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Status Updates posted by ?Impact

  1. Trump can thank a whore house in Canada for his fortunes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      I wouldn't mind owning a whore-house.

    3. Wilber


      So his sleaziness is genetic.

  2. I just realized, it's Saturday. I wonder if Donald Trump errr Alec Baldwin will be back on SNL.

    1. Boges


      Maybe I was tired, but it was rather unfunny. 

    2. ?Impact


      I think the problem is it was getting to be more of the same. November 9th can't come soon enough.


      I did like Black Jeopardy. 

  3. Plagiarize a joke about plagiarism. 

  4. The Alfred E. Smith dinner turns from light hearted humour to nasty and Trump gets booed. 

  5. Hilary Clinton cheated on the debate, she was secretly handed the debate questions ahead of time. I have it on the best authority, Donald Trump twitter stream.

    1. overthere


      yet another thing that was rigged.


      America has to stop picking on Mr Trump, this bullying of a Great American has to stop..

      <sarcasm font>

    2. cybercoma


      Poor, poor Donald. Everything is rigged against him.

  6. "The closest Donald Trump will ever get to an Emmy is when Alec Baldwin wins one for playing him" - Greg Berlanti

  7. Certainly a big step forward, it was only a one right circus tonight.

  8. It seems all the nutcases are not Trump supporters.


  9. A picture is worth a thousand words.

    1. dialamah


      Yeah, I read about that sign - If it was intended to support Hillary, I think it might backfire.   

    2. BC_chick


      At this point, even a terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11 could not save Trump's behind.

  10. I want a President that is capable of creating over 7.5 unique lies each and every single day.

    1. bush_cheney2004


      Canada doesn't have a president, but Justin Trudeau started lying on day one.

  11. Must see - Obama on why America is great. There are excepts of this around, but you really need to see the whole thing, it is less than 5 minutes.

  12. I heard on the radio today that the guy charged (Ken Pagan) with the beer can incident at the Blue Jays game has left his job as editor at some media station (not sure if radio, television, or print) in Hamilton. There was no statement if it was voluntary or not.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. bush_cheney2004


      Watchman and Casio portable TVs were preceded by larger CRT models that were AC/DC powered.  Eight 'D' cells provided 12VDC...and ammunition during baseball or football games if necessary.

    3. ?Impact


      I stand corrected, Sony had a battery (wet cell) powered television in 1961 according to this ad in Ebony magazine. I guess D cells powered ones were not that far behind. I remember we used to use the term portable, but what we really meant was it had a handle and could be lugged around but you still needed to plug it in; remember those old portable record players?

    4. bush_cheney2004


      Yes I do remember those players.   Portability for entertainment was a huge leap for consumers and just taken for granted today.   Portable televisions and radios were also very popular during football game tailgate parties in the parking lot....still are.

  13. Melina defends her boy Donald, saying he was "egged on". Of course he was 59 years old at the time and Billy Bush was in his early 30's or half his age. Yes, the boy will make a great President if a kid can egg him on.

    1. msj


      Better than claiming "the devil made me do it."  At least Billy Bush is real!

    2. bush_cheney2004


      Bill Clinton's excuse was being married to Hillary.

    3. bush_cheney2004


      Bill Clinton's excuse was being married to Hillary.

  14. Shhh, don't tell Betsy about this. Hillary Clinton is responsible for violence at Trump rallies. Absolutely true, you can take that to the bank.

    1. ?Impact


      I should mention that James O'Keefe, the guy behind this video "expose" has a long record (including criminal conviction). One of his previous exposes caused Congress to cut funding for the non-profit ACORN and most of their private funding dried up as well. It was close to bankruptcy and closed most of its offices. A subsequent GAO investigation found that ACORD had properly managed its funds, and O"Keefe had to pay $100,000 in damages to the employee he misrepresented.

  15. This just in: Donald Trump is an alien from outer space, sent to overtake the Earth. 

    1. bush_cheney2004


      No big deal...the U.S. has already been there...done that.

  16. Trump has a star witness to discount Jessica Leed's accusation. It is none other than Anthony Gilberthorpe. He is the pimp who has admitted procuring underage boys for sex parties with British politicians.

  17. Here is his admission that he is a sexual predator. He is accused of being on, and says "It's true"

  18. Four women have come forward in four days. Trump makes Jian Ghomeshi look like an angel. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ?Impact


      The plane assault was over 30 years ago, before the bastard with the ego got his own plane. They are coming out because the lying creep said on national television that he only stated his immature and lewd remarks in the 'locker room' and he never acted on them. 

  19. Look at this great crowd at a Trump rally in Panama City, Florida.

    oops, that is from the Seabreeze Jazz Festival held three years earlier. 

    1. bush_cheney2004


      I wonder how many Canadian snowbirds were there ?

    2. ?Impact


      Probably a lot at the Jazz festival. The real question is how many at the Trump rally. 

    3. bush_cheney2004


      Plenty I would guess...Canadians love Florida weather just like Trump.

  20. What a great fantastic strategy. Install a covert operative in the other party to gain their nomination, and then have him blow up both his own campaign as well as the rest of the party.


    Well done Hilary. 

    1. BC_chick


      The conspiracy theory is probably more believable than the reality, but given how badly Trump damaged his brand, I don't think any of this was intended. 

  21. Not only will we have a Democrat in the Whitehouse, but now the clown is ensuring Congress will be blue as well.

  22. MOSCOW (The Borowitz Report)Calling the Republican nominee’s behavior “completely indefensible,” the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, cancelled a joint campaign appearance with Donald Trump on Monday.

    1. msj


      Haha are we entirely sure this is satire? 

  23. Can Trump actually answer a question, or is that another character flaw?

    1. bush_cheney2004


      He could lie like Clinton did during the FBI email investigation.

    2. msj


      You could pay me 10 cents for each question Trump answered and I would still have made more than he did in 1995. 

  24. RNC has cut off Trump's funding. I can hear the fat lady warming up.

    1. msj


      Aborting Trump in the last trimester is wrong. He should be carried to full term.

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