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What exactly is wonderful about being "Blonde"


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I'm attracted to women. Period. Doesn't matter what colur their hair or their skin, if they breath and are fecund I notice....

Geez, they have to breathe too? Well so much for that.

Not to insult any red head ladies here, but damn the reds have it going on. Crazy as bat guano. Just make a slight insult towards them whilst in bed... and then hang on. Better than the Flyer at the CNE. (but for the record - crazy is a bi sexual Jehovahs witness)

Blondes, well they are cute too , but I always dated brunettes . Never dated a blonde until I was 35. Hmm.....havent dated one since.

No idea why to the OP.

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Most men don't give a damn about hair color but Clairol has managed to convince the less intelligent among them that blondes are prettier. Of course then there is this whole Aryan thing that we some times see crawl out from under a rock. You know the type - they'll tell you that brown people would really rather be white. It's a fascist nutjob thing.

Your ignorance is almost startling. Have you no familiarity with the widespread Asian and African custom of whitening the bloodline? The arrogance of liberals is beyond belief...they actually deny the very existence of reality and dogmatically believe things are as they wish they were. This is another case of an ignorant liberal namecalling when someone dares intrude with a tad of reality.

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Your ignorance is almost startling. Have you no familiarity with the widespread Asian and African custom of whitening the bloodline? The arrogance of liberals is beyond belief...they actually deny the very existence of reality and dogmatically believe things are as they wish they were. This is another case of an ignorant liberal namecalling when someone dares intrude with a tad of reality.

How many were dying their hair blonde? What part of town were you spending your time in? I've known plenty of Asians, buster. None of them spent any time trying to lighten their skin.

Edited by Higgly
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Have you no familiarity with the western male love affair with Asian women? I have known plenty of Asians, buster. Very few preoccupied themselves with whitening their bloodlines. Those that did were looked upon as Uncle Toms. What part of town were you spending your time in?

Well, I think I've discovered the seat of your ignorance. You're working from a position of personal anecdote, while I'm talking about well recognized global trends. Oh, you can call me "Scott", since my name isn't Buster, little cheerleader. Now then, back to your education, for which I won't charge you a cent. Here's a good site for Latin America:

by Magali Roy-Féquière - 2004 - Literary Criticism - 336 pages

In Puerto Rico today, as in most of Latin America, social pressure toward blanqueamiento or "whitening" of one's bloodline by marrying a lighter-skinned ...


Here's one about the Caribbean:

A tour of any one of these countries reveals that socioeconomic status and implied "fluid" racial classifications are very much racial in nature...


Oh, here's a good one...over 2 million websites concerned with skin whitening and skin whitening products. I wonder who would buy them? http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=wh...reams&meta=

Now I don't have time to dig up more links for you, nor do I have time to listen to anymore of your "but I know someone who likes Asian women, so you must be wrong..." self-embarrassments, but here's a bit of further advice: arguing a general by appeal to a particular makes you a laughingstock, little cheerleader. Just say no next time the notion hits you.

Edited by ScottSA
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Red heads rule blondes are prone to drool.

Just kidding, as a red head I can state we are prone to temper tantrums and we do have a tendancy to have well rather bad tempers.

I, like my wife a carriers of the red head gene.

Our son is a red head. While his temper is normal, his tandancy to be a bad boy is quite beyond the pale. He sometimes sings..: I'm gonna be a bad boy bad boy bad boy FIRETRUCK!.

He is 3

While I am not a red head, the redundant phrase "temper tantrum" drives my fricken crazy. Worse even than turning perfectly good nouns into verbs.

My red-headed son is mischievous, intelligent and has a temper. I was a red head until I was 13 or so. I had a temper, was not mischievous and not that smart.

Edited by jbg
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Me and my sister were borne with blonde hair. Mine was almost white. Both my parents have dark brown hair.

ScottSA ...

