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Harper to Shuffle Cabinet

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Prime Minister Harper today confirmed he would be making the announcements Thursday morning, to shuffle high profile portfolios in his Cabinet. Mr Harper is expected to replace Environment Minister Ambrose for her miss handling of the Environment Ministry in Parliament. I think this will bump up some of his points he has been losing to the Liberals over the past month, and I think this can help him considering the Environment has become a very hot issue over the past year. Rona Ambrose has indeed miss managed the portfolio, through flip flopping and failing to sell the Clean Air Act, and in my understanding has admitted that her self, and it is a fact she has had no experience at all with the environment portfolio. In my opinion, if the Prime Minister puts in the perfect man or woman to take her post, this could very well save him the next election.

The person I think most fit to take her position and why, would defiantly have to be the Indian Affairs Minister or the Industry Minister, as they make good candidates for the post and their are many other Conservative Member's of Parliament that could easily take they’re places, as for the Prime Ministers Pit bull in parliament, he does too well as the Treasury Board President.

What do you guys/gals think?

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I think this can help him considering the Environment has become a very hot issue over the past year.


The issue has never been hot until Dion and the CBC worked together to make this a hot issue after the leadership race.

Polls of any kind state that the environment is not a hot issue (fact), but rather warm (pun intended).

Canada emits 2% of GHG's (fact). Thus, we do not play a significant role in this issue (fact). Any rebuttle to this is idealistic and anecdotal. I feel that our economy is much more important than reducing GHG's. Yes, slowely, over time we should set benchmarks that will hopefully reduce them by 2050, but this should be at no cost to the companies or tax payers.

Rona had a great plan, she just fell victim to bad luck, bad timing, and of course, a media organization out to get her party.

I feel bad for her. I'm sure she understands though.

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Bernier is too smart to dumb himself down to sell Harper's environment plan. He's got his eye on bigger things, he's been the most promising Minister in my opinion. It may even be political suicide to touch that right now. I see Bernier as a much more wise choice for Finance minister if that spot were ever to open up, not likely until after the next election though.

There are many puppets in Harper's cabinet, and then a few that have a spine and won't be pushed around... and for that reason you won't see Bernier in the spot.

One name I haven't heard thrown around much for Rona's position is Josee Verner. She owes Harper huge for putting her into cabinet when she was really just dead weight. A Quebecois selling the plan is worth 10 English people doing the same. Cannon and Blackburn won't do it and the other Quebec MP's are largely undesirables in public so there you have it.

I'd be willing to place a farmers bet on Verner as the dark horse for the enviro portfolio.

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The issue has never been hot until Dion and the CBC worked together to make this a hot issue after the leadership race.

Polls of any kind state that the environment is not a hot issue (fact), but rather warm (pun intended).

Canada emits 2% of GHG's (fact). Thus, we do not play a significant role in this issue (fact). Any rebuttle to this is idealistic and anecdotal. I feel that our economy is much more important than reducing GHG's. Yes, slowely, over time we should set benchmarks that will hopefully reduce them by 2050, but this should be at no cost to the companies or tax payers.

Rona had a great plan, she just fell victim to bad luck, bad timing, and of course, a media organization out to get her party.

I feel bad for her. I'm sure she understands though.

Indeed you are right, you make a good point. I never meant to say that I back Dion and his Environment Policy at all, and I do feel sorry for Ambrose because she did try. But hasn't all this propaganda by the obviously left CBC made Canadians believe this is a hot issue?

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I don't think it is fair to say Rona had a great plan...while meeting the Kyoto protocol is absolutely impossible in any practical sense at this time, I am certain that there could have been some realistic short term goals set...and given that such goals were pushed aside to 2050, I think categorizing this plan as great is a bit of a stretch.

Anyways I do not envy the person who gets to take on this portfolio, I honestly felt sorry for Rona when I heard that she original got the position. Any environment minister in the Conservative party is stuck trying to wade up a river, if not a water fall of public opinion. And I feel sorry for her now, as she becomes the fall guy or girl for the CPC. It is being covered in almost all ciricles as Rona being to incompetent and someone comming in to save the environment from rona's mismanagement. Which I think is an un-fair critisicm. I doubt her leash was all that big and any changes to CPC environment policy will probabley be better classified as appeasment then some new found ministerial competence.

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All of this pure speculation.

Rona Ambrose has indeed miss managed the portfolio, through flip flopping and failing to sell the Clean Air Act, and in my understanding has admitted that her self, and it is a fact she has had no experience at all with the environment portfolio.
I disagree, although Curtis you repeat the Toronto media viewpoint.

Ambrose introduced a good sketch of a feasible environmental policy and then sent it to committee for discussion. Canadians are not used to such politics. Maybe they prefer the federal Liberal paternalistic style of "don't worry your little head, let us take care of it".

One name I haven't heard thrown around much for Rona's position is Josee Verner.
I think Ambrose, Verner will stay in Cabinet. Ablonczy will be brought in. Harper likes and respects women. That's an unknown secret of our current PM. This Cabinet change is occurring now because Harper had the time to talk to his wife over the holidays about these changes. English Canada has for the first time in a long time its own typical guy as PM. Talk to the wife first. (Trudeau or Levesque would never have talked seriously to their wives/lovers about politics, cabinet changes... Trudeau was a wife beater and gave Margaret a black eye. Levesque left his first wife for a trophy.)

