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Islamic Schools in Canada

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I don't know where this thread will go but I hope it will remain connected to some version of reality. For myself, it's only a start - so, feel free to correct me.

This web site lists 42 Islamic schools, of which 33 are in Ontario. To my knowledge, these are all private schools, entirely dependent on tuition fees. In Quebec, the situation is a little different. "Private" schools receive government funding but can also charge tuition fees and select their students. I'm not aware of any Islamic school in Quebec that receives government funding. (There are Jewish schools that receive government funding.) Curiously, Muslims often send their daughters to "private" Catholic girl-only schools. These schools now offer courses in "world religions" as a replacement for catechism.

In the past ten years, there has been an enormous growth of full-time Islamic schools across Canada, in both small and large communities. In Toronto alone, where the Muslim population is approximately 200 000, there are over ten full-time schools. And, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where Muslims number less than 5000, a full-time Islamic school is sustained to educate a handful of Muslim students. Some Islamic schools in Canada only offer elementary education (Kindergarten to Grade Six), while the more advanced and older schools offer a high school diploma. Depending on provincial policies, Islamic schools, like most other private schools, may or may not receive partial government funding.


Some Muslim parents will argue that, although many public schools teach universal values such as respect for all, honesty, and hard work, they discourage children from learning about their faith and practicing it openly at school. Moreover, the general atmosphere in public schools may cause Muslim children to feel embarrassed to practice Islam – to follow Islamic guidelines for behavior, diet, and dress. Peer pressure to “fit in” may involve dating and attending school dances, for example, which are very much discouraged in Islam.

Muslim parents in Canada are increasingly finding the public school system unpalatable. The Muslim population in Canada has doubled in the past few years. It is currently estimated to be over 600,000, with more than half of us living in Ontario.

Toronto and its neighboring municipalities have close to 300,000 Muslims. In some parts of the city, Muslim children form as much as 90% of the total student population in schools. The problems are not limited to foul language, and disruptive and immoral behavior. There are a host of problems that plague the public school system.

Public schools have successfully removed almost all mention of God from their books and traditional practices. This is supposedly a secular institution, promoting tolerance and respect for all religions. However, the reality is that there is a lack of consistent policy on religious accommodation. Children grow up in an atmosphere that is cynical about God's existence. It is not just an immoral environment, but an amoral one. As Dostoevsky said, "Without God, everything is possible," implying that not fearing God opens the door to all kinds of sins.


The only advantage that public schools have is that they are free. If you do not find fault in the above-mentioned problems, then your children can have basic education till grade 12 for free. If parents reject the public school system, the only alternative is to have Islam-based private schools, which ensure the teaching of an academically and morally acceptable curriculum.

A little girl races to the school washroom, pauses at the door, says a prayer and darts in. A Grade 2 class setting out for the Ontario Science Centre recites a prayer before boarding the bus. A Grade 5 pupil stands at a microphone and calls the entire school to afternoon prayer in the gym where carpets have been rolled out in orderly rows. And in a science class, girls sitting on one side, boys on the other, a lesson on the solar system begins with a verse from the Qur'an.

In the 18 Islamic schools in the Toronto area, prayer frames every action and infuses every lesson.

"We are not afraid to use the name of God,'' says Nafees Khan, principal of the Islamic Foundation School, an artful and modern school on Nugget Ave. in Scarborough.

Religious education is so prized by Toronto's growing Muslim community that there are not enough schools to meet the demand. The first Islamic religious schools opened in Ontario in the early 80s. There are now 25, as parents who hold traditional values clamour not only for prayer but for what some call the cocoon of safety their children will find in an Islamic environment.

Toronto Star, February 2001
By Allah's ( SWT) Grace and Mercy, the Jaamiah expanded in September, 1995, opening an exclusive school for girls to add to the existing institution. Jaamiah's girls' school is a day school situated in Toronto, providing full academic education from kindergarten to grade eight, along with Islamic studies, arts & crafts, and home economics. The school is also offering and teaching the Aalimah course, with a staff of two Aalimahs ( lady scholars )
Institute of Islamic Learning, Ajax, Ontario (Not original link).
Investigation in Canada found that The Institute of Islamic Learning, Ajax, Ontario, focuses exclusively on religious topics, has students memorize the Koran, demands total segregation from the Canadian milieu, and requires complete gender separation.

