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Child Sex & Lobbyists, links to mainstream reports

I cannot believe people for get about this. If the missing trillions from the Pentagon isn't enough to convince you the governments have gone criminal this should.

Lots of links.

Lots of crap.

Typical Alex Jones "journalism".

A US army recruiter at a university is exposed as having a Secret Gay Past... and somehow it's more proof of an international kabal of Devil-worshipping child molesters who secretly run the world.

"Lookit! Lookit! Another HOMERSEXUAL who works for THEM!"

-yes, there are actually a great many gay people. Some of them hide their lifestyle. Some of them even have government and military jobs. Shocking! Shocking to Alex Jones, at least. Pretty much everybody else has gotten over it.

"Why, he's HOMERSEXUAL, and he works for THEM! Just like that JEFF GANNON character!"

-uh, aside from Gannon and Sanchez both being caught hiding their gay pasts while trying to advance their careers, what's the connection? Are we supposed to believe that there's a connection between Sanchez and Gannon because they're both homosexuals? Are other gay people in government jobs actually members of the International Homo Conspiracy? Should I stake out Alderman Phair?

"Why, it's just like that other time, 18 years ago, when some members of the Republican party turned out to be HOMERSEXUAL and were accused of hiring gay male prostitutes!!!"

-uh huh. Charges were dropped. The grand jury investigating it determined that it was all a hoax.

"But it weren't a hoax! Why, just a few years ago I interviewed some feller who said he can prove the whole thing!

-uh huh. I wasted several seconds of my life reading Jones' riveting interview with John DeCamp, whose proof apparently consists of diaries written by one of the alleged exploited teens. DeCamp declares: "So when I went and visited with him and he told me these strange tales and then you had the head of psychiatry from one of the major medical institutions in the state say, "Hey, this kid he ain't crazy. He's a multiple personality and he's probably telling the truth because multiples don't need to lie. They just switch personalities.”"

He's not crazy, he's got multiple personalities!

"It all ties in with the time those KBR fellers who were running child prostitutes in Bosnoid or Yogurtslavia or whatever the hell that was!"

... :rolleyes:

So add it all up...

-a gay military recruiter gets "outed",

-a gay Whitehouse reporter gets "outed",

-18 year old dropped child exploitation charges,

-KBR (Halliburton!) employees accused of sexual exploitation in the former Yugoslavia

...and what do you get? Overwhelming proof that there's an international fag conspiracy controlling the world! Who can argue with logic like that???

Because 2 + 2 = 17,283,291... and only Alex Jones and his supporters can spot the missing 17,283,287.

Well, Alex Jones apparently hates and fears fags as much as he hates and fears wetbacks. Matt Sanchez is Alex Jones' worst nightmare: a gay Hispanic. Sweet.


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Another case of "mainstream media" having credibility only when it supports a conspiracy theory. InfoWars and Alex Jones ilk are refugees from local cable access. Plenty of "child sex" going on with "poor folks" too if that is the concern. Another failed effort to get traction on the "evil cabal".

George Carlin used the same material to sell comedy records.

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kimmy:Typical Alex Jones "journalism".

Guess you missedall those mainstream media links on this issue.

No, I read them.

I'm not disputing the mainstream articles cited. I'm ridiculing the conclusions that Jones and his retarded little buddies have drawn from them.

These asswipes throw buckets of shit at a canvas and hope that by the time they're finished, morons like you will walk away believing they've painted the Mona Lisa.

The artcle was written by Steve & Paul Watson, one of which has a masters degree in poli science. I suppose you know more.

I don't judge them by their alleged qualifications (they work for Alex Jones, how qualified could they really be?)

I judge their work on its merits. Which, as I've already outlined above, has no merit. Except in a "theatre of the absurd" sense.

Paul Watson has a Masters in PoliSci? Cool. Did he get it from the same school that granted David Hawkins his "PhD in Thermodynamics"?

