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Religion In Public Schools

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It seems around where I live (Knoxville, TN), there are a lot of people who think that there isn't freedom of religion in public schools. I just want these "people" to know that, at least in my school district, PRAYER IS ALLOWED IN SCHOOL. Another thing they don't realize is that FREEDOM OF RELIGION APPLIES TO EVERYONE, not just themselves, but the Islamic and Jewish kids in my school as well.

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Yeah, I don't have any problem with allowing kids to pray in school (no matter what religion they happen to be). They can even get together in groups or afterschool clubs and pray together.

The problem is that many people in this country, particularly Fundamentalist Christians in the South, are trying to equate "freedom of religion in school" with "have the principal lead a prayer in Jesus Christ's name every morning" (or have the football coach do the same over the loudspeaker before a game). That is not acceptable, and it's not lawful either.

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It seems around where I live (Knoxville, TN), there are a lot of people who think that there isn't freedom of religion in public schools.

There is no freedom of religion in public schools. The first amendement stops any government funded program from allowing religion, on the grounds that it is enforcing a national langugage. Seperation of church and state?

it seems fair that any program receiving federal funds/state funds must be governed by the same laws.


Somethings are not worth the cries from the insane fundementalists in challenging. Concessions sometimes must be made, even if they are shaky in the face of the constituion.

I say, get rid of all religion in schools, cept the pledge of allegiance, because that is already a lie, and we don't need to expose it any more. It's more of a US symbol then actual religion

I pledge allegiance to the Flag

of the United States of America,

and to the Republic for which it stands:

one Nation indivisible,

With Liberty and Justice for all.

Republic? Where republic you mean represenative plutocracy. Indivisible? That's not true, it's already happening. Liberty and justice for all? You mean some, and some you mean those with money.

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Give me a break. We've been so crammed full of anti-religous propoganda in the last couple of years, freedom to pray has been all but outlawed. We're not only taking God out of schools, but out of THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. It was founded on this! Am i the only person intellignet enough to know that seperation of church and state was passed to keep government out of church not the other way around. This country was founded on freedoms and we're stripping those away from a select group. I disaggree totally with a class led prayer, but aggree whole heartedly with a moment of silence to allow those of any or no religion a moment to reflect, pray or whatever they will. In communist societies they tell you what you are. We're mocking this in our country by telling you what you cannot be during the daytime. Let people be who they will. And learn before you critisize.

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Religion is spiritual and spirituality is needed to ward off government. Henry the II tried to fuse Church and State and killed Beckett the Archbishop of Canterbury who opposed it. Politically he failed but his namesake Henry VIII tried it again by rejecting Rome and become the titular head of the Anglican Church and State. This is a form of despotism that leads to abuse. Eventually the English through the civil war and the Glorious Revolution firmly separated spirituality from gov't control.

This along with a vibrant middle class, open markets and an educated population keeps the despots of the world at bay.

Without religious separation we are in trouble.

This is why Gay Marriage which the Lie-berals want to ram through via unelected judges and not through Parliament is so dangerous.

The State has no business altering a non-State institution.

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We're not only taking God out of schools, but out of THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.

Good. keep your superstisions to yourself.

It was founded on this! Am i the only person intellignet enough to know that seperation of church and state was passed to keep government out of church not the other way around.
The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries. -- James Madison

It cuts both ways. Keep the two spheres as far apart as possible (does anyone want a U.S. Christian theocracy?) People should be (and are) allowed to practice their private beliefs, but the line should be drawn at pushing religion onto others through prayer in schools, etc.

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Here are some of my thoughts on religion and why it should not be in public schools and institutions...

1. Religion is not a physical entity; it is an entity that only exists in the mind of the believer.

2. Religion is only what it is to the person that believes in it.

3. Religion fills a void in a person’s life when that person has no physical body to turn to.

4. Religion is regarded as spiritual and mystical because it is a false account of an explanation of events that can be proven in time.