So, what happens in these schools?

Two teachers at an Islamic school in Ottawa have been suspended while the school and the Ontario government investigate allegations they incited hatred against Jews.

One teacher praised a student essay about martyrdom and killing Israeli soldiers and another helped with the artwork.

The administration of Abraar Islamic school was shocked by the student's tale of ambushing and killing Israeli soldiers, said school principal Aisha Sherazi.


A teacher wrote on the title page "God bless you, your efforts are good," adding that Ahmed's story "is still alive and the end will be soon when God unites us in Jerusalem." A second helped with the artwork. They were both suspended Wednesday.

CBC, March 2005

This web site provides the Ottawa Citizen article of the same event and also a graphic image of the student's work. Sadly, the same school was the target of an arson attempt.


The CBC can show the humourous side of setting up a mosque in Saskatchewan but the problem is a little more serious. During the Christmas holidays, I drove across the Verrazano Narrows bridge and looked at the New York City skyline. The World Trade Center is no longer there.

Our problems are much more serious than a mosque in Saskatchewan and anyone who believes otherwise is simply wrong.

In Canada, we have had a long history of religious tolerance and indeed it's at the very heart of our history. More Canadians are Catholic than any other religion. Stephen Harper is the first Protestant prime minister since Pearson (excepting Kim Campbell).

Education is a provincial responsibility for religious reasons. Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec and Newfoundland have all had to compromise on "confessional" education. [As an aside, I listened to an interview with Margaret Atwood recently and once again I was appalled by her self-promotion and misunderstanding of Canada. Canada's nature is not survival but compromise. We compromised first on religion, then on language and now we compromise on region.]

As much as I believe in the freedom to choose and the absence of superstition, having religious schools is not the problem. The fact that Christians homeschool, Jews have special schools or Greek Orthodox and Estonian Lutherans have weekend schools doesn't disturb me much. For all I know, Japanese Buddhists have cultural centres and Hindus have temples to train children for priesthood.

It seems to me that modern reason came to some kind of compromise with religion about 300 years ago. Whatever that compromise was, it is now being disturbed and woken up. A long time ago, almost 1000 years ago, there were the worlds temporal and the worlds spiritual. It seems we are testing this line again.

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I'm against any school being publically funded which only advocates one religion explicitly. We should allow private school's, however I think an important part of the public school system is growing up with people of different races and religion's in order to become more accepting of other people's views.

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I'm against any school being publically funded which only advocates one religion explicitly.
Ontario has an entire school system, funded by government, that is based on religion.

Go back and read the OP or better yet, go and read a Canadian history book.

I don't think religion (as we understand religion in the modern West) is the problem.

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Hmm. Globalization is a bitch isn't it. Our society is accepting too, if our society was full of some posters here then this scenario wouldn't exist.

It seems to me that modern reason came to some kind of compromise with religion about 300 years ago. Whatever that compromise was, it is now being disturbed and woken up. A long time ago, almost 1000 years ago, there were the worlds temporal and the worlds spiritual. It seems we are testing this line again.

the same could be said about the other side of the spectrum, evangelical christians anyone? In my view they are as dangerous as muslims are portrayed to be. I'd say catholicism made this compromise a long time ago and I'd say it's different in the handling of its affairs than in the past, it's time for other religions to catch up. I believe that globalization has something to do with this, some people being threatened with a so-called threat across the world. I think we're in for a round of wars concerning all of Asia, it took Europe over a thousand years of war to become pacified and to where it is now. I'd say the best thing for the developed world is to cut them off, let them get their house in order, and then deal with them. It's funny because when Europe was fighting with itself, all of Asia was the most advanced place on the planet, I think your right about the compromise with religion, they made the wrong compromise.

I also think that when you come to Canada you should be accepting the culture of our country, this type of education seems to be holding them back from our standards. Theres nothing wrong with them setting up their schools but at the same token they should realize that they are a part of Canada and should be contributing instead of taking.

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Ontario has an entire school system, funded by government, that is based on religion.

Go back and read the OP or better yet, go and read a Canadian history book.

I don't think religion (as we understand religion in the modern West) is the problem.

Yes I did, however that's why I am against it because I think people need to learn about other religion's in order to be more tolerant.

