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Apparently the sowhat is that ScottSA fears another race or perhaps the other races will, once white numbers decline sufficiently, engage us whites in a race war in order to eliminate us from the face of the earth. And poor us will have no israel to retreat to...not that it would matter because, of ScottSA is correct, the 'Caucasions' are committing racial suicide anyways by not having lots of kids.

You sound happy at the prospect, as if it is a punishment that Caucasians have long deserved and yet so far escaped or something.

I am neither happy nor unhappy at the suspected demise of the Caucasian race. In my view race matters not. Thus I fail to comprehend the concern.

A race war however is a different story. That implies massive amounts of killing and blood and pain and lamentation and mourning. But ScottSA's original question wasn't about genocide. ScottSA's question was about racial suicide. I'm not killing myself anytime soon, and I suspect most people arn't, so what is ScottSA talking about - surely not a violent end to the Caucasian race. No, he seems to be wondering more about the racial suicide of caucasian race due to massive amounts of immigration thus depriving us whites of a racial homeland/bunker when the genocidal maniacs of the other races decide to finish us off.

Assuming you are Caucasian, and assuming that you might have some offspring one day, would you not be concerned for them, if the above scenario were to occur?

You assume correctly on both assumptions. Am I concerned about a violent end to the Caucasian race (if there is such a thing) - I would be if I thought it was something likely. But I don't share ScottSA's worry about massive immigration depriving us of a bunker. If, as he claims, the Caucasian race is committing suicide through immigration and lack of breeding amongst the racially pure, then I am not concerned about the feared demise at all. Does'nt bother me in the least.

Why would it?

ScottSA assumes that the other races have some inherant genetic quality that makes them want to destroy the other races. Remember, cultural differences/values, have nothing to do with ScottSA's original question.

It follows then that ScottSA fears the other races because the other races are Dangerous to us Caucasions.

and thus this entire thread and his question is in itself racism of the worst sort.

But prettied up nicely.

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ScottSA assumes that the other races have some inherant genetic quality that makes them want to destroy the other races. Remember, cultural differences/values, have nothing to do with ScottSA's original question.

It follows then that ScottSA fears the other races because the other races are Dangerous to us Caucasions.

and thus this entire thread and his question is in itself racism of the worst sort.

But prettied up nicely.

What can I say? You're an idiot. ScottSA doesn't "assume" that "other races have some inherant genetic quality that makes them want to destroy the other races," ScottSA has just read a little history and knows that races are not known for getting along real well; to wit: killing each other off every chance they get, everywhere and always without exception. For a while under Tito, Yugoslavia was starting to look like a first, but oops...

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You are a scared scared little boy ScottSA. If scared little boys like yourself become prevalent and manage to wield the power to dominate this country with your self righteous isolationism such a far-fetched future may be realized. But it would have been

sowed by your ilk.

Yes, thank you so much for the stirling psychological analysis, but unfortunately your credibility pooled around your ankles long ago, apparently taking your commas and language skills with it. "Sowed by your ilk?" Why are you so afraid of the topic?

Oh I lost my credibility have I? And how was that, by disagreeing with your twisted logic? Oooh, grammer mistakes? Typical irrelevant attacks you use when you can't provide a valid rebuttle. Would you like me to rephrase that expression your having trouble with? Here it is: Caused by you and your kinds self righteous racial intolerance.

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You are a scared scared little boy ScottSA. If scared little boys like yourself become prevalent and manage to wield the power to dominate this country with your self righteous isolationism such a far-fetched future may be realized. But it would have been

sowed by your ilk.

Yes, thank you so much for the stirling psychological analysis, but unfortunately your credibility pooled around your ankles long ago, apparently taking your commas and language skills with it. "Sowed by your ilk?" Why are you so afraid of the topic?

Oh I lost my credibility have I? And how was that, by disagreeing with your twisted logic? Oooh, grammer mistakes? Typical irrelevant attacks you use when you can't provide a valid rebuttle. Would you like me to rephrase that expression your having trouble with? Here it is: Caused by you and your kinds self righteous racial intolerance.

Valid rebuttal to what? Ad hominem? Why would I dignify your childish accusations of racism with a "rebuttal?

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It should be a concern for racists like yourselves, but caucasians are not an ethnocultural group. Hence, the rest of us are not worried.

Good. You distilled your opinion. Now stop jamming the thread and let "the rest of us"," many of whom don't share your opinion, speak. Ok?

