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Deadly stampede at rally in Yemen


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This article shows a situation where the US, Israel and/or Harper cannot be blamed for savagery. Can Blair be blamed?

Deadly stampede at rally in Yemen(link)


By Ahmed Al-Haj

Associated Press

SAN`A, Yemen -- A stampede broke out Tuesday in a stadium packed with thousands of people for an election campaign rally for Yemen's president, killing at least 51 people and injuring more than 200, including youths bused in for the event.

The tragedy came as President Ali Abdullah Saleh -- in power for nearly 30 years -- is campaigning in the oil-rich nation's first competitive presidential elections, set for Sept. 20, against a single rival who has drawn tens of thousands to his rallies.

``The spontaneous scramble of Yemeni people who rushed out with huge crowds to take part in the electoral rally is a clear evidence that Yemenis are lovers of democracy,'' he was quoted as saying by the Yemeni official news agency.


The stampede broke out minutes after Saleh finished addressing the rally and left the stadium.

Participants were constantly moving in and out of the stadium. Medical and security officials said the stampede broke out when some people leaving ran into those entering, causing some to trip and fall and be trampled.

Overcrowding and a lack of clearly marked exits contributed to the stampede, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the press.

A statement from the Ibb provincial government put the death toll at 51 with more than 230 injured. Witnesses reported seeing children and teens among the bodies brought out from the crowd.

Opposition groups called for an investigation and urged the government to punish those responsible for the tragedy. The government announced that campaign rallies will continue.


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How is this different than reporting deaths from a stampede at a Who concert in Cincinnati?
Indeed, there is a 'stampede' almost evey year in Mecca, just too many people in too small a space.

Every year, the Jews congregate for the High Holy Days. We typically have close to 1000 packed into relatively small spaces, with very small exits. Ever hear of the "post-Yom Kippur stampede"? Keep in mind, at the end of services, we haven't eaten or drank for 24 hours at least. Any stampedes out of there?

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Every year, the Jews congregate for the High Holy Days. We typically have close to 1000 packed into relatively small spaces, with very small exits. Ever hear of the "post-Yom Kippur stampede"? Keep in mind, at the end of services, we haven't eaten or drank for 24 hours at least. Any stampedes out of there?

Perhaps if they had a Who concert with rush seating in Haifa the story might be different.

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Our Stampede is the greatest outdoor show on Earth. We might have the Stampede because we're uncivilized rednecks according to Ontario people, much like you suggest of the Yemenese (is that right?), but no one is harmed other than some ugly hangovers in our event.. <_<

I once asked an Albertan who posted on a forum I used to run what the difference was between the Hajj Stampede (the annual fatal stampede in connection with the "stoning the devil" ritual) and the Calgary Stampede. He responded that the "Calgary Stampede has:

  1. Good beer;
  2. Good looking women; and
  3. A good time had by all.

The Hajj has none of those."

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This article shows a situation where the US, Israel and/or Harper cannot be blamed for savagery. Can Blair be blamed?
Overcrowding and a lack of clearly marked exits contributed to the stampede...

Not sure where the savagery part comes in.

A handy list of stampede deaths

Every year, the Jews congregate for the High Holy Days. We typically have close to 1000 packed into relatively small spaces, with very small exits. Ever hear of the "post-Yom Kippur stampede"? Keep in mind, at the end of services, we haven't eaten or drank for 24 hours at least. Any stampedes out of there?

Don't do it , Dog...don't do it...

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This article shows a situation where the US, Israel and/or Harper cannot be blamed for savagery. Can Blair be blamed?
Overcrowding and a lack of clearly marked exits contributed to the stampede...

Not sure where the savagery part comes in.

A handy list of stampede deaths

Look at the numbers of deaths in "religious" stampedes and the other ones. The Hajj list is not complete, but still, you've made my point for me. The other ones are all under 100.

Every year, the Jews congregate for the High Holy Days. We typically have close to 1000 packed into relatively small spaces, with very small exits. Ever hear of the "post-Yom Kippur stampede"? Keep in mind, at the end of services, we haven't eaten or drank for 24 hours at least. Any stampedes out of there?

Don't do it , Dog...don't do it...

Not sure I understand.

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Look at the numbers of deaths in "religious" stampedes and the other ones. The Hajj list is not complete, but still, you've made my point for me. The other ones are all under 100.

Um..what point is that? That larger events with fewer safety measures will tend to have higher casualties? (I noticed that the Hillsborough disaster just barely nudges under your threshold: tell me, if four more people died, would than be proof of the savagery of the English?)

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  • 1 year later...

