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Islamic Schools in Canada

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Also, I recommend that Canadians learn about Islam. You'll find that there's no hiding the fact that the religion is violent and it degrades women. The Quaran tells you directly how to live. Litterally step by step in a literal manner:

"As to those women on whom part you fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat her."

The main problem I have with Muslims' activities in the West is that they do not voluntarily submit to Western law. If they came here on their own, they made a decision they wanted to be in Canada. Thus, we have a right to insist that they act as Canadians.

I agree.

The UK let in too many, too fast. Combined with the BBC propeganda, this is the result:


The very same climate is here in Toronto.

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I think it's time to treat the Catholic system like any other separate school and cut off the public funding. It seems unfair to favour one religious sect over another.


Yeah I guess it really is true. There is a war against Chritianity by the left. I never believed it but it reall is true.

I attended a Christian high-school and wore a uniform. These schools are very large institutions almost exactly the same as a public school. The diffrence being the unions have less control and never strike. The schools are also rurn more efficiently.

I believe in this system.

If you don't want Christian schools as they currently are, then you are giving into Islam and other minorities in Canada who are out to destroy our way of life. Why is it only now that people have these viewpoints? This was never a problem in the past.

I don't know why I am responding to your foolishness but here goes. I'm not opposed to Christian schools; I'm opposed to publicly funding one and only one sect of one religion while excluding all others. Since we cannot afford to fund all separate schools fairly and equally it's time to end the unfair advantage the Catholic system receives.

War against Christianity? Unions have less control? Denouncing unequal separate school funding is giving into Islam and other minorities? You are either an absolute idiot or you are playing some sort of Archie Bunker bit...an ignorant, anachronistic, bumbling, racist, boob that is tolerated because he always proves to be the fool.

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I'm against any school being publically funded which only advocates one religion explicitly. We should allow private school's, however I think an important part of the public school system is growing up with people of different races and religion's in order to become more accepting of other people's views.

Absolutely correct in my oppinion. Multiculturalism, and it's entire premise, is based upon the integration of different cultural perpectives within the learning processes of our children. A "color blind nation" was the intent and ironically, the racial minorities relatively new to Canada, are disinterested in this ideal.

I wonder what they're here for?

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I'm not opposed to Christian schools; I'm opposed to publicly funding one and only one sect of one religion while excluding all others.

I agree that this is a fair, and logical argument.

But where does this lead to? Ask yourself a deeper question. Supposed we do not fund these schools and I would like to put my child in the seperate school boards. I demand a portion of my property taxes to be refunded, or, to get funnelled to my seperate school board. (which is what is happening now). If I get my taxes refunded, that means pretty much ANY ethnic minority will have it's own schools. The blacks in TOronto have been fighting for their own seperate school board for some time now. This will wreck havoc on our culture and society due to the stone age nature of some of the cultures in Canada.

Your answer is to just throw everyone in one big public school. Well maybe I don't want my child growing up to be anti religious and athiest like many Canadians are today. I want my kids being taught christian values and the ten commandments. I would like him to have respect and care for his fellow citizens in Canada. Somethign that we sorely lack.

So you say 'fine then just fund your own school'. I'll say OK, now lets be like the US. Gimme back my property taxes.

Then the problem of 'political correctness' becomes inevitable and surely begins to kill our nationl out of 'fairness'.

Canada is built of Christian, liberal democrocy and Christian values. We have a herritage of Christianity, and ultimitaly Judism who are the two first religions that built Canada and the US.

Now, out of 'fairness to Islam' it's Canada's duty make sure that they get the exact same benefits and treatment as does our Catholic Schoolboard.

I say no.

I say it's time to take Canada back and put our foot down on people coming here and attempting to recreate their lives back home. People that come here need to realize that we are a Judism/Christian based country with the option of athiest public schools for those here that are afraid of religion or don't want to attend a seperate school board. They can take their classes there and shall not be accomidated in the least. No halal meat, no prayer rooms.

