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Chrétien to PM: 'Can I call you Steve, like George W.?'


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I think you missed my point earlier. We can never know what a politician is going to do until they are in power.

Dion had the power. Environmental power! He blew it.

"Oh I learn quickly....very quickly...", he says.


$400 million dollars worth of crash course under the tutelage of Chretien and Martin!

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Somehow I doubt the Jean Crouton ever really gave a shit what Dubya ever said.

Betsy the Libs did put some programs in (albeit I would have like an arse load more) that really made sense. One being where the gov't basically encouraged canadians to invest in more efficient home appliances i.e. water heaters, furnaces ect. Investments in energy conservation that many people would really like to make however were just out of reach due to the cost.

The CPC completely scrapped that plan and have done nada ever since.

I don't care who gets in just as long as they make good choices when it comes to policy.

The previous liberal gov't was nothing to write home about, however the current CPC has proven themselves to be worse (which is sad seeing how the bar had already been set so low).

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Betsy the Libs did put some programs in (albeit I would have like an arse load more) that really made sense. One being where the gov't basically encouraged canadians to invest in more efficient home appliances i.e. water heaters, furnaces ect. Investments in energy conservation that many people would really like to make however were just out of reach due to the cost.

The previous liberal gov't was nothing to write home about, however the current CPC has proven themselves to be worse (which is sad seeing how the bar had already been set so low).

I wouldn't say the CPC had done worse yet. The CPC had only been in power 8 months...the Liberals for 13 years!

What good are rashed policies....if they cannot be sustained? Why should we waste money on something that isn't realistic....just so we can say we've got a policy.

Besides, $400 million dollars could've helped a lot more if it hadn't just disappeared.

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My first post here so I shall keep it short.

Great to find this site it looks to have a great cross over of different parties.

Can I mention one thing about the Convention that stood out like a sore thumb.

Saturday afternoon we tuned in again and at one point we noticed in a clip of Martin, Chretien, Manley, Brison, Copps and a few others. To me this was looking straight into a photo of the old Rat Pack with them calling the shots.

Early in Jean's rise to power I switched over tot he Liberals with great enthusiasm but by the second term it was becoming very clear this was not for me.

Since Chretien left power Martin has been swimming up stream and didn't stand a chance but I ask has anything changed. It will be much the same with Dion attack the Conservative power without any solutions of their own.

Thought I would just mention the Rat Pack thing his sure raised my eyebrows for a sec.

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Early in Jean's rise to power I switched over tot he Liberals with great enthusiasm but by the second term it was becoming very clear this was not for me.
I am curious to know:

what attracted you initially to Jean Chretien and the Liberals?

what turned you away from Jean Chretien and the Liberals?

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Early in Jean's rise to power I switched over tot he Liberals with great enthusiasm but by the second term it was becoming very clear this was not for me.
I am curious to know:

what attracted you initially to Jean Chretien and the Liberals?

what turned you away from Jean Chretien and the Liberals?

Wayyyy back when the Conservatives brought forth the notion of free trade myself like many people in Ontario Manufacturing lives had big hopes. But prior to this I was always a Jean Fan when he was a backbencher in Ottawa watching his rise to power.

He brought the Liberal party back from the bring of extinction and how many Majorities did he garner. Somewhere along the way " He Changed " and so to did the Liberals. I guess over the last five years each time one would speak on the U.S i just cringed.

The high dollar has hurt us but so to has a lot of negative things being hashed over in Washington on ignorant Canucks.

Say what you will but the Auto sector alone stretching from Windsor through to Oshawa is in big trouble without them. Along with a majority of our economy that relies on it.

I don't for a minute want to see Harper getting close to Bush and he will be far better off keeping his distance. That character has nothing to lose now and taking figures with him won't mean squat to any Republican.

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But prior to this I was always a Jean Fan when he was a backbencher in Ottawa watching his rise to power.
Why were you a fan of him at that point?
Somewhere along the way " He Changed " and so to did the Liberals. I guess over the last five years each time one would speak on the U.S i just cringed.
Are you sure Jean Chretien changed?
The high dollar has hurt us but so to has a lot of negative things being hashed over in Washington on ignorant Canucks.
Are you blaming that on the governments?
I don't for a minute want to see Harper getting close to Bush and he will be far better off keeping his distance. That character has nothing to lose now and taking figures with him won't mean squat to any Republican.
What exactly do you fear?
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It was not the US that Chretien and some Liberals disliked but the Dubya Bush and now it has been proven that Chretien and some Liberals are in the international majority with regards to their opinion of Bush. Steve cozying up to Dubya has not helped bring him any votes. The fact that Steve gave Dubya a billion of our softwood lumber producers money has lost him more votes. Once Dubya is gone, our next PM will have better relations with Washington.