And on that very thread neither you nor anyone else really answered this:

Indeed, there is a 'stampede' almost evey year in Mecca, just too many people in too small a space.

Every year, the Jews congregate for the High Holy Days. We typically have close to 1000 packed into relatively small spaces, with very small exits. Ever hear of the "post-Yom Kippur stampede"? Keep in mind, at the end of services, we haven't eaten or drank for 24 hours at least. Any stampedes out of there?

Your answer to that question was:

Don't do it , Dog...don't do it...

You're dancing.

Can you give me a substantive answer? As far as the "double standard" far more soccer games and rock concerts go without incident than Muslim "religious" events.

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Every year, the Jews congregate for the High Holy Days. We typically have close to 1000 packed into relatively small spaces, with very small exits. Ever hear of the "post-Yom Kippur stampede"? Keep in mind, at the end of services, we haven't eaten or drank for 24 hours at least. Any stampedes out of there?

See, I don't know anything about this phenomenon, but I bet my life there's no comparison to be made between whatever services these are and large, mostly unsupervised and poorly organized (or spontaneous) events like the Haji. The frequency of stampedes in Mecca is a black mark on the people who organize it (if there are any at all), but it's no indication of the innate savagery of the people who participate, which was your point of contention. Large crowds+poor organization=trouble. In other words it's a logistical problem, and a recurring one. Not, as you say, a racial or ethnic or religious one.

Edited by Black Dog
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Indeed, there is a 'stampede' almost evey year in Mecca, just too many people in too small a space.

Every year, the Jews congregate for the High Holy Days. We typically have close to 1000 packed into relatively small spaces, with very small exits. Ever hear of the "post-Yom Kippur stampede"? Keep in mind, at the end of services, we haven't eaten or drank for 24 hours at least. Any stampedes out of there?

Why not just say it.......oh heck sing it..

"We're better than theeey aaareee"

"We're better than theeey aaareee"

"We're better than theeey aaareee"

"We're better than theeey aaareee"

you might want to add a "neener, neener" there too jbg.



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Large crowds+poor organization=trouble.

And how!! Black Dog, if you knew of a regular event that presented a problem which was potentially life threatening, would you attend? That's what boggles me. Why do those folks attend these monstrous events if there's the potential to get killed or injured.

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See, I don't know anything about this phenomenon, but I bet my life there's no comparison to be made between whatever services these are and large, mostly unsupervised and poorly organized (or spontaneous) events like the Haji. The frequency of stampedes in Mecca is a black mark on the people who organize it (if there are any at all), but it's no indication of the innate savagery of the people who participate, which was your point of contention. Large crowds+poor organization=trouble. In other words it's a logistical problem, and a recurring one. Not, as you say, a racial or ethnic or religious one.
The lack of stampedes at a packed Yom Kippur service has little to do with the "organizers". The people just come and go in an orderly manner.

Why can't the Hajj pilgrims come and go without people dieing?

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The lack of stampedes at a packed Yom Kippur service has little to do with the "organizers". The people just come and go in an orderly manner.

Why can't the Hajj pilgrims come and go without people dieing?

Perhaps its thier propensity for violence? Jew certainly lack that propensity...look at Auschwitz, nobody killed in any stampede...they just came and went in an orderly manner.

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Perhaps its thier propensity for violence? Jew certainly lack that propensity...look at Auschwitz, nobody killed in any stampede...they just came and went in an orderly manner.

An MP40 has that sort of effect on people.


There must be people who remember World War II and the Holocaust who can help us get out of this rut.

---Martin Scorsese

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Perhaps its thier propensity for violence? Jew certainly lack that propensity...look at Auschwitz, nobody killed in any stampede...they just came and went in an orderly manner.
The Jews didn't organize Auschwitz. And if you're saying that stampedes are a method of resistance, I don't get it.
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The Jews also didn't always go so quietly...ever hear of Mila 18? The final gasp of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Great book on the subject by Leon Uris.


What passing bells for these who die as cattle?

---Wilfred Owen

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The Jews also didn't always go so quietly...ever hear of Mila 18? The final gasp of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Great book on the subject by Leon Uris.


What passing bells for these who die as cattle?

---Wilfred Owen

yes. And muslims don't always have stampedes either. There's always exceptions to rules.

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yes. And muslims don't always have stampedes either. There's always exceptions to rules.
Would you volunteer to attend a store-opening sale at an Ikea in Saudi Arabia?

Actually, the main difference betwen the Calgary Stampede and the Ikea Stampede (Saudi Arabia) and Hajj Stampede is the number of legs on the stampeders; two or four.

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