If they want their own religious schools, it shall not be allowed. End of story. They can practice their religion, but they are to integrate into our schooling because it's a special issue for some cultures to integrate. If they don't like it, they can go to the UK or Australia (where they probably won't get in). They don't have to come here and continue to wreck havoc on our society.

We have Christian schools now. It works fine. Now we have to throw this away because Islam is making an Issue out of this?? No one complained about this years back, now all of a sudden it becomes an issue.

Hell no. Not anymore. I'm not being fair to them anymore. I'm putting my foot down and will not support this becuase now I'm a year older and I see exactly where this is leading. Last year I probably would have said the same thing as you to be fair. But not now.

Since we cannot afford to fund all separate schools fairly and equally it's time to end the unfair advantage the Catholic system receives.

Yes. The modern Canadian self-hatred. To advantage all the other religions that our country is NOT built off? Why on earth can't you embrace the fact that we are a Christian/Judism based country? Why should I have to give that up to please 'everyone else'? No way.

If poeple think that 'it's not fiar', they can go back home to where they came from. They don't need to be part of Canada if they don't want to. We need to look after our majority and govern according to us.

Your argument is flawed and self defeating. It works if you want a completely segregated society. seperate vs. public school board never created a segregated nations within Canada. Your idea of x only schools for x culture and religion is horrendous and would be something that Justin Trudeau would dream up.

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Canada is built of Christian, liberal democrocy and Christian values. We have a herritage of Christianity, and ultimitaly Judism who are the two first religions that built Canada and the US.

Canada WAS built of Christian, liberal democracy and Christian values.

But thanks to Canada's anti Christian and anti democratic charter and immigration laws, the countries Christian and linguistic history has been POLITICALLY DELETED except for 'official languages' which is not only discriminatory in an 'officially multicultural' country, but a joke.

There is no one to blame for the current democratic deficit, outside of Canadians themselves, who are content to GIVE AWAY their heritage, liberties and beliefs, believing stuffed, corrupt, politicians.

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I'm against any school being publically funded which only advocates one religion explicitly.
Ontario has an entire school system, funded by government, that is based on religion.

Go back and read the OP or better yet, go and read a Canadian history book.

I don't think religion (as we understand religion in the modern West) is the problem.

It is cultural. Ontario's Catholic system is open to all religions, and more to the point, is open in its instruction, and in its operations. Muslim schools are very secretive. What the Muslim parents want from these schools is to insulate their children from Canadians. They want their kids to go to Muslim schools and be raised with middle-east values. The kids then come home and watch satellite TV from "home", and read books and magazines in their "native" language. The only time they're likely to run into Canadians is in a mall - by accident.

And then the lefties call these kids "Canadians".

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Hmm. Globalization is a bitch isn't it. Our society is accepting too, if our society was full of some posters here then this scenario wouldn't exist.
It seems to me that modern reason came to some kind of compromise with religion about 300 years ago. Whatever that compromise was, it is now being disturbed and woken up. A long time ago, almost 1000 years ago, there were the worlds temporal and the worlds spiritual. It seems we are testing this line again.

the same could be said about the other side of the spectrum, evangelical christians anyone? In my view they are as dangerous as muslims are portrayed to be.

How many terrorist incidents have the evangelical Christian groups committed in the last decade?

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Kopp shooting's, Oklahoma City Bombing, etc.

Committed by white christian's.

Wow. Self-Hating, Anti-Christian, Anti-Canadian Lib.

Where those acts commited on BEHALF of Christianity or text from the Bible? This doesn't happen becuae Christianity is not a religion which clearly insturct killing and death as the Quaran does. Same with Hinduism, same with Judism. As long as people follow the Quaran, there *will* be killings and conversions to Islam.

There are many, many people in the UK, US, and Canada that have already converted to Islam. I know someone personally that is converting to Islam to be able to marry his fiance.

Don't believe me? See this.

Here is a MUST SEE. Wach A Canaidan on stage in Toronto officially converting to Islam.

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Hmm. Globalization is a bitch isn't it. Our society is accepting too, if our society was full of some posters here then this scenario wouldn't exist.

