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A List of Canadian Terrorists

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A List of Canadian Terrorists

The following list includes a variety of terrorists and key supporters who have lived in Canada while on the run for terrorist actions in a homeland conflict, or who have acted on behalf of an overseas terrorist organization after establishing a Canadian residence. Naturally, the list is far from being definitive.

Almrei, Hassan. Born in Syria, this Ontario resident is suspected by CSIS of being an al Qaeda member.

Amhaz, Ali Adham. A Hizbollah operative who immigrated to Canada, he helped to launder hundreds of thousands of dollars through Canadian banks for the terrorist group and used some of the proceeds to purchase demolitions material, night vision goggles, new computers, and camera equipment for the group. He lived in Burnaby BC.

Ayub, Fauzi Mohammed. Detained in Israel as a leading Hizbollah operative, he appears to have been recruited by the group in Canada in the early 1990s. After training in Lebanon, he entered Israel in 2000 to set up stores sites for weapons and explosives. He arrived in Canada in 1988 and has a family here.

Atmani, Karim Said. A Moroccan who fought in Afghanistan and became a Bosnian citizen, he has also been convicted in France for charges related to passing fraudulent passports to al Qaeda members in Europe.

Bagri, Ajaib Singh. A BKI member from British Columbia, he is on trial for the1985 Air India Bombing. The ISYF is fervently backing his defence.

Bhullar, Davinder Pal Sing. A one-time leader in the Khalistan Commando Force, he is fighting extradition from Surrey BC to India, where a death sentence awaits him for a bomb attack that killed nine people.

Boumezbeur, Adel. A Montreal Salafist and Algerian, he has also lived in Vancouver and has been convicted of terrorist-related offenses in France.

Boussora, Faker. A wanted al Qaeda member believed to be hiding in Montreal in 2002. Born in Tunisia, he was trained in Afghanistan and was unknown to Canadian authorities until a videotape in which he pledged commitment to martyrdom turned up.

Daher, Kassen. A suspected al Qaeda member, he lived in Canada before being arrested in Lebanon.

Dahoumane, Abdelmajid. Originally from Algeria, and a member of the Salafist cell in Montreal. He also lived for a while in Alberta.

Dbouk, Mohammed Hassan. A Hizbollah member in British Colombia, he was the brother in law and partner to Ali Amhaz. He has fled to Lebanon and taken up another role within the terrorist group.

Farahat, Hassan (aka Abdul Jaber). Accused of being a senior member of Ansar Al Islam, and has been arrested by Kurdish guerrillas in northern Iraq, he was the Imam of the Salaheddin Mosque in Toronto from 1997 to 2002.

Haouari, Mokhtar. An Algerian who arrived in Canada via France, he supported Ahmed Ressam’s attempts to get false documentation and was a member of the same Salafist Cell in Montreal in the 1990s. He also lived in Surrey, BC.

Hardeep, Singh. A leading member of the Khalistan Commando Force, he was deported from Canada in 1995 — the same year the KCF was mounting a major recruiting campaign here and in the UK.

Harkat, Mohamed. Arriving in Canada from Pakistan (via Malaysia) with a fake Saudi passport, he lived quietly in Ottawa at a variety of menial jobs, after winning his refugee claim in 1997 and marring a Canadian citizen. A CSIS investigation has accused him of being involved in the GIA, and having worked for al Qaeda before leaving Pakistan.

Al Husseini, Mohammed Hussein. An alleged hijacker and Hizbollah member, he provided valuable insights on the group to CSIS before being deported in 1994 after living on welfare in Montreal. Part of his role was to coordinate reconnaissance for the group on potential targets inside Canada.

Ikhhlef, Mourad. A refugee who had been involved in the Algerian GIA, he was involved in the Salafist cell in Montreal.

Jabarah, Abdul Rahman. Arrived with his brother Mohamed and parents as immigrants from Kuwait in 1994, and settled in St. Catherine’s Ontario. Recruited by al Qaeda in 1990, he was killed in Saudi Arabia in July 2003 as police moved in on his terrorist cell after a series of truck bombings.

