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Everything posted by cougar

  1. I am trying to enjoy it. But the greed is all around and the forests disappear. I have been here for about 9 years now and I see the changes over those 9 years. The changes over the past 50 years would be TREMENDOUS! It hurts me. I am an immigrant; you'd think I shouldn't care, but I do, and it hurts me big time. I am getting old too, but I am in shape to go anywhere, at all altidutes and do better than most 20 year olds. I guess cougars don't get old; just die.
  2. I live in the wilderness where there are things to take. A wilderness where people are flown in to fish pristine waters and observe glaciers and mountain peaks from the sky. Helicopters exploring the area to then go back and take down what can be sold to China! I am sick of it! My rivers are flowing mud because of bank erosion after the clear cuts! I would take down those fucking helicopters if I could. This is my home....
  3. OK, if your ATV makes no noise, does not go off the roads to ruin the plants and make a mess, has little emissions, I will accept it! What I do not accept is the noise guys on ATV's snowmobiles , boats , helicopters and planes make all over the place EVERY DAY of the week. I wish I had an RPG launcher to take down all helicopters hovering over my head on a Saturday and Sunday in my wilderness recreation activities! It should not be allowed for those to run on weekends! It should not be allowed for one or two people to destroy the peace and quite of hundreds or thousands of people and wildlife!
  4. One can envy your self confidence. Canada did what countries around the world did and still do. There are still lock downs in place more than a year after the pandemic hit. What is your solution for having those people affected by the lock downs put food on their tables? Stay at home without food till they expire, maybe?
  5. Your heart condition is no excuse. You want me, the healthy person to walk out there and put up the the noise and noxious fumes of your ATV, because you do not want to walk wherever for as long as your heart allows you to? And you think everyone else should put up with the same? Yes, I drive a car, which is not an ATV or a pickup. When I can get an electric vehicle , I will. No hypocrisy here.
  6. Exactly! But not to me, but to those people who believe he handled the pandemic well. What is your take on it? You think this was wrong and he shouldn't have given anything to anyone just so we enter into a recession and a house market crisis faster? He did what he could. When you look around the world the different nations fared about the same. All are losers; COVID cases are rising everywhere. Maybe you could have done something smarter but...I doubt it.
  7. Totally wrong. It does affect the environment and it is an unnecessary burning of fuel. Take you mountain bike along next time. [quote]Only Marxist-minded people want to control everyone else's life and take away our freedom.[/quote] Again wrong. You are controlled by the large capitalist entities - banks and businesses and the government which they control. [quote] The dumb masses believe their lies. [/quote] And wrong again. Masses do not believe in carbon taxes but have no choice Gee, you have to change your screen name from blackbird to alwayswrong.
  8. It means you recognize the right of everything else out there to exists and come up with a model where you leave their property intact. You figure out how many humans can coexist on how many square kilometers with how many of the other species and you stick to that number. You do not invade and convert more wildlife habitat into garbage dumps. You understand how the forests work and you do not disturb more than 10% of the old growth forests. The rest is there to regulate the climate. You understand that this fucking chocolate wrapper or plastic coffee cup you used for one second can be out there in the ditch for a century after you are gone and you do not make it! Sustainability is when you know that what is out there , as far as you are concerned, will continue to be out there for every future generation.
  9. As a population of over 8 billion fossil fuel thirsty idiots we can, as attested by actual climate change. However I agree that the carbon tax is a money grab that does nothing to protect anything. Weaning people off pickup trucks, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, planes and helicopters while making them use their own two feet, bicycles or small electric vehicles can go a long way. Producing high quality durable goods LOCALLY that get repaired or recycled , rather than thrown away can also go a long way. Stopping this mass importation of locust type people from overpopulated countries to strip our resources and further damage our forests and waters can also go a long way. There are many measure we can take, but only if we were a nation of reasonable people supporting one another and acting as a group; which we are not.
  10. From what I heard his rating has gone up big time with the way he handled the pandemic. I prefer him to any other options we had or have. I will vote for him again , no problem, as I see nothing out there to defend my interests.
  11. You think there is no country that survived for 100 years without increasing its population?
  12. Not really. Better planning, less humans, emphasis on quality vs. quantity; sustainability vs. expansion and destruction.
  13. Yes, you are correct; the natives did not destroy the land and decimate the wildlife populations. They did not build bloody highways and put planes and helicopters in the sky.They did not turn half of the continent into paved parking lots and landfills. Enough "building" already.
