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Jewish girl attacks Palestian girl: MUST SEE VID!

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"Hate breeds hate". What a profoundly trite observation. Before we go getting all deeply philosophical though, what d'you spose would happen if the situation were reversed and this happened in the West Bank to Jewish girls? Do you spose whichever faction of Palestinian strongmen that happens to be in control that week would stand between the catfighters like that? I suspect they'd rape them and leave the remains for the ululating witches to clean up on.

Would you agree if a Palestinian militant raped a Jewish girl in the West Bank, and then a Israeli policeman would rape a Palestinian girl in Jerusalem?

Or if a rapist raped a girl, the girl's father would rape the rapist's daughter?

Incidentally, the logic (or actually illogic) above is always advocated by those militants. If we adopted this, we would really go back to the stone age thousands years ago.

I think xul, that you need to learn english before embarking on a philosophical discussion using it. You have comprehensively missed not only the point in the "illogic" above, but each and every particular of it too. Unfortunately I don't know mandarin, or I'd explain it to you.

At least it seems that you have agreed my point in another post. If a country has a lot of low educated people, it is not easily to become a democracy country. People can not vote rightly as they dose not understand what the politicians say. Of course, I don't mean that every people must be a PhD. I am not a PhD but a mechanical engineer. I believe I can understand the views on a philosophical discussion. I can not express my point with philosophical terminology but can express it with a demotic way. I guess not everyone here are PhD.

I know my English is poor. 18 months ago, I could only say:"Good morning." or "There is a computer on the desk." I have been learning English seriously after I decided to immigrate to Canada. You see, I am trying to improve it now. Improving a skill needs practice, not merely sitting in a classroom and listening a teacher's lecture. If anyone here are bothered by the syntax faults in my posts I apologize for it. But I guess most people here could understand the meaning that I expressed in my post.

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We are only in the right because we are civilized people that prefer to deal with things through reason.

That was the point I was making. Was I not clear enough? I was pointing out the hypocrisy of those who pretend shock and horror at the actions of the vicious Jew in the video. The video was a catfight, because it took place in Israel. It would have been a callous rape and murder had the situations been reversed and had the event taken place in so-called "Palestine." That doesn't make a catfight proper, but when juxtaposed against a rape and murder, one hopes it comes out looking relatively harmless. I've seen far worse catfights on highschool playgrounds.

If person see a policeman beating a old woman in a street, he will be more horror than he see a criminal beating a old woman. That doesn't mean that he is hypocrisy to the policeman. This is caused that a policeman is usually to be considered as a "civilized people" but a criminal is not.

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We are only in the right because we are civilized people that prefer to deal with things through reason.

That was the point I was making. Was I not clear enough? I was pointing out the hypocrisy of those who pretend shock and horror at the actions of the vicious Jew in the video. The video was a catfight, because it took place in Israel. It would have been a callous rape and murder had the situations been reversed and had the event taken place in so-called "Palestine." That doesn't make a catfight proper, but when juxtaposed against a rape and murder, one hopes it comes out looking relatively harmless. I've seen far worse catfights on highschool playgrounds.

If person see a policeman beating a old woman in a street, he will be more horror than he see a criminal beating a old woman. That doesn't mean that he is hypocrisy to the policeman. This is caused that a policeman is usually to be considered as a "civilized people" but a criminal is not.

I kind of like your use of English. You are doing a good job, and you will improve but nonetheless the parts which you havent gained full command of also show a creativity of their own, or perhaps a tendency to use Chinese rules of language applied on English. I am not sure. Either way its good. And I think you will keep improving and improving. And someday you might be able to correct our grammar for us.

I was reading two different transaltions of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching and I remember a certain line in both texts which differed greatly. I cant quote them directly but I'll give it a shot.

One text said something like this "I am kind to the good man. I am also kind to the bad man."

The other said ....."The good man, I good him. The bad man, I good him too."

I like that second one.

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First, what is this terrible evil that was commited? Ok, one girl pushed another girl, and the girl that got pushed fell down. Probably didn't even get a scratch or a bruise. Then the old woman (probably a supervisor of some sort) yelled at the girl that did the pushing to go away, and she did. Does this sound so very different from what happens on any schoolyard anywhere? Come on, these are freaking schoolgirls.