5. One reason that people around the world flock to religion in times of crisis is because they are assured a false sense of security.

6. If you put all the religions of the world in one room, they would clash with each other. Therefore how can any one religion stake claim to be true?

7. Religion is a propagandistic way of extracting money and time out of people that do not second-guess what or whom they are giving it to.

And that's that...Religion doesn't have a place in the public sector, clear-headed thinking does...

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Religion doesn't have a place in the public sector, clear-headed thinking does...

Well it's just unfortunate that the "clear-headed" American founding fathers decided that since they weren't allowed to publically express their religion under British rule, they would include it in the American Constitution. Freedom of religion is important. Tell me, does religion in public places interfere with the practice of your own? As long as it doesn't prevent you from exercising your own religion, deal with it. I think that the American people have a lot more to worry about right now than complaining about the First Amendment.

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Mr. Farrius

I am a non believer, I don't waste a Sunday supporting other forms of cults. I'm glad that I'm a Canadian, because I don't have to put up with the constant bickering about god and government. A government should be impartial, serving all peoples under it. When that government starts to take a religious side (AKA Bush Admin.) that is when you have to draw the line. My deep personal view is that ALL religion should be abolished. Religion is a virus, separating the human species, causing problems rather than solving them. You can have your religion if you want to, but I pay taxes to a government, not a church.

Keep religion and government separate, that includes SCHOOLS!

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No one seems to understand that separation of church and state mean that the church can not dictate anything in the state. If i wanna pray in school, that's ok. If I want to discuss my religion in school, that's ok. If I want to study theology in my school, that's ok. What isn't ok is having a Priest, the Pope, a Rabbi, a Minister, a Cleric, or any religious leader tell me I CAN NOT do something.

Now do you understand?

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My deep personal view is that ALL religion should be abolished. Religion is a virus, separating the human species, causing problems rather than solving them. You can have your religion if you want to, but I pay taxes to a government, not a church.

Keep religion and government separate, that includes SCHOOLS!

Nobody's attacking your beliefs, regardless of how offensive they may be. You say you pay taxes to a government, not a church? What does that have to do with anything. As far as your last statement, I believe religion and government are separate. What in schools intrudes on that principle?

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Tell me, does religion in public places interfere with the practice of your own?

No, but it does interfere with my ability to live a life uncluttered with primitive superstisious claptrap.

As long as it doesn't prevent you from exercising your own religion, deal with it

No. keep it in your church on in your home and outta my face. Deal with it.

If i wanna pray in school, that's ok

Fine. But you certainly don't have the right to make anyone else pray with you.

What isn't ok is having a Priest, the Pope, a Rabbi, a Minister, a Cleric, or any religious leader tell me I CAN NOT do something.

Isn't that kinda the whole point of organized religion? :P

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Right on Black Dog.

If anybody wants to pray in school, they can go to the basement and do it. I don't mind outside students and faculty praying, but if it ever leaked into the decision making of the school or institution, then I would have a big problem.

Jean Chrétien said something very good last night on the CBC (one of the only good things I've ever heard him say). He basically said that he is a Catholic, when he comes to work he is a priminister of a country and he is to govern that country via the laws, etc., not his catholic beliefs.

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No. keep it in your church on in your home and outta my face. Deal with it.
If i wanna pray in school, that's ok

Fine. But you certainly don't have the right to make anyone else pray with you.

Sad... whatever happened to freedom of religion? Of course confining practice of religion strictly to one's own home would be contradictory to that. I believe the founding fathers were prevented from exercising freedom of religion outside of their homes, so they made this valuable principle part of the Constitution.

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Do any of you anti-religious liberal imperalists read what the sane reasoners write!? No one here is advocating the forced intake of religion in the schools because, as we all know, when you force something, it is regurgitated. We are on the other hand, advocating the allowance and tollerance of those who choose to practice their religion openly. Give them a second of time to make a point or pray quietly without disturbing others. If high schools have enough time to blow on pep rally's and mantinees for their crappy theatres, surely on minute a day can be allowed for someone to practice their belief.

