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  1. Turns out Sweden's Covid response puts them on par with worst hit countries in death rate (UK, France, US) and their economy suffered more than almost anywhere in Europe.  Government officials have also misled their citizens, and the world, about their goals and the outcome of their plan.  True agenda and poor outcome is revealed through inter-governmental correspondence and contradicts public statements.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shady


      You should really look at up to date economic data.  You’ll realize you’re completely wrong.  Sweden is back to life before covid.

    3. Shady


      Watch the video from NBC news.

    4. dialamah


      I watched it; how else would I know that it's a bunch of reassuring images?

      How is an economic downturn the same or greater than neighbors, combined with more deaths than their neighbors, a "success", Shady.  Can you answer that?  

      Here's another reality-based examination of Sweden's response, from scientists and researchers within Sweden, which the  - https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/10/it-s-been-so-so-surreal-critics-sweden-s-lax-pandemic-policies-face-fierce-backlash.


      In the population as a whole, the impact of Sweden’s approach is unmistakable. More than 94,000 people have so far been diagnosed with COVID-19, and at least 5895 have died. The country has seen roughly 590 deaths per million—on par with 591 per million in the United States and 600 in Italy, but many times the 50 per million in Norway, 108 in Denmark, and 113 in Germany.

      From the International Monetary Fund, a paper examining the economic performance of Sweden's non-lockdown policy: 


      By contrast, the economic ramifications of a less stringent containment strategy remain uncertain. As of September 2020, IMF staff, the Swedish authorities, the National Institute of Economic Research (NIER), and commercial banks all project a severe recession in Sweden, ranging from around -5 to -3 percent. Although the range of the projected contraction is less steep than the average forecast for advanced economies, it is not much different from some other Nordic countries.  In Sweden’s case, the evidence on erosion remains mixed, not least because GDP growth in 2020:Q2 was worse than in peers, while the cumulative performance in 2020:H1 remains relatively favorable.

      And, as many resources I looked at have mentioned:


      We also argue that the economic impact of the containment strategy depends on social behavior, demographics and the structure of the economy, and it is still premature to judge the outcome of Sweden’s containment strategy as it will depend on developments in the next quarters.

      The full story is not yet written, but so far there seems no particularly upside to Sweden's approach.

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