Bernier might take Environment but I don't know if Bernier is ready for English Canada, or if English Canada is ready for Bernier! I'd say Ambrose goes to Intergovernmental Relations. I think Emerson will leave the Cabinet. Where will Prentice go? What will happen to Jason Kenney?

If I were Harper, I wouldn't worry how many Albertan cabinet ministers he's got. But then, I'm not Harper.


Other predictions? No election in 2007. Harper wants to be PM and Dion wants to fix the federal Liberal Party - it needs to change its financing, heal its divisions and decide on a new direction. Dion knows all this and he doesn't want an election soon.

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Rona had a great plan, she just fell victim to bad luck, bad timing, and of course, a media organization out to get her party.

I feel bad for her. I'm sure she understands though.

This is a pretty funny statement. The Clean Air Act was a joke, and guess what, it wasn't Rona's plan, it was done by committee. You and I both know EVERYTHING flows through the PMO to be fetted anyway.

Why can you not admit that the Act was lacking in a number of areas instead of trying to blame everything else including thaqt old standby, the media... ooooo scary media, its hilarious.

Oh and I bet Rona understands as well.

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I think Ambrose, Verner will stay in Cabinet. Ablonczy will be brought in. Harper likes and respects women. That's an unknown secret of our current PM.

I'd say Ambrose goes to Intergovernmental Relations. I think Emerson will leave the Cabinet. Where will Prentice go? What will happen to Jason Kenney?

If I were Harper, I wouldn't worry how many Albertan cabinet ministers he's got. But then, I'm not Harper.


Other predictions? No election in 2007. Harper wants to be PM and Dion wants to fix the federal Liberal Party - it needs to change its financing, heal its divisions and decide on a new direction. Dion knows all this and he doesn't want an election soon.

Harper does like and respect women, but you'd never hear that from the other side.

Ambrose definitely gets Intergovernmental Relations. Prentice to Environment and Van Loan to Indian Affairs.

While I wish you were right Harper has to worry about the number of Albertans (or Calgarians at least) in Cabinet.

If he adds somebody from Calgary it's definitley Ablonczy.

Maybe she is in for International Trade and James Moore gets bumped up to Secretary of State for the Olympics. Buh bye Emerson...

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Talk to the wife first. (Trudeau or Levesque would never have talked seriously to their wives/lovers about politics, cabinet changes... Trudeau was a wife beater and gave Margaret a black eye.

I've heard the right wing say this a few times. I can't recall hearing Margaret Trudeau saying it though. Do you have a citation confirming she was hit?

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I think that any new minister in environment will have to be independent of the PMO. It is not entirely clear that Ambrose ever had any independent course of action on environment once she was appointed. It appeared that the policy was carefully written by the PMO.

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Polls of any kind state that the environment is not a hot issue (fact), but rather warm (pun intended).

Reliable public opinion polls consistently show the environment ranks in the top five most important issues for Canadian voters and has for some time. Again, that's reliable public opinion polls using scientific methodology, not the bullshit polls you've cited in the past.

Canada emits 2% of GHG's (fact). Thus, we do not play a significant role in this issue (fact). Any rebuttle to this is idealistic and anecdotal. I feel that our economy is much more important than reducing GHG's. Yes, slowely, over time we should set benchmarks that will hopefully reduce them by 2050, but this should be at no cost to the companies or tax payers.

The environment includes more than just GHG and global warming.

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All of this is just hilarious.

Harper put his man in Ambrose's office - it wasn't her environmental policy it was Harper's but it wouldn't have mattered; this government under estimated the public's awareness and interest in this area. To blame the failure of this policy on the CBC (or any other media) is just more of the Stevie fans blaming everything on everyone except Stevie.

Baird might get the job done but his MO (in my opinion) is ramming not consulting; coercing and threatening, not communicating. We'll see if Steve lets him put a worthy policy in place. Baird above any elected politician (again, in my opinion) is just that, a power hungry politician that cares about nothing except rising in the ranks, both his party and himself. I trust him less than anyone in the government or in the opposition ranks (even less than Jack).

I would have liked to have Ablonczy IN. Somehow down the road, I think Steve will pay for this.

AND, AND ....... another unaccountable Senator in the Cabinet. How democratic.

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Baird might get the job done but his MO (in my opinion) is ramming not consulting; coercing and threatening, not communicating. We'll see if Steve lets him put a worthy policy in place. Baird above any elected politician (again, in my opinion) is just that, a power hungry politician that cares about nothing except rising in the ranks, both his party and himself. I trust him less than anyone in the government or in the opposition ranks (even less than Jack).

I would have liked to have Ablonczy IN. Somehow down the road, I think Steve will pay for this.

AND, AND ....... another unaccountable Senator in the Cabinet. How democratic.

It will be a good test of Baird's negotiation skills without a doubt.