Jabarah, Mohamed Mansour. Raised in St. Catherine’s Ontario, he led an al Qaeda cell in Singapore that was planning a mass bomb attack (with 21 tonnes of improvised explosives) before he was arrested while passing through Oman in 2002.

Jabbalah, Mahmoud. Accused of being tied to Islamic Jihad, and had worked for Osama bin Laden’s construction and development projects in the Sudan in the early 1990s, this Toronto resident has been jailed since August 2001, after being deemed a national security risk. He arrived in Canada as a refugee claimant.

Al-Jiddi, Al Rauf bin Al Habib bin Youssef (aka Abderraouf Jdey). A wanted al Qaeda member believed to be hiding in Montreal in 2002. His involvement in al Qaeda was unknown until videotape of his pledge to martyrdom turned up in a cache of intelligence materials in Afghanistan.

Kadr, Abdul Rahman. A son of Ahmad Said Kadr, he was captured by Northern Alliance troops in Kabul in November 2001 while fighting as a member of the Taliban.

Kadr, Ahmad Said (also spelled as ‘Khadr’). A one-time Toronto resident who arrived in Canada from Egypt in the 1970s, and served as an aid worker in Afghanistan and Pakistan before becoming involved in al Qaeda. His current whereabouts are unknown and it is possible he may have recently been killed (along with a third son) along the Afghan-Pakistani frontier. Two of his other sons have fought for al Qaeda or the Taliban.

Kadr, Omar. The teenaged son of Ahmad Said Kadr, this under-educated boy killed a US Army medic in Afghanistan in 2002 with a grenade while fighting as a member of al Qaeda.

Kamel, Fateh. Born in Algeria, and a one-time member of the GIA, he was the leader of the Montreal Salafist Cell in the 1990s. He has been convicted in France for passing black-market passports to Islamic militants.

Labsi, Mustapha. An Algerian, he came to Montreal as a part of the Salafist cell there.

Mahjoub, Mohamed Zeki. A Toronto area convenience store clerk, he is also suspected of being a senior ‘fixer’ for Islamic Jihad. He came to Canada with a doctored passport, and is fighting deportation .

Malik, Ripudaman Singh. A BC resident and senior fundraiser for the BKI in the province. He is being tried for his involvement in the Air India Bombing.

Al-Marabh, Nabil. A Toronto area resident (a sometime welfare recipient who also worked in his uncle’s photocopy shop) from Kuwait, he is suspected of being involved in a support role for the 9-11 attacks. Arrived in Canada as a refugee claimant, he was convicted by the US of conspiracy to enter the US illegally. When arrested in the US in September 2001, he was carrying $20,000 in cash and $25,000 in jewelry.

Marzouk, Hessam Mohamed Hafez. An Egyptian al Qaeda member, he once lived in Surrey BC, and was arrested in Azerbaijan before facing charges in Egypt.

Mohamed, Samir Ait. Lived in Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto, and is currently awaiting extradition to the US. In 1996, he facilitated Ahmed Ressam’s acquisition of a silenced pistol, and helped to provide him with fake ID and a counterfeit credit card in late 1999.

Muhammad, Saeed Sobrhatolla. Accused of being a member of Ansar Al Islam, and has been arrested by Kurdish guerrillas in northern Iraq — he arrived in Canada in 1995 and maintains a family here.

Nadarajah, Muralitharan. A senior fundraiser for the LTTE, and possibly involved in an assassination cell, he arrived in Canada as a refugee claimant from Switzerland in 1998, and was ordered deported in 2002 — but is still fighting that decision.

Nawar, Nizar Ben Muhammed Nasr. One of some 1,300 Tunisian students who entered Montreal in 1999 (and one of 100 who dropped out of sight after the WTC attacks), he appears to have recruited there and delivered a suicide attack on a historic synagogue in Tunisia in early 2002 that killed 19 people.

Ouzghar, Abdellah. Born in Algeria, he was an associate of the al Qaeda Salafist cell in Montreal in the 1990s, but also lived in Hamilton. He was convicted of passport fraud in absentia by a French court.

