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Yoiu won't find any links for a Goldman Sachs takeover because it isn't true (surprise surprise).

Goldman and Canwest did buy Alliance Atlantis....but that closed last January

The deal was announced in January 2007, but it is only in the hearings stage. A decision hasn't

been made, and no money has changed hands yet.

Its all up to the CRTC which is very concerned about Goldman Sachs providing 2/3 of the

financing, foreign ownership, domestic content and all that .... The plan is to scuttle much of

Global in 2011 in favour of Atlantis Alliance, whose majority stakeholder will be Goldman


CRTC held two days of hearings in late November 2007 on the Global GS deal. As far as I can

tell from their decision page, http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/public/2007/8045/decte.htm (no decision

there) the jury is still out. BTW, the artistic groups are very unhappy and vocal, about the

pending deal.

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You are very welcome!

Do you have a link to the Goldman Sachs takeover? I missed the news last night.

Oh, and welcome to the board! :)

Thanks for the welcome. I didn't realize I had jumped into a shark tank ....lol

Below are some good links, its all up to the CRTC now and no decision as far as I can see, or possibly the appeal process. Also see my other reply posted a few minutes ago, to M. Dancer. Sorry if I mischaracterized it, its not a hostile takeover by any means...

Late Nov 2007 news links





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The North American Union is no conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy reality. It is Harper's wet dream come true. He has always wanted to Americanize our country and he is doing his best to accomplish that. Paul Martin was no Liberal, he was a tory in sheeps clothing.

Why do you think Harper has moved to introduce mandatory minimums for pot offences when more than half of Canada's population favour decrim/legalization? The US administration favours tougher penalties, that's why.

Canadians will have no say over our own laws, this is nothing short of a stealth invasion of our country. It is an American takeover, and Harper would like nothing better.

Wooooo scary! Soldiers in the streets! RuNAwAY!!!!!

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... frig I simply cannot believe how obstinate you people are. WATCH THE VIDEO.

IJesus, I shake my head at the obstinance.

"No damnit! We love Bush, we love America, we love money so all this video is is bull!"

Look at where the highway is going.

Through Texas. Texas farmland, old family homesteads....

If you think Texans are willingly going to roll over and allow this through you would have to be nuts.

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Look at where the highway is going.

Through Texas. Texas farmland, old family homesteads....

If you think Texans are willingly going to roll over and allow this through you would have to be nuts.

I think maybe if they turned it into a subway, more of the left would want to be on board......

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I can see a lot of resistance from a lot of Canadians to a European Union type merger. The European Union is a merger of more or less equals. There is no equality over here.

One has only to look at the NAFTA experience and softwood lumber. NAFTA called for disputes to be settled by a NAFTA panel. When the US lost before the NAFTA Panel, it went to the WTO, which it controls. Look what happened.

No sane Canadian would ever trust any merger agreement with the US because the US does not honour its agreements. There are plenty of examples outside of NAFTA with other countries.

The US has always abrogated foreign affairs at the whim of Congressional and Senatorial politics.

Nobody trusts the US in foreign affairs. It's not prejudice. It's just history.

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I believe Free Trade will be good for Manitoba....booga boooga boooooga.....

And don't worry, Tinfoil hats if they are made in North America will be covered...shheesh....

Funny, after nearly 20 years of the original FTA, the same arguments that proved false back then are still being used on a new generation of empty heads.....

So Harper says it's a conspiracy -- Bush says it's a conspiracy -- Yet the Manitoba Throne Speech says it ain't.

So what do you believe MDancer? Is it a conspiracy or not? Your heroes believe it is a conspiracy. They flatly denied it.

So we are the tinfoil hat wearers? Is the Manitoba Legislature "tin foil hat" wearers too? This isn't really happening? There is no such thing as a NAFTA superhighway?

What I am really looking for is for you rightwingers to admit that YOU WERE WRONG!

Admit that you called it a conspiracy "theory" when in fact it is an actual conspiracy. Who has done this conspiring? Why none other than the leaders of our three countries.

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Is the Manitoba Legislature LYING? Whaddya think? Is he lying about the "port" in Winnipeg, or the "port" in Churchill? Is he lying about the "corridor"? Is he lying about the "business professionals" that are working towards making it happen?

Why would a provincial LEGISLATURE make this shit up? Maybe you naysayers ought to get out there to Manitoba and set them straight. :rolleyes:

I'm just trying to figure out how the toaster convinced you that having a port to move goods and trade is somehow a conspiracy......you know, there are ports all over canada,....highways even

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You folks said the NAFTA superhighway was a conspiracy theory cooked up by the feaky left wing.

Now that it is found out to be the truth you twist and twist until you sound like you knew all along about this and never ever believed in was a conspiracy theory at all.

When the truth comes out about 911 you will say "I knew it all along, I knew those buildings were brought down by explosives".

MDancer, Gawd I cannot believe you are a fellow Libran! Us Libra's live for fairness, equality and logic -- you live to twist facts so you will never have to admit a mistake.

...unless of course you lied about that too.

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Look at where the highway is going.

Through Texas. Texas farmland, old family homesteads....

If you think Texans are willingly going to roll over and allow this through you would have to be nuts.

The news on Tuesday night, had a Texan rancher that was going to lose his rancher because the superhighway was going through the middle of his rancher and he had no choice but he would try to fight it.

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You folks said the NAFTA superhighway was a conspiracy theory cooked up by the feaky left wing.