And too all this non-sense about religion being only in the mind of the believer: YOU ARE WRONG! To a "believer" religion is more real than anything. These people spend their time supporting something they believe in where as you spend your time cutting down a group. Maybe you should try and find something to believe in, not attack. The real issure isnt religion being IN the schools, its religion being forced on people in the schools. Christians as a majority dont want you to pray out of force or fear. They just want the right to put their most important thing in their day. THAT IS ALL. Maybe we should be more tolerant. Liberals always want "tolerancy." Well then, stop attacking our foundations.

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FOR THE RECORD: Speration of church and state was originally drafted to keep the GOVERNMENT out of the CHURCH, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! Take a second and do some research before posting your inane ignorant comments. America was founded on the basis of religious freedom due to the persecution of the Church of England. We wanted to be free to practice whatever we wanted and to have NO GOVERNMENT MANDATED NATIONAL RELIGION. Hence the reason for this standard. Read a book and the try and argue this point.

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I think it is foolish of us to believe that a theocratic government is ideal in any situation. Proper religous leadership is ideal, but every facet of life under theocratic control is a rediculous concept in its entierty. Just look at the peoples we are fighting in this war on terrorism. Governments that are still controlled by their religion have scewed views of the world which, in my humble, all be it correct, opinion is ignorant. Even the Hebrews used scouts while on the Exodus. They didnt soley rely on God to tell them what was happening. They found out. Theocracy leads to an improper use of a region/countries resources for religous gain. A better system too gain a religous perspective on modern polotics is a strong/highly religous leader backed by many religous followers, but not governed in his decisions towards different nations/religions. I give you the classic Jihad. These people are a minority of religous fanatics (shi'ite muslims) and they believe they should attack other religions and the countries that back them because of thei RELIGOUs and POLITICAL situations. The VAST majority of Iran is composed of Shi'ites and you suggest we should follow their lead? Yeah, good call man.


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There is no point fighting these believers, they are already too polluted with their suppositious beliefs to try and talk to. When I die, I will find out what's next, until then, I will put down every religion, especially Christianity.

Religion is robbing us, robbing us of everything, it's time we grow up and move into the future and leave that stupid little book called the bible behind! :angry:

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There is no point fighting these believers, they are already too polluted with their suppositious beliefs to try and talk to. When I die, I will find out what's next, until then, I will put down every religion, especially Christianity.

Religion is robbing us, robbing us of everything, it's time we grow up and move into the future and leave that stupid little book called the bible behind! :angry:

Cameron: Before you speak any more of that rubbish, I suggest you respect the views of other people. Your ridiculous statement that religion is robbing us of everything is purely your own impetuousness. Nobody cares if you will put down religion, especially Christianity. Watch what you say about the Bible, that's offensive and stupid because you most likely haven't read the entire Bible and know it by heart, least of all understand it.

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that are still controlled by their religion have scewed views of the world

Every government, no matter how secular, has a skewed view of the world.

I will find out what's next, until then, I will put down every religion, especially Christianity.

Religion is robbing us, robbing us of everything, it's time we grow up and move into the future and leave that stupid little book called the bible behind! 

Even the Dala Lamai's? How can you be aganist a religion named "Compassion?" :) Or maybe Daoism.

Religion isn't robbing us of everything. Many people find solace and understanding in religion. Religion is a important concept in many peoples' lives. However, in my opinion, to base any power around it is suicide.

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Fools. If you dont know whats next how can you risk it? I say better to place faith in something that MAY be true than in nothing at all. I may be wrong in my beliefs but at least i have one. Destruction is a waste of a life. Try believing in something regardless of what it is. Your soul may be at risk regrdless of what you believe.

Also, all governments do not have a scewed view of the world. Unarguably America is a super power and those with power make the rules. Those who make the rules know them. Therefore the know how the world works and arent kept in the dark about things.

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