Ressam, Ahmed. A member of the GIA in Algeria, he arrived in Canada in 1994 and was a member of a Salafist cell in Montreal. After acquiring a Canadian passport under a fake identity, he was trained in Afghanistan and was arrested in December 1999 when attempting to enter the US with a car trunk full of explosives and sophisticated timers.

Reyat, Inderjit Singh. A BKI member and one of the defendants in the Air India Bombing trial. Normally a resident of BC, he has already been convicted in the UK for charges related to the incident.

Sabanayagam, Loganathan. One of the six founders of the LTTE, he had been involved in their 1975 assassination of the mayor of Jaffna, and is a first cousin of the organization’s founder. He was convicted in 1994 of a number of fraud related charges pertaining to passport forging. He entered Canada from the US as a refugee claimant in 1988.

al-Sayegh, Hani. A Saudi who is suspected of being involved in the murder of 19 US personnel in a 1996 truck bombing in Saudi Arabia (an al Qaeda operation,) he was arrested in 1997 as he tried to settle in Canada.

El Sayed, Omar. A Hizbollah member caught living in Edmonton with a false ID (after entering Canada in 1998 with a fake Dutch passport,) he was arrested after the RCMP determined that Germany wanted him to face charges related to heroin and cocaine trafficking, selling firearms and threatening a police officer. An Alberta judge ordered him released on bail in 2002, and he has since disappeared.

Saygili, Aynur. A PKK member, she entered Canada under a false name and helped to take over a Kurdish cultural organization. She was arrested here in 1996 as a threat to national security.

Shanmugam, Tharmalingam. The chief weapons buyer for the LTTE. He travels around the world on a fake Canadian passport, but has probably never lived in Canada.

Singh, Iqbal. Arrived in Canada in 1991 as an undocumented refugee (after hopping through several countries with false documentation,) he was a member of the Babbar Khalsa International and the Sikh Students Federation. He was deported to Belize from Toronto in 2001 as a threat to Canadian security after a lengthy legal battle.

Slahi, Mohamedou Ould. An al Qaeda member who was recruited as a student in Europe, he also lived in Montreal for two years after fleeing Germany (where he was wanted for welfare fraud). In 1999, he carried a message from Bin Laden to Ahmed Ressam, ordering him to prepare an attack on Los Angeles International Airport.

Suresh, Manickavasagam. A senior LTTE leader who arrived in Canada in 1990 to take command of their front organizations here, he has been fighting deportation since 1995. The case has set a number of important legal decisions, including a ruling that refugees can be deported to countries where they face torture if there is a serious risk to Canadian security, and a dismissal of arguments that fundraising and propagandizing for terrorist groups in Canada is a form of free expression and free association.

Tobbichi, Adel (aka Mezbar, Amine). An Algerian, he was extradited from Montreal to the Netherlands in 2002 to stand trial with six al Qaeda members who were planning a series of attacks in France and Belgium.

Vignarajah, Kumaravelu. A one-time LTTE combatant, he also worked for the RCMP as a wiretapping translator, before the Mounties discovered he had concealed his part in the murder of Indian troops in Sri Lanka and suspected he was stealing intelligence documents. He entered Canada as a refugee in 1989.


Holy Crap! :ph34r: The Left believes these Terrorists have the right to live in Canada?

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Holy Crap! :ph34r: The Left believes these Terrorists have the right to live in Canada?

Another straw man - you need to go back to debating school, chummer.

Where exactly in your link is the reference that any person, of whatever political disposition, deserves the right to stay in Canada? There is none, because no-one says they should stay, other than their lawyers.

To turn it around for you: Holy Crap! The Right thinks these Terrorists have the right to live in Canada?

Ridiculous. Oh, and a 0/10 for you, troll.