People can say what they want about Jean Chretien but he did a lot for Canada. His government brought Canada back from the brink of bankruptcy and eliminated the deficit, paid down the debt, brought in the Clarity act and kept Canada together, enhanced Canada's image and position internationally, kept Canada out of the war in Iraq, forgave poorer counties the debt they owed Canada, opened up trade to China and India, set up training on Human Rights issues in China, changed the rules for political party donations, put rules in place that the Tory Chuck Guite and all those who have been charged and will be charged under the Judge Gomery inquiry broke, plus there are many more Chretien influences in his 40 years and an MP with 10 years as PM that has brought Canada to the great country it now is with it's citizens enjoying a lifestyle that is the envy of the world.

Jean Chretien always was the "little guy from Shawinigate" the neighbor that everyone liked and people related to. Something that Harper never will be but Stephane Dion has the potential to also be like Chretien, accepted by the people as someone they relate to. A common man.

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It was not the US that Chretien and some Liberals disliked but the Dubya Bush and now it has been proven that Chretien and some Liberals are in the international majority with regards to their opinion of Bush. Steve cozying up to Dubya has not helped bring him any votes. The fact that Steve gave Dubya a billion of our softwood lumber producers money has lost him more votes. Once Dubya is gone, our next PM will have better relations with Washington.

Yes, but regardless of how the international community feel towards a leader, Chretien was in no position to give this advice to Harper: Engage them, not insult them.

How many leaders from other nations had publicly insulted Dubya? Yes they criticized Dubya...but I don't think any leaders or their ministers acted in such unbecoming manners.

You got to admit, Chretien and Martin's government were like juveniles in their handling of the US, particularly Bush.

And judging by Chretien's last speech....he had not learned to improve his manners.

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Jean Chretien always was the "little guy from Shawinigate" the neighbor that everyone liked and people related to.

That's a food for thought.

He is the "little guy..." and little guys are allowed to be corrupt?

And they can relate because little guys will do the same if they have the opportunity that he had?

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Yes, but regardless of how the international community feel towards a leader, Chretien was in no position to give this advice to Harper: Engage them, not insult them.

How many leaders from other nations had publicly insulted Dubya? Yes they criticized Dubya...but I don't think any leaders or their ministers acted in such unbecoming manners.

Please let us all in on any leaders who had publicly insulted Dubya?

You got to admit, Chretien and Martin's government were like juveniles in their handling of the US, particularly Bush.

Sorta like Steve's handling of China?

And judging by Chretien's last speech....he had not learned to improve his manners.

Manners? Try comparing Chretien's words with the insults of Steve. Chretien wins and is entertaining besides.

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You got to admit, Chretien and Martin's government were like juveniles in their handling of the US, particularly Bush.

And judging by Chretien's last speech....he had not learned to improve his manners.

I agree. It demonstrates the continued arrogance of the Liberal leadership.
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Jean Chretien always was the "little guy from Shawinigate" the neighbor that everyone liked and people related to.

That's a food for thought.

He is the "little guy..." and little guys are allowed to be corrupt?

And they can relate because little guys will do the same if they have the opportunity that he had?

Now that's a hasty generalization that little guys would not like. A weak argument too. Ralph Klein of Alberta is also a "little guy" that people liked and related to. He was one of us just as Chretien was one of us. But according to your argument we have:

A. Jean Chretien is a little guy

B. Ralph Klein is a little guy

C. Little guys are corrupt

D. Therefore Chretien and Klein are corrupt

Except that Justice Gomery did not find anything to indict Chretien on even after Chretien showed Gomery his balls.

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Except that Justice Gomery did not find anything to indict Chretien on even after Chretien showed Gomery his balls.
Gomery is a Liberal and I think he should have held Chretien in contempt of court.