As for the soldier not doing anything... what should he have done? Shot the Jewish girl with his machine gun? Come on. The old woman (supervisor, teacher, whatever she was) was handling the situation just fine. Right after the incident, she shoo'd the offenders away.

Lastly, if you want to see something really disturbing, then rather then looking at the video, you should be looking at the comments beneath it. I honestly haven't seen comments on that level posted seriously by a person that actually holds those opinions in a long long time.

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First, what is this terrible evil that was commited? Ok, one girl pushed another girl, and the girl that got pushed fell down. Probably didn't even get a scratch or a bruise. Then the old woman (probably a supervisor of some sort) yelled at the girl that did the pushing to go away, and she did. Does this sound so very different from what happens on any schoolyard anywhere? Come on, these are freaking schoolgirls.

As for the soldier not doing anything... what should he have done? Shot the Jewish girl with his machine gun? Come on. The old woman (supervisor, teacher, whatever she was) was handling the situation just fine. Right after the incident, she shoo'd the offenders away.

Lastly, if you want to see something really disturbing, then rather then looking at the video, you should be looking at the comments beneath it. I honestly haven't seen comments on that level posted seriously by a person that actually holds those opinions in a long long time.

no one is saying it was a great evil, just that it is nothing to cheer on.

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I kind of like your use of English. You are doing a good job, and you will improve but nonetheless the parts which you havent gained full command of also show a creativity of their own, or perhaps a tendency to use Chinese rules of language applied on English. I am not sure. Either way its good. And I think you will keep improving and improving. And someday you might be able to correct our grammar for us.

Thanks for your encouragement.

I think I need to read more English books and articles to learn how to write English in an English way.

I was reading two different transaltions of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching and I remember a certain line in both texts which differed greatly. I cant quote them directly but I'll give it a shot.

One text said something like this "I am kind to the good man. I am also kind to the bad man."

The other said ....."The good man, I good him. The bad man, I good him too."

I like that second one.

I guess that the part you citing is in the Chapter 49. The contents is:

Being a saint must not consider for his own benefits. He only considers for others.

To a good man, he must be good to him. To a bad man, he must be good him too. This is the manner to be good man.

To a honest man, he must be honest to him. To a dishonest man, he must be honest to him too. This is the way to be a honest man.

Your understanding is right. Lao Tzu did not advocate to be kind to evil. His meaning is a good man must not give up his belief and value when he confronts evil. It rather likes the actor's line in the American film Star Wars:"When you make use of the dark side of the force, you will turn to the dark side of the force."

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First, what is this terrible evil that was commited? Ok, one girl pushed another girl, and the girl that got pushed fell down. Probably didn't even get a scratch or a bruise. Then the old woman (probably a supervisor of some sort) yelled at the girl that did the pushing to go away, and she did. Does this sound so very different from what happens on any schoolyard anywhere? Come on, these are freaking schoolgirls.

As for the soldier not doing anything... what should he have done? Shot the Jewish girl with his machine gun? Come on. The old woman (supervisor, teacher, whatever she was) was handling the situation just fine. Right after the incident, she shoo'd the offenders away.

Lastly, if you want to see something really disturbing, then rather then looking at the video, you should be looking at the comments beneath it. I honestly haven't seen comments on that level posted seriously by a person that actually holds those opinions in a long long time.

Yes, I looked at the video and I share Bonam's sentiment on this one, about that just like a schoolyard squabble. Actually I couldn't tell who's the Jewish and who's the Palestinian between the two.

At least the soldiers, whom I assume to be Jewish, treated it just like one would try to diffuse ordinary verbal catfight between women. We may feel disturbed by it...but we have to realize human reactions during times of war and conflict. Those people are living it. We are just viewers.

I didn't read the comments though.

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The video was a catfight, because it took place in Israel. It would have been a callous rape and murder had the situations been reversed and had the event taken place in so-called "Palestine." That doesn't make a catfight proper, but when juxtaposed against a rape and murder, one hopes it comes out looking relatively harmless. I've seen far worse catfights on highschool playgrounds.

See people aren't seeing the bigger picture. People are only sing the 'big' picture.

But there's a deeper bigger picture of what took place.

People are saying that we are righteous becuase we discuss issues yadda yadda.

Well I do believe there is a line between discussion, and *giving in*. What is happening is that we are giving in. We are not respecting our own rules; whether is the policy of an RCMP uniform, or introduction of Shariah law. Shariah law flies in the face of what Canada was founded on. And yes, save the argument, Canada *was* founded Judeo/Christian values and morals which we in the west based our laws after.