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I'm a Troll now? :lol: It was Liberal policy even when Conservatives were in power that let these Terrorists into Canada in the first place. So yes Liberals and the NDP thought these Terrorists had a right to live in Canada.. ;)

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I'm a Troll now? :lol: It was Liberal policy even when Conservatives were in power that let these Terrorists into Canada in the first place. So yes Liberals and the NDP thought these Terrorists had a right to live in Canada.. ;)

Yes, you're a troll.

Ah, so even though they were detained and deported during times of Liberal power, it's the Liberal's fault?

I am also to hold the Conservatives accountable for every immigrant who turns out to have espionage links that slips through? Oh silly me, your list contains some of those same people! They came in when the Conservatives were in power!


Brian Mulroney (spit) was in power from September 17, 1984, to June 25, 1993. As an example from your linked list:

Sabanayagam, Loganathan. One of the six founders of the LTTE, he had been involved in their 1975 assassination of the mayor of Jaffna, and is a first cousin of the organization’s founder. He was convicted in 1994 of a number of fraud related charges pertaining to passport forging. He entered Canada from the US as a refugee claimant in 1988.

Do you get now why your argument has no logic behind it whatsoever? You really should think this out a little more before you post.

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I'm a Troll now? :lol: It was Liberal policy even when Conservatives were in power that let these Terrorists into Canada in the first place. So yes Liberals and the NDP thought these Terrorists had a right to live in Canada.. ;)

Yes, you're a troll.

Ah, so even though they were detained and deported during times of Liberal power, it's the Liberal's fault?

I am also to hold the Conservatives accountable for every immigrant who turns out to have espionage links that slips through? Oh silly me, your list contains some of those same people! They came in when the Conservatives were in power!


Do you get now why your argument has no logic behind it whatsoever?

If I'm a Troll to a Liberal like you then I'm doing what I do best. "Crushing The Liberal Spirit"

Face it Liberals let in these Terrorists with their Policies for years, that's over now as their out of power. When the Conservatives were in power they had to deal with the Liberals trying to force their policies on them which worked as it let these Terrorists into Canada..

I sense you're somewhat meltingdown because I'm speaking the truth? :rolleyes:

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I'm a Troll now? :lol: It was Liberal policy even when Conservatives were in power that let these Terrorists into Canada in the first place. So yes Liberals and the NDP thought these Terrorists had a right to live in Canada.. ;)

Yes, you're a troll.

Ah, so even though they were detained and deported during times of Liberal power, it's the Liberal's fault?

I am also to hold the Conservatives accountable for every immigrant who turns out to have espionage links that slips through? Oh silly me, your list contains some of those same people! They came in when the Conservatives were in power!


Do you get now why your argument has no logic behind it whatsoever?

If I'm a Troll to a Liberal like you then I'm doing what I do best. "Crushing The Liberal Spirit"

Face it Liberals let in these Terrorists with their Policies for years, that's over now as their out of power. When the Conservatives were in power they had to deal with the Liberals trying to force their policies on them which worked as it let these Terrorists into Canada..

I sense you're somewhat meltingdown because I'm speaking the truth? :rolleyes:

Methinks you mistake my laughing at the sophomoric nature of your post and argument for consternation. And, as a bonus, everyone who reads this thread gets a great example of your excellent logic.


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I'm a Troll now? :lol: It was Liberal policy even when Conservatives were in power that let these Terrorists into Canada in the first place. So yes Liberals and the NDP thought these Terrorists had a right to live in Canada.. ;)

Yes, you're a troll.

Ah, so even though they were detained and deported during times of Liberal power, it's the Liberal's fault?

I am also to hold the Conservatives accountable for every immigrant who turns out to have espionage links that slips through? Oh silly me, your list contains some of those same people! They came in when the Conservatives were in power!


Do you get now why your argument has no logic behind it whatsoever?

If I'm a Troll to a Liberal like you then I'm doing what I do best. "Crushing The Liberal Spirit"

Face it Liberals let in these Terrorists with their Policies for years, that's over now as their out of power. When the Conservatives were in power they had to deal with the Liberals trying to force their policies on them which worked as it let these Terrorists into Canada..