Oh, here's a good one...over 2 million websites concerned with skin whitening and skin whitening products. I wonder who would buy them? http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=wh...reams&meta=

How many skin tanning products are out there in existence? That is skin darkening. You failed at this one ScottSA.

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Me and my sister were borne with blonde hair. Mine was almost white. Both my parents have dark brown hair.

ScottSA ...

How many skin tanning products are out there in existence? That is skin darkening. You failed at this one ScottSA.

Ummm...I hate to break it to you, but sun-tanned caucasian skin is seen as youthful and an indication of good health. Care to explain why you think skin whitening takes place? Go for it.

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Guest American Woman

Sking lightening IS a big business:

"The skin-lightening industry is worth at least £100m in India" ... that's $200million American/Canadian dollars.

There's a man who has no luck with the girls. He has markedly darker skin than his friends and the girl he is after. In a real song-and-dance Bollywood extravaganza, one of the biggest heart throbs of Indian cinema, Shahrukh Khan, hands over a cream to the hapless chap, along with some mild admonishment.

Within a few weeks, the young man has turned much lighter-skinned and confident. As he strides down the road like a modern-day answer to John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever, the girls start flocking to him and chanting: "Hi handsome, hi handsome." Khan comes back into view with the product, Fair and Handsome.

Actress Rani Moorthy knows first hand about the prejudice suffered by Asians with darker skin. She is currently touring the UK with her play that focuses on skin colour, Shades of Brown.

"When I was a child my grandmother took me to one side and said make sure you're good at something, no man will ever marry you for your looks," she says.

"I knew this was because I was dark skinned. It was treated as a disease and every Friday I had to have oil baths in an attempt to lighten my skin".

"If people have an inferiority complex because of their skin colour, then this product will really help. It does what it says. It makes you fair and handsome. There's a lot of interest in this product and quite simply it makes people look really good."


Evidently a lot of people have been made to feel inferior because they are dark skinned.

Edited by American Woman
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That's a real gift, being able to buzz in and instantly devalue a thread with valleygirl idiocies.

Gee, sad to have your territory invaded? I mean, gosh it's usually you who does that so well ;)

Plus einstein, I wasn't commenting on the thread, I was commenting on your post in it. :( What is your fascination with skin colour anyway? You talk about it alot, who cares what colour someone's skin is - or for that matter their hair? :rolleyes:

Now, with respect to 'tanning' do you really think skin cancer is a joke? What about cataracts?

WRT the topic of blondes - I think the whole fascination with them has far more to do with media hype and hollywood than really anything else. There is attractiveness and beauty in all colours and shapes, sizes and forms! :)

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Sking lightening IS a big business:

"The skin-lightening industry is worth at least £100m in India" ... that's $200million American/Canadian dollars.


Evidently a lot of people have been made to feel inferior because they are dark skinned.

Good point American Woman.

I have heard of this too amongst blacks - that many with very dark skin are discriminated against by those with lighter tones. I think it's a sad reflection of our whole society. I wonder how much the media has contributed to this.

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I think it's a sad reflection of our whole society. I wonder how much the media has contributed to this.

Well you ladies, I sympathize.

The whole social expectation for extreme beauty, thinness, whiteness, causes quite a trauma for young girls. They think they need to spend more time in front of the mirror, just to be acceptable. And then, they are seen as purely objects of desire, not people.

Might I dare suggest, covering up with a veil?

What I really mean is, does this thread help you understand why a woman would want to do that?

I am not kidding, or trying to upset you, just these are my thoughts lately.

I was in Ottawa the other day and saw many women wearing head coverings, and to be honest, I cannot help but admire these women. Not because I think women should cover up because its "dirty" or offensive, nothing like that, but to me its because they seem to have less preoccupation with looks and fashion, as over the years styles move to trying to show more skin and even underwear, nightwear, lingerie, it doesnt impress me. In fact the more showy she is, the more "sexy", I get turned off because, by and large I've found that these are shallow people sometimes. They think beauty is only skin deep, but real beauty for me is, the well developed person.

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Well you ladies, I sympathize.