Ohh, ScottSA wants to dominate this thread like he wants to dominate this country. Can you say 'fascist'

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ScottSA assumes that the other races have some inherant genetic quality that makes them want to destroy the other races. Remember, cultural differences/values, have nothing to do with ScottSA's original question.

It follows then that ScottSA fears the other races because the other races are Dangerous to us Caucasions.

and thus this entire thread and his question is in itself racism of the worst sort.

But prettied up nicely.

What can I say? You're an idiot. ScottSA doesn't "assume" that "other races have some inherant genetic quality that makes them want to destroy the other races," ScottSA has just read a little history and knows that races are not known for getting along real well; to wit: killing each other off every chance they get, everywhere and always without exception. For a while under Tito, Yugoslavia was starting to look like a first, but oops...

But ScottSA, you specifically said that Cultural differences are inconsequential to this thread - and that you are only concerned with the impending demise via suicide of the Caucasian race.

Then, later you said you were afraid that us Caucasians will not have a safe place to hide.

If culture is out that leaves race. So what is the need for a Caucasian 'homeland' as you call it?

Safety from the other races right?

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The same people who feel the Chinese or Indians are swallowing up the planet like Borgs from Star Trek can do l of 2 things. Either run to the mountains and reproduce as many caucasians as they can if they are not too inbred already and are not infertile, or they can simply find themselves a Chinese or Indian girl-friend and get on down to assimilating. Resistance is futile.

Come on Rue, you should understand the concern, being a Jew. Jews have existed as a distinct ethnocultural group for over 3000 years. Some would even consider Jews to be a race (or a collection of races). Where Jews have existed as minorities in the nations of other races or cultures, they have suffered discrimination to some extent throughout almost this entire historical period. Is it not a valid concern for Jews to want to remain as Jews, propagate their ethnicity and culture (or at least some aspects thereof) through the generations, and protect themselves from discrimination by maintaining a primarily Jewish homeland? If anything, the continued existence of Jews has shown that resistance definitely is NOT futile.

If it is a valid concern for Jews, why would a similar concern not be valid for other ethnic, racial, or cultural groups that may feel that they also could be threatened, in the future?

I am a Reform Jew and as BIG R Reform as you can get. Know what that means? I find this notion that you stay in a ghetto and inbreed as a way to keep your people pure, absurd.

I believe by staying in a ghetto and not mixing, that is precisely what dooms you to extinction, the lack of fresh ideas and blood.

No I do not see the reason for the holocaust or the reason Jews suffered from persecution because they allowed themselves to be assimilated.

In fact I would say precisely because the Christian world for the most part made it impossible for Jews to assimilate, forcing us to remained visible and segregated and therefore easier to target for hatred.

Look at the suffering of the Romanos (gypsies). You think some of it is not related to not being able to assimilate?

I also think if the holocaust showed us anything, it didn't make a difference whether Jews were assimilated or not, they were exterminated equally.

That is the point. People who hate, could not care less whether you are assimilated or not , they will find a way to categorize and hate you.

No I am not an ultra-orthodox Jew who shuns the world and insists on engaging in practices I know exclude anyone but my own kind.

I am also not someone who believes in a Jewish state because it gives Jews an opportunity to NOT be anything else.

Not at all.

My take on Israel is that it was a necessity to prevent further racism in the Middle East and Europe but no I do not subscribe to Israel as being created to avoid dealing with anyone else and hide from them and "resist " them. Israel is not just about resistance. It is also about taking a place in a greater family on the world stage.

That is precisely why I am a Reform Jew and my support of Zionism is done as a Reform Jew or Diaspora Jew (non Israeli Jew) who is fully aware Israel could not exist if it were not for people like me who stay in the diaspora and reach out to non Jews and live with them and interact with them and form coalitions of mutual support and harmony.

It is precisely why my support of Israel includes support for another Palestinian state for the Muslims of the West Bank and despite the terror, to reach out to Palestinians and never give up hope of peace.

No thank you, I do not think the way to preserve my people's memory is to resist assimilation.

Jews in fact would have become extinct had Jews not learned to adapt and live in many cultural conditions. That is precisely why we survived and still survive-because we do not shun the world, we engage with the world even when it despises us.

You mistake the concept of what a Jew is. Being a Jew is not about what it isn't. We don't define being a Jew as NOT being a Muslim or NOT being a Christian.