I sense you're somewhat meltingdown because I'm speaking the truth? :rolleyes:

Methinks you mistake my laughing at the sophomoric nature of your post and argument for consternation. And, as a bonus, everyone who reads this thread gets a great example of your excellent logic.


You're sumgness is filling my screen. Keep spinning..

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Face it Liberals let in these Terrorists with their Policies for years, that's over now as their out of power. When the Conservatives were in power they had to deal with the Liberals trying to force their policies on them which worked as it let these Terrorists into Canada.
I don't know if you're a troll but your post makes little sense, like the list itself.

Why did you bold it? Why not simply provide a link? (Any damn fool can copy and past from another web site.)

As to the list itself, it appears that many on it entered Canada when the Tories were in power but most of them (if not all) have left Canada. Also, the list contains factual errors and spelling mistakes.

Finally, can you please enlighten us about the Mackenzie Institute?

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Refute me then, genius. You know, since it's 'spin'.

Grab a clue, accepting mistakes and being a good loser is part of being human. I know, in your little world, you never make mistakes - in your own mind. Here though, you did, and others can plainly see. You remind me of the guy who just can't stop talking, even though he's already dug his own grave.

Thats not my smugness filling your screen. It's called the light of reason. It's an amazing thing, independent thought.

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This is the spin:

I am also to hold the Conservatives accountable for every immigrant who turns out to have espionage links that slips through? Oh silly me, your list contains some of those same people! They came in when the Conservatives were in power!

In the last 5 months? Liberals have been in power for 12 years whereas the Conservatives in their current incarnation have NEVER been in power. Gold medal-wishful thinking there. No I think since the Liberals were in power for the last 12 years we're safe to look their direction on this issue.

As far as these 'alleged bomb plotters' they all came to the country while the Liberals were in power too.

I'm not saying Harper will necessarily be any better, but you really can’t equate the two parties when only one has had monolithic control of the country for nearly a decade and a half.


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This is the spin:
I am also to hold the Conservatives accountable for every immigrant who turns out to have espionage links that slips through? Oh silly me, your list contains some of those same people! They came in when the Conservatives were in power!

In the last 5 months? Gold medal-wishful thinking there. No I think since the Liberals were in power for the last 12 years we're safe to look their direction on this issue.

As far as these 'alleged bomb plotters' they all came to the country while the Liberals were in power too.

I'm not saying Harper will necessarily be any better, but you really can’t equate the two parties when only one has had monolithic control of the country for nearly a decade and a half.


I'm talking specifically about this list he linked to - lots of them entered the country on the conservative watch. Please explain to me, again, how thats the Liberal's fault.

You added the 'last 5 months' bit. I'm talking about what our OP brought up, you know, the topic. Now, if you're saying NO terrorist, or potential terrorist, has entered the country in the last 5 months, well, great. A separate discussion but one worth having. I'd say it's a little premature to judge how successful any current security protocol is in keeping these individuals out, and, lacking any sort of evidence, don't know why I would automatically assume Harper is doing a better job. Because he says he is? C'mon now.

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I'm talking specifically about this list he linked to - lots of them entered the country on the conservative watch. Please explain to me, again, how thats the Liberal's fault.

Right after you name "lots' of them. The only window is between 1991-93 with Mulroney....and you were already calling him a Bush-bot as well.

I'd say it's a little premature to judge how successful any current security protocol is in keeping these individuals out, and, lacking any sort of evidence, don't know why I would automatically assume Harper is doing a better job. Because he says he is?

I agree with that....I'd also say it's a little premature to judge the mission in Afghanistan but it seems you guys are always clammering to do it.


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When the Liberals were not in power on the dates of the Terrorists entering Canada still means something. Their immigration policy was still effective even when the Conservatives were in power because the Conservatives didn't have a backbone on the issue of immigration. Once the Liberals were in power they implemented their immigration policy which allowed more of these Terrorists into Canada..

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I'm talking specifically about this list he linked to - lots of them entered the country on the conservative watch. Please explain to me, again, how thats the Liberal's fault.