No I said that the plot to usurp our sovereignty because of free trade is a tin foil hat conspiracy...a la what this thread is about.

Do you need proof?

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No I said that the plot to usurp our sovereignty because of free trade is a tin foil hat conspiracy...a la what this thread is about.

Do you need proof?

When did I say anything about our sovereignty being under threat?

I pointed out that the two leaders in the video DENIED the fact that there is plans for a superhighway. They called it a conspiracy theory.

Is it a conspiracy theory or not MDancer?

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You folks said the NAFTA superhighway was a conspiracy theory cooked up by the feaky left wing.

Now that it is found out to be the truth you twist and twist until you sound like you knew all along about this and never ever believed in was a conspiracy theory at all.

No one said the highway didn't exist, us "folks" just don't think it means Santa Anna is going to show up on the outskirts of Toronalamo as a direct result of it. Immigration is a serious issue; building highwaus is not. It's funny how the left hoots and hollers and calls people bigots when they don't want the place dunked under by third world culture, but let the Americans build a highway, and the world as we know it is finished.

When the truth comes out about 911 you will say "I knew it all along, I knew those buildings were brought down by explosives".
What in God's name does a highway have to do with some airhead 911 conspiracy theory?
MDancer, Gawd I cannot believe you are a fellow Libran! Us Libra's live for fairness, equality and logic -- you live to twist facts so you will never have to admit a mistake.

What next, after determining people's opinions by appeal to horoscope? Divining goat entrails?

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Guest American Woman
When did I say anything about our sovereignty being under threat?

I pointed out that the two leaders in the video DENIED the fact that there is plans for a superhighway. They called it a conspiracy theory.

Is it a conspiracy theory or not MDancer?

Myth: The U.S. Government, working though the SPP, has a secret plan to build a "NAFTA Super Highway."

Fact: The U.S. government is not planning a NAFTA Super Highway. The U.S. government does not have the authority to designate any highway as a NAFTA Super Highway, nor has it sought such authority, nor is it planning to seek such authority. There are private and state level interests planning highway projects which they themselves describe as "NAFTA Corridors," but these are not Federally-driven initiatives, and they are not a part of the SPP.

Myth: The U.S. Government, through the Department of Transportation, is funding secretive highway projects to become part of a “NAFTA Super Highway”.

Fact: Many States in the American Midwest are proposing or undertaking highway projects to improve or build roads as Federal-aid and State or private sector revenue becomes available. All projects involving Federal-aid funds or approvals are subject to normal Federal-aid requirements, such as review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), including public involvement. This public involvement, the common thread among all these activities, makes them anything but “secret.” In addition, Congress directs Department of Transportation funding for specific highway projects.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will continue to cooperate with the State transportation departments as they build and upgrade highways to meet the needs of the 21st century. Rather than evidence of a secret plan to create a NAFTA Super Highway that would undermine our national sovereignty, the FHWA’s efforts are a routine part of cooperation with all the State transportation departments to improve the Nation’s highways.


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The so-called super highway? Texas officials have no idea what this "conspiracy of ideas" is all about:


Ron Paul wants you to be scared. There's a conspiracy in the land—what he calls a "conspiracy of ideas"—to give up America's sovereignty. It's a shadowy scheme that begins with the NAFTA "superhighway," a road as wide as several football fields that will link Mexico, the United States and Canada. "They don't talk about it and they might not admit it," Paul said at the CNN-YouTube presidential debate last week. He didn't say exactly who "they" are, but perhaps one can guess. "They're planning on [taking] millions of acres … by eminent domain," warned the prickly libertarian. But elected government officials aren't acting alone. There's "an unholy alliance of foreign consortiums and officials from several governments" pushing the idea, Paul wrote in October 2006. "The ultimate goal is not simply a superhighway, but an integrated North American Union—complete with a currency, a cross-national bureaucracy, and virtually borderless travel within the Union."

Only it's not true.

The main purveyor of this broad conspiracy theory is Jerome Corsi, coauthor of "Unfit for Command," the book that helped Swift Boat John Kerry's presidential ambitions. His latest offering is "The Late Great U.S.A.: The Coming Merger With Mexico and Canada," which became a best seller on The New York Times's business list this summer. Corsi plays on growing nationalist fears. He sees a scenario in which a North American Union is born and shares a currency, the "amero." Even some right-wing standard-bearers regard the fears as over-blown. Jed Babbin, editor of the conservative newspaper Human Events, says: "I guess there are people who believe in [the plan for a North American Union]. But there are people who believe in Bigfoot." "The evidence is out there," says Corsi.

Texas officials are still trying to convince locals their $180 billion idea was not hatched to undermine American sovereignty. Controversy stalled the project for several years, but now construction could begin in 2009. Perry has had to explain repeatedly that no federal funds will be used to build the project, and that Texas turned to private firms to finance the road because they could build it quickly without taxpayer money. (The contractor, Cintra-Zachry, is a Spanish-Texan consortium that expects to earn a profit by collecting tolls. Critics, even those who don't see a conspiracy, say the state is mortgaging its infrastructure to foreign investors.) Texas Transportation Commissioner Ric Williamson says he's startled by superhighway fears. He tells NEWSWEEK he had never heard of a North American Union until people started badgering him about it. "They say, 'Is this part of the NAU and the amero?' … And I say, 'What the hell are you talking about?' "


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