The essence of a Jew does not come from defining our differences or what we are not-it comes from believing we have an obligation to heal the earth and give out positive energy.

You are mixing up assimilation with cultural extinction and thinking one must necessarily lead to the other.

When I learn about other cultures and share mine with them, it makes me a stronger Jew spiritually, not a weaker one and many Jews agree with me.

I am not a weak afraid Jew. I know exactly what it means to me. That is precisely why I do not fear assimilation leading me to extinction. I am not so uncertain as to who I am that if I venture out of the ghetto I will forget and start calling bagels (bah-gulls).

I know why I was circumsized and what the 10 commandments are and what my mother's family and grandparents went through.

My grandfather would not have lived had non Jews not come out of their own ghettoes and helped him and he did the same with non Hews . Now I do the same. I want to be part of a greater family, not just my own because I know for us all to survive we need to venture out and form friendships. Just as non Jews reached out and helped by grandfather, his daughter then reached out to help non Jews suffering the same problems years later. That is the essence of Judaism. Helping heal the world through positive sharing and no teekam olum the essence of Judaism is not limited to Jews the reaching out and sharing is between Jews and non Jews not just with Jews.

So no I do not think assimilation automatically leads to extinction and no, please don't buy into a very ancient Christian stereotype of Jews that we are all klanish and resist assimilation and fear it and think the way to preserve our culture is to avoid becoming like others. That is a stereotype as epitomized by literature with Fagan or Shylock but make no mistake I am no tragic figure fearing the world as my enemy. Not a f..cking chance. I embrace the world and stand tall smack dab in it in Chinatown, or any other cultural milieu.

Even orthodox Jews who are far less "assimilated" then myself still would agree with me that if they live in Canada, their first loyalty is to Canada and they will subscribe to everyone of its laws, and live in peace with people who are not Jewish. In that respect they are "assimilated" just not to the degree I am.

They probably do not consider me Jewish enough. Yet while they probably don't feel I am Jewish enough, I still encounter those who read my last name and assume I am too Jewish for them. To me it doesn't matter what either side thinks. I do not create my identity on how I perceive others defining me. Thank you I define myself for myself.

So please don't usemy Jewishness to try label me into black and white category. That is stereotyping and I am not typical of anything.

If you want to properly know what I am try this on for size; I consider myself a Jewish culturally and racially and then Jewish partially when it comes to religion, but I also consider myself to be a guy with red hair and freckles who is mistaken for Irish and no I do not get upset when they say funny you do not look Jewish and feel the need to lash out and scold-no instead I make a dry joke pointing out the absurdity of the statement-it doesn't scare me people might be ignorant of me. I live in Canada. Its a country founded by non Jews precisely so I do not have to be afraid and I cherish that. Its why non Jews are engaging in a war in Afghanistan and I embrace them openly and thank them so I can remain a Canadian and most importantly feel safe as a Jew to be a Canadian and also Jewish and understand the two are not exclusive but inclusive. That is why those soldiers are over there.

Of couirse I embraces concepts of the native peoples, Taoists, Buddists, unitarians, gonstic Christians, Wiccans, humanists, bahaiis, hindus, muslims, zoroastreans, gays or anyone who has something positive to share with me about spirituality or life. The only time I will not listen is if someone tells me their way is the only way. Then I say thanks, get off my lawn.

I completely subscribe ot the British parliamentary system and the laws of Canada and everything Canada stands for precisely because I can live as a Jew and not be shot by the police for being Jewish.

My assimilation has not made me any less of a Jew. It makes me a better Jew.

You are mistaking being open minded and embracing others with forgetting who we are and where we come from as indioviduals. It is possible to balance the two for me. I do not see them as in conflict. I see them as two parts of a greater whole and I mold them both into what I am.

So know I am not afraid of venturing out of the ghetto and no thank you I do not want a hyphen in the word Canadian to describe me-I know what I am, where I came from, where I must go.

Edited by Rue
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What can I say? You're an idiot. ScottSA doesn't "assume" that "other races have some inherant genetic quality that makes them want to destroy the other races," ScottSA has just read a little history and knows that races are not known for getting along real well; to wit: killing each other off every chance they get, everywhere and always without exception.
The evidence from the recent past tends to show that Europeans largely slaughtered other Europeans.

Usually, religion is blamed for various wars. Now, you're blaming race.


ScottSA, what is your blood type? Are you O negative or AB? Are yoy concerned whether your blood type is going to disappear in the future?