Right after you name "lots' of them. The only window is between 1991-93 with Mulroney....and you were already calling him a Bush-bot as well.

I'd say it's a little premature to judge how successful any current security protocol is in keeping these individuals out, and, lacking any sort of evidence, don't know why I would automatically assume Harper is doing a better job. Because he says he is?

I agree with that....I'd also say it's a little premature to judge the mission in Afghanistan but it seems you guys are always clammering to do it.


Huh? You know, saying things like 'you guys' really diminishes the value of anything you say. I never said anything about Afghanistan - so saying 'my people' are always 'clammering' (sic) to 'judge' it is a stretch - you know, sort of an unfair accusation, would'nt you say?

He posted a link trying to back up his argument, and his link turned out not to support it. Oops, I laughed at the idiocy involved.

You're actually wrong, I cited a reference from that list, and there are several more - many more perhaps, since most of the arrival dates are not listed. That's more than your friend did, since we got NO examples from the link. To be honest, I don't think he bothered to read it - in fact, I don't think you did either.

But way to go, knee-jerk reactions always amuse me. Rushing to the beleagured clown's defense is admirable.

PS. The Mulroney 'window', as you call it, was 1984 to 1993 - 9 years.

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Liberals have been in power for 12 years whereas the Conservatives in their current incarnation have NEVER been in power.
The Progressive Conservatives were in power between 1984-1993 and that's what my post (and I imagine machinations) was referring to.

But to be honest, one can hardly hold the government responsible for every decision made by an immigration bureaucrat. (That's a rather frightening thought, come to think of it...)

I think the point is that this list of names means little without context.

Or to put this in perspective, and make it relevant to the main news story, the RCMP & CSIS failed to prevent the Air India bombing (by far the worst terrorist incident in Canadian history). Moreover, despite a lengthy (to term it mildly) investigation and trial, nobody was ever convicted.

Most of the names of the people charge with the Air India bombing are on your list, Utah, and some are still in Canada (I believe). This is not because of the Left, it is because of turf wars and the bungled RCMP/CSIS investigation and trial preparation.

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Holy Crap! :ph34r: The Left believes these Terrorists have the right to live in Canada?

There is none, because no-one says they should stay, other than their lawyers.

That's not true. There is a good majority of people who are either sympathizing with them, or, defending their rights - ie the group in ottawa today that lobbied for the gov't to remove the 'terrorist' element from our laws. These are white, full bred Canadians.

I say this over adn over; Canadians defend the guilty.

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Most of the names of the people charge with the Air India bombing are on your list, Utah, and some are still in Canada (I believe). This is not because of the Left, it is because of turf wars and the bungled RCMP/CSIS investigation and trial preparation.

I disagree.

I feel this is because Canadians do (and still don't) give a damn about second class immigrants and their issues.

If true Canadians were killed (i'm not talking about poeple who are learning English and holding a card that states they are a Canadian) then the public would have much more outcry and those Sikh's would have been brought to justice.

Actually, the white girl who was innocently shot outside the Eaton Center on Easter day I believe got a $500k reward for info leading the the perps arrest. Her and her family also got far, far, far more attention than the second gen Jamaican kids that were also killed in the very same way.

I recommend you open your eyes to reality - the frist step is to admit that a peice of paper issued by our lax and easy to minipulate policies do NOT make you a Canadian.

Actually, I bet most here don't even know anything about our point system, how many refugees arrive a year as compared to other countries, and the real reason we let in Immigrants.

At this point, we're letting in refugee claimants and family sponsorship - the world trash --- learn to deal with this.

If everyone here came on the point system, there would +70% less immigrants, almost no Jamaicans, and not close to the amount of Islam that is prevelant in Canada today.

DO NOT argue this post until you research your numbers first (this will take you a LOT of time like it did myself so I don't immagine anyone should be arguing my post).

Call me names though, and it will just show how weak and brainwashed you've become by our liberal media, crtc, and state.


I'm too busy to check my spelling.