Chretien's arrogance to Justice Gomery was horrifying.

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Except that Justice Gomery did not find anything to indict Chretien on even after Chretien showed Gomery his balls.
Gomery is a Liberal and I think he should have held Chretien in contempt of court.

Chretien's arrogance to Justice Gomery was horrifying.

Gomery's comment to the press were horrifying. And Gomery being a Liberal didn't stop him from pointing fingers at those who were really guilty. None of which included any Liberal MPs, present or former.

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It was not the US that Chretien and some Liberals disliked but the Dubya Bush and now it has been proven that Chretien and some Liberals are in the international majority with regards to their opinion of Bush. Steve cozying up to Dubya has not helped bring him any votes. The fact that Steve gave Dubya a billion of our softwood lumber producers money has lost him more votes. Once Dubya is gone, our next PM will have better relations with Washington.

IIRC in 1997 Chretien accidently, in front of an open mike, described attacking the US as "good politics". Was his dislike then aimed at Texas' governor?

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Yes, but regardless of how the international community feel towards a leader, Chretien was in no position to give this advice to Harper: Engage them, not insult them.

How many leaders from other nations had publicly insulted Dubya? Yes they criticized Dubya...but I don't think any leaders or their ministers acted in such unbecoming manners.

Please let us all in on any leaders who had publicly insulted Dubya?

Carolyn Parrish's stomp dance on a Bush doll on tv!

Calling the group of allied nations "coalition of the idiots!"

I forgot exactly what Martin said in his criticism of the US regarding the environment around election time....but it surely backfired and landed like a pie on his face! :lol:

"Can I call you Steve, like George W?" Will we find it amusing if Jay Leno say with a crooked grin, "My name is Johnny , <snort>, and I come from Shawinigate, eh?"

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I would have to say that most of the Arabic leaders have insulted Bush at one time or another. Hell Iran did for sure. So did North Korea and China, and I am sure many more. The action of some of Bush's things have caused much of the world to condemn what he did and were not polite about what they said. So that should also be included.

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I would have to say that most of the Arabic leaders have insulted Bush at one time or another. Hell Iran did for sure. So did North Korea and China, and I am sure many more. The action of some of Bush's things have caused much of the world to condemn what he did and were not polite about what they said. So that should also be included.

Of course his war opponents like the Taliban and those who are against Israel have most certainly said something against him. I don't know if anybody did the dance of La Cucuracha stomping on Bush doll on a tv talk show. If there were any criticisms or mudslinging, they're done in the context of them fighting for their own cause. It is what you might expect from your enemies or those who support your enemies.

But Canada was supposed to be sitting on the fence when it happened! We were supposed to be on good terms with the US, their "friend"...our major trading partner!

And here is Chretien giving Harper an advice on trade and foreign relations?

"Engage then, not insult them!"

It's like a scam artist lecturing a school kid on the importance and virtue of honesty! :lol:

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Carolyn Parrish's stomp dance on a Bush doll on tv!

Calling the group of allied nations "coalition of the idiots!"

I forgot exactly what Martin said in his criticism of the US regarding the environment around election time....but it surely backfired and landed like a pie on his face! :lol:

"Can I call you Steve, like George W?" Will we find it amusing if Jay Leno say with a crooked grin, "My name is Johnny , <snort>, and I come from Shawinigate, eh?"


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Yes, but regardless of how the international community feel towards a leader, Chretien was in no position to give this advice to Harper: Engage them, not insult them.

How many leaders from other nations had publicly insulted Dubya? Yes they criticized Dubya...but I don't think any leaders or their ministers acted in such unbecoming manners.

Please let us all in on any leaders who had publicly insulted Dubya?

Carolyn Parrish's stomp dance on a Bush doll on tv!

Paul Martin permanently removed her from the Liberal caucus after she did that. Martin's action ended her political career.

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Paul Martin permanently removed her from the Liberal caucus after she did that. Martin's action ended her political career.

Only because Martin was pressured! Parrish's action was like a challenge on authority...since she was highly criticized after saying, "I hate those American bastards!"

Anyway, Martin himself ended up taking cheap shots and insulting Bush/US over environmental issues....using it to score points during election time!

Which only shows....from Chretien to Martin - to be "lecturing" about something which obviously they both don't have a clue about....that's quite rich! :lol:

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