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Marijuana In Canada

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Well the whole debate wouldn't be necessary if we did a real test to see the results of a comparative study. What a great way to show how dangerous it was to drive impaired on alcihol as we all watched those drivers consume more drinks and get poorer and poorer in their driving skills. What could it cost to do something so dramatic as this for pot? It was when the obvios slapped me in the face that I and many others gave up drinking and driving. Not only would it prove your point, you would forever be able to refer to it definitively.

The entertainment value of such a televised event alone wouldmake it a lucrative proposition to air it on TV.

It would be a commercial money maker, settle the point of impairment once and for all, and give people a documented view of exactly what happens to your ability to drive a closed course as the volunteers smoke reefer after reefer. There is a reason why we won't see it though, no one is brave enough to try it, for fear the results may be in doubt as to supporting the hypothesis.

Where are the results from the Coroner's offices supporting your contention that marijuan affects driving?

Please don't go into the question of whether they have the data. If they don't I'll get a lawyer and get rich.

An "illegal-law" is something like Adolf brought in against Jews.

An example of an illegal law that might cause a real stink if implimented, would be if they criminalized farting in Public.

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Well the whole debate wouldn't be necessary if we did a real test to see the results of a comparative study. What a great way to show how dangerous it was to drive impaired on alcihol as we all watched those drivers consume more drinks and get poorer and poorer in their driving skills. What could it cost to do something so dramatic as this for pot? It was when the obvios slapped me in the face that I and many others gave up drinking and driving. Not only would it prove your point, you would forever be able to refer to it definitively.

The entertainment value of such a televised event alone wouldmake it a lucrative proposition to air it on TV.

It would be a commercial money maker, settle the point of impairment once and for all, and give people a documented view of exactly what happens to your ability to drive a closed course as the volunteers smoke reefer after reefer. There is a reason why we won't see it though, no one is brave enough to try it, for fear the results may be in doubt as to supporting the hypothesis.

Where are the results from the Coroner's offices supporting your contention that marijuan affects driving?

Please don't go into the question of whether they have the data. If they don't I'll get a lawyer and get rich.

An "illegal-law" is something like Adolf brought in against Jews.

An example of an illegal law that might cause a real stink if implimented, would be if they criminalized farting in Public.

Yeah I was one of the lucky ones who didnt get carted off to the incinerator when I used to smoke pot. I escaped the pothead prison camps by night by crawling inside the sewers. I am part of the reason the final solution against pot smokers didnt work.

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Great fiction! Looking forward to read the "The Green Goulag" by jefferiah.

It promise a shifting scenario painted with wide ranging comparisons.

The way you transfered in one great leap from my example of illegal laws, makes me suspect stronger sibstances than at work within your chemistry.

There seems to be a vindictivenes that is beyond all reason which springs forth from you.

Maybe the "substance" within you is ridgid/atrophied perception, brought on by excessive reliance on its own befief systems for its self justification?

If you can't chill out using prayer, or calm reflection, you might try the soothing effects of a joint of medicinal pot.

That's what I choose to do, and that should be my personal business not yours, not the government's, not my girlfriend's, pure and simple mine and mine alone no matter what dangers it may pose to me..

As to the dangers it may pose for society, let us not hide our heads in the sand and claim this and that, lets test for the parameters we must apply for our safety concerns and thusly be done with it. Why cry boogie man is in the closet all your life, why not open the closet door test for impairment and develop legislations to mitigate the dangers?

Why criminalize everyone, develop organized crime at an exponential rate, increase lawlessness and juvenile violence, crime driven addictions, all to bypass a simple test of motorskills and cognitive functions?

Just let me roll up another one now, all this one-fingered-fingering, is cutting into my consumption rate!

My head needs some more THC to fend of these frivolous, feckless attacks.

In doing so, though, I get to refine my arguments, broaden my scope for the constant battle of oppression that us downtrodden potsmokers face daily!

Hopefully I become more and more eloquent as I resist the urge to always paste someone elses words negatively, in lui of developing my own positive arguments.

It's a burden, consuming all that herb, holding up rational argument while doing so, but somebody's got to do it, otherwise you guys would win, eh!

