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Tired of the Same Old? Why not Green?


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Aren't we tired of the same old story from the Liberals? From the PC? From all the establishment?

Aren't we tired of party lines? Tired of either "right wing" or "left wing" solutions?

Why not consider the Greens on Oct. 10th. At least check out their platform.

As a former member of another party I came to find the Green Platform after a long period of

disappointment with the same old ideas over and over and over again.

The Green Platform covers a wide breadth of the political spectrum. From "progressive" social policies, to

a tried and true message of economic responsibility.

They aren't left-wing hippy environmentalists, and they aren't slash and burn right wing nutjobs.

They are a serious party, wanting to make a real difference. Whatever the good idea may be.

Why not check em out? They're only unelectable if you don't vote for em.


Matt Wanting Change

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Aren't we tired of the same old story from the Liberals? From the PC? From all the establishment?

And now for something completely different

Given a choice between the greens and the rhinos, I would pick the rhinos.

1) The Rhinos are intentionally funny.

2) If the unthinkable happened and they got elected to a seat, they would still try to be intentionally funny.

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The Green Party has some policies that I'm all in favour with, others that I can't stomach, but now that they've become somewhat more centrist, I find them tolerable enough that I would consider them over the three pathetic mainstream options that our media has conditioned us to accept as the only viable options.

What I'd really like to see is a party that:

1) is socialist, but socially conservative

2) is pro-family farm and small business

3) values heritage and tradition

4) is monarchist

5) is conservationist, not "green"

I want to see a complete revamping of the public school system so that it places more emphasis on intellectual development and competativeness. While all students should be encouraged to be the best they can be, those that excell should be duly encouraged and rewarded.

I also want to see the province reverse the trend of manufacturing jobs being exported overseas; this is more than just protecting jobs, it's about reducing dependancy on foreign countries and maintaining a manufacturing infrastructure and workforce.

The province should give more support to technological innovation.

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Which province?

And Hi Matt.

I decided to post some Green things as well here.

We will do well in this next election because of so many elections in a relatively short period of time as people are beginning to remember some of the horrible mistakes the bigger parties have produced.

The Greens have no such baggage and in my view deserve to help change this country.

Any way I will help with your educational efforts to the members here , if I can and if I am not in the way?

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I'm kind of skeptical when it comes to the greens... IMHO, the greens are just as guilty as everyone else when it comes to poor politics... always putting down the other parties' ideas and proposing something different. If the Tories propose something leftist (like subsidizing more schools), the Grits will put it down. If the Grits propose something "right-wing", the Tories would put that down and propose something alternative (typically anything but leaving things as they are).

The only thing "green" I want for Ontario right now is carpooling lanes... is that too much to ask? They have it in the American USA, it's nothing new, but to my knowledge, the greens don't seem to be proposing carpooling lanes anywhere in Canada because they weren't the first to suggest it... apparently we have carpooling lanes in the GTA, aka the Center of the Universe http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/200...pool-lanes.html, but I want them everywhere in our massive country (at least everywhere in Ontariario).

The greens want to comply with the Kyoto Accord... something I object to. IMHO, the Kyoto Accord is just a happy club allowing countries to match quotas, gain points and bragging rights for "improving the environment". It's really easy for small European countries to, say stop contamination from flowing into a river in an under-developed country, then they look like a world leader in environmental friendliness, something they should be doing just because it's the right thing to do, not for the bragging rights.

Also, most people I've spoken to about global warming say that it is very important that the governments increase measures to fight global warming... but what if global warming is just a myth? Not only many predictions stating our planet only has another x amount of years of existence have been proved false (thanks to time), but in many cases the environment has greatly improved in the last century. Global warming sounds like more nonsense from paranoid hippies to me. Should we really invest government funding into fighting against what is likely to be a myth?

I'd like the greens if they were to open more carpooling lanes and if they were to reduce nocturnal public transportation. I mean, keep the same schedule for public transportation, but replace those buses with micro-buses or large vans for routes running past 23:00 for the half-a-dozen passengers who rides public transportation during the really late hours. I'd really like them if they would admit that global warming is probably just a myth.

Until then, I doubt I'll be voting green.

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Any way I will help with your educational efforts to the members here , if I can and if I am not in the way?

Teach me Mahatma. What's the Green position on the sum of one and one? This question interests me because I've heard rumours that your economic policy doesn't exactly add up according to the usual rules of mathematics. Yeah, I know..we can all be responsible stewards of the earth and do away with our energy needs and use only sustainable energy without paying any kind of economic penalty and all that stuff, and I won't even question you on that...I just want to see how you folks think about the basics...

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Yes I'm tired of the liberals and the cons but the Greens, no thanks. Socialism is killing the spirit and culture of Europe/Eurabia for now the cons will have to do.


Actually, I believe it's ecominic policies sanctioned by the likes of the CPC that's "killing the spirit and culture" of the western world. The Greens advocate local agriculture and business and are against globalization. Globalization has many jobs to go overseas and has made us dependent on foreign products, including food. This is not acceptable.

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Well you can forget it because I'm not interested in growing my own grapes, which I love. Chileans and Mexicans make terrific grapes and if I were you I wouldn't get between a man and his grapes. Also I love pineapple and what the hell are you thinking that we can grow tropical type fruit locally, huh?

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Well you can forget it because I'm not interested in growing my own grapes, which I love. Chileans and Mexicans make terrific grapes and if I were you I wouldn't get between a man and his grapes. Also I love pineapple and what the hell are you thinking that we can grow tropical type fruit locally, huh?

Those are the benefits of global warming. You get to trade chokecherries for pineapples and bananas, peaches, apples, plums...if only it would hurry up...

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Aren't we tired of the same old story from the Liberals? From the PC? From all the establishment?

Aren't we tired of party lines? Tired of either "right wing" or "left wing" solutions?

Why not consider the Greens on Oct. 10th. At least check out their platform.

As a former member of another party I came to find the Green Platform after a long period of

disappointment with the same old ideas over and over and over again.

The Green Platform covers a wide breadth of the political spectrum. From "progressive" social policies, to

a tried and true message of economic responsibility.

They aren't left-wing hippy environmentalists, and they aren't slash and burn right wing nutjobs.

They are a serious party, wanting to make a real difference. Whatever the good idea may be.

Why not check em out? They're only unelectable if you don't vote for em.


Matt Wanting Change

Fuck...im tired of federalism, provincialism, municipalism, ---- the only politics that are not corrupt and useless is at the level of the community league.


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That's nothing, Global Warning (heh) chased down and beat up a local conservative this week, and lately it's been menacing my cat.

Neighbourhoods just disintegrate when Global Warning moves in. Next thing you know, it takes over the schools and renames them madrassas.

I blame Al Gore, first he invents the Internet, then he invents Global Warning. The man is a plague on humanity.

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