  14. This can only improve his credibility with me. In order to fix something, one has to first admit there is a problem. As for "built the country"; do I even want to start on this one.....
  15. You seem to be confusing the realities: Socialism does not mean you are deprived of private property. All it does is, it limits your properties in number and size. If you end up closer to the middle class or lower in our "perfect" market capitalist society you might understand why this is done and might actually find it fair. If your landlord did not have the right to buy your house, the house was going to be yours and you would have to pay less for it and have more freedoms So we came to the issue of freedom. How free are you living from paycheque to paycheque , paying rent and praying the landlord doesn't raise the rent cause this may put you on the street?? You will be praying for a Marxist society one day!
  16. My interpretation of the American dream is I believe the mainstream interpretation of unlimited financial success that can be achieved in a lifetime through hard work and ingenuity in a fair market. But there is no such thing as a fair market any more, unless you come up with your own unique product or service. Most is large monopolistic entities spanning countries and continents. About the line I quoted above; the system is still determining what one is entitled to (for the masses) and letting the super rich run wild. Think about "employees" and minimum wage. The standard of life for these people and what used to be the middle class has been going down for decades. But you know what? A proper system will determine what "you are entitled to" in order to preserve what is around. If you are competing like an animal, your size and strength will determine the "property" you will have and the number of females you can breed with, but it will be all withing reason. In our fucked up world you let someone lay hands on hundreds of square kilometers of land on all continents he is interested in, you let him strip this land with the help of others and convert it into whatever he wants and keep everyone else out, not with his presence and physical strength but with the laws he has created for himself. He also has the ability to prolong his life by decades. And this is what leads to the disaster we have today.
  17. And what is the American Dream? What is it based on? Is it sustainable?
  18. All good observations. There is nothing sustainable or renewable in removing a 200 year old tree from the forest. It is gone forever - for you and your kids and the kids of their kids. If the practice was sustainable you wouldn't need to build new forestry roads to new areas "harvesting" new blocks. Out west here it is 90% based on old forest removal. There is no such thing as "forest management". It is all forest devastation. I can go on and on about the effects, but I have done it already before.
  19. This is what you want to see, the hard stop??? You will see it sooner rather than later which will be a shame for our species as a whole. Show me a non-capitalist country expanding its population base through immigration.
  20. People in general do not create wealth; they destroy the wealth that is already there. They have the ability to convert a forest with all its inhabitants - tigers, peacocks, monkeys and all the rest into.....BitCoins (imaginary) and landfills (non-imaginary) garbage. What needs to be rethought is the Capitalist Model based on constant expansion and population growth.
  21. Looked into my account last month and no, can't find the usual CCB payment for my daughter. Looked back a few more months - they somehow stopped the payments in September 2020. Called them at 8:59am to hear their office opens at 9:00 am. Re-dialed and was now placed on hold. Exactly 1 hour and 31 minutes later someone picked up !!!!!! Only to tell me that the befits are in my wife's name and I cannot even ask them questions. Wait a second, I am one of the parents; we live all together, we have only one joint account. No, they can do nothing. Not even look into it based on a signal I gave them. Surprise , surprise. My wife is not at all able to spend 2 hour on hold to speak with someone; she works in the service industry; what do they expect??? So we mail them a letter. Today I receive a stupid statement from someone by the name of Bob, who shows me that the CCB for March was withheld because the address they had on file was invalid! Wait a second , Bob. Why are you then mailing this statement to us in March, when you found out the address was invalid in October 2020? Why are you mailing your statement to an address you think is invalid? And you know what , Bob? This address is the valid one and hasn't changed since 2014 ! So , Bob, why not you call me? Just keep in mind I will need your SIN and income reported in 2019 to the last cent and you WILL also be put on hold for 3 hours since I experience higher than normal call volumes every day for 20 years now and my dick is hard!
  22. This revelation is not relevant to the point I want to make. There were single cases in one area in China, possibly stemming from a single case. One year later, every continent and every or just about every country and region are affected! This is the important revelation to keep in mind with what we are doing to this Planet - climate, pollution, wildlife and forest decimation.
  23. The most profound revelation is that if one as much as farts in one corner of the world, the stench may one day affect everyone no matter where they are.
  24. I am a citizen. 20 years in the country. Worked all this time except for some time spent on EI in 2006 and some time spent at university where I got recycled by the system. Looking after my family and yes, paying my taxes and property taxes too. Appealing the assessments as they come. That is enough good info for you.
  25. He was just using my own terminology from a post in another thread. Just can't get over the fact he might be currently living in a sh. hole country.
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