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Free Gaza Movement


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Turns out that the founder of the Free Gaza Movement (you know...the flotillas) is a raging anti-Semite and Holocaust denier. Greta Berlin made an ooopsy the other day when she tweeted...

"Zionists operated the concentration camps and helped murder millions of innocent Jews." Amongst other things.



In your opinion, is this typical of the anti-Israeli movement or is Ms Berlin merely an ugly wart on the nose of a noble movement?

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In your opinion, is this typical of the anti-Israeli movement or is Ms Berlin merely an ugly wart on the nose of a noble movement?

As the linked article asks:

Is it an anti-Semitic action group, or have well-meaning do-gooders been duped into following a women whose views they’d personally find abhorrent?

My guess would be that many of the members of movement are indeed just brainwashed misguided "do-gooders". Of course, there are some real anti-semites in the mix as well. While accusations of antisemitism are sometimes flung about lightly and carelessly, particularly on internet forums, there is also a lot more real antisemitism rampant in the world than a lot of people would care to admit.

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It's dubious, IMO, that other members were unaware of the movement founder's leanings since these posts were meant for other members with access to her FB account. So, I suspect the entire lot is quite similar in thinking.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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Guest American Woman
My guess would be that many of the members of movement are indeed just brainwashed misguided "do-gooders". Of course, there are some real anti-semites in the mix as well. While accusations of antisemitism are sometimes flung about lightly and carelessly, particularly on internet forums, there is also a lot more real antisemitism rampant in the world than a lot of people would care to admit.

I agree. I also think that it's the 'flavor of the day' to support Palestine rather than Israel, so many of the "misguided" are really ignorant by choice; ie: they don't really bother with fact-checking, they just jump on the bandwagon.

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In your opinion, is this typical of the anti-Israeli movement or is Ms Berlin merely an ugly wart on the nose of a noble movement?


The Free Gaza Movement is a coalition of human rights activists and pro-Palestinian groups formed to challenge the Israeli-Egyptian blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip by sailing humanitarian aid ships to Gaza. The group has more than 70 endorsers, including Desmond Tutu and Noam Chomsky.

The organizations participating in the Free Gaza Movement include the International Solidarity Movement.[3] The activists participating in the effort include Jeff Halper, Hedy Epstein, Lauren Booth, and members of various Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religious organizations. Israeli intelligence agencies say that it also includes Islamist organizations that pose a security threat to the Jewish state.

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I agree. I also think that it's the 'flavor of the day' to support Palestine rather than Israel,

heh. i wonder if you'd call the struggle against apartheid south africa the 'flavour of the day'.
so many of the "misguided" are really ignorant by choice; ie: they don't really bother with fact-checking, they just jump on the bandwagon.

facts, meaning international law? how many times has israel violated international law again?

would you consider the ruling of the international court of justice on israel's occupation and east jerusalem as fact or are they made up?

are the 65 UN resolutions documenting israel's violations made up?

would you consider the opinions by expert human rights organizations (such as amnesty, HRW, betslem and red cross) as facts or are they made up?

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The pro Arab side isn't concerned with anything except that they be anti Israel. As long as this condition is met they will side with anyone which is why so many socialists are pro Iran and pro Muslim Brotherhood, pro Hezzbollah and the list goes on. The hatred they have for Americans, Jews and Israel is so vile and strong that it blinds them from anything resembling reason.

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The Free Gaza Movement is a coalition of human rights activists and pro-Palestinian groups formed to challenge the Israeli-Egyptian blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip by sailing humanitarian aid ships to Gaza. The group has more than 70 endorsers, including Desmond Tutu and Noam Chomsky.

The organizations participating in the Free Gaza Movement include the International Solidarity Movement.[3] The activists participating in the effort include Jeff Halper, Hedy Epstein, Lauren Booth, and members of various Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religious organizations. Israeli intelligence agencies say that it also includes Islamist organizations that pose a security threat to the Jewish state.

Well, to be fair, that's Free Gaza's claim and their founder was just outed for what she really is. Is it likely the entire Board of Directors over at that movement were fooled by Ms Berlin?

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Well, to be fair, that's Free Gaza's claim and their founder was just outed for what she really is. Is it likely the entire Board of Directors over at that movement were fooled by Ms Berlin?

The Free Gaza movement is obviously a bunch of evil Jew-hating filth. The only problem is that they have her on record being explicit about her views. Not sure if you saw the videos from the terrorists on the boat doing a group Islamic prayer asking Allah for protection in their upcoming "confrontation with the Jews". It's straight out of that Quran quote you posted in the other thread expressing Islam's hatred and contempt for Christians, Jews, and other infidels.

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Guest American Woman

heh. i wonder if you'd call the struggle against apartheid south africa the 'flavour of the day'.

Try reading what I actually said.

facts, meaning international law? how many times has israel violated international law again?

would you consider the ruling of the international court of justice on israel's occupation and east jerusalem as fact or are they made up?

are the 65 UN resolutions documenting israel's violations made up?

The 65 UN Resolutions actually confirms what I said.

would you consider the opinions by expert human rights organizations (such as amnesty, HRW, betslem and red cross) as facts or are they made up?

