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NDP = Communism... is that what 2 million canadians want?

NDP = Communism  

34 members have voted

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It blew me away when someone on this site mentioned that the NDP was the closest party to Communism. I think thats a fair statement. The NDP support the ideal of "no rich, no poor" and that the government should control everything. I admit that 99% of my posts are bashing the NDP, and some of you are annoyed with that. But... please try to keep this thread intelligent and non-personal. I want to have a debate about what you guys think. If the NDP had a majority would they start taking steps towards a full comunism??

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It blew me away when someone on this site mentioned that the NDP was the closest party to Communism. I think thats a fair statement. The NDP support the ideal of "no rich, no poor" and that the government should control everything. I admit that 99% of my posts are bashing the NDP, and some of you are annoyed with that. But... please try to keep this thread intelligent and non-personal. I want to have a debate about what you guys think. If the NDP had a majority would they start taking steps towards a full comunism??

Uh...if you wanted to keep the thread intelligent, why did you open it with such a moronic premise?

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I voted yes because there wasn't another option, I think it depends on how you define communism. I don't think the majority of NDPers are communist or would want that, some radicals would, all you have to do is read rabble/babble, the lunatic fringe. I saw a thread there a long time ago where they thought all workers should be paid equally, doctors, lawyers etc. should only make a small amount more than a janitor - because - one human being is not worth more than another. Not to mention support of Cuba and the utopian state there.

IMHO if the NDP had a majority they would make some radical changes which would necessitate increasing taxes. We would see a lot more nationalized programs, inheritance taxes, much higher minimum wage and mandated benefits. They would change laws to give more power to the Unions. I also believe they would favour Palestinian terrorists over Israel. They would of course increase corporate taxes.

Over time, if given another mandate they would do with University tuition fees - again more tax increases - for starters. In other words, we would all be equally poor.

I fear if this should happen we would see corporations leave and unemployment rise.

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I voted no and I think you already strayed from your request of intellegint debate. In canada I figure the communist party is actually the closest thing to communist, atleast common sense would tell me that. I have no doubt the NDP would move the government to the left copying some socialist policies but that is far from making Canada a communist state. Looking at the NDP platform if they had a majority they would implement kyoto, child day care, re-esteblish public health system, clamp down on gun crimes, affordable housing programs, more fundign for post secondary education, cut what they term needless buisnes subsidies, decrease lowest Personal income tax rate. I am not goign to say all of that would be good for the Canadian economy, but i will say this. Conservatives often claimed that Stephen Harper would be moderate in office because he had to consider getting elected again...likewise the JACKing up of communism would not happen under an NDP majority because at some point those Canadians making more then a welfare check would object.

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It blew me away when someone on this site mentioned that the NDP was the closest party to Communism. I think thats a fair statement.

Going from social Democrat to communism is one heck of a jump. The NDP is definitely not a communist party. It doesn't advocate the abolition of private property or inheritance nor does it want to nationalise big business. Read their platform, thread over.

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Wouldn't the Communist Party of Canada be the Communists?

OMG look out!! Steve and the CPC are going facist!!! IT ALL MAKES LOGICAL SENSE I SWEAR.


How be that lefty nation of yours going? My right-wing utopia's economy is "thriving." ;)

The NDP has essentially borrowed many of its ideas of communism. While I doubt they'd actually push for a proletariat revolution if they were in power, they'd probably push all business into the states and a good number of Canadians too.

Alberta would immediately call a referendum and separate and borders would be open to all. The army would cease to exist.

I have no doubt that 2 million fools want this. And if they want it, let them have it. I am out of here in that case though... :(

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SamStranger has far too much free time on his hands so he libels the NDP by calling them communist. What a waste of bandwidth. This is typical of conservative and liberals party hacks that cannot see the failings in their own party's agenda's so they blame the NDP...but to call them communist? Give me a break. Your infantile ranting against the NDP like this is sooooo stupid, that it makes you look like the extremist nutbar. Have a nice day, genius.

Anyone, with any intelligence whatsoever would leave this topic alone.

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I have no doubt that 2 million fools want this. And if they want it, let them have it. I am out of here in that case though... :(

Sweet ! What part of Canada do you give us :)

Are you American?

You can come here to live but I don't give you any of Canada to keep.

But if the NDP takes power, it'd probably be the best time to bring the Marines in. After six months of Layton I'd give you guys six days for flat out victory...

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When the NDP formed its government in the 60s in Manitoba, people like TML were saying it was the end of the world. It wasn't. In fact, people were surprised at how much things stayed the same. Subsequent governments have shown the NDP has only become more moderate over the years. Once again, chicken little is wrong.

