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Posts posted by WestCanMan

  1. 8 hours ago, marcus said:

    Is this paranoia as strong as the paranoia that Islam/Sharia is taking over Canada with the help of Trudeau? 

    Perhaps you can ask scribblett, taxme, et al about that.

    Oooh, ooh, can I be part of the "et al"?

    They're not taking over, they're trying to overstep.

    Every single person born or living in Canada gets the same protections under the Charter of Rights, period. Canadian law is the law of the land and there is no higer power. Sharia law, even just for civil matters, is not compatible with the standards that have been democratically implemented over centuries in this country and across the commonwealth. People who want to live under Sharia law can go live in countries where sharia law prevails or they can tough it out. 

    Why would they choose to live in a country that's not compatible with their way of life when there are several countries that are? Is it because of our climate? Nope. Our wealth? Nope - Saudi Arabia is wealthy. It's most likely our freedom. But freedom and sharia are not compatible.


  2. On 5/3/2019 at 3:16 PM, Jacques D. said:

    Weird. Smear campaign? Trudeau? Who has seen that uber right-wing conservative ad showing Trudeau next to Trump and pretending they are alike, fault-wise? Nothing in the coming campaign, by any party, try as they might, could come up with a bigger smear than showing Trudeau next to that crotch-grabbing gross, uncouth traitor and ignoramus Donald J. Trump. 

    Are you kidding Jacques? I know that insulting Trump is cool but stick to the truth and keep things in proportion.

    If crotch-grabbing was one of Trudeau's main flaws (and he has been credibly accused of grabbing) we'd be laughing. It turns out that giving away huge gobs of money and loving terrorists are two of Trudeau's main faults. 

    How do you call Trump a traitor? Is he paying off terrorists and pandering to them like Trudeau is? Is he giving American money away for no apparent reason? Allowing terrorists to come back to the US to walk free? Decimating the US gas and oil industry on multiple fronts while allowing foreign oil into the country with no problems whatsoever? Does Trump constantly denigrate everyday Americans? Is Trump thwarting the democratic process in the US like Trudeau is doing in Canada (if you recall Trump's administration just spent two years jumping through hoops re: the collusion hoax, Trudeau just leaned on his AG and then fired her to get his own way)?

    Your opinions are coming out on the wrong side of history J. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, taxme said:

    There needs to be another special council set up and looked into Hitlery and her involvements with Russian nuclear collusion. Trump was found innocent on Russian collusion but she will not be found innocent. She is up to her eyeballs in crimes committed while serving in the Obama Whitehouse years. The people at Trump rallies do not keep chanting "lock her up" for nothing. They obviously know she is guilty as can be. The whole Mueller investigation was one big farce, and yet the dumbocrats will not give up. They keep attacking and attacking Trump.  While Trump tries to make America great again, the dumbocrats are trying their hardest to make America not so great. A bunch of pathetic dumbos. 

    I think it's hilarious/pathetic that Hillary is still out there complaining and that the MSM in the States still gives her credibility. Scary how much power she would have if she was elected. She has MSNBC, CNN and a bunch of other networks eating from her hand.



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  4. On 5/3/2019 at 9:52 AM, BubberMiley said:

    You're confusing spying with a criminal investigation. The reason for the criminal investigation was the numerous crimes committed. That's why all those people on his campaign team are in prison. The credible and corroborated dossier that the GOP initiated may have played a part in some of those criminal investigations that led to convictions.

    Wrong. Trump said that the whitehouse was being wiretapped two years ago and the media, Obama, etc all tried to make him a laughing stock, but Trump was right. 

    The investigation re: collusion had nothing to do with the charges brought against Manafort, etc. Manafort's in jail for tax filings from over 20 years ago. No one is in jail for anything to do with Russian collusion. No one. But people with completely unrelated charges against them were offered lesser sentences for testimony against Trump. How kosher is that?


    The credible and corroborated dossier that the GOP initiated may have played a part in some of those criminal investigations that led to convictions.

    LMAO Sad fact is that you could win a Pulitzer for that in this sad day and age.

    Do you know that the dossier was only corroborated by it's author's own rumours? Is self corroboration even a thing? Is corroboration by way of the rumour mill a thing? 

    What a farce.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Argus said:

    Not really. Japan's reactor functioned fine. What happened was the combination of an earthquake and a tsunami. And it would have survived that too if only they'd put the backup generator somewhere other than the basement. 

    I"m not worried about us having an earthquake and a tsunami.

    Yes, but the Japanese should have been worried about that and they weren't. They have 2-3 earthquakes per week in Tokyo that are strong enough to felt by humans and they're an island nation. They shoulda seen it comin' and that's a pretty respectable country.