I consider many of them one-sided and/or exaggerated.

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Try reading what I actually said.

i did, and you called supporting palestinians 'flavour of the day' and the people misguided and ignorant by choice.

why don't YOU read what you actually said.

The 65 UN Resolutions actually confirms what I said.

well, there you have it. another american woman comment that has 0 substance. but as long as she presses reply and types something.

I consider many of them one-sided and/or exaggerated.

totally. many hasbara bots consider human rights organizations, desmond tutu, and reality as one-sided and/or exaggerated.

Edited by bud
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Guest American Woman

i did, and you called supporting palestinians 'flavour of the day' and the people misguided and ignorant by choice.

Which has nothing to do with your response, so try responding to what you actually read, ok?

well, there you have it. another american woman comment that has 0 substance. but as long as she presses reply and types something.

It has plenty of substance, but since you have nothing in response, you press reply and type this crap.

totally. many hasbara bots consider human rights organizations, desmond tutu, and reality as one-sided and/or exaggerated.

And this is what it always comes down to - the "you're a hasbara bot" response. Ultimately, it's all you've got. Pathetic.

Edited by American Woman
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And this is what it always comes down to - the "you're a hasbara bot" response. Ultimately, it's all you've got. Pathetic.

Especially seeing the founder of the movement...eagerly supported by folks like bud...turned out to be exactly what you and I KNEW she was all along. That includes all the other Alice Walkers and Greta Berlins out there. No flotillas for Syria...not enough Jooos involved.

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Which has nothing to do with your response, so try responding to what you actually read, ok?

sure it does. people have been standing up for the palestinians' human rights for a long time just like they did for those effected by the apartheid regime in south africa. it's not a flavour of the day as you like to suggest.

It has plenty of substance, but since you have nothing in response, you press reply and type this crap.

65 UN resolutions confirms WHAT you said? your comment has no meaning. all you're doing is fluffing yourself with hot air.

And this is what it always comes down to - the "you're a hasbara bot" response. Ultimately, it's all you've got. Pathetic.

really? all i have are several human rights organization, UN reports, rulings by the international court of justice, opinions by people such as desmond tutu and more who support what i say, but you tell me i have nothing? what do you have?

you are a hasbara bot. you've admitted to being a zionist and a supporter of a regime who violates human rights. you are unable to criticize the israeli government and more often than not, you try to justify and excuse their actions. you try to spin and spread misinformation in order to deflect criticism of israel. just like what you did in this thread; you tried to downplay human rights organizations' repeated criticism of israel's treatment of palestinians.

you are a hasbara bot archetype.

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You are a terrorist.

Isn't this type of discussion fun? :)

it's interesting that you compare hasbara bots to terrorists. however, i have never once defended terrorists while you regularly apologize for, try to justify and propagate for the zionist regime.

it's easy to win debates with you, because the truth is on my side.

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Guest American Woman

it's interesting that you compare hasbara bots to terrorists. however, i have never once defended terrorists

I'm not comparing them, but you sure have defended terrorists, just as much as I have

while you
regularly apologize[d] for, tr[ied] to justify and propagate for the zionist regime.

it's easy to win debates with you, because the truth is on my side.

That's what all the terrorist supporters say. ;)

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I'm not comparing them, but you sure have defended terrorists, just as much as I have

That's what all the terrorist supporters say. ;)

yes. you type a lot, but unless you are able to cite where i have defended terrorists, then this is just more hot air from you.

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Guest American Woman

yes. you type a lot, but unless you are able to cite where i have defended terrorists, then this is just more hot air from you.

Every time you type you support terrorism; you are always apologizing for, and trying to justify and propagate for Hamas.

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heh. i wonder if you'd call the struggle against apartheid south africa the 'flavour of the day'.

facts, meaning international law? how many times has israel violated international law again?

I'd rather Israel survive than scrupulously obey your version of "international law". What legislature passes "international law"? What people vote on "international law"? And who does "international law" protect?

I'm sure Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and France were quite scrupulous in their observance of "international law" as 1939 worked into 1940.

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Every time you type you support terrorism; you are always apologizing for, and trying to justify and propagate for Hamas.

show me where. if you can't show where i've supported terrorism, you fail again.

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I'd rather Israel survive than scrupulously obey your version of "international law". What legislature passes "international law"? What people vote on "international law"? And who does "international law" protect?

international allowed israel to be created.

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Guest American Woman

show me where. if you can't show where i've supported terrorism, you fail again.

It's everywhere. It's you who has failed to show you don't support terrorism.

See? Isn't this fun? :)

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international allowed israel to be created.

The U.N. did not "create" Israel; it ratified its existence. The U.N. wasn't in there fighting back the armies that invaded from three or four directions the day it declared independence. And the U.N. certainly has done nothing to stanch the ensuing terrorism.

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The U.N. did not "create" Israel; it ratified its existence. The U.N. wasn't in there fighting back the armies that invaded from three or four directions the day it declared independence. And the U.N. certainly has done nothing to stanch the ensuing terrorism.

Why won't they ratify Palestine's existence then?

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