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Everything posted by notca

  1. I don't live there. I lived there In the 1960s when it was safe to walk anywhere any time of the day or night. When I could buy a meal of Canadian cuisine. When I could understand what was being said around me. When the city was clean. When the crime rate was very low. Going back there now to visit or to shop is an exercise in frustration. Crime and gang wars are rampant. There are a gazillion different ethnicities there and they all hate each other.
  2. You can rant about how terrible Islamophobia is but try to understand the reasoning behind it. I have friends of other ethnic groups who immigrated here from different countries and they too are against Muslims. It is not just Canadians. What fuels the distrust and dislike of Muslims is the fact that most Islamic countries are ruled by Islamic law which ignores equality and human rights. No other religion sets the laws in any other country. In fact most countries are now secular. Even Russia which once persecuted religious people of any stripe now are tolerant. Not so with Islamic countries! When we hear of the brutality of Islamic countries like the flogging of the man in Saudi Arabia for insulting Islam, like the stoning of women for adultery and/or getting an education, like old men marrying young female children, like female genital mutilation it is natural to think of the people of those countries as savages. And yes, many of them bring their cultural practices to Canada. Too often we hear of male dominated families in which the women are in complete subjection to the males, forced to walk behind them and made to wear traditional clothing for fear of being beaten or even killed if they try to assert their newfound Canadian rights. Muslims have not made an effort to assimilate themselves into Canadian society like so many other immigrants have. They periodically made requests of the government to implement their laws here even though Canadians in general have bent over backwards to be tolerant of their strange ways. Human nature being what it is, it isn't hard to understand why Islamophobia exists.
  3. Take a little trip to the Greater Toronto area and see what it looks like already.
  4. There is no plan in place yet. I think they had better hurry if they are going to meet their all-important deadline! As late as one hour ago, Ralph Goodale was interviewed. He had the same old answers as in every previous interview' "We are working on a plan". Ms. Clark, Mr. Wall, the Manitoba Premier have all been interviewed and don't have any specific information yet about how things are going to proceed. The press has no clue what the 'plan' is or how it is proceeding. Mr. Goodale was asked point blank where the screening was taking place, how the refugees were going to be transported, how many would be settled where and all he said was that all the agencies involved are working together night and day to put together a plan. He had no clear answers to any of the questions put to him. The same evasiveness seems to apply to all that the Liberals say they are doing. Their answers are always, "We are working on a plan. As soon as we know we will inform the public". So much for openness and transparency! One has to wonder, do they know their arses from their elbows!
  5. I think in the future Canada will look much like overpopulated countries like Pakistan and India. There will be wall-to-wall housing, all society will be urbanized, agriculture will be non-existent, the uninhabited countryside, what is left of it, will be overgrown and littered with trash and the white race will have become the greatest minority. I think there will be civil unrest and gang violence brought about by prejudices brought into the country by the many different races and cultures.
  6. I would not denounce him if he were man enough to back off a bit and admit that perhaps he has bitten off more than he can chew. Taking a bit of 'sober second thought' would show him to have some character. Rushing ahead with plans that are beginning to look dubious is not a wise move.
  7. No rookie with a lick of sense would sashay into a world stage and preach to the experienced ones about his great plans. He would get himself established as a world leader first. A real leader should be able to make decisions without consulting with his advisors. He IS the leader, isn't he? I think the truth is he hasn't the intelligence to make decisions on his own and his 'advisors' are actually the ones running the show. No I don't have a cite. What I posted was my own take on what was reported. I am a Canadian and I don't like the image he is projecting on his first appearance at the G20. He appears to me as an arrogant dumbass! I don't know what concern the other leaders have about Trudeau's announcement regarding Syria but it is evident that Trudeau sent a clear message that he is not going to be a part of the coalition and/or live up to Canada's commitment to NATO. Yes indeed, let's see how he handles himself in the coming days with regard to Syria. If you look on Facebook you will see an inundation of pleas directly to him to rethink his position. My guess is that he doesn't give two hoots what Canadians want. He will do as he pleases and to hell with anyone else. No I will not cut him any slack. He wanted the job so badly he made impossible promises to everybody for everything. It was all sunshine and roses as long as he was getting the rock star treatment. Now that he has to get down to brass tacks it's a different ball game. There's more to leading a country than having people's adulation.
  8. Justin Trudeau is doing a fine job of demeaning himself. He was an embarrassment to Canada on the world stage today, a rookie preaching to well seasoned world leaders about how the world should be run. His economic agenda was upstaged by reactions to the terrorist attacks on Paris. Every other world leader committed to solidarity with France and to ramping up the fight against ISIS. Trudeau did NOT commit himself. How can Canadians be expected to respect a leader who embarrasses before the whole world? His 'sunny days' agenda pales in the face of the terrorist onslaught. No one with half a functioning brain will take him seriously.