Here we have a Jewish area which Palistinians are not allowed to be. But no. They have to break the rules and cause trouble. They had to make a statement. Instead of BENDING OVER for these Palistian girls, they stood up and protected their rules and laws!

They deserve credit for that and I give them credit for protecting and valueing their own laws.

When a terrorist attack finally happens here in Canada, only then people will begin to realize the mistakes we've made letting stonage cultures in Canada with no work prospects and allowed to sponsor in 'just anyone'. They are constantly working on taking over Canada. Slowely year by year.

We have Sikh Canadian stamps, we have an exibit of 'Islam' and 'South Asia' in our Ontario musium, we have elected Mulsim and South Asian representatives in our house of commons who cannot sing the national anthem when it plays. We have LMOTP airing with huge ratings. We are funding punjabi speaking schools in BC where non sikh people are allowed to join. We are doleing out 30 million dollars a year to 'ethnic' groups and mosques in Ontario. We have the Islamic Congress of Canada giving grants to students who choose to go into Media or Journalism so Islamic voices can slant our media.

And yes, we have terrorists with links back home. Many terrorists of all kinds and cultures.

And they are working day by day to gain more control of Canada. Stats show their children born here do not even consider themselves Canadian. They have no loyalties to Canada and our way of life.

And that little girl took a stand for people wandering into their land and trying to change their laws.

Good for her.

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When a terrorist attack finally happens here in Canada, only then people will begin to realize the mistakes we've made letting stonage cultures in Canada with no work prospects and allowed to sponsor in 'just anyone'.

You're far too much of an optimist. When a terrorist attack happens in Canada, Canadians will blame our "western arrogance", "capitalist imperialism", etc. Most especially, they will point out how we weren't sufficiently accomodating, and how if we'd only bent over even lower, everyone would be living happily together in harmony!

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You're far too much of an optimist. When a terrorist attack happens in Canada, Canadians will blame our "western arrogance", "capitalist imperialism", etc. Most especially, they will point out how we weren't sufficiently accomodating, and how if we'd only bent over even lower, everyone would be living happily together in harmony!

Yeah you're right. When those plotting terrorists were caught and arrested here in Canada, the CBC was discussing giving money to Islamic groups so they can teach kids the difference between right and wrong. This one girl tried to get funding from our tax dollars so she can make comic books for kids in her bullsht after school program she was running. And she was like 'you see, this is what happens when they're left alone'.

Lol.. everyone will play politics after we get attacks. I do think the innitial reaction will be to reform the immigration policy. That's something the UK is doing right now.

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So what, just knock 'em all off?

Your big on yapping and cheering on violence, but short on civilized solutions. I lump you in with the stoneage people. What's your civilized solution to the issue?

That's what you don't understand, there are no civilized solutions when you are dealing with uncivilized people.

The solution is very simple - you do not come to Canada unless an employer sponsors you. You may not sponsor in family members. If you are not working, you must leave immediately. You may not come as a student becuase our schools are now only for Canadians. There are also a list of countries of origin which you may not come. This includes Pakistan and Samolia.

The problem is now solved.

Remember that 9-11 happened because of America's weak student visa policy. Nothing else. This summer there is said to be terrorists trying to come into the US. Each day there are visitors coming out of the air port from Pakistan. The US allows this. I'm shocked and amazed that an old Pakistani coworker of mine had friends from Pakistan that got granted student visas in Texas. I was just amazed how they can let people from recognized terrorist states into the US. That is the REAL reason there will be another attack. Put all the other stuff aside.

I'm sorry, I cannot feel sorry for the US if they get attacked again. I'm saying this now.

Anyhow, Xul in this case would not be coming to Canada. I really don't know what he and his kids and family will be doing here beside using welfare state (schooling, roads, medical etc). We know he'll be doing that (as stats prove so don't argue me on that). I just don't see the point of him and his family coming here. It's simply not needed here in Canada. And he knows it too. He's not dumb, he reads the chinese immigration forums and knows what to expect when he comes.

We're being taken advantage of as a country by people like Xul and the other 800,000 waiting to come here.