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I'm against any school being publically funded which only advocates one religion explicitly. We should allow private school's, however I think an important part of the public school system is growing up with people of different races and religion's in order to become more accepting of other people's views.

Of course I agree,

But when are we going to put our foot down on Islam? Parents do not believe in having their kids speak to 'outsiders' in our own country. They do not want them associating with Canadians. These are mostly religious schools that brainwash kids and treat women as lesser people.

Islam does threaten Canada's security. It's the simple.

"Overall, Buchanan is right that certain peoples and nationalities are shrinking, while others expand. Yes, in some contexts, there is a threat in this phenomenon. For instance, Buchanan is correct that there exists a danger that the United States today harbors a "nation within a nation," in the sense that an Islamic-Arab-African invasion has created millions of American citizens who not only have failed to assimilate in America, but are hostile to it and seek to destroy it from within."

I agree with the lady though, that our schools promote atheism which I feel is an overall negative to the pride and common being as a nation. I don't go to church and am not religious, but I do feel that religion is what holds us all together and it's a very positive thing for shaping a young persons morals. So I agree with the lady there.

Canada is our country. Coming here is not a right. It's a priveledge. We've been too nice, for too long and Islam is not in the early stages of taking over Canada. Canada is weak and does give in to terrorism. (natives disputes). The Islamic Congress of Canada is giving scholorships for any students going into media and law to be come a politician. They have an agenda to get muslims into controlling parts of society in order to see to their special interest.

I think it's up to the majority whether this is what we want happening in our country or not. The CBC show just brainwashed the masses into thinking that the mosque is some friendly place with white converts and a minister. I dare any minister to step into a mosque party like that.

I remember that school paper incident. I was living in Ottawa at the time. At the time, I didn't even know that there was such things as private islamic schools. I thought "why do WE allow this?". Since coming to Toronto, you will see huge islamic schools and very large islamic flags that are green with the cresent moon. No Canada flag, just Islam. Right by the QEW highway to show people coming in and out of Toronto that it is Islam territory.

Islam at it's core is a cult. It's brainwashing. It's segregation. It's written like no other relgion in the fact that it's designed at it's core to brainwash by the first opening line of the Quaran. but that's another topic. 18 terrorist were arrested right near my house. They grew up brainwashed and segregated from Canadian society.

I feel it's time to put a stop to Islam in Canada. The Swede's are doing this I think also. France took measures to keep Islam in line. This is for social and security reasons. We need to begin looking after Canadians.

A sad reality of life is that everyone has to suffer because of the bad apples. That's just the breaks in life. In Canada, it's time to stop all the apples from coming in because we can't chance anymore bad ones.

Again, it's no ones *right* to come here. We don't owe any muslim abroad anything. This is a private country with it's own laws and borders.

We need to protect our nation and take Canada back.

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I've dealt with Asian's, Muslim's, Native's, etc. I don't see the looming threat.

"Overall, Buchanan is right that certain peoples and nationalities are shrinking, while others expand. Yes, in some contexts, there is a threat in this phenomenon. For instance, Buchanan is correct that there exists a danger that the United States today harbors a "nation within a nation," in the sense that an Islamic-Arab-African invasion has created millions of American citizens who not only have failed to assimilate in America, but are hostile to it and seek to destroy it from within."

I used to buy into some of Buchanan's philosophy, however since then I haven't really paid much attention. Personally I don't see the problem with multiculturalism, but I agree that we must bring about tolerance by allowing people to be open about their faith and culture, not by shutting down speech in name of political correctness.

But when are we going to put our foot down on Islam? Parents do not believe in having their kids speak to 'outsiders' in our own country. They do not want them associating with Canadians. These are mostly religious schools that brainwash kids and treat women as lesser people.

I don't think that's representative of all muslim's. As well I know some christian's who try to keep their kid's away from any person who isn't a christian. It's not just a problem with muslim's, and we shouldn't paint all muslim's with the same brush.

I agree with the lady though, that our schools promote atheism which I feel is an overall negative to the pride and common being as a nation. I don't go to church and am not religious, but I do feel that religion is what holds us all together and it's a very positive thing for shaping a young persons morals. So I agree with the lady there.

I second that, the November 11 fiasco was but a shining example of political correctness.

