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  1. “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women,” Madeleine Albright


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Goddess


      I have concerns about those, too, which is why I personally wouldn't have one.  What anyone else chooses to do, based on their own circumstances, is none of my business.

    3. Shady


      It actually is your business.  If they want the state to participate in it, and fund it, than it's everybody's business.  Infanticide isn't private issue.  

    4. Goddess


      It's healthcare - it's not my business how anyone personally handles their cancer or erectile dysfunction, either, but I'm glad they are funded.  If it's important to you that you regulate other people's bodies and life choices, then consider this:  A woman can have sex with 100 different men in a year and will still only be able to produce 1 child in that year.  A man can have sex with 100 different women and could produce 100 children.  Why do you want only  women's bodies to be regulated?  If all men were forced to have vasectomies at puberty, abortion wouldn't be an issue.  They could apply to the government when they're older to have the vasectomy reversed and only after they have proved that they can be a responsible parent and have a note from their wife.  Problem solved.  Of course, you wouldn't like that, would you?  It would interfere with your personal freedom and ability to make your own choices in life.

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