Or, are you left-handed or right-handed? Are you not concerned about the survival of left-handed people?

We could slice the human race in many different ways and come up with innumerable divisions. For some reason, you seem to have chosen skin colour. That strikes me as arbitrary and not worthy of a deep thinker.

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My take on Israel is that it was a necessity and as a response for being persecuted by racism in the Middle East and Europe but no I do not subscribe to Israel as being created to avoid dealing with anyone else and hide from them.

But you deny the need for a homeland for other potentially persecuted races? You're against sub-national ghettos yet for national ghettos? You seem to be all over the map in your conceptions here Rue.

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Does'nt bother me in the least.

Why would it?

...and with a swish of his tail and an airy toss of his head, Peter establishes his credentials as a myopic utopic!

ScottSA: ''the question stands...is anyone concerned? Is anyone not concerned?''

Peter F : ''Does'nt bother me in the least. Why would it?''

ScottSA: snotty reply.

Are you trolling or what?

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You are a scared scared little boy ScottSA. If scared little boys like yourself become prevalent and manage to wield the power to dominate this country with your self righteous isolationism such a far-fetched future may be realized. But it would have been

sowed by your ilk.

Yes, thank you so much for the stirling psychological analysis, but unfortunately your credibility pooled around your ankles long ago, apparently taking your commas and language skills with it. "Sowed by your ilk?" Why are you so afraid of the topic?

Oh I lost my credibility have I? And how was that, by disagreeing with your twisted logic? Oooh, grammer mistakes? Typical irrelevant attacks you use when you can't provide a valid rebuttle. Would you like me to rephrase that expression your having trouble with? Here it is: Caused by you and your kinds self righteous racial intolerance.

Valid rebuttal to what? Ad hominem? Why would I dignify your childish accusations of racism with a "rebuttal?

Ad hominem? Like foreboding of racial genocide? This whole topic is an ad hominem arising out of your fear of dark skin.

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What can I say? You're an idiot. ScottSA doesn't "assume" that "other races have some inherant genetic quality that makes them want to destroy the other races," ScottSA has just read a little history and knows that races are not known for getting along real well; to wit: killing each other off every chance they get, everywhere and always without exception.
The evidence from the recent past tends to show that Europeans largely slaughtered other Europeans.

Usually, religion is blamed for various wars. Now, you're blaming race.


ScottSA, what is your blood type? Are you O negative or AB? Are yoy concerned whether your blood type is going to disappear in the future?

Or, are you left-handed or right-handed? Are you not concerned about the survival of left-handed people?

We could slice the human race in many different ways and come up with innumerable divisions. For some reason, you seem to have chosen skin colour. That strikes me as arbitrary and not worthy of a deep thinker.

Others think it is worth worrying about. I, for instance, don't want my grandkids discriminated against or worse on the basis of skin color or haircolor. And that happens a great deal more across the globe than discrimination on the basis of blood type or which hand is dominant. I think your counterexamples are a bit facile, given historical events, don't you? Edited by ScottSA
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Oh but argus, you are mistaken, persons who were not considered 'white' not so long ago, are now accepted as 'white', you see, what 'white' is is always changing, which is why it is so much baloney!

Could you expand upon this? What persons are now considered "White" who were not previously?

Well Argus twenty years ago I would of been classified as a "Half Breed", to day I'm considered "White".

I don't understand the hostility towards Scot, he put forth a valid question. Why is it wrong to want to be proud of being white? Really? It's okay to have gay pride parades, Black History Month, the Nova Scotia Tatoo celebrating Scotish Heritage etc. So why can't white people be proud of their race? I get really tired of the ole Race card being used when the issue of race comes up. The White Race was the dominant race in parts of the globe and it has done some horrific things to keep it's race pure but this is 2007 can any of really claim to be a pure Whitey? That why I think the Skin Heads and the White Supremisist are idiots, are they pure "Whiteys" dah not likely. Most of us don't really know what Great Granny or GrandDa got up to, cough cough. I'm a mutt half-breed so I'm not white. Not that I care, I'd like to see a country where color isn't an issue but culture is.

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It should be a concern for racists like yourselves, but caucasians are not an ethnocultural group. Hence, the rest of us are not worried.

Good. You distilled your opinion. Now stop jamming the thread and let "the rest of us"," many of whom don't share your opinion, speak. Ok?