Canada is our country. Coming here is not a right. It's a priveledge. We've been too nice, for too long and Islam is not in the early stages of taking over Canada. Canada is weak and does give in to terrorism. (natives disputes). The Islamic Congress of Canada is giving scholorships for any students going into media and law to be come a politician. They have an agenda to get muslims into controlling parts of society in order to see to their special interest.

Well, technically it was originally the natives, then we wiped them out with gun's and germ's. I think that with the world becoming more diverse we have to be accepting of other cultures. But their has to be a middle ground, if you want to be part of our country one must accept the idea of tolerance, gender equality, and liberal democracy, if you don't except these basic tenant's then how can you contribute to a society.

I doubt we'll ever see Islam take over Canadian. Look at Rahim Jaffer who was the first muslim MP in Canada, he came from Alberta and was a part of the populist conservative Reform Party. I don't think we can honestly say all muslim's have the exact same political views.

Islam at it's core is a cult. It's brainwashing. It's segregation. It's written like no other relgion in the fact that it's designed at it's core to brainwash by the first opening line of the Quaran. but that's another topic. 18 terrorist were arrested right near my house. They grew up brainwashed and segregated from Canadian society.

I worked with two men from Lebanon when I was in high school, and they seemed like any other people. I'm not about to bash another person's religion, because as far as I'm concerned if it makes them a better person why should I complain. I find some parts of the mormon religion kind of strange, but I'm not going to bash mormon's because I find most of them are good people.

A sad reality of life is that everyone has to suffer because of the bad apples. That's just the breaks in life. In Canada, it's time to stop all the apples from coming in because we can't chance anymore bad ones.

Again, it's no ones *right* to come here. We don't owe any muslim abroad anything. This is a private country with it's own laws and borders.

We need to protect our nation and take Canada back.

The only problem with that is if it isn't handled in a delicate manner we could have another Rosewood on our hand's. We have to ensure that our borders are secure, and at the same time allow those people in who would bring about a positive contribution to our society.

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Muslim parents in Canada are increasingly finding the public school system unpalatable. The Muslim population in Canada has doubled in the past few years. It is currently estimated to be over 600,000, with more than half of us living in Ontario.

Last figure I heard they were at 800,000. Keep in mind that they are concentrated around the city areas. Alberta or Atlantic Canada is not a haven for Muslims. So there really are a LOT of them. They are very well polulated around Canada's major cities and Ottawa.

A Grade 5 pupil stands at a microphone and calls the entire school to afternoon prayer in the gym where carpets have been rolled out in orderly rows. And in a science class, girls sitting on one side, boys on the other, a lesson on the solar system begins with a verse from the Qur'an.

Calling to prayer is a religious hym. It's a song Allaaaaaaah Aaaaakbar. It's not "students please meet in the gym for prayer". So you have to visualize the kid singing through the speakers with all the mic's turned on through the school and yard while everyone comes to the gym and does prayer facing in the direction of mecca.

When the kids memorize the Quaran they have to read aloud the lines over and over and over while rocking back and forth sitting on the floor. The goal is to remember the whole Quaran which not many are able to do. It's just another form of brainwashing.

Look at this kid in Islamic school:

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The CBC can show the humourous side of setting up a mosque in Saskatchewan but the problem is a little more serious. During the Christmas holidays, I drove across the Verrazano Narrows bridge and looked at the New York City skyline. The World Trade Center is no longer there.

What is this idiocy? That's like saying that a comedy including Catholics would be somehow related to the IRA.

Your article states that ". . . . parents who hold traditional values clamour not only for prayer but for what some call the cocoon of safety their children will find in an Islamic environment." Can you blame them? There's obvious prejudice against them, as evidenced by the above statement.

Jim Keegstra? Ring a bell? A couple of Muslim teachers don't have a monopoly on Anti-Semite behaviour.

There's little hope that this thread will remain connected to reality because it sure didn't start there.

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Hmm. Globalization is a bitch isn't it. Our society is accepting too, if our society was full of some posters here then this scenario wouldn't exist.

Our week immigration policy that people from all over the world are taking advantage of has nothing to do with globalization.

the same could be said about the other side of the spectrum, evangelical christians anyone? In my view they are as dangerous as muslims are portrayed to be.

I disagree with that. Are they dangerous because they ask you to send them a donation? Because they believe in family values and other petty social things? What is so dangerous about them?? Lol!