As usual, you're unwilling or unable to address anything I've written. Once again all you have to offer is a pathetic appeal to the alleged credentials of these idiots you support. I'm surprised you didn't come back with one of your clever zingers about hockey pucks.

Hey, when are you going to explain how the Ancient Babylonian Artifacts tie in with the world banker conspiracy? Whatever happened to that little narrative? Come on, we're all eager to hear that one.


{now get back on the street corner and make me some money, bitch!}

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Which, as I've already outlined above, has no merit. Except in a "theatre of the absurd" sense.

I guess the same thing can be said about the Washington Post by extention.

You probably would guess that. That's because you're demented and have a very poor grasp of the concept of "logic".

The fact that the Washington Post reported on the "child prostitute ring" means that it was an actual news story at the time.

But it doesn't add any believability to any of the wild conclusions that Jones and his cronies have drawn from it.

Particularly in light of the fact that the "child prostitute ring" was later determined to be a hoax.

One more time, since I realize you have trouble following along: I'm not doubting the mainstream articles your friends have cited. But it takes a special brand of idiot to look at a gay Whitehouse reporter, a gay military recruiter, Halliburton employees pimping teenagers, and a hoax, and conclude that it's all part of one big fat conspiracy.


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Particularly in light of the fact that the "child prostitute ring" was later determined to be a hoax.

Who deterimned it to be a hoax Anne Coulter ?

A grand jury.

Actually you should tell that to the Washington Post & NY Times. I wonder why there are lobbyists lobbying to prevent US gov from prosecuting these cases.

Proof? Evidence?


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I wonder who is paying those lobbyists ?

The papers really did report this, I can't imagine why they would make something like that up. Do you think its just sensationalism to help sell more papers ?

Do you think Jones is just making that up and that the papers didn't really write that stuff ? ie the links were faked ?

kimmy I think that you think you are having a little fun at my expense, but really the reverse is true and you keep walking into it. I'm making a fool out of you by showing your willful ignorance the same way I made a fool out of Riverwind by showing that he is saying idiotic things wrt physics that even a high school grad would understand. What did you think of Riverwinds free body diagram of the table ? Could you tell how he was wrong ? Did you take physics ?

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I wonder who is paying those lobbyists ?

The papers really did report this, I can't imagine why they would make something like that up. Do you think its just sensationalism to help sell more papers ?

Do you think Jones is just making that up and that the papers didn't really write that stuff ? ie the links were faked ?

I did not see any mainstream links saying anything about lobbyists attempting to block prosecution of sex-crimes cases. (the only link making such a claim in the Infowars article you posted doesn't lead to any mainstream media. It leads to the "Prison Planet" sex crimes page, which likewise doesn't contain any articles about lobbyists or coverups. Just an index of pedophile trials that caught Jones's eye.)

They refer to mainstream media regarding Matt Sanchez and Jeff Gannon. They refer to mainstream media regarding the initial news story regarding the prostitution ring charges that were later determined to be a hoax. But there's no mainstream media in the article to support the claim that prosecutors are being pressured to stop prosecuting these cases.

This seems to be a common tactic from your heroes. They include a few links from mainstream media in their article to provide an appearance of legitimacy, then wildly exaggerate what the mainstream media articles actually say.

kimmy I think that you think you are having a little fun at my expense, but really the reverse is true and you keep walking into it.

I'm simply pointing out that this article you posted, like all the other junk-journalism you post here, falls far short of proving what you think it proves.


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Did you read the Chicago tribune link ?

In late 2005, Halliburton subsidiary KBR and Dyncorp lobbyists worked in tandem with the Pentagon to stall legislation that would specifically ban trafficking in humans for forced labor and prostitution by U.S. contractors.

There is a link to the Chicago Tribune here. I didn't click on it and read the article because you have to pay for it and Jones has links to so many mainstream articles that to start paying for member ships in all these papers is not worth my money. I'm going to assume that Jones is not misrepresenting anything. In fact I think he is about the most reliable source of information in any media available today. Its rare that he is discredited, particularly with the huge number of links he does post.