    In Canada we need to be concerned about terrorist attacks now. We've had two big ones in Toronto in the past year or so and as a nation we're not doing all that much about terrorism. Do you think that we will never have another attack? Do you think that we will have enough safety precautions in place to keep terrorists from getting jobs at a nuke plant, or from attacking them somehow? Would you trust our current government with the task of making sure our nuclear reactors are a tough target for terrorists?


    The Japanese have to say "we shoulda been more prepared for quakes". Will Canada one day have to say "Oh that guy just had a few online accounts where he supported terrorism but he didn't actually say he was going to do anything himself, so what could we do?" 


    Then we'll just have to be more careful.

    As a species we do stupid things like support dictators, engage in genocide, elect socialist governments or idiots like Trudeau, smoke cigarettes, drive drunk, text and drive, blow up kids at an Ariana Grande concert, find religion, etc. Good luck with that.


  6. 1 hour ago, Argus said:

    The interesting thing about this is not how it seems pretty obvious, but how similar the Trudeau government has reacted to how the Trump people react to foreign interference as long as it benefits them.

    With a shrug, a smile and no action. Nor is any contemplated or likely. As long as millions of foreign dollars help support the Liberals they're not any more likely to take any action than Trump and his people are.

    U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has unearthed the danger Russians pose to all democracies through their dirty tricks, lobbying efforts, hacking, and social media propaganda campaigns.

    While there has never been a Mueller-like investigation in Canada, foreign incursions have shaped public policy – and anti-oil efforts – for years. In 2018, it was revealed the same Russian secret service organization that meddled in the 2016 U.S. election has been behind anti-pipeline attacks against Canada through intermediaries.


    That's why I don't like the fact that one hereditary chief can block an entire pipeline. How hard is it for the Russians, Saudis, or Americans to pay off 1 guy? 

    • Like 1
  7. 49 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

    I get the "post-national" ideal, but now isn't the time with so many nationalists about.  You need fair and enforceable international rules, which the anti-globalists won't support.  Trump is interested in the zero-sum game, which in the long run is a zero-zero game.  Weakening other countries weakens markets for your goods and slows growth internationally.  Expressing cultural identity and having strong local democracy is good, but not when it includes notions of supremacy or dominance.  We've been through enough wars to know that having unfair rules or ignoring good rules hurts everyone in the long run.  Canada has accepted the dominance of other powers.  For example, France got a permanent seat on the Security Council even though Canada had one of the largest armed forces at the end of the Second World War (after the U.S., Russia, and Great Britain) and France didn't have a military.  In that regard and some others, "the game is rigged," as Trump says.  His problem is that he talks a good line about fairness but fails to see how he perpetuates unfairness and seeks new unfair advantages.  Trudeau is naïve, but he has sought to work with other countries for progressive international solutions.  With Trump it's America First, so the likes of Trudeau don't stand a chance.  

    America has trade deficits with most of the countries they deal with.

    It's popular to diss Trump and call him a bully but his job is to promote the US economy and protect their workers. 

    Trudeau pretends to care about the workers at SNC, but now there's talk about SNC employees making a lot of illegal donations to the Liberal party. So maybe he was just covering his own ass? He certainly doesn't give a crap about 200,000 jobs in Alberta.


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  8. 28 minutes ago, Argus said:

    Zero? There have been no deaths because of traffic accidents? No deaths because of the pollution pouring out of car exhausts? I think you're hugely mistaken there.


    Traffic accidents have nothing to do with this conversation Argus, and the burden of proof re: deaths from traffic pollution is on you.

    It's not something that you can just s'pose on and I have to disprove. 


    You find it amusing to think that technology and safeguards might be somewhat improved 70 years later?

    It also happened in Japan.

    The problem with these things is that once they're up and running we become entirely dependent on them, and as is the case in Japan, they knew it needed to go offline for a serious overhaul and they just didn't. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

    Trump is a bigger asshole than JT and the world knows it.  Outside America the world just shakes its head at the ridiculous US administration, except perhaps guys like Netanyahu, Putin, and Taxme. 

    Trump is pro-America and the world knows that. Trudeau is proud to boast that he's a post-nationalist. The world knows that he's a spineless dolt and Canada is a doormat right now.

  10. On 5/4/2019 at 2:33 PM, Argus said:

    And how many people have died because of the side effects of pollution caused by the internal combustion engine? For that matter, how many have died in car accidents? We accept these deaths as the price to be paid for the benefits we get.

    Not even a comparison. It's basically zero, and radiation sickness is a horrible death.


    Chernobyl was 1950s technology run by Russians, half of whom seem to be alcoholics. I'm pretty sure we can make them safer today.


  11. 4 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Hydro-electric power is the best and safest but it is not portable. There are only certain areas where it is viable.

    More people die in motor vehicle accidents in Saskatchewan in one year than have died from nuclear accidents world wide in the history of nuclear power. One person died at the Fukijima plant when he suffered a heart attack. The irrational fear of nuclear power is an indictment of our education system. 