"Roll me another one....

Just like the other one....."

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So why are you here in this forum?

This is where people who are discussing something that is a very pressing problem to our society.

Are you just annoyed with my arguments and wish me to shut up?

I'm just getting started and I believe that I'm in the right place for an intelligent convesation of this issue.

Also I believe that the reason you are getting annoyed with me is because you have been unable to hold your own in a rational argument.

What a shame such a person of sober thought resorts to asking his debating opponet to shut up.

I call that surrender.

If you don't wish to hear the truth on this subject, follow your own advice and go elsewhere.

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I already know about the subject

But when you start comparing your plight to that of the Jews in Nazi Germany well that makes me ill.

You are a self described pariah, but you are not.

You are simply whining.

Keep whining if you wish, but just know that you are extraordinarily lucky to live where you live and that you should apologize for GREATLY exagerating your 'persecution' to that of Genocide.

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An "illegal-law" is something like Adolf brought in against Jews.

I keep forgetting you're high.....

In canada an illegal law would be a law or by lawnot voted on in either city hall, the provincial legistaure or parlaiment or, a law passed by the legislaters but is ruled unconstitutional by the courts.

So in other words, you're wrong.


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Just being greatful for living in a society could lead to social atrophy and a complacent backward society.

As anyone will tell you to forever advance as a society, as in the reflection we see of nature, not to become putrid with stagnation, a true citizen who is concerned for the future of his offspring will actually try to make things better.

Only myopic ideologues fail to understand the forward flow of everything.

I have come to the conclusion there are three different inherited bioliogical filters at play in our species of Primates. Left filtered 25%, right filtered 25% and non specific/mixed political pursuasion 50%.

It is my considered opinionion that you and I will never leave our relatively filtered pespectives.

Someone here has a quote about needing both wings of an airplane to fly.

Here's my quote,

"The right-wing tendency of the human population connects us with tradition, the past, to the very first thing that wiggled, While the left-wingers are our only connection with the future through the wondrous monsters of new thought, genetics and abilities we haven't yet dreamed of. We need both and the impartial/more rational center, if our species is to enjoy a continuing history"

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M.Dancer, you must be a lawyer?

I maybe talking in a broader perspective such as making a natural act, like making farting criminal, a law against nature over which our courts should have no primacy.

You have to understand that it is currently, and always has been, until recently for humans, that every species on the planet has no laws against consuming any substance which it finds.

No othe rspecies including humans had a problem with substance abuse until the God fearing British found a way to enslave a population by creating the first international drug cartel. Once their own citizens began to react to it several generations later, the government realized what it had created and logically tried to stem the tide with harsh legislation. Perhaps that was the wrong course, judging from the results?

Why, if you believe humans are god's creation, would he need corruptable governments to save us from what he decreed all of nature should follow?

The Bible says He gave Adam and Eve the choice of good or evil. Why is it that today's Bible thumpers have to second-guess God?

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Well the whole debate wouldn't be necessary if we did a real test to see the results of a comparative study. What a great way to show how dangerous it was to drive impaired on alcihol as we all watched those drivers consume more drinks and get poorer and poorer in their driving skills. What could it cost to do something so dramatic as this for pot? It was when the obvios slapped me in the face that I and many others gave up drinking and driving. Not only would it prove your point, you would forever be able to refer to it definitively.

The entertainment value of such a televised event alone wouldmake it a lucrative proposition to air it on TV.

It would be a commercial money maker, settle the point of impairment once and for all, and give people a documented view of exactly what happens to your ability to drive a closed course as the volunteers smoke reefer after reefer. There is a reason why we won't see it though, no one is brave enough to try it, for fear the results may be in doubt as to supporting the hypothesis.

Where are the results from the Coroner's offices supporting your contention that marijuan affects driving?

Please don't go into the question of whether they have the data. If they don't I'll get a lawyer and get rich.

An "illegal-law" is something like Adolf brought in against Jews.

An example of an illegal law that might cause a real stink if implimented, would be if they criminalized farting in Public.