Edit: I just wanted to add that these things 'aren't nice' and 'sound harsh' but you know what, I'm just not being nice and 'fair' anymore. Ideally, yes you must discuss things in order to reach a resolution and move ahead. But you can't discuss things with 2 year olds. You have to wait until they grow up, then you can discuss things.

The stonage have a lot of growing up to do. They can only grow up in their own countries. Sadam would have fallen eventually by a civil backlash. It would have happened eventually. If not him then his sons. But we needed to let that happen naturally. Until then, yes, let's do business with them, but for God's sake - KEEP THEM OVER THERE. STOP BRINGING THEM HERE!

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Anyhow, Xul in this case would not be coming to Canada. I really don't know what he and his kids and family will be doing here beside using welfare state (schooling, roads, medical etc). We know he'll be doing that (as stats prove so don't argue me on that). I just don't see the point of him and his family coming here. It's simply not needed here in Canada. And he knows it too. He's not dumb, he reads the chinese immigration forums and knows what to expect when he comes.

Way to welcome him to this forum. You've outdone yourself.

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So what, just knock 'em all off?

Your big on yapping and cheering on violence, but short on civilized solutions. I lump you in with the stoneage people. What's your civilized solution to the issue?

That's what you don't understand, there are no civilized solutions when you are dealing with uncivilized people.

The solution is very simple - you do not come to Canada unless an employer sponsors you. You may not sponsor in family members. If you are not working, you must leave immediately. You may not come as a student becuase our schools are now only for Canadians. There are also a list of countries of origin which you may not come. This includes Pakistan and Samolia.

The problem is now solved.

Remember that 9-11 happened because of America's weak student visa policy. Nothing else. This summer there is said to be terrorists trying to come into the US. Each day there are visitors coming out of the air port from Pakistan. The US allows this. I'm shocked and amazed that an old Pakistani coworker of mine had friends from Pakistan that got granted student visas in Texas. I was just amazed how they can let people from recognized terrorist states into the US. That is the REAL reason there will be another attack. Put all the other stuff aside.

I'm sorry, I cannot feel sorry for the US if they get attacked again. I'm saying this now.

Anyhow, Xul in this case would not be coming to Canada. I really don't know what he and his kids and family will be doing here beside using welfare state (schooling, roads, medical etc). We know he'll be doing that (as stats prove so don't argue me on that). I just don't see the point of him and his family coming here. It's simply not needed here in Canada. And he knows it too. He's not dumb, he reads the chinese immigration forums and knows what to expect when he comes.

We're being taken advantage of as a country by people like Xul and the other 800,000 waiting to come here.

Edit: I just wanted to add that these things 'aren't nice' and 'sound harsh' but you know what, I'm just not being nice and 'fair' anymore. Ideally, yes you must discuss things in order to reach a resolution and move ahead. But you can't discuss things with 2 year olds. You have to wait until they grow up, then you can discuss things.

The stonage have a lot of growing up to do. They can only grow up in their own countries. Sadam would have fallen eventually by a civil backlash. It would have happened eventually. If not him then his sons. But we needed to let that happen naturally. Until then, yes, let's do business with them, but for God's sake - KEEP THEM OVER THERE. STOP BRINGING THEM HERE!

Well, you probably could have expressed that opinion, Mike, without bringing Xul into it.

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I guess he forgot this little forum rule:


Please respect others using this board by refraining from personal attacks. There is a huge difference between disagreeing with a thought or idea and attacking an individual. We encourage lively debate and intelligent critiques of others viewpoints, not tirades against another poster.

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Anyhow, Xul in this case would not be coming to Canada. I really don't know what he and his kids and family will be doing here beside using welfare state (schooling, roads, medical etc). We know he'll be doing that (as stats prove so don't argue me on that). I just don't see the point of him and his family coming here. It's simply not needed here in Canada. And he knows it too. He's not dumb, he reads the chinese immigration forums and knows what to expect when he comes.

Way to welcome him to this forum. You've outdone yourself.

But you see that's just it. I'm not being fair anymore. It is not Xul's right of passage in life to come to Canada.

And everyone will say 'well Xul and his family should be able to share in what is Canada' blah blah.

But I take an economic point of view. Him coming here and using our services is what is killing us. It's the reason our healthcare, infrastructure and schooling are messed up beyond repair. We are even running out of power and the net economic gain of for each person is *decreasing* year by year. I don't give a damn about his experience of Canada. Good he can visit if he wants, but to live here for good? We simply do not NEED HIM here! If we did, then I'd welcome him.