How are they as dangerous as terrorists attempting to purchase tons of fertilizer in order to build bombs?

I'd say catholicism made this compromise a long time ago and I'd say it's different in the handling of its affairs than in the past, it's time for other religions to catch up.

Yes. But it's not our role as a country to see to it that this happens.

I'd say the best thing for the developed world is to cut them off, let them get their house in order, and then deal with them.

Now there's a solution being offered. Can you be our next PM please?

I agree though. This is why I'm not for extending the war in Afgahnistan.

Theres nothing wrong with them setting up their schools but at the same token they should realize that they are a part of Canada and should be contributing instead of taking.

You cant' force people to integrate if they don't want to be. Muslims do not integrate well into our western society for the most part. Even at work we had a lot of probelms with our Muslim staff members and tension that was caused at work. Impartially, because i'm friends with everyone, the Muslim staff members over stepped their bounds many of the times and created conflict for every work event and almost always got their way. None of us were allowed to leave during Friday afternoon. None of us got a special room. Everything was an issue from our moral events to christmas party to potlucks to schedules. There was litterly the Islamic faction of the team and us. We never got our way. However, they never got a promotion or where never put in charge of anything for this reason. They never realized this. One told me that he didn't get promoted because he was muslim. He invited me to an event where Jean Chretien, Volpe, and other Liberal politicians were going to be. This was to celebrate some Imam that visitited Canada. They had the streets closed off around the mosque with police security due to other Muslim attacks.

There's so much stuff that doesn't make the news that goes on each day. You have to experience it first hand though to really understand the issues at play.

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Yes I did, however that's why I am against it because I think people need to learn about other religion's in order to be more tolerant.

I would wager that the average muslim in Canada knows more about Jesus and the bible than the average Canadian.

Also, I recommend that Canadians learn about Islam. You'll find that there's no hiding the fact that the religion is violent and it degrades women. The Quaran tells you directly how to live. Litterally step by step in a literal manner:

"As to those women on whom part you fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat her."

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However their are also portion's of the bible if taken out of context which could be used to argue against basic human right's, mostly in the Old Testament.

I've read about Islam, and don't find anything that's really worth worrying about. Powerfull men will always pervert religion to suit their own mean's. The Crusades is a perfect example of that.

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The provinces should have one publicly funded school system with zero public money sent to any other separate school. Anyone choosing to send their child to private school of any type should get part of the education portion of their property taxes refunded. I think a 50 to 75 percent refund is a reasonable amount. It's just plain wrong to fund one separate, religious school and not all others and we obviously cannot fund all others and keep a healthy public system. Plus I believe segregation leads to intolerance. A policy that encourages most people to attend the same school system would help to keep the separation to a minimum.

So basically I agree with the Harris/Eaves plan in Ontario but I'd go one step further and kill the Catholic board.

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The provinces should have one publicly funded school system with zero public money sent to any other separate school. Anyone choosing to send their child to private school of any type should get part of the education portion of their property taxes refunded. I think a 50 to 75 percent refund is a reasonable amount. It's just plain wrong to fund one separate, religious school and not all others and we obviously cannot fund all others and keep a healthy public system. Plus I believe segregation leads to intolerance. A policy that encourages most people to attend the same school system would help to keep the separation to a minimum.

So basically I agree with the Harris/Eaves plan in Ontario but I'd go one step further and kill the Catholic board.

In an 'officially multicultural' society, this is the ONLY way.

Canada surrendered its exclusive separate right to schools and language with the advent of 'official multiculturalism' but continues to wrongfully believe, what is good for the goose, is NOT good for the gander.

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Are private schools and Catholic schools held to a basic standard of curriculum in Ontario, or just Catholic schools, or neither?

I don't see a big problem with allow religious private schools, as long as, for instance, by the time that they are finished with " high school " that they have the same qualifications, generally speaking, as any other student. They must have studied the at least the minimum amount of math, science, history, civics, etc, etc, etc... The same for all private schools.

I have heard some of the horror stories though about secular private schools, where kids are taught advanced lessons at a very young age, without learning the basics upon which those disciplines were built. Hopefully that is the exception, and not the rule, but ALL schools should have to adhere to a single, bare bones curriculum. Anything beyond that could be up to their own discretion, as I suspect it is now, but there must be a standard.