  9. It is incredible that people still believe there is no threat from refugees. Can they not understand the plan to increase Muslim populations in western countries which has culminated with the recent influx of refugees? No matter what happens, how many attacks take place these 'believers in the religion of peace' will not see the threat that is looming over the free world. We can only hope that they will wake up to reality when they and their loved ones are affected personally by the savagery of the infiltrators; unfortunately it will be too late by that time.
  10. It is not a case of how many refugees recently accepted. It is about the numbers of Muslims in total, refugees and previous immigrants that is signifigant. If you understand Islam you will know that the goal of Islam is to eventually control the whole world under Islamic law;; to either convert, kill or enslave non-Muslims. Throughout history it has been proven that this can never be achieved by force, but there is now the belief that it can (and will) be achieved by sheer strength of numbers. When there is enough Muslim population in a country they can then attack, overpower and conquer the minority. If the Muslim population of France believes the refugees have increased their presence to that point they will begin the rebellion. These recent attacks in Paris and the subsequent threat to the Air France flight (which was aborted because of the threat) are strong indications that the attack has now begun. As we open our borders, we can expect the same result in the future as can all other countries in similar situations.
  11. Of course courtesy is important and civilized people don't make remarks that will hurt feelings. But at the same time, that is something civilized people learn early in life. (I was taught as a child that personal remarks are never in good taste). If a person reaches college age and doesn't know any better, are rules imposed on him going to make him any different? He might observe the rules while on location but he will still be an ass and will still say hurtful things when he isn't going to be punished for it. I think we are talking about something different though. I was referring to banned words. The kindergarten kids now are not allowed to say things like, 'loser', 'stupid' etc. The trouble I see with that is that those words are not 'bad' words when used in the proper context. It isn't polite to call a person a loser or stupid, but there is nothing wrong with saying, 'when two teams play, there is always a LOSER'. or when you make a mistake, saying, "I did a really STUPID thing!" Kids need to learn about context, not just simply be forbidden to use certain words. This came to my attention when my 7 year old grandson heard me say, "that cat is stupid" (he is a very affectionate cat and we love him dearly, but he is a stupid cat!) and grandson gave me a lecture about using that word. It occurred to me that while he has been taught to use polite words, he has obviously not been taught not to 'educate' and contradict his elders.
  12. It seems like 'micraggression' is just a word to bolster political correctness. In other words, 'don't tell it like it is, tell it like it isn't. You have to be sure not to hurt anyone's feelings!'
  13. There is no end in sight to the coming Third World and Islamic migrations to Europe. What is to stop the Islamic world and Third World from coming and repopulating the continent with their own kind, as the shrinking native populations of Europe die out??? Will Old Europe be recognizable even in ten years from now? How about 20 years? “Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide,” wrote James Burnham in his 1964 “Suicide of the West.” One must wonder, when there is so much evidence against accepting large numbers of refugees, whether the politicians are blind to the facts or if they are complicit. I'm not much for conspiracy theories, but let's not forget that governments have made many wrong moves for reasons of promised power and immunity from the harmful domination of a country's population. Hitler wooed Mussolini this way and won him over. The evil forces of the world learned much from Hitler's manipulations. There are historical facts back as far as the events leading up to the Crusades; That Muslims marched across Europe taking over territory after territory in the name of Islam until the masses got fed up with it and massacred them all. The goal of Islam is to conquer the world and rule by Islamic law. Muslims have learned that they cannot accomplish this by force and so they will naturally try infiltration, thinking that they can win by sheer numbers. Is it not strange that when the Mid-eastern countries have been in armed conflict for centuries that suddenly they have decided on mass exodus to Western countries? Is there not enough evidence coming out of the European countries that have accepted large numbers of Muslims to show how incompatible Islam is with Western Constitutions? Is our new government blind to the lessons of the past? Not only are they forging ahead with their welcome of refugees, they are at the same time halting military force against rogue terrorist groups. The Liberals previously decimated our military. They can be expected to do so again. How then, would we even defend ourselves against a rebellion/uprising? Immigrants and refugees have been using our freedoms against us for decades to increase their populations here. They know they are allowed religious freedom and they use that right frequently to continue their unpopular and archaic cultural practices in our midst. Their latest strategy has been to appeal to emotions rather than common sense to get themselves quickly established in a 'free' country. That a large percentage of the population sympathizes with them tells them that we will be an easy people to conquer. We will do whatever it takes to made it easy for them to dominate us. I'm not so sure about the innocence or stupidity of government leaders. It could be either blindness or complicity but whichever it is it does not bode well for our future.
  14. @Army Guy, thank you for that info. Well, if governments don't think treason is serious enough to punish there's not much we can do about it. But I think it's a dangerous mistake to tolerate treasonous acts and even defend traitors. In most cases they don't even like to call them terrorists, they're 'disturbed individuals', 'lone wolves', 'misguided youths', anything but the real thing. I think young people who want to go abroad and fight with ISIS should be sent to do just that. If they think that kind of life is what they want they just might find its not all that after all! And it would be better to have them killing people somewhere else than here in their homeland. I think Trudeau is so naïve he thinks group hugs and singing a few verses of Kumbaya will make everybody 'nice'. He doesn't realize that you can't negotiate with evil people. Maybe it will a take a disaster that affects his own young family personally to wake him up.