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When the Liberals were not in power on the dates of the Terrorists entering Canada still means something. Their immigration policy was still effective even when the Conservatives were in power because the Conservatives didn't have a backbone on the issue of immigration. Once the Liberals were in power they implemented their immigration policy which allowed more of these Terrorists into Canada..

Immigration policy hasn't really changed much, I don't really blame the liberals for that. There is no plan to change it now either. It makes the PC people out there maadddd.

The Liberals were, however, soft on terrorism. They did support the Tamil Tigers and consistantly denied their was any reason to put them on the terrorism groups list. Maybe because that ethnicity is a huge supporter of the Liberals? No?

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This is not because of the Left, it is because of turf wars and the bungled RCMP/CSIS investigation and trial preparation.
I disagree.

I feel this is because

Stop. Slow down.

Starting off with "I feel this is --" just does not cut it. The fouled up investigation is well-known and CSIS alludes to this on their own website:

"Relations between these two organizations have not always been cordial and much of the earlier interservice bad feeling has been made all too public of recent date during the Air India trial. Neither governments nor Canadian citizens will tolerate any continuation of these turf wars and apparent lack of trust and cooperation."


Just do an internet search on "destroyed evidence RCMP air india bombing" and you should find a wholesome amount of research.

we're letting in refugee claimants and family sponsorship - the world trash ---
Where is such bigotry bred?
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Terrorists 2


James Bredin

Americans use immigration melting-pot theory,

Our left-wing media hates this or are very leery,

Imposed multiculturalism and Canadians trapped,

Means incoming immigrants don’t ever have to adapt.

Forced fed multiculturalism since Trudeau’s time,

By this left-wing media who said his Charter was fine,

For “Everyone” in the world including Ben Laden’s friends,

Terrorists and refugees with their strange names and trends.

We’re over in Afghanistan trying to put things right,

Thousands of them are over here trying to give us a fright,

It seems we let them in because we are so nice,

Exploding ammonium nitrate could have been the price.

Will national interests or multiculturalism win this fight?

While bearded refugees and terrorists claim Charter Rights,

Besides they mostly claim to have been born here,

No-name young offenders too with bomb making stuff, I fear.

Immigration without integration coming back to haunt,

It’s multiculturalism in your face that they flaunt,

We have to be tolerant of their strange beliefs,

Blind, dead, deaf and dumb wrapped up in Maple Leafs.

The weakness of our system is that we don’t have to vote,

Barely half the people do and the rest of us stay remote,

Politicians take advantage of ethnic diversity,

No referendums or recall but refugees and perversity.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

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DO NOT argue this post until you research your numbers first (this will take you a LOT of time like it did myself so I don't immagine anyone should be arguing my post).
I'll accept that challenge by stating a few facts (and quoting myself), and you can draw your own conclusions:
In general, we take in around 200,000 immigrants per year. Of these, about half (100,000) are admitted in the category of skilled workers, about a third (70,000) as family class and the rest (30,000) as refugees. Be cautious however. The 100,000 in the skilled worker categaory include dependants (children, spouse) so in fact, we only accept about 30,000 skilled workers.

In addition, Canada loses about 70,000 every year through emigration (primarily to the US). Statcan data

As a percentage of the population, we accepted more immigrants in the early 1900s than we do now. Australia accepts more net migrants than we do.

Canada's immigration law changed significantly in 1976. Since then, IMV, Canadian immigration has ressembled the kind of immigrants going to the US. North America is a dynamic society because of it.

Incidentally, the US has a lottery system now which I think is better than our system.


You'll note that when Canada accepted many immigrants in the early part of the last century, they were in effect "refugees" because there was no point system and most of them were illiterate peasants from Europe. At the time, many people considered them "trash" too. Mike, you might want to consider under what circumstances your own family/ancestors arrived on this continent.

As I've argued with Argus, I suggest you watch some time the end credits of a Hollywood movie and in particular look at the family names of the people involved in the film's production. A society and an economy are vibrant when they freely let people do what they can do.

Apart from the "trash" comment, your argument seems to be that our society treats people differently. That's hardly an astounding observation.

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