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In Ontario, the Public and Catholic board use the same core curriculum. I'm not sure about private schools. I'm sure there is some regulation, just as there is for home schooling, but I don't know for sure. I do know that people do not have to attend teachers college in order to teach at private schools. Although teachers college really is a joke anyway.

I have no problem with private schools of any type, religious or otherwise. I only have a problem with picking and choosing which separate school systems receive public funding. In Ontario our tax dollars can be directed to either the public school system or the Catholic school system. Those who want to send their children anywhere else must pay the entire cost of tuition while still sending their tax money to either the public of Catholic system.

I think it's time to treat the Catholic system like any other separate school and cut off the public funding. It seems unfair to favour one religious sect over another.

I propose put all our eggs or dollars in one basket and make the best public system we can for everybody…those who choose to opt out for reasons of religion or status can receive a partial tax break to ease the pain of tuition.

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There is one problem with allowing people to get a tax break on not sending their kids to public schools, it ends up hurting the schools themselves. Public money shouldn't go to funding private schools, but at the same time nobody should get a tax break just because you want to send your kids to private school, if you want to send your kid to private school it comes out of your pocket. There are other provincial expenditures that need funding, you live in an area you pay taxes simple. They had a problem like this out in Saskatchewan with a load of farmers threatening to boycott their property taxes because they believed that since they had no kids in school and weren't in school that they shouldn't have to pay for it. Mind you they forgot that they went to school and are in a way paying for it.

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I agree somewhat.. that's why I'm in favour of only a partial tax break. A refund of 50 to 75 percent of the education portion of property tax seems fair to me. Those with kids in a private school would still be contributing in part to the public system and then when their kids are finished school they contribute 100% again. Considering my plan also axes the Catholic system it would see the public system receive more money per student than it does now.

I see your point though. Public money is spent on many things that segments of the population do not use or benefit from yet they still help pay for them. Libraries, hockey arenas, museums, art galleries, grants to pro sports teams, etc.

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However their are also portion's of the bible if taken out of context which could be used to argue against basic human right's, mostly in the Old Testament.

I do understand where you are going with this, but respectfully, the Quaran *is* in context. It *is* meant to be lived by directly.

I've read about Islam, and don't find anything that's really worth worrying about.

Then you haven't really studied the Quaran deep enough. Islam at it's core is about mind control and doing not as you please. The Quaran is not written like any other religion. It's a direct step by step way of life. For instance, if you meet a potential wife, you may look at her hands, feet, and face, and hair. You may not see 'skin' or other parts of her body.

Powerfull men will always pervert religion to suit their own mean's. The Crusades is a perfect example of that.

In my first religion class in my Catholic highschool, (i'm not Catholic btw. I'm Greek Orthodox) the religion teacher told us (grade 7 kids) that there was no such thing as Noah's arch. It was a childrens story. Adam and Eve was also just a story not meant to be followed litteraly.

The Bible is like the Hindu book in that it gives stories by which you gain moral value. But these are just stories, you follow the meaning, not the actual contents. Adam and Eve she said was a story, not how humanity actually started. My teacher was a Nun and old so she was fairly creadible and respected in the Ottawa community. We were all like 'so that didn't happen'?? That's when we were taught to take the meaning of the story, not the actual story itself. There's the ten commandments in which we follow to gain morals. I do a good job in following these. The bible says that all believers will go to heaven. You don't have to go to church, you don't have to give money, you don't have to fast for 30 days, you just have to believe.

The whole book of the Quaran is written like the 10 commandments. The book is of commandments. It covers its loopholes very well. It's very literal. It tells you what and how to think.

It even describes wacko Lefties in some of it's first versus:

[shakir 2:8] And there are some people who say: We believe in Allah and the last day; and they are not at all believers. (talking about the lib CBC agenda promoters who support Islam, but aren't true believers)

[shakir 2:9] They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, and they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive. (that about sums it up)

[shakir 2:10] There is a disease in their hearts, so Allah added to their disease and they shall have a painful chastisement because they lied. (yes. Allah will make sure they pay)

[shakir 2:11] And when it is said to them, Do not make mischief in the land, they say: We are but peace-makers. (This is what Islam believes, libs, you better not expect them to welcome you)

[shakir 2:12] Now surely they themselves are the mischief makers, but they do not perceive. (lol)

[shakir 2:13] And when it is said to them: Believe as the people believe they say: Shall we believe as the fools believe? Now surely they themselves are the fools, but they do not know. (LOL!)