Put it this way, his credibility outweigfhs your opinion- all those guys are a lot more educated than you are and have a lot more experience. One day you will learn some humility and that that point you will have grown up.

Think about this question from McKinney:

"Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade. The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business. But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children. While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it [the] policy of the U.S. Government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?"

Cynthia McKinney is a lawyer and an elected congresswoman. Before you start shooting your little mouth off about her, take a good look in the mirror, maybe pop a pimple or two while you are there. No matter what neocons say about her or how they manage to discredit her she has gotten much firther along in life than 99.5 % of the population at least. She is far from stupid - she has guts and thats what scares these White House criminals.

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Did you read the Chicago tribune link ?
In late 2005, Halliburton subsidiary KBR and Dyncorp lobbyists worked in tandem with the Pentagon to stall legislation that would specifically ban trafficking in humans for forced labor and prostitution by U.S. contractors.

Well, once you do actually read the article, it becomes clear that the defense contractors are opposing the legislation because they're concerned about their use of foreign laborers. They are worried about losing contracts or getting sued if they're caught exploiting foreign laborers.

The Bosnian sex slaves thing provided the initial outrage that prompted this legislation in the first place, but industry resistance to the proposal relates to their worries over exploited laborers (which happens a lot), not sex-slaves.

From the article:

The Tribune retraced the journey of 12 Nepali men recruited from poor villages in one of the most remote and impoverished corners of the world and documented a trail of deceit, fraud and negligence stretching into Iraq. The men were kidnapped from an unprotected caravan and executed en route to jobs at an American military base in 2004.

At the time, Halliburton said it was not responsible for the recruitment or hiring practices of its subcontractors, and the U.S. Army, which oversees the privatization contract, said questions about alleged misconduct "by subcontractor firms should be addressed to those firms, as these are not Army issues."

The defense contractors want to continue a "pass the buck" level of responsibility so that they can turn a blind eye to human rights abuses. They want to be able to continue to say "hey, we didn't know that the group we hired to recruit laborers was using deceit to get these laborers. It's not our fault." Under stronger legislation, Halliburton might be legally responsible and have to pay a lot of money or lose contracts if they got caught exploiting workers.

In short, they're protecting their asses, not fighting to keep sex-slave rings going.

There is a link to the Chicago Tribune here. I didn't click on it and read the article because you have to pay for it and Jones has links to so many mainstream articles that to start paying for member ships in all these papers is not worth my money. I'm going to assume that Jones is not misrepresenting anything. In fact I think he is about the most reliable source of information in any media available today. Its rare that he is discredited, particularly with the huge number of links he does post.

A while ago we caught him misrepresenting the Angus Reid poll by omitting a key phrase in the poll question. We've seen his shock-video using out-of-context clips of Lou Dobbs intercut with scary music and explosions and nutjobs talking about police-states. And here in regard to the Chicago Tribune article, he creates the impression that the defense contractors are fighting restrictions on child prostitution, when in fact they're fighting to avoid responsibility for abusive labor practices.

In his interview with John DeCamp, he brags about doing this in his interview with John DeCamp:

Alex Jones: Anyway, I’m getting attacked from the New York Times to you name it. They’re saying, “Well Jones says they are sacrificing people in there. And all it shows is a mock human sacrifice.” The paper even says that. All I ever said is that somebody begs for their life and they burn them. I was hiding in the woods 150 yards away. And they admit I went in and got the video. But I never said they were sacrificing anybody.

He's brazen enough to actually boast about creating false impressions while leaving himself enough weasel-room that it's not his fault if people don't read the fine print and come away with the wrong idea.

This is journalism?