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SamStranger has far too much free time on his hands so he libels the NDP by calling them communist. What a waste of bandwidth. This is typical of conservative and liberals party hacks that cannot see the failings in their own party's agenda's so they blame the NDP...but to call them communist? Give me a break. Your infantile ranting against the NDP like this is sooooo stupid, that it makes you look like the extremist nutbar. Have a nice day, genius.

Anyone, with any intelligence whatsoever would leave this topic alone.

Is it a fair statement to say that the NDP are socialists, and left wing? Is that not close to Communism?? Did they not at one point suggest "Free for all governement where there are no rich or poor" (jack layton speech from 2004)

Don't critisize me because I am starting a debate. 6 people have voted with me saying that they would, or possibly would push for communism. Speak up fellow supporters!! Have your voices heard.


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Is it a fair statement to say that the NDP are socialists, and left wing? Is that not close to Communism?? Did they not at one point suggest "Free for all governement where there are no rich or poor" (jack layton speech from 2004)

Just like on the right, there's a whole spectrum of philosophies on the left. Being from the left doesn't make you a communist.

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Is it a fair statement to say that the NDP are socialists, and left wing? Is that not close to Communism?? Did they not at one point suggest "Free for all governement where there are no rich or poor" (jack layton speech from 2004)

Don't critisize me because I am starting a debate. 6 people have voted with me saying that they would, or possibly would push for communism. Speak up fellow supporters!! Have your voices heard.


Yeah, the NDP must be communist to get a RBC Banker, Paul Summerville to run as a candidate. NDP must also be communist to support tax breaks for low and middle income earners...also must be communist to offer corporate subsidies to businesses that are willing to clean up the environment. The NDP must be REALLY communist to support balanced budget laws. And they must be hardline Marxist-Communist to support legislation to INCREASE democracy and accountability in Ottawa.

The only thing more stupid than calling the NDP communist, is trying to convince people here of that. Even conservatives understand that...they might not agree with the NDP, but calling them communist is as accurate as calling conservatives Nazi's...only a Liberal would try that.

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Im not saying they are communists. Im saying that if they had a Majority, they would probably push for communism. Their wolves in sheeps clothing. They have such radical left wing views.

If we agree that Communism is the furthest to the left possible, then... why would be support a party that is also to the left? The Liberals are Centered to the left, just like the Conservatives are Centered to the right. But the NDP are right behind communism, im sure we can all agree on that?

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Im not saying they are communists. Im saying that if they had a Majority, they would probably push for communism. Their wolves in sheeps clothing. They have such radical left wing views.

If we agree that Communism is the furthest to the left possible, then... why would be support a party that is also to the left? The Liberals are Centered to the left, just like the Conservatives are Centered to the right. But the NDP are right behind communism, im sure we can all agree on that?

Your 'argument' is one of the most uneducated, childish, simple-minded comments I have ever read. NO, the NDP would not 'push' for communism if they had a majority. Its THAT simple. Why would they support proportional representation-like laws when communism is a one-party state system? Go back to school and learn facts before you post fantasies like this.

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Im not saying they are communists. Im saying that if they had a Majority, they would probably push for communism. Their wolves in sheeps clothing. They have such radical left wing views.

If we agree that Communism is the furthest to the left possible, then... why would be support a party that is also to the left? The Liberals are Centered to the left, just like the Conservatives are Centered to the right. But the NDP are right behind communism, im sure we can all agree on that?

Why do you think the NDP has been so moderate with the majority they've had for six years in Manitoba? They've reduced taxes and balanced the budget every year. They are very closely affiliated with the federal NDP and even had an election post-mortem with them a couple of weeks ago.

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Im not saying they are communists. Im saying that if they had a Majority, they would probably push for communism. Their wolves in sheeps clothing. They have such radical left wing views.

If we agree that Communism is the furthest to the left possible, then... why would be support a party that is also to the left? The Liberals are Centered to the left, just like the Conservatives are Centered to the right. But the NDP are right behind communism, im sure we can all agree on that?

(on the CPC)

I'm not saying they are fascists. I'm saying that if they had a majority, they would probably push for fascism. They're wolves in sheeps clothing. They have such radical right wing views.

If we agree that fascism is furthest to the right, then... why would be support a party that is also to the right ? ...But the CPC are right behind fascism, I'm sure we can all agree on that?

Do you see how much sense your post made now ? It's no more true on the right than it is on the left.

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I don't think they'd push for flat out communism. But the idea that they want to increase taxes (queue the NDP supporters to say this is not true) so they can push through their pet projects is a scary one. More government regulations and restrictions, especially on people's money, is exactly what we don't need at this time.

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