[shakir 2:14] And when they meet those who believe, they say: We believe; and when they are alone with their Shaitans, they say: Surely we are with you, we were only mocking. (THE MAKER OF LMoTP?)

[shakir 2:15] Allah shall pay them back their mockery, and He leaves them alone in their inordinacy, blindly wandering on. (Yes. They blindly wander on until they meet their death eventually in later verse.)

So yes, Islam has plenty to worry about. It's teachings are unlike any other book.

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So basically I agree with the Harris/Eaves plan in Ontario but I'd go one step further and kill the Catholic board.

Yes. Not the Muslim or Sikh private schools, but the Chritians. Lets make sure we get them!

I think Canada should have a group of recognized religions. Well we actually already do in order to prevent cults and such. But I feel Canada should only recognize - Christianity, Judsim, first nations stuff, and THAT'S IT. We recognize no other.

And we can all publically fund these schools.

Personally I feel the Jewish schools provide and excellent education with 9 hour days and are perfect for the kids.

I wish I could get something similar with a Christian school but I can't afford it even if it did exist.

I just feel that religion belongs in the schools. But only 2 religions. I feel that would work just fine. Public (athiest), Christian, and Jewish school board. That's where the buck stops. These groups are the founders and of Canada, US, and our North American culture which we must preserve.

I want my kids to have a religious up-bringing in their schooling. I can't afford it unless I was refunded my property tax. Thus, I have to enrole my kids in a public funded, ahtiest driven school system that promotes the distruction of family values.

I atleast a agree with the Muslims on this point.

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In an 'officially multicultural' society, this is the ONLY way.

If you refund proptery taxes, every ethnic minority coming into Canada will put their kids in seperate schools. I know I would. I want my kids in a Christian based school..

This will promote more segregation than we already have. If we are trying to promote a melting pot, we do have to acknowledge religion of the majority, or refund property taxes and only allow schools of 'recognized' religions to be practiced in Canada - Judism, Christianity.

I won't like my kids in the current public school system where kids are told they are not allowed to sing christmas songs that have a relation to Christianity, yet the same public school for the 'winter ceremony' allowing for a muslim girl to get on stage and say her Islamic prayer.

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I think it's time to treat the Catholic system like any other separate school and cut off the public funding. It seems unfair to favour one religious sect over another.


Yeah I guess it really is true. There is a war against Chritianity by the left. I never believed it but it reall is true.

I attended a Christian high-school and wore a uniform. These schools are very large institutions almost exactly the same as a public school. The diffrence being the unions have less control and never strike. The schools are also rurn more efficiently.

I believe in this system.

If you don't want Christian schools as they currently are, then you are giving into Islam and other minorities in Canada who are out to destroy our way of life. Why is it only now that people have these viewpoints? This was never a problem in the past.

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I don't think minorities are trying to ruin our way of life, I have spent time in Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, and Edmonton. The biggest problem comes from the very few ultra PC people who want to make everything politically correct. I haven't found minorities to ever try to fight against what I believe.

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I don't think minorities are trying to ruin our way of life, I have spent time in Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, and Edmonton. The biggest problem comes from the very few ultra PC people who want to make everything politically correct. I haven't found minorities to ever try to fight against what I believe.

Yes, that certainly does factor into a lot of it such as banning Christmas. But PC is not in charnge of introducing Shariah Law into Ontario and Quebec legal code.

As far as Toronto goes, until you live here...

Here's Toronto at an 'Iranian art galery opening':

Here's another event. 'Reviving hte Islamic Spirit' in Toronto. Look at the size of the venue. The underlying mesage is that 'you muslims be succsesful so we can take over <insert country>. All the dictating engagments are like this. This is fundemental to Islam:


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Also, I recommend that Canadians learn about Islam. You'll find that there's no hiding the fact that the religion is violent and it degrades women. The Quaran tells you directly how to live. Litterally step by step in a literal manner:

"As to those women on whom part you fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat her."

The main problem I have with Muslims' activities in the West is that they do not voluntarily submit to Western law. If they came here on their own, they made a decision they wanted to be in Canada. Thus, we have a right to insist that they act as Canadians.

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