Yeah I was one of the lucky ones who didnt get carted off to the incinerator when I used to smoke pot. I escaped the pothead prison camps by night by crawling inside the sewers. I am part of the reason the final solution against pot smokers didnt work.

Jeff's Fiction continued:

Harper and The Marijuana SS caught up with me 20 miles away from the prison camp in an old airfield. I was cornered on all sides. Seeing no other alternative, I climbed into an abandoned jalopy-of-an-airplane and to my surprise she still worked. "Eat my dust you Nazi bastards," I shrieked with delight as I took off.

I was flying high and on my way the freezone----Amsterdam. I made it across the Atlantic in good time and it appeared as if I would have no further trouble. Wrong! About midway over the British Isles I was faced with a nasty surprise. A convoy of Harper's Luftwaffe were tailing me. How could an inexperienced pilot like me weave his way out of this danger? I was in deep trouble for sure. And that is when the miracle happened.

Bowing my head to pray I noticed that there was a brown paper bag on the floor. "Could it be?", I asked myself. Yes...it was. Glorious marijuana. I rolled myself a spliff with one hand while flying with the other. A few good tokes and I was ready to roll. Thank goodness that marijuana smoke delivers almost instantaneously. Within seconds I was transformed into an ace pilot, thanks to the power of weed which (as everyone knows) improves piloting skills. I flew circles around the Luftwaffe laughing and singing like Mad Murdock while the A Team theme played as if from nowhere. One after the other, I tricked my enemies into crashing into each other with a series of fancy flight maneuvers.

Then after a safe landing in Amsterdam, I met up with Kevin Spencer and scored some legal weed with him.

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well seeing as i was the main character and first person in the story its pretty hard not to write with a lot of I's and Me's. Lol. Anyhoo you are the one who keep saying that "I" and "Me" is undergoing horrible oppression from "Them".

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so if you were telling your wife about your day how would you do it

"oh, well, to tell the truth honey, KO2 had a really bad day. he was not happy at all. i feel really bad for him. first he got stuck in traffic, then his boss yelled at him for being late for work...i think KO2 is just going to go to bed now."

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That's just what I meant, to write good fiction you need more than a fantasy of yourself as a superhero to make it interesting.

lolol....do you really care about my fiction? its a forum post not a novel. and do you think i am really serious about my super powers coming from weed? what makes you think i am also serious about being a superhero?

plus i added Kevin Spencer. :)

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Harper and The Marijuana SS caught up with K02 20 miles away from the prison camp in an old airfield. He was cornered on all sides. Seeing no other alternative, he climbed into an abandoned jalopy-of-an-airplane and to his surprise she still worked. "Eat my dust you Nazi bastards," he shrieked with delight as he took off.

He was flying high and on his way the freezone----Amsterdam. He made it across the Atlantic in good time and it appeared as if he would have no further trouble. Wrong! About midway over the British Isles he was faced with a nasty surprise. A convoy of Harper's Luftwaffe were tailing him. How could an inexperienced pilot like poor KO2 weave his way out of this danger? He was in deep trouble for sure. And that is when the miracle happened.

Bowing his head to pray, he noticed that there was a brown paper bag on the floor. "Could it be?", he asked himself. Yes...it was. Glorious marijuana. He rolled himself a spliff with one hand while flying with the other. A few good tokes and he was ready to roll. Thank goodness that marijuana smoke delivers almost instantaneously. Within seconds he was transformed into an ace pilot, thanks to the power of weed which (as everyone knows) improves piloting skills. He flew circles around the Luftwaffe, laughing and singing like Mad Murdock, while the A Team theme played as if from nowhere. One after the other, he tricked his enemies into crashing into each other with a series of fancy flight maneuvers.

Then after a safe landing in Amsterdam, he met up with Kevin Spencer and scored some legal weed with him.

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Boy do you range in diversionary tactics to keep people from seeing the truth.

Is this the tactics of someone who comes from the Moral/Religious forums?

Why are "The Religious" always so quick to lower the standards?

We were talking of a serious issue that could be affecting you soon. Ranging from the death of your offspring, to vandalism of your vehicle. You who post much in the religious columns would come here to distract valuable communications discussing viable alternatives.