If Xul isn't going to help me, or other Canadians, then I do not want him here. It's nothing personal against him, it's just that he's a real world tangeable example that we can all relate to.

I'd like to hear his story of who he is and why he's coming. I'd like to hear the whole story, age, kids, wife. what his plans are.

And when he tells his story, you will see that there is simply nothing for him here.

Basically, the only person who benefits from Xul coming here is his family. Not me, not you. Just him...

.. and the Liberal Party of Canada of course. (which is the real reason he's even allowed to come).

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I guess he forgot this little forum rule:


Please respect others using this board by refraining from personal attacks. There is a huge difference between disagreeing with a thought or idea and attacking an individual. We encourage lively debate and intelligent critiques of others viewpoints, not tirades against another poster.

I never personally attacked him at all.

I am fully allowed to say that I do not feel that he belongs in Canada. That is not a personal attack, but rather an opinion on our immigation policy.

The left and CBC have gotten such a strong hold on you, it actually emotionally hurts you that I'm saying that a family in China at this point in time is of no benefit to Canada. This is not a cultural CBC fairytale of hope that you see him coming as. This is an economic issue and a policy issue to help better Canada.

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Anyhow, Xul in this case would not be coming to Canada. I really don't know what he and his kids and family will be doing here beside using welfare state (schooling, roads, medical etc). We know he'll be doing that (as stats prove so don't argue me on that). I just don't see the point of him and his family coming here. It's simply not needed here in Canada. And he knows it too. He's not dumb, he reads the chinese immigration forums and knows what to expect when he comes.

Way to welcome him to this forum. You've outdone yourself.

But you see that's just it. I'm not being fair anymore. It is not Xul's right of passage in life to come to Canada.

And everyone will say 'well Xul and his family should be able to share in what is Canada' blah blah.

But I take an economic point of view. Him coming here and using our services is what is killing us. It's the reason our healthcare, infrastructure and schooling are messed up beyond repair. We are even running out of power and the net economic gain of for each person is *decreasing* year by year. I don't give a damn about his experience of Canada. Good he can visit if he wants, but to live here for good? We simply do not NEED HIM here! If we did, then I'd welcome him.

If Xul isn't going to help me, or other Canadians, then I do not want him here. It's nothing personal against him, it's just that he's a real world tangeable example that we can all relate to.

I'd like to hear his story of who he is and why he's coming. I'd like to hear the whole story, age, kids, wife. what his plans are.

And when he tells his story, you will see that there is simply nothing for him here.

Basically, the only person who benefits from Xul coming here is his family. Not me, not you. Just him...

.. and the Liberal Party of Canada of course. (which is the real reason he's even allowed to come).

Well lets say that you are right about your immigration ideas, and if those policies were in place, Xul would in fact not be here. Immigration is not an area I pay much attention to, so I dont know. But look, the laws that are in place right now have allowed Xul to come. If you were in China and wanted to come to Canada, would you not do the same thing...or would you think "Ah, jeez, I cant bring myself to move to a great country where I am legally allowed to emigrate, Mike David doesnt want me there."? If Tim Hortons were giving out free coffee and donuts tomorrow Id be there in a second. So look, Xul is here cuz the laws are what they are, so why do you have to make a personal insult against him. And also if those laws were changed he would have moved here before the change. So look it will do no good to dwell on it and blame Xul for taking advantage of something he is allowed to do. As far as I can tell he hasnt done anything to you so why single him out to attack him. I agree with you in a lot of areas. I agree that Canada should not bend over backwards to change its own majority/culture to make Muslims happy, etc,etc. I agree with a lot of these things. But what has this to do with Xul. You are being quite rude.

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As far as I can tell he hasnt done anything to you

Yes him being here will indirectly have an effect on me. I've said before many times that you can't blame the immigrants for taking advantage of the easiest system in the world. It's actually our fault that he's coming here and I do believe that it's not to our benefit as a country.

It sounds rude to say these things, but I'm not going to 'do the expected thing' and follow the CBC's lead of 'welcoming newcomers' just becuase 'that's how Canadians are and it's what we do'. I'm not going to welcome people here who I feel are goign to damage the country financially.