     We should use uranium until we can bring LIFTR reactors on line. Thorium produces little waste, will not melt down is far more efficient than uranium, and is more plentiful than uranium. It cannot be used in nuclear weapons. 

    Western Canada is the Saudi Arabia of uranium. Eastern Canada is home to the Candu reactor family and they are currently developing small reactors for use in northern communities. We can sell them all over the world. It means clean water, small carbon emissions,  electric fast trains and urban transit, and basically, unlimited energy for thousands of years. The proviso is we will need to conserve coal, iron ore and oil to build the infrastructure.

    One person died from Fukijima, but several more are in the slow, painful process of dying from the radiation they received in the initial cleanup process. 

    The damage to marine life and the problems associated with eating fish from that part of the ocean isn’t being talked about because there are no anti-nuclear lobbyists paying kids to protest about it. 

  12. 6 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Because there is train loads of cash to be made in the transition to nuclear power. I interpret your user name to mean you are from western Canada. Don't you like money? 

    When I was growing up nuclear power was frowned on. 

    The damage from places like Fukijima and Chernobyl make an oil slick look like spilled milk. 


  13. 3 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

    U.S. jobs economy is on fire....lowest unemployment rate in 50 years...3.6%

    Wages...up.   Exports...up.   Manufacturing...up.  Democrats whining....up.


    LOL. Not possible. 

    Their alt-left insanity is up though, thanks to AOC/BS bad idea factory getting into full gear. So appropriate that Bernie Sanders' initials are BS.

    • Like 1
  14. 21 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Actually, you didn't. How do you reconcile the chemical properties of methane and CO2 which inhibit re-radiation of energy? This phenomenon is predictable and measurable. You can test it in any undergraduate lab. So, we can measure the amount of methane and CO2 in the atmosphere in pre-industrial times through ice cores, and we can measure the amount now. We can measure the rise in global temperature in the intervening years. So, my honourable friend, please explain where the BS exists. 

    Global warming dolts cite cow farts as a factor. There were ten times as many bison as there currently are cows. 

    They cite increased numbers of cat 5 hurricanes over the Atlantic but they were never tracked until recently. However, large hurricanes that make landfall is a stat that has been tracked, and it’s not up.

    Our cars aren’t a big factor in co2 levels by comparison with everything else on the planet. Plus, more co2 in the environment just makes for more robust plant growth, which decreases co2. 

    Global warming skeptics have made hundreds of predictions since the ‘80’s with a zero percent success rate. Why should I start believing them now? Is the polar ice all gone? Nope. Doing better than normal. Oh snap. 

    Why should we be the only ones doing anything about it? We shouldn’t. 

  15. 1 hour ago, dialamah said:

    Well I see these things on a continuum:

    2.  Islam/Muslims are a threat to Westerners and Western culture and only idiots think they aren't.  I have to tell everybody about the threat they pose.

    That’s the closest to the truth imo but still not accurate. Here’s my summary:

    Humans are humans and have their own tendencies but Islam is an extremely negative behaviour modifier which empowers slavers, misogynists, and other undesirables. It always has been. That’s why the actions of a devout Buddhist and a devout Muslim are nothing alike. 



    Thats it in a nutshell.

    If you don't know the reasons that’s your own problem. I’m not going to post links for you or spell it all out for you. Read up, and think. Don’t just regurgitate kindergarten talking points or Dem/Lib platitudes. 

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  16. 56 minutes ago, dialamah said:

    As you play up the ones by Muslims and minimize the ones against Muslims by White, Western types.  

    Identity politics:  not just for Liberals anymore.

    There are between 150-200 terrorist attacks per month globally. You can downplay the 170 islamic terrorist attacks and I'll downplay the other 5 or so that are committed by the entire rest of the world ok?

    Here I go:

    5 terrorist attacks per month are bad, but it's only 1/34th as bad as 170.

    Your turn.


    Understanding liberal identity politics: some stupidity required. And by some, we mean a lot.

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  17. 11 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    You have no business whatsoever being anywhere near this discussion.

    That said I'd sure like to see Kenney and Scheer make that their pitch.  I'm quite certain its what they believe too.

    Right back atcha eyeball. I bet that everything you know about meteorology would fit in a nutshell and rattle.

  18. "Fish and Global Warming" blah blah blah. Spoken like true foreign lobbyist.

    American tankers go down our west coast from Alaska, Saudi tankers come in from the east, but Alberta can't ship oil out in tankers because our waterways are too precious. Go fish. (see how I did that? Pretty slick hey? "Slick" DID IT AGAIN! BOOM! I'm on a roll)

    Global warming is utter bullshit. We're coming into solar minimum, it might actually be colder than normal. You'll wish we all flew around in private jets like the dickheads who pimp "global warming" to us, for example Leo DickAprio.

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