  15. I seem to remember that the Montreal mosque mentioned in the OP was identified by the RCMP as a recruiting place for terrorists right after 9/11. The Mounties filmed recruitment taking place. It was announced at the time that they would be 'keeping an eye on it'. Nothing more has been heard about it as far as I know until now. I wondered at the time why legal steps weren't taken to shut them down when they had the proof. I still wonder. The fact is, anywhere there is a large ethnic population the politicians will suck up to them. After all, they DO vote!
  16. Belief or non-belief in God is a very personal thing and I don't see as it is anyone else's business what others believe. I respect the right of people to believe as they please as long as they don't use those beliefs to infringe or supress the rights of others. Here in Canada we differentiate between crimes and sins. Crimes are punishable be law, sins (real or perceived) are not. That is what religious freedom is about as I understand it. Not so in Islamic countries. Although Turkey, Jordan, maybe a couple of others (?) are secular, most Mid-eastern countries follow Islamic law which punishes people for heresy, adultery, etc., usually by stoning or beheading. And their treatment of women as possessions is deplorable to Westerners. We see that attitude acted upon by Muslims in Canada where the Male rules the household with an iron fist and where so-called 'honour killings' are committed. That's the scary thing. We have no way of knowing which of our immigrants/refugees subscribe to those harsh, archaic practices until they get here. When enough of them populate the country they will create havoc in our society. If we cannot revoke their citizenship and have them deported or otherwise isolated what defense do we have to protect our freedoms?
  17. Is there no such charge as Treason any more? That is what it is when someone attacks his own country. It used to be punishable by death. Are Canadian born terrorists not guilty of treason?
  18. I am not a fan of any organized religion but I must say that those religions that follow the Bible have evolved to the point where they are no longer killing each other because of their differences. Even the hard core fundamentalists, although annoying and dogmatic, do not go so far as to kill in God's name. More and more, people are abandoning the churches, perhaps keeping their beliefs but not subscribing to the OT stringent rules. However Islam has never evolved in centuries. It is an angry and vengeful religion which totally dominates the lives of its followers. Muslims have been involved in conflict with their various sects and with other religious groups, even atheists, since time immemorial. Out of curiosity I read enough of the Quran to know that it is a guide to violence. It is the goal of Islam to dominate in the world. Those Muslims who claim to be peaceful may appear to be, may even believe they are, but if called upon by their religious leader to defend Islam and smite the 'infidels', it will be their duty to do it. Quite frankly, it scares the hell out of me! History tells us where this new movement by the refugees is very likely headed and I never in my life hoped so much to be wrong. I do not hate Muslims but I do hate their religion and I think they have been duped, brainwashed and/or forced to follow it from birth. I don't believe it will ever live peacefully with the many diverse beliefs and non-believers in our western societies.
  19. Studies like this are useless and probably do more harm than good by reinforcing biased ideas. The term, 'White people' takes in a large diversity of nationalities, religions and both genders. So how can they all be lumped into one category, 'white PEOPLE'? Privileged in what way? Born and raised in wealth? More intelligent? Having access to more opportunities? Having stronger character and/or motivation>? I think there is too much focus on race, nationality, gender, whatever. Each individual possesses his own unique genetic makeup. Throw in early environmental training, social engineering, education, etc. and you are going to still get individual traits regardless of colour. There have been people of all origins born to the poorest circumstances possible and have risen to great heights. Likewise there have been those born into privilege who have sunken to great depths.
  20. For Canadian born terrorist we need an place of exile like the British exiled criminals to Damiens Land. Canada has plenty of remote, uninhabited northern territory where Canadian born convicted terrorists could be sent, fenced off from civilization. Air drop them the essential to sustain themselves and let them terrorize each other. New Canadians from another country should definitely be deported, but why were they admitted in the first place? I think a large part of the problem with 'home grown terrorists' is in the immigration of the parents who raised them with old world ideas to fight for Islam and kill infidels. Islam is not compatible with Western societies and will always cause problems. Many countries are finding that out too late much to their sorrow.
  21. Rona is a smart cookie. I think she will do as well anyone could be expected considering the dissention within the party. She has to pull them all together somehow. Regarding the fate of the Conservatives, I think world events as well as events right here in Canada will determine which party will be elected next time. The world is so unstable now we can never be sure what will happen, the economy, terrorism, the extent of the deficit, the state of the Healthcare system, taxes, all will dictate what kind of government the people want next.. Personally I think the Liberals are going too far to the right in too big a hurry. But we shall see, shan't we? I think the Conservatives did care about the MMTW but what will an enquiry accomplish? That is my question. There doesn't seem to be any new facts to be revealed about the issue . To address what is already known about it would involve some heavy social engineering. I wonder how that would play out?
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