residential schools so this plays into the hands of the Devil who now uses all religion and Biblical truth as the cause rather than the cure for trauma. Five Things the Scriptures Teach Us about Trauma and Suffering - By Dr. Matthew S. Stanford - Hope and Healing Center and Institute
  12. Apparently the Charter of Rights does not apply in every situation in society. One legal company says it applies with regard to the federal government. The same source says private companies can censor comments and that they are under the jurisdiction the CRTC (federal government). This sounds very Marxist or authoritarian. People are worried about C10 and C36 controlling speech on the internet, but it sounds like the federal government is already controlling speech through the CRTC. So where exactly freedom of expression in the Charter applies is not absolutely clear. There may be a lot of situations where Canadians are not protected by the Charter, which is kind of concerning. Canada may be on a path of steadily taking away the freedom of it's citizens by ever-increasing regulations, bureaucracy, laws, and tribunals. This problem is made worse by many people who think other people's freedom of expression should be curtailed or banned if they do not agree with them.
  13. "According to the UN Population Division, a total fertility rate (TFR) of about 2.1 children per woman is called replacement-level fertility. If replacement level fertility is sustained over a sufficiently long period, each generation will exactly replace itself." - wikipedia
  14. Canada has given billions over the years in grants, compensations, and various support and continues to do so. At some point, drug addicts, alcoholics, domestic abuse criminals, etc. must take responsibility for their own actions like everyone else should and not expect others to take the blame and coddle them with cash and special treatment forever. Wrongdoers claiming victimhood and being mollycoddled forever doesn't solve anything and just perpetuates the problems and criminality. The government already provides assistance in every way possible, including sending mental health professionals to places where there are a lot of suicides. The endless accusations by activists and radicals about genocide, abuse by society against them and denial of rights, blah blah blah doesn't cut it any more.
  15. Nobody said they can't have their traditional cultures, providing they do not break the laws of Canada. Canada is sovereign over the whole country and all people are subject to the laws and authorities that govern Canada. People are free to have their own traditions as long as they don't run afoul of the laws which are designed to protect everyone. As far as I know laws against potlatches were abolished long ago. But potlatches can cause serious problems if you look into it. In non-native society, everyone has to work in a regular job in order to pay for the cost of living. This was a change that many natives found hard to accept or adjust to. Their old way of life disappeared and it was necessary to adjust to the times. Their tradition was only to work when it was needed for harvesting food, while the women did much of the day-to-day work at home. Money was not a part of life as I already explained. In modern civilization, most people must work in a steady job 8 hrs a day and five days a week to earn money to support their families. Some never did accept that and live in poverty or on welfare and government handouts. Add drugs, alcohol and domestic abuse to that and you end up with the mess many found themselves in and prisons with an excessive number of aboriginals in them.
  16. The problems they have with drugs, alcohol, and domestic abuse, are largely of their own making. They have been told all along that drugs, alcohol abuse, domestic violence are the wrong way to go, but many just choose to ignore the warnings. You can't force people not to do those things. Blaming white man for all the problems is the the way of shifting the blame, but not everyone buys it. The government spends billions of dollars every year to help them. But there are corrupt leaders among them to have helped themselves at the expense of their own people. Yes there are many things they have to accept responsibility for and stop blaming others. Also, they could not support themselves on their traditional ways of making a living for a variety of complex reasons. They could not survive by just working when they wanted to. The world changed and the old way of life was no longer sustainable. Why are you in denial? If you really want to know the answers as to why they could not remain in their old way of life after the arrival of Europeans and settlement, you can do some research yourself. It is simply a fact of how history developed.
  17. It was obvious that traditional native culture was not going to work in Canada. We are not talking about the culture of dressing in masks and native clothing or native dancing. That is not the problem. The problem was natives believed in only working when they needed to. They did not work an 8 hours day for five days a week on a certain scheduled starting and ending time. They did not use money. That's where the phrase "Indian time" came from. They also wanted the modern conveniences of civilization brought by the Europeans, such as houses, appliances, and various other conveniences. That requires a person to work in a regular job and earn money. Who was going to pay for or provide all these things? Also, if they could not read and write, they could not function in modern civilization. There were only three choices. 1. Leave them on their reserves to try to live the way they always did. 2. Totally support them with government funding and grants. or 3. Bring them to residential schools and educate them so they could function in modern society. Number 1. and 2. were not viable. Number 1. was not very practical because their traditional ways of supporting themselves was disappearing and they could not afford to buy homes, and all the conveniences that white man had. White man's civilization worked on the principle of work to earn money. That was not the principle of native culture. The government had to change them to the system of work for a living to support themselves and use money. These things were alien to native culture. Number 2 was not acceptable to the government and taxpayers because of the huge cost of supporting every native in the country forever. That leaves only one alternative. To educate them so they could support themselves in society, the same as non-natives did. They would have to learn to be able to get a job and work for a living in the new world. Just leaving them uneducated was not a viable choice.
