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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2018 in Posts

  1. I think most people who argue against "importing Muslims" don't particularly care if its the religious or the cultural aspects of their views that make them likely to be "extreme misogynists". From this point of view, you're not really scoring any points with the argument of "It's not because he's Muslim, it's because he's from the middle-east"! If it would make you happier to call these people "individuals of Middle-Eastern or North-African cultural background" rather than "Muslims" I'm sure that can be arranged. Although, personally, I think it's much less discriminatory to criticize a religion, which is just a dumb belief and can be changed at any time (except in Muslim countries where that would be punishable by death, of course), rather than national origin or ethnicity, which are not changeable.
    2 points
  2. Both Freeland and Lighthizer have made it clear that they are not negotiating in public. Loons can make up whatever crap they want but they have actual business to conduct.
    1 point
  3. He can't hold his tongue. Period. How many times did that tongue of his had caused us problems? He could never hold his tongue. The only time his tongue doesn't wag is when he uses his fingers on twitter!
    1 point
  4. Try not to do that-certain trendy leftists don't have a sense of humour. They live on a moral throne....that and they are constipated. But hey who am I to suggest prunes. Interestingly today it doesn't matter what language we use, specific leftist morally righteous self appointed moral police will find it inappropriate and demand we be put in the institute for the politically incorrect.
    1 point
  5. Margaret Wendt has a reasonable asessment of the purpose of the notwithstanding clause, and points out the Charter never would have been approved without it as many were concerned about judicial overreach and the sovereignty of parliament. So when is it appropriate to use the clause? “It should be used when there is a genuine difference of interpretation on rights and where the legislature decides to have the last word in the context of an interpretive dispute with the courts,” says Dwight Newman, a law professor at the University of Saskatchewan. “The other instance is when there is some need to react quickly to a judicial decision,” he tells me. Some argue that the notwithstanding clause is a “loophole” in the Charter. But this is exactly backward. It is an integral part of the Charter. Without it, there would be no Charter. And it was always intended to be used. Even Pierre Trudeau, who only reluctantly accepted the notwithstanding clause because there would have been no Charter deal without it, said he would use it to override the courts if they approved abortion rights. Which brings us to Doug Ford. The strongest criticism of his use of the notwithstanding clause is that it should be used as a last resort, and this case wasn’t that. This must be set against what Mr. Anglin calls a “‘cynical manipulation of the Charter” by the judge, who struck down the government’s legislation, to change the number of seats on Toronto City Council. “The judge’s ruling was so clearly unsound that if Section 33 isn’t an appropriate constitutional response here, when would it ever be?” Mr. Anglin tweeted. Section 33, he wrote, is a reminder that " if judges want to play politics, the legislature can do it better." https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-doug-ford-and-the-charter-dont-have-a-cow-man/
    1 point
  6. "Social justice" also gave us more than 1,000,000,000 worldwide abortions since 1980...no birthday cakes for them.
    1 point
  7. After vowing to not interfere with the matter of Ford invoking the NWC, Trudeau sticks his nose in it. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/toronto-mps-letter-against-ford-bill-1.4822576 I figured all along he could not hold his tongue on this matter and relished the opportunity to criticize Ford.
    1 point
  8. I'm not a fan of Trudeau, never have been but he and Freeland are our team in this whether we like it or not. Are you sure you are a Canadian because you seem to delight in the prospect of your country failing. Or are you so hyper partisan that the possible consequences for your country just don't matter to you.
    1 point
  9. Lol good luck on that one. Mach I think we should require all Canadians to learn French and English in elementary and high school and then let them choose a third language of any kind as an optional course-in high school..in other words, pretty much the way it is now. I think its good if your kid is Portugese, Italian, Greek or Spanish or Chinese, whatever, you encourage them to retain that language. The studies show, the more languages you speak the more likely you will be open-minded and flexible in the way you deal with things. Spanish is the fastest growing language in Toronto and the second largest in Toronto having replaced Italian and way ahead of Punjabi, Urdu, Mandarin, Tagalog. Hola! I can teach you some Yiddish, here you go: Justin Trudeau........putz Donald Trump.........shmuk Melania Trump.......shixa Doug Ford...............matzah ball
    1 point
  10. The tears of people pretending to care about the size of Toronto City Council are delicious. DoFo will have to do much worse for this to be a mover in the next election IN FOUR YEARS!!! The reason he did it in the middle of an election campaign is that he won't have another shot at doing this again for four years. Honestly, anyone who's truly upset at this, would never vote PC in the first place. This is nothingburger of an issue but it's all people really have on this government. BTW no Liberal ever ran and was elected on a Carbon Tax or Cap and Trade, but they tried to ram those things through after being elected. These Feds are even trying to force provinces that don't want a Carbon Pricing Scheme to eat it. How's that for anti-democratic?
    1 point
  11. I stand corrected - a sloppy mistake. He tripled the deficit. I will re-word: Wynne privatizes Hydro. Trudeau triples deficit with no balanced budget......neither of which were in campaigns and both of which have far more impact on peoples' lives than the number of councilors. Where was the outrage? Where were the lawsuits? The mentality of the Right is to accept democracy. The mentality of the Left is to litigate if it goes against their ideology. Have you noticed that now Greenpeace is launching a lawsuit against the Ontario government over the cancellation of Cap & Trade? And on and on it goes.
    1 point
  12. It also, under the current court, allows unlimited money to pour into the election and re-election efforts of politicians, allowing corporations and wealthy people to buy them in wholesale lots, which is destroying their democracy. I'll take the monarchy any day.
    1 point
  13. Wynne privatizes Hydro. Trudeau triples debt with no balanced budget......neither of which were in campaigns and both of which have far more impact on peoples' lives than the number of councilors. Where was the outrage? Where were the lawsuits? The mentality of the Right is to accept democracy. The mentality of the Left is to litigate if it goes against their ideology. Have you noticed that now Greenpeace is launching a lawsuit against the Ontario government over the cancellation of Cap & Trade? And on and on it goes.
    1 point
  14. Ford's use of the clause is perfectly legal and used precisely as it was intended when the Charter was passed in 1982. Specifically, to address provincial concerns about judicial overreach in the use of Section 2.
    1 point
  15. Twenty-eight year old Syrian refugees murdering 13 year old girls just months into being here is something we should learn to live with. Diversity is our strength...and I feel enriched by this fellow's actions. I know you do, too.
    1 point
  16. The sensible thing to do is to get rid of the Dairy Cartel.
    1 point
  17. Harper did. In fact, Harper increased immigration. Why wouldn't Scheer? The rest of what you say is correct. Scheer would be a huge improvement over Trudeau. But if you think he's going to cut back on immigration, as opposed to tightening up the rules, perhaps, you're engaging in wishful thinking. Remember that it was the Mulroney Tories who tripled immigration in the 1980s, not the Liberals. As far as the border goes, there's a lot that can be done to discourage the illegal migrants. I don't know that Scheer will have the balls to do it, though. They have thus far refused to say what they would do other than try to negotiate with Trump and get him to keep his third world migrants there. Fat chance of that succeeding.
    1 point
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