The whole social expectation for extreme beauty, thinness, whiteness, causes quite a trauma for young girls. They think they need to spend more time in front of the mirror, just to be acceptable. And then, they are seen as purely objects of desire, not people.

Might I dare suggest, covering up with a veil?

What I really mean is, does this thread help you understand why a woman would want to do that?

I am not kidding, or trying to upset you, just these are my thoughts lately.

I was in Ottawa the other day and saw many women wearing head coverings, and to be honest, I cannot help but admire these women. Not because I think women should cover up because its "dirty" or offensive, nothing like that, but to me its because they seem to have less preoccupation with looks and fashion, as over the years styles move to trying to show more skin and even underwear, nightwear, lingerie, it doesnt impress me. In fact the more showy she is, the more "sexy", I get turned off because, by and large I've found that these are shallow people sometimes. They think beauty is only skin deep, but real beauty for me is, the well developed person.

Wow tbud, what a wonderful post! :)

And SOOOO refreshing around here! Thank you.

I agree with many of your sentiments and have often wondered the same. I think the media needs to take a long hard look at itself - and the fashion world certainly as well. You are absolutely correct about the stress on young girls - to be so thin, so blonde, so plastic. It's really pretty awful what our society does in this respect.

I loved this part of your post the best though:

"They think beauty is only skin deep, but real beauty for me is, the well developed person."


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That's a real gift, being able to buzz in and instantly devalue a thread with valleygirl idiocies.
And your verbal white supremacist assaults are better? This town (link) would be the place for you. Edited by jbg
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( What is your fascination with skin colour anyway? You talk about it alot, who cares what colour someone's skin is - or for that matter their hair? :rolleyes:
He'd be revolted by the fact that I regularly work shoulder to shoulder with a black female Jamaican who is the lead attorney on a file in which the company's principal is Italian (I'm primarily a litigator and brought in on a "spot" basis).
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Sking lightening IS a big business:

"The skin-lightening industry is worth at least £100m in India" ... that's $200million American/Canadian dollars.


Evidently a lot of people have been made to feel inferior because they are dark skinned.

Whoa....slow down...that custom has been around since history began...it's documented as early as the Alexandrian invasions and probably predates it by centuries. It's as ingrained, or actually more ingrained than the caste system. Beyond that, it's universal across the globe. No one "made" anyone feel inferior; it's a custom.

My point is that the myth of white superiority is alive and well, but it's source isn't a group of basement dwelling skinheads or some illuminati plot; its source is people who are not white. Flagellating whites for the beliefs of others is hardly fair.

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Bite me Jb. You are evidently too busy to read the thread, or too smug to understand what I'm saying.
Unlike many here, I have given your posts a very fair read, especially since I start out agreeing with you on much of it. Your content goes from high quality to merely nauseating quite often. Edited by jbg
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Unlike many here, I have given your posts a very fair read, especially since I start out agreeing with you on much of it. Your content goes from good points to nauseating quite often.

Obviously what I've said is quite above your head then. Perhaps you ought to read this thread again. You are showing in this thread the degree of mental acuity I've come to expect of the left hereabouts, but haven't yet had occasion to suspect it of you. Read it carefully.

Edited by ScottSA
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Ummm...I hate to break it to you, but sun-tanned caucasian skin is seen as youthful and an indication of good health. Care to explain why you think skin whitening takes place? Go for it.

The onus is not up to me to make a statement about skin whitening. I have no clue why it takes place. I guess people are idiots, or don't feel comfortable in their bodies as they are. That is why people get sex changes, to make them happy on the inside and outside.

Who cares what people do to their bodies. Not my place to complain if you want to do that kind of crap to yourself. I won't have to live with the decision.

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Ive tried tooth whitening with those strips. The oral B ones though, not Crest. I don't know which is better. I think dark skin is very attractive. Despite all the so-called skin whitening there seems to be a lot of dark skinned people in the world. And there a lot of white people who suntan too.

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