  18. If anyone watched the Manitoba aboriginal chiefs in full headgear on CBC this morning on the steps of the Manitoba legislature, they will know what I am talking about. They sound like they have tremendous hate for white man and want to see Canada become decolonized. They sound like they are living around about 200 years ago. Right out of past. The way they talk, there is no rational discussion with them possible. They demand Premier Pallister and his aboriginal affairs minister resign. They forget or ignore the fact that the government was elected by the people to govern for the whole province, not just a tiny minority of radicals. They admit native bands have huge problems related to alcohol, drugs, domestic abuse, poverty, etc., but really don't sound like they would be interested in finding any rational solutions. Their ridiculous demands do nothing to help find solutions to the problems they have, but will turn Canadians off. It is a sad situation.
  19. It seems it is OK for the CBC and aboriginals to constantly talk about race but if a white person were to even begin to do that, there would be a torrent of outrage by the media. But everyone accepts it as normal when an aboriginal or black person emphasizes his racial status and how it has negatively affected him in some way. We get a steady diet of this on mainstream media like the CBC. I wonder what this means for the future. Instead of working toward eliminating race as an important factor in life, the mainstream media and many politicians and others seem to be relishing and promoting differences in race as something to be exalted. How about we promote our shared humanity and stop emphasizing our racial differences as the central factor of life?
  20. Check the Republic of Rhodesia and the Republic of South Africa history to see how well the white Europeans survived with the African cultures being 98% of the population. It was like trying to mix oil and water. It simply did not work. How liberals think it will work in Canada is a mystery. They somehow think saying the word "multicultural" will mean the future will be bright and everyone will be happy for the European founding people in Canada while they bring the third world into Canada who will eventually take over along with the rise of the aboriginal race. What is even stranger is the liberals love of and trust of the United Nations (UN). If anyone thinks the UN has any love for the Caucasian people, they should think again. The UN has turned around and given Canada UNDRIP, the UN Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous People. If you examine UNDRIP and take it literally, it is saying that Canada basically must be handed back to the indigenous people. That would mean the decolonization of Canada. Not sure how that will work. But it gives enormous political power to a handful of people in Canada, the aboriginal red power activists, who are already using UNDRIP for all they can. They have even got the BC NDP government to adopt UNDRIP into law in principle if not in reality. What this means is hard to fathom. Makes one wonder just how closely connected the NDP is to the Marxist U.N. in ideology. What liberals and the woke don't understand is that the U.N. have no love for the Caucasian European founding people in Canada (or anywhere for that matter). The U.N. is controlled by mainly Marxists and dictators from the third world. Yet Canada blindly trusts them and follows along with whatever they wish. The W.H.O which is an arm of the U.N. is run by a former Marxist revolutionary from Ethiopia. Yet Canada cow tows to the W.H.O. and follows it like an obedient child.
  21. It's obvious that the Liberals with Minister Guibault want to control all speech on the internet with C10 and C36. If these don't pass the bills in the current Parliamentary session, you can be sure the bills will be forced through in the next. This is a mark of a very authoritarian, top-down, controlling government. They want to control what you say and how you think. What makes them think their ideology and way of thinking is superior to everyone else in the world and worse that their way of thinking should be imposed on everyone? Isn't that what the Communists and Fascists in the world thought?
  22. Here is an interesting article on how authoritarianism has been advanced in the world by the pandemic. Authoritarianism advances as world battles the pandemic (msn.com) This would be another reason why the Coronavirus could have been deliberately released. Authoritarian regimes like the Communist countries want the rest of the world to reject democracy and liberalism and become authoritarian like themselves.
  23. Well, when the people have only one of two parties to vote for and there are many things in political party's agenda that people did not actually vote for, the people don't have much choice. You use the term "elected" very loosely as if the people chose everything a government or elected person does.
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