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Everything posted by cougar

  1. First off, I do not hate Justin Trudeau; I may not know much about him, but I doubt he is entirely in the driver's seat and free to do as he pleases. Who waged war on Canada? Please remind me , the guy who was never strong in history. Going on missions thousands of kilometers away from our borders is hardly defense. It might actually be viewed as aggression. If you ask me, those who die in Afghanistan probably have zero idea what they die for. My guess??? To aid USA in establishing zones of control near Russia as well as laying hands on natural resources. Then you jump into the issue of systemic racism. Yes this is an issue and a valid one, no matter what you think. The problem is those whites who settled here, did that on lands that technically belonged to a different race, they tried to wipe those people out. Then they brought their slaves with them from Africa to mess things up more and finally slyly promoted the concept of multiculturalism to bring other slaves from other races who came here on their own accord being lured into their scheme. The mess is now final and complete - no nation, no race, no equality no common language or religion. Almost makes you wonder what is still keeping us in place - must be the bank and police.
  2. I imagine you should have figured this one out by now. No more immigration from fucking anywhere! Till this place starts feeling like a country with some sort of a nation in it!
  3. It is not about telling anyone what to do, or that someone enjoying it or not. If we make claims to be a "nation" and have a "culture" and live in a "society" then, one would expect certain conditions to be met: Definitions: Nation - A nation is a stable community of people formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture. - in other words we are not a nation Culture - the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. - in other words we have no Canadian culture. Putting 100 different cultures together does not make 1 new culture. Society - an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes. - forget about the religious, cultural, scientific or patriotic reasons. We qualify as a society only under "other purposes" namely economic reason, escaping war zones or making money.
  4. Now with the 1.5 million immigrants every 3 years, you will soon be a minority and lucky to see a new Canadian movie for Canadian whites. I would ask our minister of immigration if they are supposed to integrate to us or we to them. Classes in Punjabi and Mandarin may be appropriate.
  5. Hard to shoot movies when you have bombs exploding around you. About 97% of the US made movies are total crap; it is like they cannot have a movie without bloodshed, profound stupidity or sex. Most European movies are way more sensible. I don't know about the industrious culture you want to see. Generally the more people work the greater the damage to the surrounding world. As for the Boliwood, movies in Punjabi in Canada, it proves we have no nation, no culture and nobody is expected to "integrate" to anything other than a lifestyle of work and paying bills.
  6. This is exactly how they see it. 400,000 immigrants/year is over 1,000 flights, or 3 full airplanes landing every day for three years and no one leaves. Our ponzi-scheme economy cannot promise growth and attract investment unless the population base grows. It appears we will continue to trash the country / environment till some cataclysmic event puts an end to it.
  7. The world has been going around long before money was invented and will continue to go around after we, the idiots, disappear.
  8. We did have this same thread already and it went full circle. Why start it again? Unhappy with how it went last time?
  9. No, I do not have a few million dollars sitting around to feel secure, if that is what you mean. I have a job today; who knows about tomorrow. Nothing more to say to you , Argus; you are too vastly superior for me to comment on anything you post.
  10. The problem I see here with the stiff penalties is that alcohol affects people differently. Some are dangerous drivers even when they are not under the influence. I for instance, have had at least two or three Christmas parties where I had consumed a fair amount of alcohol (wine) and had chosen to drive myself home, being perfectly coherent and driving the same way as usual. But I have also seen drunk drivers going all over the road unable to drive straight (kind of makes you wonder what this has to do with walking and keeping your balance). So, in my case, if someone decides to commit suicide and jumps in front of my wheels, I would be in jail for doing nothing wrong, only based on the alcohol content. A combination of alcohol and speed though cannot be argued against. I would definitely recommend very stiff penalties for this type of offence. What happened to that rich young guy who wiped out a whole family at an intersection (3 young kids and their grand parents) when he was told not to drive and call a taxi? I think they were going to let him out early?
  11. You are wrong. I live very close to nature , right beside those fish and animals. All I need is to walk to the river and pull out my fish. The billionaires can go to the bank and then to the empty grocery store , drive themselves home and die peacefully. Nothing is under their control. They only ride the tide and hope it goes on forever, but tough chance :-)
  12. They must have started learning the hard way that making money is not everything. For example a guy of unlimited means likes to fish a river for large fish, but all this money making and growth, left few fish in the river so it was closed to fishing. His money could not buy him anything that year. Next year he was hoping for better luck, but the returns were poor again; however to his dismay he could not even leave his country any more, because the changed climate and the global market economy helped a virus get out of control. Money soon will be just a meaningless number in a bank account you can buy nothing with, or a pile of gold nobody wants as they have no food to eat. Mark my word.