It's a somewhat free country and I have a right to feel the way I do on this topic. Xul I beleive is older and knows the situation very well that I'm speaking of becuase he takes part in the other forum and I'm sure he says 'the guys right, but oh well, i'm coming anyhow' as he feels a sense of entitlement.

I feel that you are trying to take away the sense of entitlement that I have to my country and split it down the middle with Xul. The only reason he actually posted on this bored was a discussion of the Chinese policital party from BC which gained his special ineterest.

So while I can't do anyhting about him or the 500 people tommorow that will be laning at Pearson Airport tommorow, I can let him know as Canadian how I feel becuase I am taking the cost of settling his family here.

At the end of the day though, he really doesn't care what I think so I won't go out of my way to welcom him or anyone else coming here either from Italy or Samolia.

(females from Brazil between the ages of 18-24 are the only ones you'll see me welcoming with open arms).

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I never asked you to welcome him. I think Jazzer commented on your welcome. But it wasnt necessary to use him as an example in your post. If you don't feel the need to welcome him, dont. You can do so without making a personal attack.

Now back to the original topic, I was not saying that the Jewish girl was bad. You know as everyone pointed out it was nothing more than a "schoolyard" squabble, but neither do I think she was acting in defense of her country. Or that it deserved a big woohoo. This is why I agreed with Geoffrey. What was there to cheer about? I am not putting you down big time for cheering either the way KO2 did.

You are right. By law the Palestinian girl was not supposed to be there. So if there was a soldier there it would have been taken care of by him. No schoolyard squabble was necessary. Now I dont think this schoolyard squabble is an example of some Israeli oppression of Palestinians either, if that is the idea you are getting. In multiple threads I have defended Israel. Is it a terrible thing that happened?....no! But I dont think its exactly an example of Israel defending itself. It was a "schoolyard" squabble. It may be that there is much more to it than that as well, Mike. Perhaps the Palestinian girl said something to set her off....but the video does not indicate.

Xul's being here may have a good effect on you.

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Anyhow, Xul in this case would not be coming to Canada. I really don't know what he and his kids and family will be doing here beside using welfare state (schooling, roads, medical etc). We know he'll be doing that (as stats prove so don't argue me on that). I just don't see the point of him and his family coming here. It's simply not needed here in Canada. And he knows it too. He's not dumb, he reads the chinese immigration forums and knows what to expect when he comes.

Way to welcome him to this forum. You've outdone yourself.

But you see that's just it. I'm not being fair anymore. It is not Xul's right of passage in life to come to Canada.

And everyone will say 'well Xul and his family should be able to share in what is Canada' blah blah.

But I take an economic point of view. Him coming here and using our services is what is killing us. It's the reason our healthcare, infrastructure and schooling are messed up beyond repair. We are even running out of power and the net economic gain of for each person is *decreasing* year by year. I don't give a damn about his experience of Canada. Good he can visit if he wants, but to live here for good? We simply do not NEED HIM here! If we did, then I'd welcome him.

If Xul isn't going to help me, or other Canadians, then I do not want him here. It's nothing personal against him, it's just that he's a real world tangeable example that we can all relate to.

I'd like to hear his story of who he is and why he's coming. I'd like to hear the whole story, age, kids, wife. what his plans are.

And when he tells his story, you will see that there is simply nothing for him here.

Basically, the only person who benefits from Xul coming here is his family. Not me, not you. Just him...

.. and the Liberal Party of Canada of course. (which is the real reason he's even allowed to come).

I see your point (and I think you know I agree with some of your ideas)...however, I find it offensive the way you're using Xul as an example. You are frustrated with our system. That's not Xul's fault. As Jefferiah had stated, if Tim Horton's is giving away free meals, of course people will take advantage of that.

So vent your frustration towards the right direction....towards those politicians and supporters of open borders!

Being new to the forum, I do emphatize with Xul for having to read such comments suddenly directed towards him. Honestly, you owe him an apology.

It is mis-directed rants like those that make others balk at looking at it from your point of view.

Anyway, what made you so sure that Xul and any of his family will not be bringing any contribution to Canada?

Edited by betsy
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It sounds rude to say these things, but I'm not going to 'do the expected thing' and follow the CBC's lead of 'welcoming newcomers' just becuase 'that's how Canadians are and it's what we do'. I'm not going to welcome people here who I feel are goign to damage the country financially.

Nobody is asking you to welcome him. We are just appalled at this uncalled for rudeness. Especially to a new forum member at that!

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