As Government House Leader in the Senate Marjorie LeBreton was already in Cabinet. Pesky things those facts...

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As Government House Leader in the Senate Marjorie LeBreton was already in Cabinet. Pesky things those facts...

Being Senate government leader is not exactly the same as being put into a normally elected representative cabinet role. But being secretary of state for seniors is exactly what we expect elected MPs to do. Don't you think there is a difference?

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Being Senate government leader is not exactly the same as being put into a normally elected representative cabinet role. But being secretary of state for seniors is exactly what we expect elected MPs to do. Don't you think there is a difference?

You are working pretty hard to find something to attack the Government on with that one. :rolleyes:

As the first Secretary of State for Seniors *ever* I think it is probably a good thing it is a Senator in the position. Given that a lot more Senators are seniors than MPs. :lol:

Onto the other moves. Seems like a shuffle aimed at building the base in Ontario. Giving Environment to Baird, as opposed to Prentice, seems like a commitment to the issue with a very promininet Ontario minister.

Also moving Finley into Immigration was smart. I never really got why Solberg was in that job to begin with.

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You are working pretty hard to find something to attack the Government on with that one.

No, I'm quite serious Ricki Bobbi. I don't want unelected people in cabinet posts. That's what we elect MPs for, to run the country and to be accountable to the people. My stance on this is not dictated by my dislike of Harper, it would be the same if the party I vote for ever formed government.

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Some of these new ministries are so vague. I don't have a clue what they do.

- Democratic reform minister

- Canadian identity minister

I don't know that expanding the cabinet is helpful. I think a minority government ought to have kept the cabinet below 30 ministers.

I totally disagreed with Paul Martin's 39 and 38 member cabinets. What eventually happens is people are tripping over themselves.

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No, I'm quite serious Ricki Bobbi. I don't want unelected people in cabinet posts. That's what we elect MPs for, to run the country and to be accountable to the people. My stance on this is not dictated by my dislike of Harper, it would be the same if the party I vote for ever formed government.

She was already in Cabinet.

So your claim

AND, AND ....... another unaccountable Senator in the Cabinet. How democratic.
is just plain false.

There are just as many Senators in Cabinet today as there were yesterday.

But instead of admitting your mistake you tried to split hairs about the difference between the role of Leader of the Government in the Senate and Secretary of State for Seniors.

Is it that hard to own up to an error?

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So your claim

AND, AND ....... another unaccountable Senator in the Cabinet. How democratic.
is just plain false.

There are just as many Senators in Cabinet today as there were yesterday.

Yes, Ricki you've managed to split hairs and be narrowly correct in an irrelevant way. Fortunata ought to have said "another cabinet role assigned to an unaccountable Senator. How democratic."

Which is a good point. Harper has moved the CPC radically away from the concept of accountability and populism which animated the former Reform Party.

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No, I'm quite serious Ricki Bobbi. I don't want unelected people in cabinet posts. That's what we elect MPs for, to run the country and to be accountable to the people. My stance on this is not dictated by my dislike of Harper, it would be the same if the party I vote for ever formed government.

She was already in Cabinet.

So your claim

AND, AND ....... another unaccountable Senator in the Cabinet. How democratic.
is just plain false.

There are just as many Senators in Cabinet today as there were yesterday.

But instead of admitting your mistake you tried to split hairs about the difference between the role of Leader of the Government in the Senate and Secretary of State for Seniors.

Is it that hard to own up to an error?

Ricki Bobbi, I think you are just being ornery but here goes:

Government Senate Leader:

The Leader of the Government in the Senate is responsible for the government's program in the Senate by:

* planning and managing the government's legislative program in the Senate;

* maintaining relations with the Opposition on all matters concerning Senate activities; and

* working with the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons to ensure the effective coordination of the government’s legislative program.


Which means she was dealing with SENATE MATTERS. This is, for all practical purposes, a non issue since the senate is outside the electoral realm and, in reality, has no power.

NOW, she is dealing with Canadian matters, Parliamentary matters which should fall to an elected MP.

How do you reconcile these two things?

Or, let me rephrase this - do you think unelected (and thereby unaccountable to the voters) persons should be given responsibilities intended for (in our parliamentary system) elected by the people, for the people MP's.

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Ambrose introduced a good sketch of a feasible environmental policy and then sent it to committee for discussion. Canadians are not used to such politics. Maybe they prefer the federal Liberal paternalistic style of "don't worry your little head, let us take care of it".

Absolutely wrong. Ambrose's Clean Air Act was dead on arrival and would have been history except that Layton offered to jump into Steve's bed and resurrect this "Hot" Air Act in committee. If it ever makes it out of committee nobody is going to recognize anything that was in the original text.

Harper likes and respects women. That's an unknown secret of our current PM. This Cabinet change is occurring now because Harper had the time to talk to his wife over the holidays about these changes. English Canada has for the first time in a long time its own typical guy as PM. Talk to the wife first.

Do you mean the Harper who said he wouldn't ride in a vehicle with his wife driving? ( "Optics, you know" -end quote. ) That is the Harper you are referring to. LOLOLOL

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