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You will find the countries in this club which claims of being a democracy and performs dictatorial actions.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. The heading is an oxymoron. Dictatorships are not democratic.
  3. Can we say that the US is a democracy, a world leader, and an honest partner? I don't think so. My wife is an IT company employee. She says many people were expecting great progress after Biden and Putin met and agreed on cooperation to counter cyber criminals. But this was just the intention, with no papers signed by the parties. Now we receive numerous requests from Russian IT companies asking on our intentions. However, their director got instructions not to cooperate without a special authorization from the govt. And they now have to ignore their foreign partners or answer them that they're waiting for instructions. Sad but true. Thus, is the US and its government a democracy or dictatorship?
  4. Are you sure that you do not mean Kim Jung Trudeau instead? Now that would make more sense.
  5. What are we talking about over here? Are we talking about destroying the US?
  6. The origins of American military support for Egypt is the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty facilitated by Jimmy Carter in 1979, prior to, the Egyptians were a Soviet client, but once the Egyptians agreed to make peace with the Israelis, that opened the way for the Americans to peel them off from the Soviets, in essence flipping them to the NATO side, at which point they were given access to US military hardware and money to pay for it. Pretty much everything the US does in the ME now is Cold War Legacy Projects from the Carter Administration, that just never got shut down at the end of the Cold War and became Zombie Cold War Legacy projects as a result.
  7. I've never understood why we arm Egypt like that. Most Americans don't.
  8. US is going to give weapons to Egypt coup government worth of 195 million. http://uk.businessinsider.com/r-us-lifts-restrictions-on-195-million-in-military-aid-for-egypt-official-2018-7
  9. British prime minister saluting British prens like a slave.
  10. People got arrested for helping the homeless people. Source: http://www.kusi.com/dozen-arrested-feeding-homeless-el-cajon/
  11. Female patient kicked out from hospital for not being able to meet treatment fees. Source: https://www.davidwolfe.com/baltimore-hospital-patient-dumpting/
  12. US soldiers shooting at civilian vehicles in Afghanistan. Source: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/10/military-investigating-shooting-afghanistan-battlefield-video-276534
  13. Teacher detained for asking questions in a meeting. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/09/louisiana-teacher-handcuffed-forcibly-after-asking-questions-at-board-meeting
  14. US social media companies Twitter and Facebook says they delete accounts on the requests of US and Israel govts. Source: https://theintercept.com/2017/12/30/facebook-says-it-is-deleting-accounts-at-the-direction-of-the-u-s-and-israeli-governments/
  15. People are jailed for years even without a trial. Source: http://bbc.in/2DwnJAb
  16. US social media organ Twitter closed the account of Palestinian kid Ahed Tamimi who is a symbol person of Palestinian resistance against terrorism. There is no news about it in Western media agencies, so I put her account link below. http://bit.ly/2BI67ka
  17. US spreading fake/false news to cause a war. Source: http://bit.ly/1YRkQCA
  18. US announced that they are going to straiten budget spend for United Nations after UN disagrees with US. Source: http://bit.ly/2C8qrwl
  19. A Jewish guy who was sentenced to 27 years in prison is released by the president. http://bit.ly/2DiqMfT
  20. US govt trying to hide the number of civilians they murdered during so-called Mosul operation against ISIS. https://apnews.com/bbea7094fb954838a2fdc11278d65460/Vast-undercount-of-Mosul-dead:-9,000-civilians-paid-in-blood?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP
  21. US official threaten the countries who votes opposite to US vote in UN meeting about Palestine. https://twitter.com/nikkihaley/status/943241599953309696?s=17
  22. Russia reverses the deleted documents in the laptop of the assassin of the Russian ambassador. They found out hundreds of documents of US backed Turkish terror organization FETO. Source:
  23. Despite my aversion to always using Wikipedia as a source, this article does have a good summary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_No._10 I just realized Altai, I seem to have misinterpreted your statement about saying what you want does not mean the government is not a dictatorship. I think I read that wrong, sorry. I'd have to disagree with you then. If you can say what you want the government is not likely a dictatorship. People disappear in the middle of the night for saying what they want in a dictatorship, typically.
  24. I have to disagree with that, in part but not in whole. Democracy might aim to prevent injustice--as you put it, and with which I agree--but it does not always succeed. Therefore saying that "unjust moves are dictatorial" misses the point that there is still a "democratic elite" in some democracies, which try to promote their interests above everyone else's. No one has invented a form of government that stops all injustice. Therefore, it's incorrect to call a government a dictatorship because it has done unjust things; because democracies do do unjust things. It's part of human nature. That's why Winston Churchill said (or is thought to have said) "democracy is the worst form of government...except for all the other ones that have been tried." The point of democracy is to minimize injustice. No one's invented a form of government yet that has successfully eliminated it yet. James Madison in his famous Federalist No. 10 spoke about "the violence of faction." What he was talking about was precisely that: elites governing for themselves. Today, we would call Madison's "faction" a special interest. His belief was that, in an extended republic, there are too many elites for any one of them to gain the upper hand for any extended period of time. (Oops.) I totally agree with this statement. People vote based on their perception, which doesn't always match up with the facts--in fact, it frequently doesn't match up with facts. This is one of the reasons that injustices occur in democracies. Many people vote out of ignorance, and it's impossible for anyone--even for a person who is well-informed--to be armed with all the facts before they check the box inside the voting booth. (For this reason we have republics instead of direct democracies.) And of course, it is human nature to not truly understand what it's like for someone else until you've walked a mile in his shoes. It's not possible to walk a mile in everyone else's shoes before going into the polling booth. I totally agree with this statement as well! In western democracies, libel or slander--especially when the slanderer is attempting to ruin you--is not legal. True, that in the USA, the first amendment protects free speech and press, but not actual libel. (Of course it's actually hard in the United States to stop someone libeling you once they've done it: you have to be able to prove the slanderer's intent in court. Otherwise the person libeling you can just claim "oops, i was wrong.") There's also the expression "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater." You certainly cannot. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you have the right to start a stampede for the fire exit when there's no fire. Well, politicians do seem to have a special talent for shifting blame onto their colleagues. The proverb that seems most applicable would be "Victory has a thousand fathers; defeat is an orphan." That's why the framers of the American constitution created a one-man executive (he might have assistants, but they're not equal to him in authority): because if there were a council of chief executives they'd spend their entire time shifting blame onto each other. It's hard for a president to totally escape blame for some sort of screw-up: he's the most visible member of the regime and the most powerful, so the egg will land squarely on his face. (Hopefully.) Pretty good debate so far!
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