It seems to me that modern reason came to some kind of compromise with religion about 300 years ago. Whatever that compromise was, it is now being disturbed and woken up. A long time ago, almost 1000 years ago, there were the worlds temporal and the worlds spiritual. It seems we are testing this line again.

the same could be said about the other side of the spectrum, evangelical christians anyone? In my view they are as dangerous as muslims are portrayed to be.

How many terrorist incidents have the evangelical Christian groups committed in the last decade?

Well if you consider Iraq a terrorist incident then theres one. Ever here one of Franklin Graham's sermons...

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So you say 'fine then just fund your own school'. I'll say OK, now lets be like the US. Gimme back my property taxes.

Property taxes are not refunded, in whole or in part if you place your children in private schools, and tax credits against other taxes have been struck down as unconstitutional. I don't know where you get that idea from.

Then the problem of 'political correctness' becomes inevitable and surely begins to kill our nationl out of 'fairness'.

Canada is built of Christian, liberal democrocy and Christian values. We have a herritage of Christianity, and ultimitaly Judism who are the two first religions that built Canada and the US.

Agreed. That's been my argument for a long time.

Your argument is flawed and self defeating. It works if you want a completely segregated society. seperate vs. public school board never created a segregated nations within Canada. Your idea of x only schools for x culture and religion is horrendous and would be something that Justin Trudeau would dream up.

I strongly support an integrated public school system. If someone wants to pull their kids out, find. But they pay.

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How many terrorist incidents have the evangelical Christian groups committed in the last decade?
Kopp shooting's, Oklahoma City Bombing, etc.

Committed by white christian's.

No doubt Mohammed Atta and Timothy McVeigh were psychotic fanatics. But am I wrong to think there's a difference between the two? Atta was part of a complex plot with clearly religious motives. Al Qaeda wanted Americans to leave the Islamic Holy Land. McVeigh had a few accomplices and seems to have been as much an anarchist as fundamentalist Christian. An American, he targetted the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Atta, a foreigner, flew a plane into a tall private office building.

Moreover, this ignores previous attacks of al-Qaeda against American targets: USS Cole, embassies or attacks in London or Madrid. And how about Russian schoolchildren, Dutch MPs or even Danish cartoons.

There have have been vile cartoons of the Catholic pope and movies about Jesus coming down from the cross and shacking up with Marie-Madeleine - followed by protest, but cinemas showed the movie regardless. In Canada, only Le Devoir and the Western Standard published the Danish cartoons.

I think we in the West have grown so used to certain Enlightenment principles that we have forgotten why we have them. We are confused about "equality". I see no harm in government financed separate schools, charter schools or so-called vouchers. For heaven's sakes, would you have parents surrender all decisions about the education of their children over to ministry bureaucrats?

The solution is not to force all children to go to state-controlled schools.

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Property taxes are not refunded, in whole or in part if you place your children in private schools, and tax credits against other taxes have been struck down as unconstitutional. I don't know where you get that idea from.

Oh I thought some states did this like Texas:

50-119 Application for Private School Property Tax Exemption

I strongly support an integrated public school system. If someone wants to pull their kids out, find. But they pay.

But just like one might not like Christian based education, I myself as a parent may not want my kids growing up as athiests or islamic values that is prevelant in the public school system in the GTA.

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The solution is not to force all children to go to state-controlled schools.

Yes I'm getting to the point where I don't trust our state run schools. In the US no doubt about it the kids could go into public school, defeinately not here around the GTA. I need my kids learning morals and math, not Ramadan, Hajj, and Mecca.

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I don't know where this thread will go but I hope it will remain connected to some version of reality. For myself, it's only a start - so, feel free to correct me.

Oh, boo! Disaster! Run for you life!

Catholics can have a publicly funded school system and Christian sects can have entire towns where polygamy rules along with many other "customs" that are illegal in the rest of the country, but god forbid that the Muslims have schools. Now that's completely unacceptable as it will lead to thousands of Muslim children bombing tall buildings. On that note, how many graduates of Catholic schools from Canada joined the IRA?

