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So who is your pick for the Liberals?

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Tory majority.

Quite possibly, despite Harper's failing in the last few months. If he gets going on another strict priorities campaign, against Dion we are returning to Mulroney sized majorities.

The Liberals are missing the bigger picture here. They need to win an election yet. Dion can't win an election, what the hell is he doing as their leader? In fact, in an election, he will do nothing but harm to the party.

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It would appear as though the Liberals are going to go hard against the Conservatives in two areas:

1) The environment. They'll try to pain the Conservatives as the bad guy because of the Clean Air Act. Hopefully Canadians are smarter than this and remember that it was the Liberals who did NOTHING to meet the Kyoto requirements. It was the Liberals who did nothing to come up with a workable plan on the environment and it was finally the Conservatives who created realistic goals that will make a difference.

2) The war. Iraq, Afghanistan? They'll try to blur the lines between the two and forget history (on yet another topic) by blaming the Conservatives for Canadian casualties. It was the Liberal Party that put us in Afghanistan and they stuck the Conservatives between a rock and a hard place with their pointed attacks: turn our back on our obligation to assist NATO with rebuilding Afghanistan and come home, or stay in Afghanistan and do what the Liberals intended while fending off attacks that the Conservatives are putting troops in harm's way.

If this is the angle they're hoping to run, I imagine the Liberals will lose handily as Canadians will not so soon forget which party it was to put us into those situations. It is now the Conservatives' responsibility to try accomplish something where the Liberals have done nothing more than pay lip-service to issues.

A conservative majority is on the horizon and it will be thanks to a campaign by the Liberals that will make the last one look intelligent.

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Well, I've been out most of the day but saw that when Rae didn't make big gains in the third ballot and when Kennedy moved to Dion that momentum had shifted.

Congratulations to Dion for winning against all odds. It eventually did come down to an anyone but Ignatieff. The front runner simply squandered his position at the head of the pack. Bob Rae couldn't overcome Ontario reluctance to fully support him and it appears that Kennedy's people loyally followed him.

Big winner here besides Dion is Kennedy. Rae is probably assured a key position if he is elected in the next election. Hall-Findlay will also be wanted as a key member.

Losers. Scott Brison and Michael Ignatieff. They both might be on the outside looking in unless Dion wants them.

Neutral. Dryden.

Biggest loser: Joe Volpe. He might not run next election, may in fact be challenged for the nomination.

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I'm disappointed that Kennedy didn't do better in the Convention - I agree, though, that he is the Leader-In-Waiting. Of the two that are left, I would much prefer Dion to Iggy.

Rex Murphy is spouting off comparing PET to John Paul II, JFK, etc, then bringing in Justin Trudeau as the one to watch. Justin Trudeau hasn't shown any inclination to enter politics, but I wonder if Gerard Kennedy would have a chance if JT were to run in the next convention.

Kennedy has the time to learn his French and get experience in Ottawa as an MP once elected. He is young enough and probably has a lot of favours to call in if there is another leadership campaign in the next ten years.

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I'm disappointed that Kennedy didn't do better in the Convention - I agree, though, that he is the Leader-In-Waiting. Of the two that are left, I would much prefer Dion to Iggy.

Rex Murphy is spouting off comparing PET to John Paul II, JFK, etc, then bringing in Justin Trudeau as the one to watch. Justin Trudeau hasn't shown any inclination to enter politics, but I wonder if Gerard Kennedy would have a chance if JT were to run in the next convention.

Neither one is worth a dime as leader. Just what Canada needs another Quebecerleading the Liberals. This country had had far too many Quebeers leading this country down the drain. It seems that every time we have a PM from Quebec all they want to do is open the purse strings to Quebec while the rest of Canada does without. I am Liberal but I will never again vote for a leader from Quebec regardless of what party they represent. When push comes to shove with Quebec they will always take the side of Quebec, regarless of what the rest of Canada wants.