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Think about this question from McKinney:

Cynthia McKinney is a lawyer and an elected congresswoman. Before you start shooting your little mouth off about her, take a good look in the mirror, maybe pop a pimple or two while you are there. No matter what neocons say about her or how they manage to discredit her she has gotten much firther along in life than 99.5 % of the population at least. She is far from stupid - she has guts and thats what scares these White House criminals.

Cynthia McKinney...oh my , she is the complete nutjob. You sure do have a funny way of dragging up the dregs of society to bolster your assertions.

What next ? Going to quote John Wayne Gacy as a clown expert ?

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Israel recalls 'naked ambassador'

Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after he was found drunk and naked apart from bondage gear.

Reports say he was able to identify himself to police only after a rubber ball had been removed from his mouth.

She confirmed that lurid reports of the incident in the Israeli press were accurate.

Haaretz website reports that police found Mr Refael in the Israeli embassy compound where he had been found bound, gagged and naked apart from sado-masochistic sex accessories.


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Israel recalls 'naked ambassador'

Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after he was found drunk and naked apart from bondage gear.

Reports say he was able to identify himself to police only after a rubber ball had been removed from his mouth.

So the guy was having a blast. Why some others want to spoil the guys fun I will never know.

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guyser:Cynthia McKinney...oh my , she is the complete nutjob. You sure do have a funny way of dragging up the dregs of society to bolster your assertions.

Thats as heck of a statement to make as an annonymous poster on the internet. Anything to back it up ?

She was one of a few to not vote for the Patriot Act and Iraq war.

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Alex Jones: Anyway, I’m getting attacked from the New York Times to you name it. They’re saying, “Well Jones says they are sacrificing people in there. And all it shows is a mock human sacrifice.” The paper even says that. All I ever said is that somebody begs for their life and they burn them. I was hiding in the woods 150 yards away. And they admit I went in and got the video. But I never said they were sacrificing anybody.

None of this is true. I saw the movie - he never once said they were killing anyone. He made it clear that they were doing mock sacrafices.

The rest of your post is your opinion and you have somehow confused exploited labourers with sex slaves. If it works for you then do it but your opinion isn't going to win any arguements.

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Thats as heck of a statement to make as an annonymous poster on the internet. Anything to back it up ?

She was one of a few to not vote for the Patriot Act and Iraq war.

I see that she did real well in the last election. Her own constituents were tired of her shenanigans. Her little faux pas with White House Security didnt help....calling "rascism" because she wouldnt show her pass.

But hey, dont mind me. You do not need me to ruin your assertions, keep using these half wits and nut jobs and you can do that all by yourself.

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The rest of your post is your opinion and you have somehow confused exploited labourers with sex slaves.

You said you didn't even read the article. How do you know what it says?

I read the article. And while the planned legislation regards human trafficking for both prostitution and forced labour, the thrust of the article (and of the defense contractors' concerns about the legislation) concerns the forced labor.

You asked:

"I wonder why there are lobbyists lobbying to prevent US gov from prosecuting these cases."

And the fact is, the Chicago Tribune article to which you are referring does not say anything of the sort.

The article reports that lobbyists are attempting to persuade authorities to make changes to the proposed legislation.

Why are defense contractors paying lobbyists to fight for changes to the proposed legislation? Because the contractors want to protect their profit margins and avoid legal responsibility for exploitive labour practices. The article makes both motives clear.

But you didn't know that, because Jones & friends focused on the child prostitution aspect and ignore the forced labor aspect, even though the forced labor aspect is by far the more pervasive problem.


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And while the planned legislation regards human trafficking for both prostitution and forced labour, the thrust of the article (and of the defense contractors' concerns about the legislation) concerns the forced labor.

I am not interested in your opinions or your efforts to justify their actions- or their efforts to explain away their actions. I am only interested in fact.

Is it not a fact that government lobbyists are trying to restrict the US government from prosecuting cases of child sex trade involving multinationals abroad or not ?

I do not believe that the courts would somehow confuse forced labour with the child sex trade. You do - you must in order to justify their actions.

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