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Yes I'm getting to the point where I don't trust our state run schools. In the US no doubt about it the kids could go into public school, defeinately not here around the GTA. I need my kids learning morals and math, not Ramadan, Hajj, and Mecca.

Better yet, you can just brainwash them to hate everyone at home. No need for schools altogether.

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No doubt Mohammed Atta and Timothy McVeigh were psychotic fanatics. But am I wrong to think there's a difference between the two?

Huge, Atta was Muslim and McVeigh was Christian, so what McVeigh did was fully justified. Just shows that Christian terrorism and Muslim terrorism are completely different.

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Wow. Self-Hating, Anti-Christian, Anti-Canadian Lib.

Where those acts commited on BEHALF of Christianity or text from the Bible? This doesn't happen becuae Christianity is not a religion which clearly insturct killing and death as the Quaran does. Same with Hinduism, same with Judism.

As a Christian, one figures that you would have read the Bible but clearly you haven't. You just heard things from others about the Bible. Or maybe you heard things that others heard about the Bible. What a joke.

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Yes. The modern Canadian self-hatred. To advantage all the other religions that our country is NOT built off? Why on earth can't you embrace the fact that we are a Christian/Judism based country? Why should I have to give that up to please 'everyone else'? No way.

Unlike you who can't find his way into Ohio, I am Canadian and I happen to believe that this country is built by Canadians, not by Christians or by Jews. Now, if you can't take your ignorant ass to Ohio legally, can't you just cross the border illegally?

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Kopp shooting's, Oklahoma City Bombing, etc.

Committed by white christian's.

Wow! Two of them! That many!

Oh, wait, I didn't ask about "individual nut cases" but groups. How many violent, terroristic Christian groups have launched attacks over the past twenty or thirty years. Round numbers will do.

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I don't know where this thread will go but I hope it will remain connected to some version of reality. For myself, it's only a start - so, feel free to correct me.

Oh, boo! Disaster! Run for you life!

Catholics can have a publicly funded school system and Christian sects can have entire towns where polygamy rules along with many other "customs" that are illegal in the rest of the country, but god forbid that the Muslims have schools. Now that's completely unacceptable as it will lead to thousands of Muslim children bombing tall buildings. On that note, how many graduates of Catholic schools from Canada joined the IRA?

As far as I know - none.

The practical aspects of educating children as religious fanatics are obvious to almost everyone - clearly excluding you, but then the obvious often excludes you.

No one suggests all religious fanatics are terrorists. However, terrorism arises from fanaticism. The more fanatics you have, the more terrorists you have. The principal fear is these schools will raise children as fanatics which will contribute to the danger of "home grown" Muslim terrorism.

My own fear is also that these schools segregate the children of immigrants and such children wind up associating principally with and among each other, watching movies and satellite TV from "home", returning "home" to visit relatives, and basically growing up not as Canadians but as Pakistanis - or Syrians, or whatever.

I am not one of those people (you may have noticed) who considers all cultures as equal. I cherish our culture and values and do not wish to see them watered down with the cultural values of shit-hole countries and their bloody, violent, ignorant, backwards, barbarous shit-hole cultures. Now if these Muslims want to live in a rural village somewhere and not bother anyone like those Christian sects you're referring to, I'm okay with that. But that's not what's happening.

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No doubt Mohammed Atta and Timothy McVeigh were psychotic fanatics. But am I wrong to think there's a difference between the two?

Huge, Atta was Muslim and McVeigh was Christian, so what McVeigh did was fully justified. Just shows that Christian terrorism and Muslim terrorism are completely different.

Yes, one doesn't exist, and the other does.

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How many terrorist incidents have the evangelical Christian groups committed in the last decade?

Given that they make up a very small fraction of the world's population, I'd say more than average.

Lol! I actually chuckled aloud at your response. That was classic.

Man Saturn. Your mind is up there in Saturn I guess.

Or Uranus..

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