Ohh, ScottSA wants to dominate this thread like he wants to dominate this country. Can you say 'fascist'

Is it too much to ask that you post an intelligent response?

If it is, then please feel free to take your ball and go home.

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But ScottSA, you specifically said that Cultural differences are inconsequential to this thread - and that you are only concerned with the impending demise via suicide of the Caucasian race.

Then, later you said you were afraid that us Caucasians will not have a safe place to hide.

If culture is out that leaves race. So what is the need for a Caucasian 'homeland' as you call it?

Safety from the other races right?

Yep. As a place of retreat in the very likely event of racial discrimination and/or attack. Glad the penny has dropped.
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My comments were not inspired by a lack of grasp of fractions.

They were based on the observation that white people who have children with children of other races tend to share more characteristics with the non-white parent.

I've never observed mixed-race children to have light skin, light hair, light eyes, or prominent noses, for instance.

That's because the genes that make us "white" are recessive. Something else I've noticed....take any two "races" and let them have children, the children are almost always strikingly beautiful. And apparently it doesn't matter much on the parents looks. My brother in law is married to a Japanese woman. He's geeky and gangly, she's pleasant and plump. The kids though look like they pressed and formed in an adonis mold ......

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Ad hominem? Like foreboding of racial genocide? This whole topic is an ad hominem arising out of your fear of dark skin.

No doubt. Now can you go away? Please? Obviously this topic sends you into panic mode, so go find another thread to jam.

I will not go away, just as the dark skinned people will not go away. You are saying ridiculous things and it is my freedom to point them out to you. You also have a double standard regarding your behaviour in threads as Ive seen you in others behaving much the same as I in this one. If you can not tolerate dissenting views (which you quite obviously cannot) than why dont you go join your knuckle-dragging brethren at stormfront.org. You will feel quite at home there and can be sure that dissenting views will be banned from debate.

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Ad hominem? Like foreboding of racial genocide? This whole topic is an ad hominem arising out of your fear of dark skin.

No doubt. Now can you go away? Please? Obviously this topic sends you into panic mode, so go find another thread to jam.

I will not go away, just as the dark skinned people will not go away. You are saying ridiculous things and it is my freedom to point them out to you. You also have a double standard regarding your behaviour in threads as Ive seen you in others behaving much the same as I in this one. If you can not tolerate dissenting views (which you quite obviously cannot) than why dont you go join your knuckle-dragging brethren at stormfront.org. You will feel quite at home there and can be sure that dissenting views will be banned from debate.

You are projecting.

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But ScottSA, you specifically said that Cultural differences are inconsequential to this thread - and that you are only concerned with the impending demise via suicide of the Caucasian race.

Then, later you said you were afraid that us Caucasians will not have a safe place to hide.

If culture is out that leaves race. So what is the need for a Caucasian 'homeland' as you call it?

Safety from the other races right?

Yep. As a place of retreat in the very likely event of racial discrimination and/or attack. Glad the penny has dropped.

Okay, so you fear the other races. Not because of any cultural difference, but because (place racial designation here) inherently wish to kill all caucasians. I see no basis for the assumption. Nevertheless, what has this got to do with your claim that Caucasians are committing racial suicide? and why is racial suicide a bad thing?

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Ad hominem? Like foreboding of racial genocide? This whole topic is an ad hominem arising out of your fear of dark skin.

No doubt. Now can you go away? Please? Obviously this topic sends you into panic mode, so go find another thread to jam.

I will not go away, just as the dark skinned people will not go away. You are saying ridiculous things and it is my freedom to point them out to you. You also have a double standard regarding your behaviour in threads as Ive seen you in others behaving much the same as I in this one. If you can not tolerate dissenting views (which you quite obviously cannot) than why dont you go join your knuckle-dragging brethren at stormfront.org. You will feel quite at home there and can be sure that dissenting views will be banned from debate.

Look, if you reduce a perfectly good question to hysterical namecalling, it just ruins the thread. If you can't get a little deeper into the question than shouting the standard slogans of the screaming mobs of the racial harmony crowd, then please go away. I'm sure everyone has heard it already...

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[Okay, so you fear the other races. Not because of any cultural difference, but because (place racial designation here) inherently wish to kill all caucasians. I see no basis for the assumption. Nevertheless, what has this got to do with your claim that Caucasians are committing racial suicide? and why is racial suicide a bad thing?

I can only assume this cartoon version of a discussion is meant tongue in cheek?

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