Don't you think that discussing your fiction writing abilities might be better addressed in another forum.

I could be way off in my rational assessment, though, because unlike you I am "impaired by marijuana" and may lack the ability to formulate a cohesive argument.

So, I do always stand to be corrected if I am wrong.

Why is it that those who claim the highest moral ground, always resort to the lowest, vile tacticts?

Do you need a history lesson on the vile tactics used by all relgious faiths?

Can we judge a vine by the fruit it bears?

I ask people to read your inputs, and mine, and judge for themselves their substance.

We are all snared by the words of our mouths, some more often than others.

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Here's another original theory from yours truly, to counter the myopic fundamentalism which tries to criminalize natural /god's wisdom.

My rudimentary knowledge of the law is that it must accept logical arguments based on accepted theories.

The courts now accept DNA as confirmed theory and science.

It follows from the same body or reproducible science that they must also accept this corrollary:

In order to facilitate the process of Evolution we must not interfere with its natural processes.

Evolution depends on the blind process of Natural Selection.

This process in turn depends on the creation of a mutant or variant in the replication of the DNA molecule.

Science calls this a Wondrous Monster.

The forces acting on the DNA molecule to produce this Wondrous Monster are these, among others not yet discovered; Radiation, heat and chemical exposure.

Man will never be able to second-guess this miracle which is the only recorded path that points to species survival on the planet.

By distorting nature's infinite number of variables and wondrous combinations, and limiting it in the slightest way, even in a misguided attempt to protect a population, we risk serious evil side-effects.

Are these not serious unatural side-effects?

Organized crime, social lawlessness, loss of human rights, rampant petty crime, an ever increasing rate of addiction fuelled by a lucrative prohibited market, social conflict and divissiveness, teen age criminal enterprises- gangs- who promote an ever growing culture of more deviant behaviour.

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Jesus.. I thought pot was supposed to make you mellow.. KO2 has enough anger in him.. maybe we should all be thankful that he smokes instead of drinks.

holy anger issues batman..

KO2 is potentially one of our best posters. He's eloquent, well-reasoned and to the point.

I actually agree. He is a good writer, and I say that with only one caveat.

I find his style slightly annoying at times. Cloying, maybe, with far too much and too pronounced alliteration. It reminds me of someone else, a far worse writer than him, who takes alliteration to new heights, and then pushes it off a cliff. His name is 'goat', and he treats alliteration like a Mother Goose rhyme or a jackbooted drumbeat, and KO2 is not him, not by a longshot, but here and there he reminds me of goat.

If one is going to use alliteration, it ought to glide by, rarely seen and barely felt like a whispered subtext. The following example is just a little too...too...I dunno...maybe it's not even the alliteration. Maybe it's the imagery. Mind you at least he doesn't mix metaphors like I do.

Rant and rave as you will, possesed by the holy spirit of ignorant self-righteousness.

You must be christian of excellent spelling capability, sure of your correctness because you spell so well and god thinks that you're special..

The sermons of fantasy that you preach are ful of your blessed craft, fraud

Having said all that, I agree with him. Not because of the specious argument that the law makes criminals, so we ought to abolish the law so as to not have criminals, because if we legalized bank robbery, we'd have fewer criminals too, but that's hardly a good argument in favor of legalizing bank robbery. Nor do I buy the notion that illegal marijuana creates criminals, because the minute marijuana is decriminalized, the bad guys will move on to hard drugs and quite possibly make that problem worse from the supply side if nothing else...gangs don't become gangs over marijuana, they become gangs because they are predisposed toward criminality. I won't even talk about "medical marijuana," because I just start laughing...it's like global warming in reverse, complete with the bad or non-existent science, foolish claims, and general air of hysteria.

I agree with him because smoking pot is no big deal. Insofar as it's a "gateway drug," it is because the folks who smoke dope are seeking a new experience, and if anything they move on because pot isn't enough of one...here I speak from personal experience, because in my youth I tried just about everything. Some lots. I can drive as well or better stoned on pot, I used to find it easier to write when stoned, and...well...it's just not a huge deal.

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