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[Neither one is worth a dime as leader. Just what Canada needs another Quebecerleading the Liberals. This country had had far too many Quebeers leading this country down the drain. It seems that every time we have a PM from Quebec all they want to do is open the purse strings to Quebec while the rest of Canada does without. I am Liberal but I will never again vote for a leader from Quebec regardless of what party they represent. When push comes to shove with Quebec they will always take the side of Quebec, regarless of what the rest of Canada wants.

Who are the "neither" you are referring to? Kennedy was born here in Manitoba, and lived in Alberta and Ontario most of his life. No Quebec baggage for him, and the only candidate to speak against the "Quebecois nation" issue.

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It would appear as though the Liberals are going to go hard against the Conservatives in two areas:

1) The environment. They'll try to pain the Conservatives as the bad guy because of the Clean Air Act. Hopefully Canadians are smarter than this and remember that it was the Liberals who did NOTHING to meet the Kyoto requirements. It was the Liberals who did nothing to come up with a workable plan on the environment and it was finally the Conservatives who created realistic goals that will make a difference.

2) The war. Iraq, Afghanistan? They'll try to blur the lines between the two and forget history (on yet another topic) by blaming the Conservatives for Canadian casualties. It was the Liberal Party that put us in Afghanistan and they stuck the Conservatives between a rock and a hard place with their pointed attacks: turn our back on our obligation to assist NATO with rebuilding Afghanistan and come home, or stay in Afghanistan and do what the Liberals intended while fending off attacks that the Conservatives are putting troops in harm's way.

If this is the angle they're hoping to run, I imagine the Liberals will lose handily as Canadians will not so soon forget which party it was to put us into those situations. It is now the Conservatives' responsibility to try accomplish something where the Liberals have done nothing more than pay lip-service to issues.

A conservative majority is on the horizon and it will be thanks to a campaign by the Liberals that will make the last one look intelligent.

Afghanistan will have an affect no matter what the Liberals say. Canadians had their doubts about the mission under the Liberals, they still have those doubts. If all hell breaks lose during the spring, it will be a wipe out in Quebec if Van Doos start coming home to funerals.

As far as the environment, the Tories might be able to salvage something there.

Lastly, a Conservative majority? Where will they make the gains?

If Dion makes a lot of mistakes, Harper could make gains there but what mistakes has Dion made so far?

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Unfortunately, with "I'll turn my back on Alberta" Harper, a CPC majority will be no better for Albertans. He will continue to pander to eastern Canada. The only thing that can protect Alberta is a made-in-Alberta party.

And seperation.

I hear a lot of Albertans here that they are separatists.

Time to run or actually vote for a separatist party, I think. Or is it all talk?

What party will you vote for? When will you put your name on a ballot?

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Unfortunately, with "I'll turn my back on Alberta" Harper, a CPC majority will be no better for Albertans. He will continue to pander to eastern Canada. The only thing that can protect Alberta is a made-in-Alberta party.

And seperation.

I have been interested in an Alberta version of the Bloc Quebecois. We need a party in Ottawa that actually represents us. Reform did for a bit, but then they tried to be big tent. The CPC did, then Quebec tempted them.

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]I have been interested in an Alberta version of the Bloc Quebecois. We need a party in Ottawa that actually represents us. Reform did for a bit, but then they tried to be big tent. The CPC did, then Quebec tempted them.

Time to put your name up then for a separation party or actually to help start one.

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]I have been interested in an Alberta version of the Bloc Quebecois. We need a party in Ottawa that actually represents us. Reform did for a bit, but then they tried to be big tent. The CPC did, then Quebec tempted them.

Time to put your name up then for a separation party or actually to help start one.

It doesn't neccessarily have to be sepertist. Just a strict Alberta only party.

I'm too young to lead a party or even be an MP realistically, even Pierre Poilievre has a few years on me. I'd help out if there was a crediable Alberta party on the national stage.

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It doesn't neccessarily have to be sepertist. Just a strict Alberta only party.

I'm too young to lead a party or even be an MP realistically, even Pierre Poilievre has a few years on me. I'd help out if there was a crediable Alberta party on the national stage.

I ran when I was 23. How old are you?