  13. 1. Actually making exactly the statement you make is the silliest thing ever. There were millions of bison 300 years ago and millions of grizzlies all across North America and millions of tonnes of cod by Newfoundland and millions of tons of salmon and.......you can put any species on this list other than us. Where are they now???????? You go on Google Earth satellite view and see what forests you find in BC. 90% are already gone and not coming back. Reforestation is not an instant forest and no guarantee for a forest. 2. Yes, I fish with minimal to non-existent impacts to fish populations and the environment. You who buy farmed salmon have a terrible impact on wild fish stocks and the environment. 3. Yes I have a huge problem with them! Hunting a bear when there are tens of thousands around in a fair way (no help from electronic devices and no firearms) , to eat its meat will be perfectly fine with me. Going aftre bears on trophy hunt where one takes a flight from New York to Alaska, jumps in a truck, then a dirt bike, using GPS, info from guides and ends up killing one of the last remaining wild animals is criminal, dishonest, depraved and shows the mentality of a self entitled idiot! 4. I do worry about immigration, as you must have noticed in my reference to monkeys, despite me being one of them. However I am less of a monkey than the typical one, as I am the only child of my parents and I come from a country with a diminishing population. 5. You think the Liberals were going to be true to their promises? Like the tanker moratorium on the West Coast and no pipelines, only to approve the KM project and buy into it? Dreamer. 6. Again you are wrong. You forget the "Economic Growth". You forget that on a road with 10 cars per hour you now have 50 cars and 10 trucks per hour. You forget that the 2 lane highways get upgraded to 4 lane highways where the chance of an animal crossing unscaved become miniscule. You forget these animals are swept under the rug to create way to Economic Growth. I have researched it in detail in BC and have information and insight that very few of you have. I hope you keep your mind open and once in awhile ask yourself the question "What if I am wrong and he is right?"
  14. Well, I did not expect to win. I have been voting NDP in the past and also considered the Green's but I know well enough that all of them will play me for a fool. Having the party I voted for win the election is just another loss for me, but hopefully a smaller one. Conservatives are transparent - oil&gas, mines, jobs, growing the economy and ripping the world apart. I do not want that. I want the forest to be there tomorrow. I want to be able to get to my river and fish it again tomorrow. I want my peace and quiet as I have said it many times. Creating jobs and importing monkeys from overseas to take these jobs makes my life worse by the minute! Greens are pro-immigration; there goes all "green" they had. NDP continue with the LNG and the Site C; both of which are ecological disasters of gigantic proportions. Liberals bought a pipeline and work on their pipeline continues, but it is far from where I live. When the spill happens, which it will, Vancouver will be a second Bombay or Shanghai and hopefully the bigger monkeys, who run the small monkeys get some sense by then. I do not run from questions, I am not Argus. You believe the Liberals are a commie destroyer of Canada (yet you voted for them?). I think that shutting down the economy can help Canada recover. "Building the country" is actually destroying the country. If I am correct, you want to see growth happen, which is something working against you; hence being your own worst enemy. I will let my stamp theme submission to Canada Post speak for itself.
  15. Actually you are the worst enemy of yourself without knowing it. But you must know more about horses looking at the large pile of horseshit you produced. I cast my liberal vote. Looks like the NDP are likely to win.
  16. Was I ever saying we should continue producing disposable diapers?
  17. I am all for your sterlization idea; beats castration for sure. As for the environmental equation of organic vs. plastic products just ignore the noise coming from post #1. Poster there, like some other folks, goes on websites, collects ideas and posts them here without using his own head to filter the scat. All plastic crap manufacturers will tell you how harmful it is to use an organic product and expect you to continue to buy those plastic bags and condoms from them forever (forever m in this case may turn out to be a short time).
  18. You think there were diapers 100 years ago? But civilization apparently made it through. You have your questions answered.
  19. Condoms are non-essential too; there is always castration.
  20. Yes, unfortunately we are too slow to learn and some of us have no chance of learning. It broke my heart to watch a movie on Youtube about Papua New Guinea and how stores are set up and those same plastic bags and aluminum foil wrappers are given to people that literally just walked out of the bush. You have our modern-world rednecks fill up the lakes, rivers and the ocean with their plastics and all type of other garbage. What chance do the PNG people have? The island that was pristine years ago is now just another open landfill.
  21. You can continue to throw your plastic garbage through the window of your pickup to help the environment. Those Liberals are real dumbasses as you say. I will vote for them though, as might those other 46 forum members who read your vastly superior post but chose not to respond.
  22. I'm surprised that many of mine are left too. But to ask my original question again: quote: "Billions to connect rural homes to broadband is not going to result in any new jobs or improve the economy, though." How does job creation and economy growth improve your life? - the question was put to you Argus!
  23. Incoherent head cannot decide what a coherent thought is. The issue is entirely with your personal navigation devise.
  24. Argus, is this you in that avatar???? I still remember you from your puppy days (you were way more attractive then), you were in some knight armor after that and now your real face? Buddy, I just had a bottle of ....let me see....Lindeman's sauvignon blanc..kind of bitter but did its job as usual....and I thought ..let's see what the F is happening on that Political forum......... I have Schit's Creek playing in the background too, so I am not totally bored. What "improvement|" to economy do you need , buddy??? The pollution and noise are not enough for you already??? You are not happy with your anti COVID 19 mask, you want a full blown respirator to protect you from forest fire smoke and industrial emissions? Why do you need this "improvement:, buddy? You cannot buy yourself a $10 bottle of Lindeman's sauvignon blanc and be happy with it? What the F is wrong with you , buddy? Your hair is nearly gone from your head and you still have not found peace and happiness or gotten any closer to the meaning of life. You will make me cry for you, buddy! What a hopeless case you are.
  25. I knew I never had a chance for any political role: I am an immigrant and white. I cannot score points with the whites since I am an immigrant and will never score points with the minorities because I am white. In conclusion I belong to the most discriminated against group in Canada!
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