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Unfortunately, with "I'll turn my back on Alberta" Harper, a CPC majority will be no better for Albertans. He will continue to pander to eastern Canada. The only thing that can protect Alberta is a made-in-Alberta party.

And seperation.

I hear a lot of Albertans here that they are separatists.

Time to run or actually vote for a separatist party, I think. Or is it all talk?

What party will you vote for? When will you put your name on a ballot?

As I have stated previously, I tried to put my name on a federal ballot but the Bloc wouldn't let me. As for a seperatist party, I will vote for the Alberta Alliance in about two years. I have no interest in voting federally anymore. I have no interest in any national party anymore. I have no interest in who runs Canada anymore. It will not matter if Stephen or Stephan leads the country, they will screw Alberta. jd, you can keep your federal parties and your country.

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As I have stated previously, I tried to put my name on a federal ballot but the Bloc wouldn't let me. As for a seperatist party, I will vote for the Alberta Alliance in about two years. I have no interest in voting federally anymore. I have no interest in any national party anymore. I have no interest in who runs Canada anymore. It will not matter if Stephen or Stephan leads the country, they will screw Alberta. jd, you can keep your federal parties and your country.

Good luck with Alberta Alliance. Perhaps you can stand as a candidate.

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The Alberta Alliance, up to this point, has been about as useful as a bladeless knife without a handle. That being said, if Dinning wins (Federal Liberal) and Dion in Ottawa (Federal Liberal), watch them gain momentum. It takes very little to piss off Albertans in general, and we are prone to completely changing directions when backed into a corner. If Dion were to win a federal election in the spring, I would predict that the Alberta Alliance would form the official opposition, if not the government in this province.

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The Alberta Alliance, up to this point, has been about as useful as a bladeless knife without a handle. That being said, if Dinning wins (Federal Liberal) and Dion in Ottawa (Federal Liberal), watch them gain momentum. It takes very little to piss off Albertans in general, and we are prone to completely changing directions when backed into a corner. If Dion were to win a federal election in the spring, I would predict that the Alberta Alliance would form the official opposition, if not the government in this province.

So you are actively involved with the party and helping to formulate their policy, recruiting members and the like?

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Well clearly the Liberal delegates read my post yesterday and decided to vote for Stephane Dion. I would say Gerard Kennedy gave a great speech and I apologize for calling him a light weight and he has nice glasses. I think chubby Ken Dryden gave a good speech. I was very suprised how muchs steam Dion picked up. I also thought it would be Rae and Dion on the last ballot. What I find very interesting is that despite wooing the Quebec delegates Ignatieff clearly was not the choice of the party regulars. I loved seeing all those Chretien whores who supported Rae running to Dion in a panic sensing they were licked. Kennedy was genuine in his support. But the rest even Ken Dryden and especially Volpe looked like idiots running to him.

Rae was a class act by staying neutral. He could have easily walked over to Dion because Ignatieff and him really went at each other but he stayed statesman like. Kudos to him.

I must say this though. I was watching it on CTV and that Ann McLellan's voice just gets to me. Its like fingers on a chalk board. Also I damn near vomited listening to Brian Tobin's ass kissing comments about Paul Martin.

I think Dion will suprise you how well he can debate accent or no accent. Here is what is interesting. He is not popular in Quebec given his Trudeau like approach to federalism. That makes the election in Quebec interesting.

I think he will do very well with urban and soft NDP voters but I am not sure he can beat Harper. They both are very similiar in temperment. I think even with his association to Chretien he will have an easier time defending himself then Igg or Rae would have had with Harper.

It was worth it to see Iggy today trying to smile at the end. What an arrogant jack ass. Someone should pull that pickle out of his I am smarter then anyone butt.

I guarantee you he will not win his seat and go running back to Harvard. As for Rae, I think he won't win in an election either. As for Scott Bryson, you think he would have seen the writing on the wall and gone running to Dion. Dumb move.

One last thing, Belinda baby, what have you done with your hair. You and Cameron Diaz did that auburn thing huh. Apprently being blonde is passe in Hollywood. Well go tell Madonna will you.

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